I killed the film and television world

Chapter 380 New Zombie and Music Zombie

Chapter 380 New Zombie and Music Zombie (5K)
From the [hoof] inherited from Kuiniu to the innate [descending of the spirits], not only has the power level been greatly improved.

At the same time, descending the spirits has the characteristics of subduing ghosts, suppressing evil spirits and eliminating evil spirits.

This means that at this stage, Song Ren can hurt Gui Sui's soul body with just his physical body.

To put it simply, if a ghost floats over and sees Song Ren, it will have to kneel on the ground and kowtow first.

Otherwise, Song Ren could tear it into pieces with his bare hands.

After feeling the sudden surge of power, Song Ren restrained the surging power.

The black mist-like aura gradually merged into the dark stripes on the arms.

Finally, the black color faded away completely, disappearing into every inch of skin.

Overall, he was back to his old self.

I looked back at the time.

The clock on the wall ticked away, and finally pointed to twelve o'clock in the morning.

It's time for a new round of travel.

[The twelfth round of the wishing mission has officially begun, and the new zombie and the music zombie have been successfully integrated. ]


Taoist Huang - I heard that zombies appeared in Tengteng Town, so I wanted to go there to slay the monsters.

I never expected that the town was already littered with corpses and zombies. I was not good at martial arts and was killed by them. I failed to complete the great task of eliminating demons and defending the way. Even if I die, I only feel regretful. 】

[Huang Daoist's wish: It is my duty to slay demons and monsters, but I regret that I am not as skilled as others. The world is in chaos, I hope that those who come after me can do more for me, please continue to slay demons and monsters.]

[Tip: This round of World Tour is an unconventional proxy mode. ]

It's an unconventional proxy mode...

However, this time it is the turn of the old acquaintance Uncle Jiu’s world.

New Mr. Zombie and Music Zombie...

Tsk, I haven’t even been to Mr. Zombie, and now they come up with a new Mr. Zombie.

Moreover, if I remember correctly, this film is one of Uncle Jiu's later works.

The most classic scene in the film is the collision of red and white. I wonder how many post-90s kids have had a childhood trauma like this.

The Taoist Huang mentioned in this mission should be a minor character in the new Mr. Zombie.

At that time, it was Jiu Shu's apprentices Wencai and Qiu Sheng who went to Tengteng Town to look for zombie tooth powder to treat a warlord who was poisoned by corpse.

After breaking into this place, we found that it was already full of zombies.

At night, the zombies gathered in an attic to have dinner, and the dinner at that time was Huang Daoshi who was accidentally captured alive by the zombies.

Wencai and Qiusheng are the funny characters in the movie. They don't have much ability, but they have a lot of crooked ideas.

Even though his Taoist magic was not good enough, he used dentures, fake nails, zombie oil and other items to pretend to be a zombie, successfully got the zombie tooth powder and escaped.

It was just a pity for Taoist Huang. Even though he had great skills, he was outnumbered and died at the hands of the zombies.

In Mr. Zombie, zombies actually do not account for a large proportion of the film, the biggest element is the spirit baby.

Especially the evil baby spirit, which is the main thread connecting the whole movie.

As for music zombies, it is a little more troublesome.

Old Master Ren in the Music Zombies was injected with special Western medicine ingredients by a group of Westerners, which seemed to produce a chemical reaction with his original blood.

As a result, it is no longer afraid of yin and yang, or Taoism, and at the same time, its advantages as a zombie are magnified.

The reason why he was called the music zombie was because of the love that Old Master Ren had for his granddaughter Zhuzhu during his lifetime. Even after becoming a zombie, as long as he heard the music in the pocket watch he gave to Zhuzhu, he would become calm.

This is also the biggest weakness of the music zombie Mr. Ren.

In the movie, it was Uncle Jiu who, with the help of others and taking advantage of the characteristics of the solar eclipse, used silver needles to acupuncture the acupuncture points and forced the medicine out of Old Master Ren's body, and was finally able to eliminate it.

It can be said that the Music Zombie is one of the most troublesome characters in the Uncle Nine series.


When Song Ren opened his eyes again, what he saw was a narrow mountain road.

The surrounding vegetation is dense and the mountain road is slightly rugged.

It was almost nightfall, the sky was dark, and dark clouds covered the bright moon in the sky.

Song Ren looked up and felt that a heavy rain seemed to be brewing in the clouds.

Damn, are you leaving me in the wilderness again?
[Tip: This is an unconventional proxy mode, so the boss will be given a certain amount of information about the background of the times. ]

【Coordinates: 115 degrees east longitude, 24 degrees north latitude. 】

[In the early days of the Republic of China, the situation was extremely turbulent, warlords were entrenched in the wild, and foreigners were ambitious. At that time, people's lives were in hardship, and there were many bandits and cholera in the countryside. When the world was in turmoil, there were endless ghosts and monsters. ]

[The mission of this trip is to slay demons and evil spirits. A mission progress bar has been added. Once the number of demons and evil spirits slain reaches the target, the mission will be completed. ]

【The world begins.】

There was a deafening roar of thunder in the dark sky.

Fierce lightning flashed from the sky, illuminating the entire mountain range.

Occasionally, a few broken corpses can be seen on the mountain road.

The violent thunder pulled Song Ren back from his thoughts.

To slay demons and exterminate evil.

He looked at the extra task progress bar in his mind, and was not sure how many people he had killed.

But in times of great chaos, the more the better.

However, we may need to find a place to shelter from the rain for now.

He was thrown into the wilderness again, without even a feather to be seen.

Fortunately, although this mountain road is a bit rugged, judging from the road conditions, it is not remote, and there are some obvious traces of tire tracks and pedestrians passing by.

I guess there must be a village nearby where we can settle down.

Song Ren did not get the map this time, but it didn’t matter. The mission this time was to slay the evil spirits and just take things as they come.

Forget it, let’s find a place to shelter from the rain first.

Song Ren was just about to fly into the air on his sword, looking for a foothold high up in his field of vision.

But suddenly, I heard a slight vibration coming from the ground.

This sound...

Is it a horseshoe?
Is a caravan passing through here?

Oh, that’s not right. It’s scattered and messy.

Not an orderly caravan...

A moment later, the sound of horse hooves became increasingly rapid from the jungles on both sides of the mountain path.

Four dark figures on horseback leaped out from the woods!

There were four big men riding on the brown and black horses.

He was wearing slightly shabby linen clothes and pants, a black cloak covering his head, and had a rough face that had not been shaved for a long time.

The four big men looked particularly depressing under the gloomy sky.

The first person rode his horse forward.

He held the reins in one hand and a cold sharp-edged axe in the other.

He circled around Song Ren and finally stopped in front of the road, holding an axe, and said in a rough voice: "Where did this young master come from? He has fair skin and tender flesh. Tsk tsk, if you don't mind, can you give us brothers some money to spend?"

Song Ren was not annoyed, as this was the way the whole era was.

Warlords were wreaking havoc and bandits were rampant.

However, as soon as they arrived, they encountered bandits who blocked the road and asked for rewards, which was a bit unlucky.

Of course, this is not about myself.

Song Ren kindly reminded:

"My friends, I am a newcomer here. I am not a rich young master. Otherwise, how could I walk to the mountain road alone?"

The leading man, riding on horseback, exchanged a glance with the others, then swung the sharp axe in his hand and sneered, "Young Master, do you want to test the sharpness of our brothers' axes?"

"Well, it seems we still can't communicate. What a pity." Song Ren didn't say any more nonsense.

People who are unlucky should die early.

Under the surprised gazes of several horse bandits, he raised a newly purchased double-barreled shotgun with both hands and aimed it at the leading man holding an axe at a very close distance.

As soon as a hint of fear appeared on his face, he fired without any hesitation.

The short but intense gunshots echoed throughout the dark and rugged mountain road.

A spark flew out of the gun barrel, a large amount of blood foam splattered on the chest of the man on horseback, and the axe fell to the ground with a clang.

The man fell off his horse in an instant!

The horse was frightened by the gunshot and ran straight towards Song Ren and collided head-on.

Song Ren's sudden swing of his foot hit the horse's belly completely!
The horse, which weighed more than 700 kilograms, was kicked sideways and crashed into the jungle on the side of the mountain road, and finally disappeared into the dark shadows without making any sound. The other three horse bandits were stunned for a moment, subconsciously glanced at the eldest brother who was still breathing less and less after falling to the ground, and then glanced at the dark jungle.

Finally, everyone turned their eyes to Song Ren, or rather, to the black double-barreled shotgun.

Without a second thought, the three of them immediately reined in their horses and fled in different directions!
Song Ren turned the gun, aimed it at one of the men on horseback, and fired again.

Bang! ! !
Sparks flew everywhere, and the shotgun's close-range lethality was absolutely unmatched.

A flower of blood splattered on the man's back, and his body flew forward from the horse's back.

Song Ren picked up an axe on the ground with his toes, twisted his body and swung his arms suddenly, and the moment the axe flew up, he swung his hand to knock it away!

The sharp axe spun and caught up with another man who was fleeing. The sharp axe blade chopped off the back of the man's head in one breath, his brains spurted out, and the man was knocked off his horse.

At the last moment, Song Ren made another leap from his original position and chased after the last horse bandit.

Even though the horse's galloping speed was amazing enough, it only delayed for a few seconds before Song Ren caught up again.

The man's eyes were filled with fear, and before he could even put up any resistance with the knife and axe in his hands, a fierce slap came down from the sky, smashing his head into small pieces of flesh!

Only a headless corpse was left, riding on horseback and rushing into the depths of the jungle in the mountains.

A light drizzle began to fall from the sky.

Song Ren washed the blood off his body with the rain, and found dozens of silver dollars from the bodies of the three bandits and the storage bags on the horses.

The amount is not much, but it is enough for a temporary splurge.

He flew up on his sword and reached a higher place to overlook the mountain below.

But because of the lightning and thunder, I didn't dare fly too high, for fear of being struck down by a thunder.

I only found a small dilapidated temple on the mountainside in the dim drizzle, but no trace of the village was found.

It is probably somewhere a little further away and out of sight.

Song Ren did not force himself to continue his journey, but instead planned to stay overnight in the small, dilapidated temple.

However, after arriving, he found that the temple was even more dilapidated than he had expected.

The peeling wall shells, collapsed roofs, broken and rotten doors and windows, and the ground is covered with rubble and weeds.

I don’t know from which era this dilapidated temple belongs.

The surrounding area was overgrown with weeds, even covering the mountain path leading here.

Only in the corners of the wall could one still see a few skeletons piled up there.

The faint sounds of crickets could be heard from all around.

Song Ren entered the dilapidated temple, but there was no place to shelter from the rain. The temple was windy from all sides and even the roof had collapsed long ago.

Fortunately, there were three coffins inside.

Two big and one small.

It looks like a family of three.

These black coffins are intact and the material looks to be of good quality.

Is there a surprise inside?!
In this case, the workload will come!

Song Ren became interested and opened one of the coffins, but found it was empty and was a little disappointed.

When the other two coffins, one large and one small, were opened, they were still empty.

Not a single prey.

Damn, the world was said to be in turmoil, with evil spirits and monsters appearing all the time.

Is it my bad luck?
How come I can’t see any one!
But I can have a good sleep now.

Song Ren chose one of the two large coffins, which had no peculiar smell and even had a special fragrance. He lay down in it and closed the coffin lid, listening to the crackling sound of rain outside.

A comfortable nap followed.


In the distant mountains
The family of three who had gone out to fight in the wild but returned empty-handed were now raising their arms and jumping on their knees straight, as if they were stepping on grass and trees, returning to the ruined temple like flying.

Perhaps because of the heavy rain, the zombie family did not smell the extra scent of human beings.

The male zombie and the little zombie jumped back into the coffin respectively, and the coffin lid closed automatically.

The female zombie also waved her arms, and the lid of her coffin slid down.

But before she jumped in, she saw an extremely delicious food lying inside.

Do high-end ingredients often just need to be delivered to Zhuolai yourself?
Song Ren opened his eyes and made eye contact with the female zombie beside the coffin.

The female zombie forced a stiff smile on her cold face, with two sharp fangs sticking out from between her lips.

Song Ren also responded with a bright smile.

As expected, Mr. Lu Xun never lies, and people who love to laugh will never have bad luck!
The female zombie was drooling with greed and suddenly pounced into Song Ren's coffin.

But he kicked her violently and sent her flying!

The female zombie smashed half of the wall, and the dust was flying, but it was drowned by the rain.

Song Ren rolled out of the coffin, a hint of joy in his eyes.

Take a nap, there's a surprise!

The noise just now woke up the other two people, one adult and one child, who were just resting.

The two coffin lids spun and flew out, and at the same time they fell down with a loud bang, two zombies, one large and one small, dressed in cold-toned Qing Dynasty official uniforms jumped out of the coffins.

Looking at Song Ren who suddenly appeared in the ancient temple, both of them bared their sharp fangs.

Song Ren was stunned for a moment. He thought there was only one zombie, but he didn't expect it was a family of three.

Now the whole family is reunited!
I told you, I can’t be that unlucky!

Isn't luck here?

In the ruined temple

Three zombies pounced on Song Ren from three angles at the same time.

Even the little zombie seemed to be ferocious, showing a pair of sharp teeth, no less fierce than his parents. He hugged Song Ren's thigh and started biting!

The two big ones also grabbed Song Ren, aimed at Song Ren's neck, started from the left back, and bit him!
Song Ren closed his eyes and experienced the teeth massage for a moment. Even the most fragile artery in the neck could not be bitten by an ordinary zombie.

He opened his eyes, first lowered his head to look at the hideous face of the little zombie in front of his legs that was constantly biting, then chuckled.

Deities descend!

Under the clothes, dark stripes appeared all over the body, and the innate power of the ancient ferocious beast Kui Niu began to surge.

A faint black mist emanated from his body.

Song Ren held the little zombie's pale face with both hands, and said with drooping eyebrows: "Little ghost, are you having fun?"

The little zombie was under the impulse of bloodthirstiness and was extremely unhappy when someone forced him to hit him on the head.

Even though its body was still small, it still let out a roar from deep in its throat.

Two sharp teeth completely protruded from the lower lip.

Tsk tsk, he's already so vicious at such a young age.

Song Ren lowered his eyes and said, "A zombie is a zombie. After all, it is just a beast that only knows how to eat."

He twisted his hands as if he were spinning a top.

The little zombie's neck was twisted 360 degrees, and the entire head was turned a full circle.

Next to him, the male zombie who had been unable to bite for a long time was the first to give up his desire. After noticing the situation of the little zombie, he suddenly let out an extremely suppressed and sharp roar.

The sound was so loud that it rushed straight into the sky above the entire forest in the pouring rain!

The male zombie suddenly raised his head, completely exposing his fangs, and the dark blue nails on his fingertips suddenly became extremely sharp.

But before he could get angry and take action, Song Ren grabbed his entire face with his bare hands.

The dark lines spread across his arms, and the surging black mist sank and floated up and down!
The extremely sharp fingertips instantly dug into the zombie's facial bones.

At this moment, Song Ren looks more like a zombie than a zombie!

The zombie's facial bones had been completely twisted and deformed, and it kept stabbing Song Ren's body with its blue nails, but to no avail!
Song Ren threw it away with his backhand, and it crashed into another wall!
Finally, he turned around and looked at the female zombie who was still greedily biting the other side of Song Ren's neck, and said coldly: "Madam, the game is over."

The female zombie was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the little zombie with a twisted head lying on the ground.

Then she looked at the male zombie lying in the ruins, and finally, she seemed to feel a surge of murderous aura from the black mist-like aura of Song Ren.

The bloodthirsty desire subsided instantly, and the female zombie turned around and ran away.

But just when she jumped halfway, Song Ren grabbed her black hair.

come back!
Song Ren pulled back with one hand and pierced through with the knife in his other hand!

The hand knife pierced through the female zombie's spine and stabbed out from the lungs in front!
It brought up a trail of dark green blood beads!
When he pulled his arm away again, the male zombie had just escaped from the ruins. Even though his facial bones were completely deformed, he still pounced on Song Ren without hesitation.

Song Ren stood in the temple with cold eyes.

A green thunder sword was taken out, shedding a long and narrow ray of sword light.

The male zombie was split into two, and the two halves of the body rolled down in the dilapidated ancient temple of the mountain god!

(End of this chapter)

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