Chapter 15 Life and Death
Lower your shoulders and elbows, relax your waist and hips

Song Ren took out his boxing stance, the light in his eyes faded away, and everything was clear and cold.

In a calm voice, he seemed to be talking to himself, but it was clear enough for everyone present to hear clearly:
"Life and death matter..."

When Fei Gou and his group saw Song Ren at this moment, they couldn't help but pause.

Everyone's throat seemed to be blocked, their Adam's apples rolled, and they couldn't help swallowing.

The fat dog tightened his grip on the table leg, his eyes narrowed, and a fierce look appeared on his face:

"Damn it, there are so many of us, and each of us has to take down a table leg."

"He's alone, unarmed. We're not afraid of him!"

After that, he raised the table leg in his hand, pointed it at Song Ren, and said with a face full of flesh: "You idiot, are you trying to scare me? I was scared of you, my dog ​​master!"

The others were also stimulated by this tone, and they mustered up the courage from the oppression brought by Song Ren. They gradually returned to their ferocious faces when they were hanging out in the gang in the past, and surrounded him with solid wooden table legs raised.

They encouraged each other in their hearts: This is not a movie. We are eight against one. There is no reason to be afraid of each other.

Song Ren glanced around, took the initiative to step out, and ran towards the fat dog who made the most ruthless remarks.

Among the table legs in the hands of these people, only the one in Fatty's hand was stained with blood.

You like playing dirty tricks, don't you?

Song Ren used his shoulder to push away a table leg that had been pulled down, turned his head to avoid the other one, and reached up with his right hand to grab one of the men's wrists.

He then used the table legs in his hand to push away the other legs coming from the right one by one.

At the same time, there was a sharp pain in the waist and hip area as a table leg with a tricky angle hit the waist.

But Song Ren's expression was cold and he remained unmoved.

Instead, he raised his left hand, lowered his shoulders and pulled his arms, twisted his body, and arched his clenched fist high.

The arm that was pulled by the right hand had been pulled forward, and the hoof print on Song Ren's back became hotter and hotter.

Use your shoulders and elbows!

Cannon punch!

The white fist bone smashed into the opponent's outer elbow, and the surging force was like a ruthless hammer.


With a crisp sound of bone cracking, the straight right arm broke inward from the elbow.

The elbow joint is broken and the muscles are severely strained!

The man was stunned for a very short moment, and the next moment he suddenly dropped the table leg, hugged his right arm that was folded inward, arched his back in pain, and howled at the top of his lungs.

The sound was miserable and painful, and it was only a matter of time before it attracted the prison guards patrolling outside.

Song Ren did not pause, but took a half step back and lifted up the other person's table leg with his elbow.

He knocked the man behind him with his foot, and threw him over his shoulder at the moment when his body was unstable.

He smashed all the table legs that were hitting him from the front, and at the same time knocked the two people who were rushing forward to the ground.

Song Ren looked around quickly, then twisted his waist like a dragon and gave a powerful spinning kick to the side of the face of someone who was caught off guard.

After leaving a deep shoe print, the man was kicked to the ground.

Song Ren took two steps back again, as if to avoid the attack, but suddenly rushed forward the next moment.

He raised his hand and used his forearm to block the falling table leg. Ignoring the burning pain, he immediately kneed the fat dog in the face.

The back of the fat dog's head hit the wall on one side of the toilet, and there was no gap between the top of his knees and the bridge of his nose.

The tender nasal bone was broken and the two front teeth were knocked out.

Bright red blood splashed all over his face.

The sound of wind sweeping by.

At this moment, a table leg swept down towards Song Ren's head.

Song Ren landed on his knees, ignoring the wailing fat dog, and raised his hand to grab the fierce table leg that was hitting him.

At the same time, another table leg had already hit the back of his head. Song Ren saw it from the corner of his eye, ducked to avoid it, and twisted his body to sweep the prisoner who was caught by the table leg to the ground.

Lean forward and slam your knee into your opponent's abdomen.

The angle was just right, at least three ribs were broken.

At this time, the shadow of the stick appeared in his eyes again.

Song Ren chose to twist his body and lean back to avoid the attack, while supporting himself with his hands and turning over.

The remaining few people had been in the gang for a long time. Stimulated by the blood and wailing, they forgot their fear and pain and rushed forward instinctively.

Song Ren stepped back half a step, grabbed a table leg that was pulled away, and pulled it along.

When the opponent staggered forward, he twisted his back and hit the opponent's side with his heel, knocking the man away and knocking down the other two people on the side, but he was hit hard on the shoulder again.

But the pain was not enough to stop Song Ren. Instead, it further stimulated the violence in his bones.

Practice your breathing internally and your muscles, bones and skin externally.

The anger in Song Ren's bones was growing stronger and stronger, and the hoof prints of the Kuiniu on his back seemed to be burning his clothes.

Taking a step forward, Song Ren launched an attack so fierce that it was dazzling!
Zama punch!

A punch hit one person under the armpit, and the table leg in his hand fell down.

Song Ren took advantage of the situation and clenched his fist, his arms flying high.

A table leg twisted and deformed the flesh on the man's face, and the side of his face was extremely tightened. Blood foam spurted out of his mouth, and three big yellow teeth flew out.

Then he used a stick to push away the other two stick shadows, twisted his body and swept one of them away with his leg, flipped his body, and followed with the table leg in his hand, which he hit the other person's shoulder with the force of a hoof mark.

Under the brutal force, the man felt as if his shoulder bone was broken.

He slammed his body against the wall, hugging his shoulders and wailing.

The fat dog rushed over with blood all over his face. The pain made him forget his fear and become even more crazy.

The raised table leg went straight towards Song Ren’s temple!
"Go to hell, you bastard!"

The violent blow landed on Song Ren's cold left palm.

The burning pain in his palm made him even more excited. He raised the table leg with his right hand in front of Fatty Gou:

"Life and death are determined by fate—"

At this moment, the fat dog seemed to come back to life, and a strong sense of fear was finally reflected in his pupils.

He dropped the table leg in his hand and immediately put his head in his hands.

The second half of Song Ren's sentence was drowned in blood: "Wealth and honor are in the hands of God!"

Kuiniu hoof——stick!

Bang! ! !
After being hit by a stick, the fat dog's ten fingers on his hands that were protecting his head were completely twisted and the fingertips were cracked.

There were also spots of blood splattered on the top of his head, falling on the wall and table legs, like a wailing flower.

His eyes rolled completely white and blood was flowing from his forehead.

After shaking for a while, he fell straight to the ground.

At this moment, of the eight people ambushing in the toilet, only two were able to stand, and the rest were either seriously injured or unconscious.

The two prisoners seemed to be frightened. They shuddered all over, turned around and ran towards the door like crazy.

He just happened to bump into someone who rushed in. It was Qiu Gangao who realized that something was wrong.

Behind them were a dozen patrolling prison guards who had rushed over after hearing the news.

As soon as they rushed into the toilet, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The wailing prisoners were scattered all over the ground.

There were spots of blood, teeth, twisted limbs, a fat dog kneeling straight down, and a small pool of blood beneath him.

This brutal scene makes one's soul shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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