Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 102 Bigglesworth and the Little Goblin

Chapter 102 Bigglesworth and the Little Goblin

Archmage Kel'Thuzad walked out of Dalaran and looked back at the towering Violet Castle.

I will be back! These stubborn guys will never understand the greatness of necromancy. Only by fully mastering a power like Tyran Fordring can one reach the extreme. Thus, he can be promoted above the legend, or even become a demigod.

He is really too powerful. His mystery level should have reached the seventh level. Low-level mysteries have no resistance in front of high-level mysteries. No matter how huge their size is, they can be killed in one blow.

Tyran Fording's power had already driven him insane. Being able to use a type of energy at will was a sign that he was about to master the Force.

Since yesterday, he has heard a mysterious voice, which told him that it could teach him the secrets of spiritualism!

It not only grants him great power, but also eternal life, but requires him to reach Northrend.

He returned to his wizard tower, packed his luggage, put on his magic backpack, and hid his accumulated wealth. He began his new journey. His pursuit of power made him forget everything. The only thing he dealt with was the storage of his cat, Mr. Bigworth. He had long forgotten his apprentice.

At the same time, Merry Winter Wind also heard the call of the mysterious voice, but he remained unmoved. Even if he became like this, it would not change his determination to protect the world. Nothing could make him forget his promise. He glanced at the child on the bed and smiled. He was a gifted child.

Many powerful creatures in this world heard this call. But Taelan Fording slept well and heard nothing. Even in Kul Tiras, he never heard any whispers again!

In Kul Tiras, it is possible for extraordinary people to hear some whispers. Jaina was very puzzled that as a legend, it was very strange that he could not hear anything.

Nineteen years after the Dark Gate!
Taelan Fordring accompanied Jaina back to Dalaran. With the support of the resources provided by Taelan Fordring, Jaina became a great mage earlier than in the original book.

She is the youngest archmage in Dalaran, and her mentor Antonidas has high hopes for her. He hopes that she will inherit his mantle and become the speaker of the Council of Six in the future.

In recent years, Jaina's talent has been fully demonstrated. She has made great achievements in the field of transformation. She has improved the spell of space magic and created a new teleportation spell. As long as the coordinates are known and there is a magic network node in the local area, a temporary portal can be opened to complete the teleportation. There is no need to build expensive fixed portals like before.

Even Prince Kael'thas of Quel'Thalas praised this and hoped that more people would master this spell and benefit the vast number of mages as soon as possible.

As soon as Tyran Fordring and Jaina landed in Southshore, a team of knights emerged from the city.

The leader was Eligor Dawnbringer; behind him was a beautiful girl with her eyes closed, the Great Sage of the Silver Hand, Demetria. There was also Tyran's squire, Karin. All the people here were familiar faces, and the Paladin Dawi and the new priest Helen followed silently.

At this time, a black horse ran out from behind and stopped in front of Tyran Fording. A little girl sat on it. It was Shadow Bishop Angela. She walked up to him, reined in the horse, and shouted, "Great Knight, you are late. Did you displease the lady again and get abused?"

Taelan Fording shook his head speechlessly. Everyone knew each other very well. They knew that Angela was always informal and gossipy. She was the funny guy in their group, and she was the only one who dared to joke with a legend.

Taelan Fording was willing to understand her. The power of shadow was no easier to master than fel energy. The reason why she could use shadow energy and not be swallowed by it was all because of her optimism and cheerfulness.

Jaina smiled and said, "How dare I offend your Lord?"

The air suddenly became relaxed. At this time, Eligor signaled everyone to be quiet. He rode side by side with Tyran Fordring. He said in his usual calm tone: "Lord, half a month ago, King Terenas received a letter from the King of the Dwarves in Ironforge. A fierce battle took place in Blackrock Mountain. Then some dragons attacked Khaz Modan."

"As allies, they should have sought help from Stormwind. But as you know, Stormwind has been in chaos for the past two years, and King Varian has been trying to put out fires everywhere. First, the gnolls attacked Goldshire. Then, because of the salary issue, the Defias Brotherhood rioted again.

Some time ago, the orcs in Blackrock Spire also launched an attack on Stormwind Kingdom. King Varian has not yet dealt with the rebellion of the Brotherhood in Westfall, and he is deeply involved in the war with the orcs. "

"King Terenas originally wanted you and Crown Prince Arthas to form an alliance to deal with the problem of the orc concentration camp. But no one except you can handle the problem of the dragonmen and the Dark Iron dwarves. So he had to let Uther take Prince Arthas to deal with the orc problem. Please lead us to deal with the problem of the dragonmen and the Dark Iron dwarves."

"How to say it specifically?"

"Your Majesty means not to provoke a full-scale war. The country is in a very bad situation. Not only are there big problems in the orc internment camps, which have made the countries in the alliance very dissatisfied. There is also some bad news in East Wilder."

Taelan Fording's heart skipped a beat. Wasn't it the 20th anniversary of the Dark Portal next year? Why was East Wilder in chaos now?
"Where's East Wilder?"

At this time, Demetia, who had been keeping her eyes closed, took over the conversation. She was usually stationed in the Hand of Tyr in East Wilde.

"A sect appeared there. It seems to be called the Curse Cult."

"It has many followers in Stratholme and Brill, and even in Andorhal. They hold regular gatherings, and many locals have joined it."

"Although there are people in Andorhal who have joined the cult, in recent years many Andorhal people have gone to Hearthglen and Felstone Farm to make a living. So the situation there is not serious."

"Stratholme is the center. Not only ordinary people will join the Cult of the Death, but also some nobles will participate, such as Lady Farina!"

As soon as Farina was mentioned, Jaina's face immediately turned cold, and the temperature around her dropped.

Angela immediately pulled Demetria and said, "Don't mention this person. Be careful that the lady teleports you to Lake Lordamere."

Apparently things weren't going well between Jaina and Lady Farina.

Taelan Fordring looked at Jaina helplessly. She didn't gain any advantage and was almost turned into a sheep by you.

Jaina said with a dark face: "You underestimated her. She is not an innocent little sheep! At that time, I felt that she was hiding a lot of secrets. She is also a powerful extraordinary person."

Tyran Fording said: "Sage, don't mention Farina, is there anything else? Did the Council of Nobles strictly implement my proposal?"

 Thanks to Shuai FBI book friend for the reward, and thank you all for subscribing!
(End of this chapter)

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