Chapter 228 Fight
The female sorceress from the island country in the Exorcist Police used many methods, which were the art of Qimen Dunjia.

Some of the tricks in the movie are really hard to guard against.

If she targeted him or even attacked him by surprise, Song Ren felt that he would not be able to sleep peacefully.

So it is better to take the initiative.

The dilapidated van drove all the way and finally stopped on a downward slope.

The destination is in this area, and the specific location is actually easy to find.

On one hand, there is the shape of two coiled snakes in front of the door, facing two tall pillars that support the sky.

This feature is mentioned in both the movie and Eddie's description.

There is only one place where these two contrasting images appear at the same time, and this is most likely the place.

Song Ren did not rush in rashly, but sat in the van and waited for some time. Only after the sun set did he officially set off.

The main reason why it has been delayed until now is because of the twin evil spirits.

Although the courtyard is filled with heavy negative and evil spirits, it is still difficult for the twin evil ghosts to gain a foothold in broad daylight, unless in some extremely special environments.


After night fell, Song Ren opened the Yin-Yang umbrella and released the twin evil ghosts.

Finally, I pushed open the door of the courtyard in front of me, and the first thing that caught my eye was the black mud on the ground.

I gently used my toes to scratch the surface of the soil, and sure enough, I saw white lime underneath.

The yard is quite large, and the buildings inside are wooden houses in a Japanese style.

It turns out that there is no escape here.

"who are you!"

Not far away, a tall man in a silver-gray suit and a slicked-back hair stared at the uninvited guest with disgust.

The other person's Hong Kong dialect was a bit stiff, and his overall dress was meticulous, even wearing white gloves on his hands.

He is the sorceress's personal butler, Billy, who lectured her as he walked in: "This is a private place, who let you in!"

Song Ren raised his eyebrows and responded directly: "What are you talking about? This is still the Hong Kong Island of the Chinese. You are just living your life. Aren't you standing here too?"

Billy's face turned fierce: "They are looking for trouble. They are really a bunch of lowly pigs. They dare to barge in blatantly. This is not just looking for trouble, but also looking for death!"

The tone at the end became even colder, and even while he was speaking, he was already standing not far in front of Song Ren, ready to attack with a raised hand.

As the sorceress's right-hand man, Billy's ability is quite good.

In the movie, he easily beats the muscular Eddie, and he is equally skilled as Uncle Feng.

Billy went straight for Song Ren's neck.

As Song Ren twisted his body and stepped back to avoid it, the kick he raised also lashed down like a long whip!

Billy snorted and blocked the attack with a perfect parry.

But Song Ren's leg strength made Billy's face change drastically the moment it hit Billy's arm!

With a dull sound, Billy staggered backwards!

The burning pain immediately made him angry: "Baka!!!"

As soon as he looked up after shouting, a black shadow came from the sky!

Song Ren leaped into the air and kicked sideways with increasing violence!

Billy's hastily erected defense was directly fractured by Song Ren's kick on his forearm. His face changed drastically and he fell backwards with his head tilted back!
Fortunately, he was quite agile and his body had been specially transformed by the sorceress, so his physique was far superior to that of an ordinary person. At the moment of falling backwards, he supported himself with one hand, turned over and jumped back up.

Although he was agile, he didn't even have time to raise his head this time, as Song Ren's third and most violent whip kick came at him!
With just one leap, he easily caught up with Billy who had just landed.

Song Ren's body flew sideways in the air, and he kicked Billy's head with a reverse kick!
This time, Billy had just stood still and was too late to even block!
He used his head to block Song Ren's most outrageous whip kick!
The moment the sole of his foot touched Billy's cheek, the teeth in half of his cheek flew out one after another!
The lower jaw bone was cracked on the spot and the side of the face was swollen like a pig's head.

A large amount of blood spurted out!

Billy was kicked so hard that he fell headfirst onto the ground and dived directly into the soft soil.

Song Ren turned and ran towards the wooden house in the courtyard.

He paused, and his left leg was firmly held by someone with both hands.

He lowered his head in surprise.

Billy was lying on the ground, holding Song Ren's left leg tightly with both hands.

He raised his bloody chin, smiled cruelly, and bit Song Ren's calf.

It's just that because most of the teeth are missing, this one is really a bit painful.

Although the damage is not great, it is very disgusting.

Song Ren grabbed his hair and forcibly lifted Billy up from the ground.

Although Billy was in pain, he was not afraid.

He was 100% loyal to the sorceress.

At this moment, he opened his bloody mouth and sneered, "Baga, go to hell!"

Song Ren threw it up.

The moment Billy fell, Song Ren had already adopted a strong posture with lowered shoulders and elbows, and a hard bridge and hard horse.

The next moment, a punch flew out!

The hard fist bone hit Billy's softest part of the abdomen. Under the terrifying force, Billy's waist arched high backwards, and his head and toes were almost folded together.

The internal organs of the abdominal cavity also ruptured at this moment!

The fist bone penetrated deeply and completely sank into the flesh, almost tying the belly on the chest and the spine on the back together, even breaking the spine.

The man was in mid-air and a large amount of blood spurted out again!
Billy fell to the ground and knelt weakly on the black mud, with sticky blood constantly flowing out of his mouth.

The person is already dead.

When Song Ren looked back again, a grayish-white shadow jumped out!

Looks like a cute Persian cat...

Song Ren slapped the Persian cat with his backhand, knocking the cat dozens of meters away, and it fell stiff on the ground.

"Don't think I won't spank you just because you're cute."

If I remember correctly, once this Persian cat makes eye contact with its target, its soul will be taken away.

This seems to be one of the many methods used by the sorceress to capture souls, and Song Ren certainly won't be polite to her.

He walked step by step to the door of the wooden house, listening to the same light footsteps behind the door.

There is a door between them.

The sorceress made a finger seal, a chill spread between her palms, and then she slammed the wooden door hard!
Song Ren dodged a palm strike by moving sideways while suddenly twisting his body and punching!
With a dull and violent sound, fists and palms collided!
A bit of biting coldness stained the back of his fist, but at the same time, Song Ren's last punch blasted open the door of the wooden house!
Under the huge and terrifying force, the sorceress screamed and flew backwards in the corridor of the house!
(End of this chapter)

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