Chapter 91 Boss
After returning, there is a month of rest time.

Song Ren took the initiative to slow down the pace of his life, relaxing himself wholeheartedly and enjoying his leisure time.

Most of the time every day, he stays at home and watches TV series.

It can be regarded as a way to familiarize yourself with some story lines that may be involved in the future.

On the tenth day, the AI-produced online movie "Big Brother" promoted by the wishing system and starring Song Ren himself was finally completed.

Operated by the wishing system, a blockbuster online movie using AI drawing as a gimmick soon appeared on major video websites.

The film costs 6 yuan and lasts for one month.

After one month, it will switch to a free broadcast mode, and will receive a certain percentage of long-term advertising revenue.

That is to say, after one month, the mode will change to a steady and long-term one.

After the film was released on major video sites, Song Ren lay on the sofa, found the newly released online movie on the video website, scanned the code and paid six yuan.

Then he took out his phone and started watching it with great interest.


at the same time
Many users of major video platforms received an advertising push for a new movie release.

Some people just clicked on it casually, while others just deleted it without even looking at it.

Only a few people click in, and even fewer are actually willing to pay to watch.

Li Zhibin is one of the very few.

As a UP host in the film and television section of a small station, he doesn't have many fans, only about 10,000 or so, and he is just starting out.

Li Zhibin likes to collect some online movies, and from time to time he will update a video to criticize the shoddy production of online movies.

His complaining videos have already developed a certain style, and he has been gaining fans at a noticeably faster rate recently.

Therefore, his motivation for updating during this period is sufficient. Click on the push page.

Internet Movie: Big Brother

Produced by: Wish x Boss jointly produced.

Movie Introduction:

This film is produced by AI, and the story background is a combination of three movies: Flash Point, Sha Po Lang, and Angry Birds.

Use AI to insert a new protagonist into the movie and interpret a completely different movie world.

The price of this film: 6 yuan.

This introduction was so sloppy that Li Zhibin had even thought of the lines to complain about it.

But when he saw the cover of the movie, he was still stunned.

This cover is really something.

On the cover, it was still raining heavily.

In an abandoned factory, the ground was overgrown with weeds and blood was flowing everywhere.

Dozens of corpses were lying in the rain.

The core of the cover is a bloody back. The wet clothes stick to the outline of the skin, and the smooth muscle lines on the back can be clearly seen.

The back of a person stood alone in the rain, holding a knife in his right hand, with blood staining the blade.

However, the most attractive thing is the last look back from the back.

On the cover, Song Renwei lowered his head and turned to look back at a corner.

In mid-air, a few drops of rain were suspended in front of the pair of dark eyes.

Against the backdrop of the crystal clear raindrops, the pair of black pupils as sharp as a knife seemed to emit a dark light, and in an instant, it seemed to be able to pierce people's hearts.

It was clearly just a frozen cover, but it made Li Zhibin's heart stop for a moment.

Inexplicably, a thought came to my mind -

Evil spirit!

In particular, the more he stared at the eyes on the cover, the colder Li Zhibin felt. If combined with the corpses lying all over the picture, the impact would be even more obvious.

After reading the introduction to the story, Li Zhibin had already found a reason to complain.

But this cover is a real plus!
It’s only six bucks, scan it!
Li Zhibin changed into a comfortable position and sat in front of the computer.


The movie opens without any subtitles introducing the main creative staff.

Li Zhibin was somewhat uncomfortable with it.

I thought: Is it because it was produced using AI?

He was distracted for a moment, but soon realized that the movie had officially started, and immediately perked up and prepared to collect some jokes worth complaining about. The film began with a scene of two prison guards escorting prisoners into the prison.

Li Zhibin sighed: "This AI drawing is quite realistic."

Soon, the prisoner entered the cell.

Several figures on the bed quickly passed across the screen.

Li Zhibin immediately sat up straight:

"Hey, is it Qiu Gangao, the villain from Case of Fury?"

"There really are characters from The Angry Case, but I'm a little unrecognizable after the haircut. It's OK, the plot that didn't appear in The Angry Case appeared in the online movie."

"I just don't know what the style of the online movie that combines these three action movies will be like?"

Then Li Zhibin knew.

In the movie, Song Ren has already taken action.

He easily knocked down several inmates who shared the dormitory with him, but this scene almost flashed by and was not given much footage.

The protagonist's strength is only highlighted from the scenes of suffering of several inmates.

Li Zhibin became more interested.

Sure enough, an action movie combined with a web movie is also an action movie.

that's the truth.

The plot progresses very quickly, and some less important plots have been cut to a certain extent, otherwise the length of a large online movie would really be impossible to finish.

After that, the story gradually becomes more incisive.

It’s not that the storyline is sharp, but the fighting scenes are very sharp.

Li Zhibin gradually became fascinated by the scene, and even his blood began to boil.

"Hiss! This fighting scene! It doesn't look fake at all, it's like a real-life PK."

"Fuck! This is even more exaggerated. The action scenes are too awesome!"

"It hurts just looking at it! This actor is so dedicated!"

"Oh, I forgot. It was drawn by AI. That's fine."

It was also the first time for Li Zhibin to watch a movie produced by AI, and he was truly amazed by the exhilarating action scenes.

However, what made him complain was that after being released from prison, the male protagonist Aren seemed to be able to inexplicably conjure weapons out of thin air, but no explanation was given in the play.

It was like a magic trick, or like I was carrying a space package with me.

This makes him feel a little distracted every time he watches it.

Until the last section of the abandoned factory.

In the film, the entire shot was shot in one long take.

This scene is a thrilling chase scene.

In this ultimate lens language.

Ah Ren’s brutal and chilling killing scenes still made Li Zhibin’s scalp tingle even though it was a movie drawn by AI!
Bloody and brutal!
Even though the camera weakened the image and covered up a lot of the bloody scenes, this scene is still extremely shocking.

Especially the last scene, where Ah Ren said nothing, smashed the car window with his elbow, and pulled out Li Ye.

Under the most violent lens, punch after punch is thrown!
It was like a blow to Li Zhibin's heart.

My scalp is about to explode!

The final punch even gave a slow-motion death scene.

Li Zhibin's mouth became dry after watching it for so long.

Until the end of the film.

Li Zhibin sat in front of the computer desk for a long time, the wonderful action scenes in this online movie still echoing in his mind.

Overall, the viewing experience is excellent!

Although some individual details made him lose interest in the show, and some of the plot jumps a bit too much, it seems that a lot of shots were deleted.

But the action scenes are such a plus, I give it a thumbs up just for that reason alone!
This has to be made into a video!

Although the film is currently in the early stages of being billed, the plot cannot be directly told.

However, the plot of this online movie is so average that he is too lazy to give away spoilers.

The emphasis is just on the action scenes, and as long as this kind of free promotion is within the rules, the film company usually won't pursue it.

Not to mention that he only has so few fans, so the impact won’t be that big.

(End of this chapter)

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