I killed the film and television world

Chapter 179 Mr. Spirit and Uncle Zombie

Chapter 179 Mr. Spirit and Uncle Zombie (Together)
The one-month break is over.

Song Ren's small storage space was now full again.

He calmed down and waited quietly for the final mission deadline to arrive.

[The sixth round of the wishing mission has officially begun, and the movie Mr. Spirit and Uncle Zombie have been successfully integrated. ]


The Chief of Silent Village - In recent days, several nearby villages have been looted by a group of mysterious horse bandits.

The bandits' behavior was strange, brutal and violent, and each of them possessed special skills. They were definitely not ordinary people.

Uncle Jiu speculated that the gang of horse bandits were most likely some unorthodox people.

I am worried that our small village will be the next to be affected, so please come and help us. 】

[The wish of the head of the Silent Village: Please rush to the Silent Village within five days and help the head of the village eliminate the bandits.]

[Tip: This round of World Tour is not a conventional proxy mode. ]

Huh? !

This time, I didn’t enter to replace a character!

Does this mean I have to make up an identity for the character myself?

Now is not the time to focus on this.

It’s the movie’s problem this time.

This time it is a fusion of the worlds of Mr. Spirit and Uncle Zombie.

These two movies, one is a movie focusing on ghosts and warlocks, and the other is a more pure zombie movie.

This is to bring all three mysterious elements to life at once.

However, judging from the wish-making mission, the main purpose this time is still to serve Mr. Spirit's world.

This is Uncle Nine's movie.

The group of horse bandits in the mission are all quacks who practice unorthodox methods.

If I remember correctly, there were seven people.

Although there are not many people, they are all elite.

The leader of the horse bandits is a female quack who uses very brutal methods.

Moreover, there is one difficult thing about this gang of horse bandits: all of them are invulnerable to swords and guns.

This kind of "invulnerability to swords and guns" is not Zhao Wuji's innate energy, but an ability of a sorcerer.

In other words, if the spell cast on them cannot be broken.

Even if it was Song Ren, he might not be able to cut through their bodies with brute force.

This is where it gets tricky.

However, the good thing is that Song Ren has seen the movie, so he knows that as long as he smears blood on the blade, he can break those spells.

Therefore, the overall difficulty should not be too great, after all, we have Uncle Jiu to help.

On the contrary, it is Uncle Zombie who needs Song Ren's attention.

From the movie point of view, the royal zombie in Uncle Zombie is really fierce.

Taoist Simu and Master Ikkyu used all their magical weapons, but few of them were effective.


When Song Ren opened his eyes again.

Already in the middle of a vast dark wilderness.

Time seemed to have stopped, everything around was at a standstill, and everything stopped at a certain scale.

[Tip: This is an unconventional proxy mode, so the boss will be given a certain amount of information about the background of the times. ]

【Coordinates: 113 degrees east longitude, 24 degrees north latitude. 】

[At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the current situation was turbulent and warlords were in power. In the countryside, there were many horse bandits and cholera. When a country is about to perish, there will be constant birth of monsters. ]

[The destination of this mission is Silent Village. The coordinates have been marked on the virtual map. Please check it yourself. 】

【The world begins.】

Finally, a crisp sound of shattering was heard in my ears.

It was as if the timeline had finally resumed its rotation, and the weeds on the ground had begun to sway in the wind.

At this time, the night was gloomy.

There was not a single starry sky visible above the dome.

And in the next second, in the dark night, heavy rain suddenly began to fall.

Song Ren was caught off guard, and the heavy rain soaked his thin clothes immediately.

He raised his eyes and looked around.

Only then did I realize that this place seemed to be a desolate mountain area.

There was not even a suitable place to take shelter from the rain nearby.

Song Ren had no choice but to follow the virtual map in his mind and temporarily move forward in the rain towards the coordinates of the mission destination.

After walking for about five minutes, there were still no houses around, and no trace of life.

He was very suspicious whether the wishing system had dropped him off in some desolate mountain or wilderness.

Until he went around a ramp.

A little further away, we saw a group of people setting up camp in the wilderness in the rain.

The visibility was not very good on a rainy night, so Song Ren could only walk closer to see a little more clearly.

Those people seem to be a group of officers and soldiers?
Song Ren was a little confused.

In this day and age, can we see the remnants of the Qing army in any desolate mountain or wilderness?
Could it be that the Yin-Yang eyes made him see ghosts?
While Song Ren was hesitating, someone over there also discovered Song Ren's figure.

A middle-aged man in a Taoist robe suddenly turned his head, wiped the rain stains off his face, and shouted sternly: "Who are you!!!"

Song Ren did not hide. After all, there was nowhere to hide in this shabby place.

He came over on his own initiative: "Just a passerby."

As he spoke, he was getting closer and closer.

It was not until this time that Song Ren finally saw the details of this group of people.

It was indeed a team of officers and soldiers.

However, there were five Taoists accompanying him.

There were also people standing in the tent that had just been set up.

However, what surprised Song Ren the most was that these five Taoists were currently guarding a copper-horned golden coffin.

This scene always feels strangely familiar...

Song Ren glanced at the Taoist who first noticed him and couldn't help but ask, "Master Qianhe?"

Middle-aged Taoist priest: "Hey, do you know me?"

Song Ren: “…”

Sure enough, this is the scene in Uncle Zombie where Taoist Qianhe leads people to bury the royal zombies.

and so--

Song Ren's eyes inevitably fell on the golden copper-horned coffin.

Is this the royal zombie?
Before Taoist Qianhe could get his doubts answered, a disciple beside him came over in a hurry and said:

"Master, it's bad. The rain is getting heavier and heavier. The ink on the ink fountain net is falling off too badly."

"I'm afraid it won't last much longer."

Taoist Qianhe's expression changed drastically, and he had no time to pay attention to Song Ren who suddenly appeared.

He directly ordered the two disciples: "Keep an eye on him."

Then he went to find the team's steward and prepared to push the coffin into the tent to shelter from the rain and add ink.

Otherwise, once the ink on the ink line has melted, the zombies in the copper-horned golden coffin will really be out of control.


After Song Ren realized that this was Uncle Zombie's underworld, he also backed out and took the initiative to say, "You two Taoist priests, there's no need to be so polite. I'd better go by myself."

As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, two disciples of Taoist Qianhe immediately said:
"Stop! The master told us to keep an eye on you!"

"You unexpectedly showed up here in this desolate mountain and on such a rainy night. No one can leave until you explain clearly!"

After hearing this, Song Ren did not leave.

Although he was quite afraid of the royal zombie, the two Taoists were right in saying one thing: This place was indeed a desolate mountain.

Apart from the shabby place of Taoist Simu and Master Ikkyu, there was no other worldly atmosphere in the surrounding area.

If we really keep walking like this, we don’t know how long we will have to walk in the rain.

He wasn't sure if his body could hold up.

If you get seriously ill in the mission world, it will be really troublesome.

At this time, Taoist Qianhe had already returned.

But his expression was a little gloomy, and it was obvious that the sissy manager did not agree to his request.

Taoist Qianhe shook his head, but saw Song Ren again, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, who are you? Why do you recognize me? And why did you suddenly appear here?"

The only people living nearby are my senior brother and Master Ikkyu.

Then how did the other party suddenly appear here?

What the purpose is is very questionable.

Song Renxian made up a story: "Master Qianhe, I am a boxing master in the city. Because there was an accident in my hometown, I hurried back home overnight."

Taoist Qianhe: "Do you know me?"

Song Ren: "Master Qianhe has a great reputation in this area."

Taoist Qianhe nodded slightly.

In the past few years, all kinds of strange and bizarre things have emerged one after another, and these monks have indeed become very busy.

And he does have a great reputation in the industry.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to receive the mission of escorting the royal zombies.

As a Taoist priest Qianhe who has only played in peak competitions throughout his life, his strength should naturally not be underestimated.

The reason why he left the movie within one minute was simply because he met Tong Tiandai.

Royal Zombies is definitely an alternative and cannot be easily compared.

Taoist Qianhe heard Song Ren's answer, and considering that there was no special aura on Song Ren, he intuitively felt that there shouldn't be any big problem.

So he didn't say much, but hoped that the rest of the tents on the steward's side would be set up quickly.

The ink line is almost unable to hold.

But God doesn't fulfill people's wishes.

This rainy night seemed to be particularly kind to the zombies, and a bolt of thunder suddenly struck down from the gloomy sky.

It may be a problem with the material of the copper-horned gold coffin, or it may be related to the corpse's qi.

The azure arc of lightning directly hit the copper-horned golden coffin, and the arc of lightning that fell to the ground was quite dazzling.

Song Ren also raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, all the officers and soldiers around were frightened and retreated to the side, because the lid of the copper-horned golden coffin was slowly rising.

The ink net that was originally wrapped outside was being stretched tighter and tighter.

Taoist Qianhe's expression changed drastically: "Bring a rope!"

Then he suddenly jumped onto the coffin lid.

The disciple handed over a hemp rope as thick as his arm and tied the coffin and the coffin lid together.

But the hemp rope had just been wrapped when the royal zombie in the coffin completely broke free from the cage!
The Taoist Chizuru who was standing on it was also knocked over.

The heavy lid of the copper-horned golden coffin also flew up!
Taoist Qianhe fell to the ground, and the coffin lid hit his third leg between the legs.

He hurriedly supported himself on the ground with his hands and rolled back to avoid it.

Song Ren made a selective move at the right time.

He jumped over and kicked the extremely heavy coffin lid over in mid-air!
Taoist Qianhe looked at him in astonishment. Could the lid of the copper-horned golden coffin be so light?
But the current situation does not allow him to be distracted any longer.

Because the royal zombie has jumped out of the golden coffin.

The official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, the gray and wrinkled old face, and the stench of corpse all over the body.

Royal Zombies are here!
Taoist Qianhe was becoming increasingly uneasy. The worst situation had occurred. He immediately shouted, "Corpse Rope!"

As soon as the words fell, a dark shadow rushed forward.

Taoist Qianhe's expression changed drastically: "Danger! Don't go over there!!!"

Song Ren kicked back fiercely in the air, and the royal zombie who was standing on the edge of the golden coffin and absorbing the moonlight was kicked more than ten meters away.

Then, Song Ren turned around and said, "Hmm? Taoist priest, what did you just say?"

Taoist Qianhe licked his lips: "..."

Ten meters away, the royal zombie stood straight up.

The wrinkled old face opened its mouth, revealing the sharp corpse teeth in the upper and lower rows.

The stench of the corpse can be smelled from a long distance away.

The royal zombie jumped up and flew to a height of more than three meters.

However, he did not run towards Song Ren, but jumped towards the nearest soldier. In the soldier's panicked eyes, he grabbed the man's shoulders and lowered his head to give him a kiss of death.

Taoist Master Qianhe saw that the situation was urgent and without caring about anything else, he immediately rushed forward with his disciples to rescue the officers and soldiers who were bitten.

Some people kicked someone on the head, some broke someone's hands, and some pushed someone on the forehead.

All trying to separate the biting royal zombies.

The zombie in the blood-drinking state burst out with extremely astonishing strength. Taoist Qianhe and his companions tried to deal with it for a long time, but the zombie didn't move at all.

Song Ren couldn't bear to watch it any longer: "Master Qianhe, please get out of the way!"

Taoist Qianhe turned his head when he heard that. Song Ren had already stepped forward and kicked the royal zombie in the armpit.

Together with the officers and soldiers who were bitten, both the man and the corpse were thrown out.

Taoist Priest Qianhe: “…”Are all the boxing gym masters like this nowadays?

Song Ren no longer paid attention to them, but took the initiative to pounce on the royal zombies.

Let’s test the water first.

The royal zombie’s blood craving after opening the coffin was temporarily gone. He threw the dead body off his body and straightened up!

But when the corpse was halfway upright, Song Ren chopped down with his tomahawk from the air and kicked the zombie back down.

The dull sound still sounded like muffled thunder in the rainy night.

The royal zombies smashed the soft soil on the ground, causing it to splatter everywhere.

The sharp fingers, filled with corpse poison, suddenly stabbed at the thigh that was stepping on his body.

Song Ren's eyes were cold.

He simply swung his hand and pulled out a bone-cutting knife, then chopped it down fiercely!

The sharp blade violently knocked the zombie's claws apart.

Halfway through, he made a knife flower.

Finally, he used the extremely sharp tip of the knife to slash down towards the zombie's forehead!

The clanging sound of metal colliding made Song Ren stunned for a moment.

At such a close distance, his eyesight is still very good.

With one strike, the tip of the bone-cutting knife broke?
The royal zombie seemed to be angered as well. It suddenly jumped up and knocked Song Ren, who was stepping on its body, away.

Song Ren used the force to turn over and landed next to Taoist Qianhe again. He turned around and said, "Master, this guy is really fierce."

Taoist Qianhe: Are you being modest?

Song Ren naturally didn't think so.

With his explosive power and the full force of his energy, the final slash with all his strength was terrifying. However, the result was that not only did he not pierce through the object, he didn't even break the skin. Even a person with skin of steel wouldn't be so outrageous!
This royal zombie simply lacks skills and has to resort to cheating.

In a simple close combat, Song Ren could easily suppress the zombie due to its body stiffness, but the problem was that he couldn't seem to break its defense.

When Song Ren was thinking seriously.

Taoist Priest Qianhe and his disciples all looked at him as if he were a monster.

The famous scene where Song Ren took the initiative to rush towards the zombies just now made them all dumbfounded.

Especially when facing the royal zombies, they had to suppress them with several consecutive moves. This was a scene they could not even imagine.

This boxing gym master who suddenly appeared in the rainy night was a complete mess.

Song Ren spoke again at this time: "Master, do you have a useful magic weapon? I will help you cut it."

Taoist Qianhe, who was used to playing in top competitions, was somewhat uncomfortable with winning easily.

(End of this chapter)

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