Chapter 259: Evil Spirit
The appearance of the twin sisters caused the air around them to suddenly drop several temperatures.

It was as if I was in an ice cellar; even the air turned icy cold in an instant.

Streaks of scarlet blood slowly floated in the air, as if they were real.

The two evil ghost sisters in white dresses and red clothes were climbing on the wall and the seats not far away.

The strength of the two ghosts has grown several times, and they have become quite threatening.

The clown's crazy expression subsided a little.

With his enormous mental power as a magician, he naturally noticed the abnormality in the mental force field.

As soon as the twin evil ghosts appeared, he became alert.

Right now, he needs to distract himself to control three raging fire snakes.

If he were to devote more energy to dealing with the two evil spirits, his control over the fire snake would be completely distorted.

Just like Song Ren would find it difficult to face the clown's strength.

In fact, the Joker does the same to him.

Song Ren was so versatile in every aspect, especially his martial arts.

This was the first time he had seen such an exaggerated thing in all the time he had been walking in the main god space.

Even in some film and television worlds, there has never been a monster that can hone simple martial arts to such perfection.

The two fire snake magic that took up most of his energy to control were definitely fast enough in action.

But when they were chasing and blocking him, they couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes!

The more crucial point is that while the opponent was perfectly dodging the two fire snakes, his aggressiveness was still very fierce, and he was even able to pay attention to some small movements on his hands.

This scene was so outrageous that he exclaimed!


At this moment, twin evil ghosts in white skirts and red clothes appeared one after another.

The Joker could no longer concentrate on controlling the fire snake to kill the other passengers. The opponent before him was a monster that was enough for him to deal with with his full attention.

The clown took a deep breath and let Shi Yu, Yin Shanghua and little Xiu'an escape quickly.

Anyway, as long as you kill the person in front of you, the other NPCs will be much easier.

The clown took the initiative to disperse the fire magic and turned to flipping the pages of the magic book.

Two hexagram magic circles appeared under his feet at the same time, and two evil skeleton spirits wrapped in black flames emerged from the magic circle.

The skeleton ghost has a completely black frame, is covered in black fire, and rides a pitch-black skeleton warhorse.

Only a strange red light flashed in the eye sockets.

A flash of black fire spurted out from the warhorse's nose, as if it couldn't wait any longer!

The next moment, the two evil skeleton spirits rushed towards Song Ren fiercely.

At the same time, the twin evil ghosts suddenly pounced, wrapped in scarlet blood, and rushed towards the clown.

The two sides briefly exchanged opponents.


Song Ren faced two majestic skeleton spirits, murderous intent surging in his eyes, and instead of retreating, he advanced.

He raised the broken-blade machete in his hand and swooped down swiftly, arcs of lightning exploding all over his body instantly.

The black sword of the evil skeleton spirit chopped together with the broadsword. Clang!
Song Ren cleverly changed his move from picking to teasing in an instant, and the two blades brushed past each other, and he suddenly turned sideways to avoid it!

The other evil spirit's sword slashed into the air with a loud bang.

Song Ren rolled forward and swung his machete back, violently cutting off the hooves of one of the skeleton horses.

The warhorse's front hoof was broken, and it kneeled forward subconsciously.

Song Ren didn't seem surprised at all by this, and had already seamlessly connected with a fierce side kick!
With one kick, the evil spirit and its warhorse were kicked away!
Taking advantage of the recoil force, Song Ren turned over and stood up, not only avoiding the sharp edge of another sword by just glancing at his scalp, but also taking advantage of the momentum to jump onto the back of a skeleton warhorse.

The black flames of the skeleton spirits are what keep them moving and are harmless to humans. On the contrary, Song Ren's body was covered with lightning arcs, which stimulated the spirit riding on the same horse in front of him to tremble all over.

The skeleton warhorse sensed the uninvited guest behind it, and raised its front hooves high up, neighing violently!
Song Ren wrapped one hand around the evil skeleton, bypassed its front jaw, and in an interlaced manner, finally gouged deeply into its fleshless lower jaw bone.

When the evil spirit sitting in front wanted to resist, Song Ren had already hugged its entire head, and the next moment, he suddenly hooked his hand back!

It was a huge, pitch-black skull that was twisted off halfway.

The skull rolled to the floor.

The skeleton horse was affected by this, and its violent neighing stopped abruptly in an instant.

After the skeleton body on the horse lost its head, it had completely lost its spirituality and was thrown off by Song Ren on the spot.

He grabbed the reins with his backhand and squeezed the horse's belly hard.

The skeleton warhorse surrendered at the speed of light, showing its sincerity on the spot, and rushed directly towards the other skeleton evil spirit that had just crawled up!
The evil spirit did not dodge or evade, but stood up and charged forward bravely with a knife!

Song Ren, riding a skeleton warhorse, passed by him.

Then, the upper half of the evil spirit's skeleton was cut in half!

The scarlet color in the eye sockets was fading rapidly.

On the other side, the clown, who was busy dealing with the twin evil spirits, noticed this scene and his eyes twitched.

It would have been fine if the two skeleton warriors he was so proud of were killed instantly with one sword, but why did that dead horse surrender?

The skeleton warhorse carrying Song Ren turned its head and snorted loudly at the clown, with a flash of black flames spurting out from the tip of its nose.

Song Ren rode his horse and sprinted forward.

The clown waved his hand suddenly, dispersing this group of skeleton warriors.

The warhorse under Song Ren's crotch also disappeared instantly, but his forward momentum did not stop, instead he continued to move forward!

While fending off the two evil spirits, the clown diverted a little of his attention and summoned two gigantic fire snakes to meet them.

Song Ren was once again forced by the flames to keep dodging.

But the difference is that after a few times, the murderous look in Song Ren's eyes became more and more fierce, and he actually took the initiative to rush into the raging flames.

Fuzzy black shadows appeared and disappeared in the sea of ​​fire.

The clown's eyes were filled with excitement, as he succeeded inexplicably.

But this excitement did not last long, as a burning red figure violently broke free from the raging fire and jumped out with unparalleled bravery!

The clown had a grim look on his face and controlled another fire snake to bite back.

However, Song Ren, who rushed out of the fire snake wave, had already held his breath in advance, and all the breath accumulated in his chest suddenly burst out at this moment!
At a very close distance, Song Ren opened his mouth and roared violently!
Roar! ! !
The fire snake that suddenly attacked dispersed in an instant!
Then the clown standing in front of him was blown away by the horrific sound wave in front of him!
It crashed into a row of seats in the distance.

The twin evil spirits took advantage of the situation and rushed directly towards the clown who had fallen to the ground.

Song Renze twisted his body and stood up, holding the broken-blade machete tightly in his palm, exerting force from his metacarpal bones and throwing it violently!
The machete shot towards the fallen clown like lightning!
The magic patterns on the clown's body were like rock, and the powerful and swift machete was still bounced away.

Song Ren cursed inwardly: Damn! Why is a magician so tough!
(End of this chapter)

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