I killed the film and television world

Chapter 207 The Unlucky Pterosaur

Chapter 207 The Unlucky Pterosaur

Song Ren looked at the Compsognathus all over the ground and compared it with his impression in the movie. The gap was still quite large.

The Compsognathus in the movie is most likely a bit of artistic processing.

It's even smaller than the one in front of me, and its teeth aren't as sharp.

The teeth of the Compsognathus on the ground were like interlaced saw teeth, stuck in the flesh and almost impossible to pull out.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are too many of them, which made Song Ren feel sick of these little things.

Until he cleared a space and built a bonfire.

Sitting on a stone pier and chewing the dinosaur meat bite by bite, his expression gradually relaxed a little.

really fragrant...

I have to say, although these little things are a little small, the meat is really chewy.

Especially after it is grilled, it is so delicious that it is juicy!
There are a total of twenty-seven Compsognathus, minus the less oily heads and tails.

The rest of the body was full of muscles and Song Ren ate up half of it in one breath.

Since they couldn't eat the rest, they tied them up with vines and hung them on a tree branch more than 20 meters high.

After eating, Song Ren put out the campfire and climbed up a thick tree.

I repeatedly laid a thick layer of grass leaves at the fork of the branches. After several times, I was finally able to lie down comfortably.

It was already completely dark, and Song Ren curled up on it and fell asleep peacefully.

However, he didn't sleep very well that night.

Although there are almost no small animals such as snakes and rats on Sona Island, some dinosaurs can still climb trees.

Among other things, the Compsognathus that he had just feasted on is a classic example.

Moreover, in the valleys and jungles, strange roars of various dinosaurs can be heard from time to time.

Some were big, some were small, some were far away, and Song Ren was woken up several times.

The sleep quality cannot be better.


In the morning, the sun shone into the jungle through the gaps in the trees.

Song Ren was also awakened again by the itchy feeling on his body. Five little dinosaurs, slightly larger than sparrows, were crawling on his body, squeaking and biting his flesh.

He yawned and muttered lazily, "You guys again. Didn't I chase you away last night?"

These little dinosaurs are tree-breathing dinosaurs, also known as ornithopods.

It was a small dinosaur from the late Jurassic period.

In terms of body length alone, they are smaller than Compsognathus.

It is also one of the smallest dinosaurs and of course a carnivorous dinosaur.

This tiny creature has an incredibly long third toe on its front paw, and there is even a thin layer of wing membrane between the toes.

Last night, when I was sleeping soundly, I was woken up by these little dinosaurs.

However, Song Ren had just eaten and drunk his fill at that time and had no interest in having a snack, so he chased them away while dozing off.

Unexpectedly, they sneaked back in the morning.

Song Ren sat up, and the five tree-breathing dragons hanging on his arms and thighs were still biting him tirelessly.

Obviously unable to bite, but just refuses to give up.

The bad nature of carnivores.

Song Ren stretched and forcibly pulled a tree-breathing dragon off his arm.

With a little force between his fingers and palms, Song Ren exploded the sparrow-sized Tree-Breath Dragon into a ball of flesh with just one hand.

The other tree-breathing dragons showed no fear of their companion's death and continued to bite him tightly, which was very similar to the temperament of the Compsognathus.

"Fuck, beasts are beasts, they have no sense of reverence at all."

After saying that, Song Ren then exploded several other small tree-breathing dragons one by one.

Then he turned his head and looked to the side.

There was a head as big as a water tank.

It was a brachiosaurus that was slowly eating the grass leaves on the tree.

The other party's thick and long neck was shaped like a giraffe, but much larger than a giraffe.

The big oval head soon reached Song Ren's feet.

Song Ren was equally unceremonious and slapped him hard:

Grass, don't think I won't hit you just because you eat grass and are big.

There are grass leaves everywhere in this place. Do you want to eat the 'mattress' I laid out?

The gentle brachiosaurus turned its head.

Song Ren's force was not very strong; it could even be said to be a little light.

So the brachiosaurus just looked at him strangely, and seeing that Song Ren did not make any other moves, it changed its place and continued to eat Song Ren's grass leaves.


Song Ren picked up the remaining dozen or so Compsognathus hanging on the treetops last night, then jumped down, slid down the long neck of the Brachiosaurus, and slid down in one breath.

The brachiosaurus was startled and looked around, but did not find any fatal threat. After being vigilant for a while, it lowered its head and began to eat the grass leaves that Song Ren had laid out.

Damn, foodie!
Song Ren complained about it, then put the Compsognathus on the fire and had a delicious meal.

After eating, we continued on our way.

There are many valleys and rivers on Sona Island, so there is no shortage of fresh water resources.

Song Ren climbed all the way to the top of the mountain and encountered some large herbivorous dinosaurs along the way.

Among them, the main ones are Triceratops, Brachiosaurus and Dilophosaurus.

Most of them are concentrated in some flat mountainous areas, and will scatter and rush into the jungle when frightened.

When Song Ren reached the top of the mountain, he looked down into the distance.

Perhaps because it was early in the morning, the uneven valleys could be vaguely seen before us.

But many directions were still shrouded in clouds and mist, and could not be seen clearly at all.

Song Ren was also at a loss. He knew very little about Sona Island and didn't even know how big the place was.

All I know is that this is a small island on the sea in Jurassic Park, the former experimental base of a genetic company, and the current dinosaur park. I don’t know anything else.

Two months...

I have to live on this uninhabited island for two months.

Although seeing various prehistoric creatures for the first time greatly satisfied Song Ren's curiosity, after all, no 3D movie is as realistic as this.

But Song Ren was not really interested in this kind of wilderness life. It would be great if he could complete the task ahead of time.

However, Sona Island is an isolated maritime restricted area overseas.

This time, even if he wanted to complete the task ahead of schedule, he couldn't do it.

All we can do is wait quietly for the hero and heroine to land on the island in two months.

Song Ren sat bored on the edge of the cliff at the top of the mountain, propping up his chin and looking at the thick fog below.

At once--

I don’t know what to do.



A sharp cry like a bird's cry pierced the sky.

Song Ren turned his head and looked towards the horizon.

Are there still birds on this island now?


Looking at the clouds in the sky, a huge and blurry black shadow was rushing towards me faster and faster.

Song Ren had already vaguely guessed who the visitor was.

But this time, not only did he not resist, he was even a little excited.

It seems like things are getting interesting.

There was another loud roar.

Two shadows broke out of the layers of clouds one after another.

Sure enough, it was a pterosaur!

With a pointed head and beak and an exaggerated wingspan of more than ten meters, it is far more ferocious than the eagle in the sky. It is truly the king of the sky.

Two pterodactyl-like Quetzalcoatlus!
It is also a frequent dinosaur in Jurassic movies!
Quetzalcoatlus had no teeth, but its sharp beak was hard and long, and the claws on its feet were also extremely sharp.

Two adult Quetzalcoatlus broke through the misty clouds and swooped down suddenly.

Song Ren had already stood up, but instead of dodging, he took the initiative to jog, then leaped out of the steep mountain.

There was a valley shrouded in clouds and mist under my feet, and I suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness.

But at the last moment, Song Ren grabbed the ankle of the pterosaur's swooping hind foot with one hand.

The two pterosaur couple who had been hunting for years were both stunned.

Is hunting so easy now?

Have the prey learned to come to your door on their own?

The pterosaur was hanging across the sky, its huge wingspan flapping, and for a moment no one could react.

Song Ren also grabbed its other hind leg with his other hand. After holding it tightly with both hands, he raised his head and urged, "Go!"

Of course the pterosaur didn't understand what he said, but it was still very excited that the prey came to its door.

The sharp claws of its hind paws grabbed Song Ren's shoulder bones, tearing his clothes apart again, but it could not break the layer of skin and flesh.

Song Ren did not resist. Since someone took the initiative to fasten his seat belt, he simply let go of his hands.

Then, at the moment when the pterosaur swooped down, I truly felt what it meant to fly a sword, no, what it meant to fly a bird!
Song Ren opened his arms, straightened his chest, and embraced the clouds and mountain breeze to his heart's content.

Wilderness survival is so boring.

If you don’t do something exciting during the two months, it would be a waste of your trip to Jurassic Park!

The feeling of weightlessness while flying in the sky allowed Song Ren to experience true freedom of flight for the first time.

Two words——

It’s so exciting!
It circled through the valley and soared for more than a minute at one point.

While Song Ren was still enjoying this rare pleasure, the pterosaur had already thrown him down from mid-air.

Below is a huge nest of pterosaurs.

The nest is built on a towering rock outside a cliff.

There were seven or eight little pterosaurs as big as dogs in the bird's nest. The skinny and tender little guys were chirping excitedly, and their chestnut eyes were staring at the human-shaped food that fell down with longing.

Song Ren’s one-minute flying experience card has ended.

He expressed great dissatisfaction.

After landing on the strange rock, seven little pterosaurs instantly climbed over excitedly, leaning on their folded wings.

The long beak kept pecking at Song Ren's flesh, and it was - quite itchy.

Not far from the bird's nest, there is a large area of ​​skeletons, including a few human skulls.

Song Ren was already becoming irritated by the pecks from a bunch of little pterosaurs.

Two huge pterosaurs were still soaring in the sky overhead, as if waiting for their children to share the prey in front of them.

Song Ren couldn't help but raised his middle finger to the sky:
Damn, what are you looking at!

Others only have a one-minute-long commercial in a 120-minute movie.

You two only take me flying for one minute, but you want me to take it with me for a lifetime.

It's a beautiful thought.

Song Ren grabbed a small pterosaur by its slender neck and threw it onto the strange rock at his feet.

In just one blow, the little pterosaur was in great trouble.

I guess even its parents in heaven don’t recognize it anymore.

The other pterosaurs that were still pecking excitedly all paused.

The two pterosaur couple flying in the sky seemed to be stunned as well.

Then it let out a sharp cry, suddenly spread its wings, and dived down.

Song Ren sneered.

I'm just playing with you guys, but you guys are so shameless.

The moment the pterosaur swooped down, he twisted his body and kicked out violently to the side with a whip-kick.

With a powerful kick, the instep of the foot hit the pterosaur's slender and hard beak.

The beak split open, and at the same time, the huge Quetzalcoatl flew out in a spin!

The other Quetzalcoatlus realized something was wrong and rushed down as well, but was grabbed on its beak by five fingers like iron pliers!
Song Ren's waist horse is as solid as a rock!

With a sudden shoulder throw, the huge Wind God Pterosaur with a wingspan of more than ten meters was instantly thrown upside down.

The huge back, accompanied by the whistling sound of the wind, slammed violently into the side cliff of the strange rock.

boom! ! !
The rubble fell down with a patter.

Below is a clear river.

With just one blow, the Quetzalcoatl was knocked dizzy.

But Song Ren did not stop. He threw the pterosaurs over his shoulder again, scaring the other pterosaurs that were dodging around him and making them scream!

Song Ren was completely addicted to throwing things, just like the Hulk throwing Loki, and in the end he simply used one hand to throw the huge Quetzalcoatlus left and right repeatedly!

While throwing and beating, he cursed:
"Let me fly for just one minute!"

"I'll let you show me your face!"

"You keep making so much noise!"

Below, a strong wind blew over!

The other Wind God Pterosaur that was kicked away by Song Ren before has now recovered from the dizziness at low altitude and is flapping its wings violently to fly back!

The Quetzalcoatl in Song Ren's hand had been beaten to pieces, with flesh and blood all over its body and almost all its bones broken.

Finally, when another pterosaur flew over, Song Ren swung the pterosaur in his hand and spun it violently.

Home run, hit it!

The pterosaur that had just flown back with a ferocious look on its face suffered another blow and was knocked directly onto a cliff not far away.

Song Ren placed the pterosaur in his hand at his feet. It was only breathing its last breath and was struggling to open its eyes. It looked at Song Ren with fear in its bloodshot pupils.

Song Ren squatted beside it, stroking its sharp and slender head, and said in a peaceful tone, "Be good, don't be afraid, it will be over once you close your eyes."

The pterosaur's huge body was shivering subconsciously.

Song Ren slapped him in the face: "I told you to close your eyes so you can't hear me!"

On the strange rock, the adult prehistoric creature became more and more frightened.

Song Ren didn't waste any more words. He punched the pterosaur's head and blew it apart.

The blood foam splashed onto the other little pterosaurs. Those little guys were also hiding at the edge in fear, making squeaking sounds!
Song Ren wiped his fist and spat to the side: "This is the result of not listening."

Then he turned his gaze to the small pterosaurs at the edge.

He wouldn't kill all these cubs.

But he had heard a story about an eagle that pushed its young off a cliff to train them to fly freely.

So Song Ren decided to help the pterosaur couple, as a way of repaying them for letting him enjoy the pleasant feeling of the Supreme Experience Card for one minute.

He drove all the little pterosaurs off the towering rocks and watched them flap their wings until they finally fell into the clear river.

Song Ren couldn't help but sigh.

The eagle cruelly pushed its tiny cub off the cliff.

These kids are as big as dogs, but they still rely on their parents for support. They are really useless.

It’s damn shameful that he can’t fly at this age.

(End of this chapter)

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