I killed the film and television world

Chapter 46 Wu You 8 Extremes Determine the World

Chapter 46: The Eight Extremes of Martial Arts Determine the Universe

But this time, the close contact was obviously a little more hurried.

When He Ping strode over, before he could get close to Song Ren, he was hit head-on with a powerful chop.

He Ping used his elbow to block the attack and moved forward again.

But unexpectedly, Song Ren also moved closer at the same time.

But at an angle that He Ping had not noticed yet, the step he took penetrated into He Ping's horse stance.

The next moment, the footsteps suddenly retreated.

It tore apart He Ping's usually solid lower body skills, causing him to be off balance for a moment.

When he reacted, Song Ren, who had taken the initiative to get close to him, had already bumped into his side.

Bajiquan, Tieshankao!
A look of surprise appeared on He Ping's face, and he fell heavily backwards in an instant.

However, his ability to withstand blows and his reaction ability are quite good.

He pushed himself backward with both hands, and before his back hit the ground, he had already turned over.

The movements were very skillful.

But when he stood up, he was greeted with a fierce blow of squatting, bowing and punching, and finally a fierce attack of the elbow.

Bajiquan, top elbow!
This was quite violent.

Unlike the previous elbow that failed to hit He Ping's chest, this time it hit He Ping directly in the chest.

A large amount of blood spurted out.

He Ping flew backwards two or three meters and fell heavily to the ground.

For a moment, the eyes of the audience outside the venue, which were originally shining, suddenly dimmed again.

It looks like the Tyrannosaurus can only go this far.

He Ping quickly got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes were not depressed at all, but more excited:
"So strong!"

"I can even perform my most skilled Bajiquan with ease."

"You are indeed different."

It’s not that He Ping didn’t use Bajiquan in the middle-level arena before, but there was no need to.

The advantages in strength and physique alone are enough to crush the opponent.

It was only when facing Song Ren that he used his most powerful Bajiquan for the first time.

But now it seems that there is no need...

Because I still can’t beat him.

However, he is an outgoing and fearless person, and he enjoys the process more than the result.

Win or lose, life or death.

Just like what he said at the very beginning.

Let’s put on a thrilling show together!

The corners of He Ping's mouth were filled with an extremely brilliant arc, and he pounced on him again!

Bajiquan excels at close combat, but most people who are proficient in Bajiquan also learn Pi Gua.

Use wide-ranging splitting and hanging moves to make up for the awkward situation when Bajiquan cannot get close to the body.

Baji plus Pi Gua is enough to scare even the gods.

He Ping faced this situation this time.

When he was two steps away from Song Ren, he was met with a fierce single whip kick.

He blocked it with his elbow, but the huge force of the whip kick made him deviate to the side.

When he tried to get closer, Song Ren kicked him with a series of whip kicks.

He Ping used his arms and elbows to block and was able to parry them steadily!

But the situation became passive and we couldn't move forward a single step.

On the contrary, Song Ren's Tan legs were hitting faster and faster!

Whip kick, front kick, side kick, intercept, hang, back kick, front and back kick, high swing kick!

The Twelve-Way Tan Leg kick was so satisfying!
Even when He Ping was kicked back, Song Ren would often get excited and add a high whip kick into the air.

Full of power!
He Ping had been kicked so hard that he began to retreat step by step, and the passion in his heart gradually cooled down.

When the two men fought, Song Ren's dazzling leg skills made the audience's mouths dry.

He seized an opportunity to break the deadlock, and even when Feng Yuxiu was facing Song Ren, he was suppressed until the end.

Compared to the fierce power of He Ping's muscular body, Song Ren's every move, assisted by the hoof print, seemed stronger and more ferocious!

He Ping was directly suppressed and retreated repeatedly.

The biggest advantage of Bajiquan in close combat is not brought into play at all.
Tong Peipei stared at the exciting fight scene in the audience with flushed cheeks.

On the side, the old man with white hair and youthful face couldn't help but praise:

"What a sharp leg move."

"He performed the Northern Style Tan Leg so skillfully that it was impenetrable. The movements were a bit wild, so he probably didn't learn it from a proper school."

"However, this man's boxing and kicking skills, although not at the highest level, are still considered extraordinary."

"The most outrageous thing is the terrifying suppression he displayed with each move."

“Although I can’t tell his true physique through his clothes, based on his general body shape, it’s hard to tell how his suppression power could be so outrageous.”

At the end, there was inevitably some doubt in his tone.

All I can say is that the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things.

A little further away, Du Youbang once again witnessed Song Ren's sharpness, which was different from the last time in the container.

That time, Bald Xu Shao's performance was really average.

But this time there was no way to explain it. The sharpness displayed by Song Ren made his eyelids twitch.

In order to suppress him and grab Tong Peipei's attention, Du Youbang felt that he could only hope for the bloodiest weapon fight.

He really had no confidence in his martial arts.

As for the weapon fight...

on the ring

Song Ren kicked He Ping left and right, making him look even more embarrassed.

Song Ren's suppression power was so exaggerated that He Ping couldn't hold on for a breath.

It became increasingly difficult for him to defend himself, and bright red blood spots gradually splattered on his body.

Song Ren once again kicked out with a fierce high kick.

After He Ping blocked it, he still staggered back two steps.

Song Ren's eyes flashed with a sharp light. He took a sudden step forward, twisted his waist, and kicked back in the air.

He kicked He Ping away, revealing his tired resistance, and then kicked him violently on the chest with great force.

With the dull sound of flesh hitting flesh, He Ping flew backwards.

The iron cage was already close to the edge of the ring, and this time his entire back hit it directly.

Bang! ! !
The heavy iron frame shook slightly.

The noise was so loud that the audience members who were closer to the venue couldn't help but cover their ears.

He Ping's arms were already red, swollen and engorged with blood, and even the skin and flesh were torn in many places.

There are clear footprints on the chest, shoulders and side of the face.

In particular, the entire jaw was stained red with blood that overflowed from his mouth.

He raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his palm, then smiled brilliantly again.

Even if there is blood between the lips and teeth.

He leaned against the iron cage with difficulty, his legs and hands were trembling, but his eyes were still full of excitement:

"Come on, continue."

Song Ren didn't say anything, but just walked forward.

Finally he stood in front of He Ping.

He Ping wanted to punch him, but his body trembled and passed by Song Ren's eyes.

Instead, he was dazed and nearly fell down, but he managed to steady himself by supporting his knees with both hands.

Song Ren placed one hand on his shoulder and pressed down hard.

He Ping could no longer hold on and fell to the ground.

With heavy eyelids that could barely be opened, he could only vaguely see Song Ren turning around and walking away. He couldn't help but shout:
"Hey, aren't you going to kill me?"

Song Ren turned around and said, "What a fool! Do you really think I'm a murderer?"

He Ping felt refreshed for a moment and couldn't help but grin: "Ah? Is that so? That's good."

 There are all kinds of gatherings these days, and it’s hard to promote them.

  So the update time is a bit unstable, please forgive me.

  This part is almost over. The beating was restrained in the end and no one was killed. After all, there was no grudge between them and they were not criminals.

  If it’s in the ring, there might even be a weapons fight.

  But first we need to connect some plots.

(End of this chapter)

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