I killed the film and television world

Chapter 156: The Strongman and the Life and Death Contract

Chapter 156: The Strongman and the Life and Death Contract

On the wooden square stage, a strong man with naked upper body and muscular body was standing in the center of the stage.

The man was muscular and had a strong build, over 1.9 meters tall.

There was a tuft of thick chest hair on his chest, and his arms seemed to be even thicker than an adult's thighs.

The bronze-colored muscles were knotted together, and the outline of the muscles was quite explosive just by looking at it.

The other party gave a huge visual impact to others just by standing on the stage.

Song Ren was standing in the audience at this moment, with quite a few people standing beside him.

Most of these people were wearing dirty, patched clothes, and most of them had their heads down, not daring to look up easily.

The most eye-catching thing was the iconic rat-tail braid, which made Song Ren frown subconsciously.

His current identity is just a small figure, Dong Fugui.

This character doesn't even deserve a name in Wong Fei-hung's movies. His only appearance is as an unknown floating corpse in one frame.

The whole film only uses his death as an introduction to the Black Tiger Gang's human trafficking.

At the moment, he was arrested by the Black Tiger Gang for reporting to the police, and was forced to sell himself to a foreigner.

The foreigner brought Dong Fugui to the attic again and told him that he just had to go on stage and fight.

Win or lose, we will let him go back.

Song Ren roughly sorted out the time line in Dong Fugui's memory, and glanced at the strongman on the stage again, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

This was in 1868, the seventh year of the Tongzhi reign.

More than 20 years have passed since the First Opium War, and almost 10 years have passed since the Second Opium War.

Due to the rapid decline of the Qing Dynasty and the defeat in two wars, many humiliating treaties were forced to be signed, and large tracts of territory and huge amounts of silver were ceded as compensation.

As for tariff autonomy and the like, needless to say, it was lost as early as when we lost the first war.

At present, most of the coastal provinces and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have been invaded by foreign forces.

The owner of this attic is a foreigner.

It is a private property of the wife of the consul of the British Consulate General in Guangzhou.

In addition to the strong man, a Han Chinese man wearing a long gown and a horse-tail hat also came on stage.

He walked to the side of the strong man, lowered his eyebrows and smiled apologetically, as if he was saying something.

Soon, he walked back to the front of the stage and said loudly, "Mr. Baston just said that we should just try out the skills of the three Chinese guys in the first round."

In this era, the word China has gradually become popular in coastal areas.

Especially after the end of the Opium War, the Qing Dynasty signed a number of humiliating treaties.

Most of the Han people in the coastal areas who have backbone consider themselves Chinese.

Since foreigners had more dealings with people in coastal areas, they used the term "Chinaman" to refer to Chinese people in a derogatory way.

As soon as the strongman Baston opened his mouth, he wanted to fight three people alone.

This immediately sparked some discussion among the spectators outside the venue.

Although the Qing Dynasty is weak at present, it has not yet developed to the level of the late 19th century.

Baston started the game with one against three, obviously full of confidence.

Below the stage, a servant in plain clothes came over with a stack of papers.

He instructed Song Ren and others standing nearby: "Come here, press your handprints here, and get ready to line up to go on stage."

The people around looked at each other, all a little confused.

Someone whispered, "Sir, what is this?"

The commoner servant said: "Life and death contract, since we are ready to go on the ring. Of course we have to sign the life and death contract first, otherwise what should we do if something unexpected happens."

After hearing this, the people around just nodded numbly, and had no intention of resisting the signing of the life and death contract.

Or perhaps I had already realized this moment.

Only when it was Song Ren's turn did he ask, "Did the man on the stage sign?"

The commoner servant was stunned, and couldn't help but look at Song Ren, and said with some amusement: "What are you thinking, just relying on you Chinese guys?" Song Ren was a little puzzled: "From your tone, aren't you?"

The commoner servant looked at him with disdain and said with a proud look: "How can I be the same as you? I always follow the foreign master."

Song Ren sneered and said nothing more, but asked again: "Did the person on the stage sign the life and death contract?"

The commoner servant was a little annoyed and said, "Of course I signed. Since we are on the stage, of course everyone has to sign. This is the rule here. Do you understand?"

Song Ren nodded: "I understand."

He readily pressed his fingerprint on the life and death contract.

On the stage, strongman Baston has begun to select three opponents for the first round.

The bunch of Chinese guys in the audience all looked as weak as little chickens, and not even one of them dared to look him in the eye.

Baston felt that he was too cautious in only picking three people. He should have picked ten!

He casually pointed at three Chinese guys in succession.

The three men walked onto the stage with pale faces. Looking at Baston's arms that were thicker than their thighs, they subconsciously did not dare to look him in the eye.

However, among these three people, although one of them had some worry between his brows, he still had some courage. After going on stage, he quickly performed a boxing stance, and it was obvious that he was a martial artist.

On the stage, the Han people wearing the golden rat tail have already started to warm up the audience:
"As everyone knows, Mr. Baston's nickname is the Meat Grinder, and he is the strongman on whom the sun never sets. Before coming to us, he had won ten consecutive victories in overseas rings and was nicknamed the boxing champion."

"In the ring, he has personally maimed more than a dozen people and caused the death of four people."

"Today, Mr. Baston has said that he wants to come and see the kung fu that the Chinese are so proud of."

"For this purpose, our master specially bought more than a dozen Chinese. Half of them are strong men who often do hard labor, and the other half are several masters in the martial arts school..."

Money Rat Tail kept encouraging the strongman Baston.

But the endless chattering made Baston look obviously impatient.

Money Rat Tail was quite perceptive and ended the topic immediately, saying directly: "Then the long-awaited competition officially begins!"

As soon as the words fell, Baston rushed forward excitedly.

Among the three, the boxing master chose to go forward first.

Although the other two were very afraid, they were not stupid and ran after him.

Baston swung his huge iron fist towards the gym master's head.

The boxing master suddenly bent down, dodged, and then punched Baston on the abdominal muscles.

But the iron-hard muscles made the boxing gym master's face darken.

Baston lowered his head and sneered.

That's it?

He was expecting Chinese Kung Fu to be so powerful, but ended up disappointing others.

Baston hit the boxing master with a big punch, causing him to stumble back several steps with his body tilted.

As soon as the other two men rushed forward, Baston grabbed their heads with one hand each and slammed them violently together.

Under the powerful force, blood appeared on the foreheads of the two men. Their bodies swayed and they fell straight down.

At the same time, the boxing master adjusted his horse stance, rushed forward again and kicked Baston in the side with a whip kick.

Baston clamped the opponent's thigh under his armpit, swung his huge iron fist, and punched directly at the gym master's kneecap!
The bones were broken and the entire thigh was broken directly in reverse from the knee.

The intense pain of broken bones and tendons made the boxing master scream heart-wrenchingly.

Baston just felt that the noise was too much, so he grabbed most of the other person's face with his big hands, pressed his head down and slammed it against the solid wooden stage on the ground!
Bang! ! !
The stage trembled slightly, and the blood from the boxing master's head dyed the wooden stage red.

Baston looked at the three people who had fallen to the ground with displeasure, and spat on the side of the face of the seriously injured and unconscious boxing gym master:

"Fuck! These damn Chinese guys still have the nerve to brag about their kung fu. They are so weak!"

After shouting this, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the remaining ten people: "I'm going to beat all ten of them!!!"

Song Ren stood in the audience, raising his eyebrows slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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