Chapter 49 Nightclub
During this period, Song Ren has won eight consecutive victories on the top floor of Fusheng Building.

Plus the five wins in the first round of the fight.

Now Song Ren has won a total of thirteen wins.

There are only three victories left to win the top championship and take the second top championship spot since the establishment of Fusheng Building.

But now, there are obviously fewer boxers challenging him.

Even with Zhu Baoer's support, it would be difficult to find any challengers to come on stage.

Song Ren was not in a hurry, but handled the business arrangements of Golden Shield Security Company in an orderly manner.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Shicheng, who once tried to frame Song Ren during the fight for power, also joined Golden Shield Security.

Although his skills are average among the top-level ones.

But the training for personnel responsible for security work is more than enough.

What's more, he had worked in security for a period of time in the past and was familiar with some of the ins and outs involved.


Song Ren personally hosted a grand welcoming banquet for the five brothers Qiu Gangao.

As for the subsequent one-stop services such as the bath center and massage, he did not participate in it. Shezaiming was responsible for the reception.

Until the evening.

Song Ren finished his daily exercise and strengthened his muscles.

Together with Ale, who had just finished handling company-related business, I rushed over to meet everyone.

The steps of the Qiu Gangao brothers were somewhat weak, but the atmosphere was already the same as Shezaiming's.

As soon as they met, Ah Le said exaggeratedly: "Wow, no way, Brother Ao, why are you like this? You won't be unable to walk when you go to the nightclub later, will you?"

Song Ren also smiled and joked: "Do you want me to help you?"

Qiu Gangao was in better condition than the others. He walked over with a smile and said, "Brother Ren."

The two walked to a secluded spot before Qiu Gangao continued, "Brother Ren, I won't say any more polite words. Thank you."

Song Ren leaned on the railing nearby and handed him a can of beer.

Then he faced the evening breeze and said calmly, "Ao, you brothers haven't let go of what happened a few years ago, right?"

Qiu Gangao fell silent, and a layer of gloom gradually appeared in his eyes.

How can you just let go of something like this?

None of those bastards who sold them out, betrayed them, and took advantage of them must be let off!

Song Ren patted his shoulder and said, "Listen to me and settle down in Golden Shield first."

Qiu Gangao was a little embarrassed: "Brother Ren, I won't be so formal with you."

"To be honest, we don't want to drag you down. What happened to us in the past few years is something we will never be able to let go of in this lifetime."

"One of our brothers died because of this."

"If nothing is done, I'm worried he will die with regrets."

Song Ren was silent for a moment, then he continued, "Stay in Golden Shield first, I'll help you with the rest."

Qiu Gangao: "Brother Ren..."

Song Ren: "Don't think too much. I'm going to take action against some societies anyway. So, there are some things I have to deal with."

"As for helping you, it's just a side job."

Finally, he patted Qiu Gangao on the shoulder and said bluntly: "Ao, it's settled."

Qiu Gangao took a deep breath and finally nodded.

They had just been released from prison, so even if they wanted to seek revenge, they had no idea how to do it.

Song Renshou kept them, which made Qiu Gangao's inner world, which was filled with hatred, relax a little.


The group came to an upscale nightclub and found a larger booth to sit down together.

The environment inside is pretty good and the atmosphere is very lively.

The lights in the room were colorful and the rhythmic music was played very loudly.

Many men and women of different looks were dancing on the dance floor, swaying wildly to the rhythm.

The atmosphere in the hall is quite relaxed, and from time to time you can see bright young ladies walking through the crowd. The restless rhythm, the music with strong drum beats, the dark colorful lights, and the people swaying wantonly.

The smell of hormones is everywhere in the nightclub.

Shezaiming was very familiar with this kind of nightclub routine, and he waved and called over a mama-san in the club.

"Call a few princesses over here, the prettier and more eye-catching ones."

"My boss rarely comes here, so please keep your eyes open and entertain him well."

After a while, five or six princesses with makeup on came to the booth.

Most of the faces were covered in heavy makeup, and it was almost impossible to tell their original appearance.

But just talking about their figures, they are indeed pretty good.

With the presence of women to liven up the atmosphere, most of the people present, except for a few rare exceptions, are veterans.

They felt like fish in water and had a lot of fun.

Even Qiu Gangao would join in from time to time.

There was someone sitting next to Song Ren at first, but he sent him to sit next to someone else.

He is not a monk, but he has no interest in this kind of entertainment, and he has always had a very picky eye.

Song Ren really looked down upon people of this level.

Especially after learning martial arts, his concentration has become stronger.

Compared to the land of gentleness, he prefers a violent place where force can stop war.

The reason I came here was just to indulge myself with the brothers Qiu Gangao who had just been released from prison.

Soon, some people in the booths couldn't hold back and squeezed into the dance floor to have fun with the girls inside.

Song Ren signaled them to have fun, then he went to the bar alone and ordered a drink for himself.

Before I could take two sips, two beautiful figures walked over from across the seat.

Song Ren turned his head and took a look, and was slightly stunned.

Two women sat down next to them.

A woman with a charming and enchanting appearance, wearing a female OL professional suit, and under the short skirt is a pair of straight and slender black silk legs.

The other party seemed to have just rushed over after get off work.

While holding the shoulders of her friend beside her, she hooked her high heels with her fingers and complained, "Oh, I really want to be a salted fish with no ideals at home."

The friend whose shoulders she supported was equally outstanding.

Women's suit pants, devilish figure, high heels, and light makeup.

What is most astonishing is her cool and elegant aura that keeps people at a distance, paired with her shiny black pigtails that fall to her waist.

Even though her face was not seen, her queen-like aura still attracted a lot of attention.

Song Ren was not dazzled by their looks, but by their unique aura.

One is like a fox, exuding fatal charm in every move.

The other one was as aloof as a queen, as if taking a step closer would be an offense to her.

It is rare to see a woman of this quality in a nightclub.


The bartender at the bar showed ninety-nine points of respect to the queen-like woman: "Sister Cai."

Cai Shuangyu said the old rules to him and turned to look at her best friend beside her.

Instead, his tone carried the doting tone of an elder towards a younger person:
"You, can't you be more honest?"

"If your family knew that you followed me to a place like this."

"I'm afraid he's going to smash this place to pieces."

Li Yuyao: "Humph, don't mention him to me. I despise his hypocritical face the most."

"If it weren't for the marriage between our two families, I would never marry someone like him."

As she spoke, Li Yuyao seemed to notice Song Ren's gaze.

She immediately gave him a seductive look, but when she saw that he seemed to be pretending to be serious, she covered her mouth and giggled.

(End of this chapter)

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