Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 155 A Song of Ice and Fire

Chapter 155 A Song of Ice and Fire

The Barren Land is not as its name suggests. There are oases all over the place, and it is rich in minerals. The lakes in the oases provide this land with abundant fresh water, as well as fish, turtles, shrimps, crabs and other aquatic products. The mountains are buried with precious minerals. If it can be managed reasonably, this place will definitely become a treasure land.

The biggest trouble here is the Kolkar Centaur and the Wild Boars of Razorfen. They often attack passing travelers and people who want to settle here. Their plunder makes this place increasingly desolate.

The Centaurs originated from Desolace, and their mother is Princess Theradras, the youngest daughter of Stonemother Therazane.

The peace-loving Tauren who believed in Mother Earth tried to summon Mother Earth in their holy place, Mashanshi, "Mother Earth's Embrace".

Later they succeeded, and the one awakened was Princess Therades. This princess escaped the Titans' seal on elemental creatures and hid for tens of thousands of years. After being awakened, she began to greedily absorb the energy of nature.

This made Mashansi desolate and barren, and the Tauren had to leave their homes and wander the land of Kalimdor.

The wail of the earth attracted the attention of the druids. The demigod Cenarius sent his son Zaetar, a half-man, half-deer, to investigate the matter.

No one knows what happened in the middle, but the druid actually fell in love with Princess Therades and they became a couple. If they can live happily together, it can be regarded as a love that transcends race.

But things in the world are often not as expected, and the originally happy love came to an end. Their child was born, and this was the Centaur.

These children are completely different from their father and mother. They are greedy, cruel, aggressive by nature, and they destroy the balance of nature and kill creatures all day long. Zaetar is very desperate about this. At first, it tried to reform them by improving its relationship with them, but it failed.

These centaurs saw nothing but disgust in their father's eyes, so they killed their father.

Princess Therades was heartbroken when she saw these cruel children killing her husband. She couldn't help killing the executioners. Then she lived in seclusion in the underground caves of Maraudon and never came out again.

From that day on, these centaurs began to use their strong bodies, wind-like speed and strong reproductive ability to continuously squeeze the living space of the minotaurs, turning the original lush vegetation holy land into a desolate place. The minotaurs were facing a catastrophe at any time.

Recently, some Tauren who believe in Ansir have been spreading rumors about the coming of the Son of Ansir, who will bring the power of holy light to save the Tauren.

Hamuil Runetotem decided to verify the rumor himself. After all, they were at their wit's end, and this journey could not only verify the rumor, but also possibly find new allies.

It set out from the Desolate Land, went through untold hardships, crossed the inaccessible Stonetalon Mountains, and headed south according to the prophecy.

At an oasis, it filled its water bladder with water and started a new journey again.

Looking at the red land, it knew that it had finally arrived at the Barren Land. This place was a bit like the tropical monsoon climate. Whenever the humid hot wind from the Endless Sea blew over, it would rain here. The oasis was full of green grass and plants bloomed with flowers. Various animals drank water, foraged for food, and escaped the killing of the Centaurs.

After the short rainy season, all life will depend on the oasis. The swift chocobos and the groups of coyotes dare not go deep into the oasis, which is the territory of the Kolkar Centaur. Except for the huge herd of Kodo beasts.

These huge beasts not only have thick skin and flesh, but also travel in groups. Even they only leave after drinking enough water. Otherwise, their young will inevitably become food for the centaurs.

Hamuil climbed up a hill where the red gravel soil was exposed due to the loss of vegetation. He stood on the hill and looked into the distance.

The horizon was full of sparse trees, and there was a large oasis nearby. It even had a large lake. The lake was cool, reflecting the rare giant trees around it.

This is the land of life in the desert, but there is no sign of life here. The air is filled with a special kind of solemnity.


The Heart of Nature told Hamuil that this was a war, and a war of huge scale was about to take place here.

The Archdruid looked into the distance with worry. Then a green light flashed, and it turned into a cheetah, and then disappeared over the hill.

A rumbling sound came, which was the sound of the cavalry's iron hooves stepping on the ground. Hamuil immediately smelled a foul odor, which was the unique smell of centaurs. They not only eat raw meat, but also eat rotten meat. So they all have this special smell.

These grassland overlords gathered near this oasis from all directions. In order to take advantage of their cavalry, they did not enter the oasis, but instead guarded a road behind them.

They are waiting for their enemies with ease.

In the distance, a formation of fully armored infantry suddenly appeared. Are they humans?
Through the Cenarion Circle, it had heard of humans. This race was very powerful. That human even led the dragon cavalry to defeat an entire clan of ogres. Infantry? Hamuil thought that this human commander must be crazy. Even fully armored infantry would become a living target for the centaurs. They were not only cavalry, but also excellent archers. Not only could they charge and trample on them, but they could also pull and destroy them bit by bit.

However, the infantrymen were not panicked. They suddenly retreated. It turned out that there was something like a chariot behind them. They blocked the infantrymen. The infantrymen raised their full body shields, like tin cans.

Behind them came the spearmen with long weapons, and they placed their weapons on their iron shields.

The Centaurs had never seen such an army before, so they sent out a powerful war chief, who led a team of the most elite Centaurs to attack the human army.

The surrounding chariots and slanting spears effectively blocked the charge of the centaurs. Only the centaur chieftain rushed into the human team. But a man wearing general armor immediately blocked it.

It was a knight, wielding a huge hammer similar to a staff. The two sides collided. The knight was not as strong as the centaur chief, but he could use the power of holy light to help himself. Soon the chief was killed by the humans who cooperated with each other.

Although the Centaurs failed in their first attack, they also discovered the weakness of these iron cans. They moved too slowly. And the number of long-range attack troops was very small. Only an old dwarf holding a musket was quite powerful.

He was the one who shot the centaur leader in the butt just now, and he also has a technique like a lower body slash. He must be a giant killer.

The Centaurs quickly adjusted their tactics, controlling the distance and using their range and mobility to consume the cans in turn.

Although the shield infantry had amazing defense, they still suffered losses. Fortunately, there were several pointy-eared priests in the human army who could cast a powerful healing magic that did not require reciting spells.

The battle between the two sides lasted for a long time, and both sides suffered casualties. The centaurs got used to this attack rhythm and began to despise the enemy. Their formation began to become less strict. Some crazy chieftains began to disobey orders and rushed out from the flank to attack humans without authorization.

At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake violently. A group of fully armored cavalry suddenly appeared behind a hill. This team was well-equipped. Several leading knights all exuded a strong magical aura.

A tall knight rushed out first! Behind him were eight wings of holy light, which instantly provided a strong protection for the entire legion.

Hamuil Runetotem stared at this man closely. The smell of the sun! This was the man he was looking for. The man mentioned in the Oracle of the Sunwalker. A powerful demigod!

The young man raised a huge sword and led the charge!

They cut through the Centaurs' ranks diagonally. The Centaurs, who were used to abusing the poorly mobile infantry, finally came to their senses. They began to form a formation, preparing to fight the cavalry in close combat. With their savage and powerful bodies, their combat power was much stronger than that of the ordinary cavalry!

But the cavalry did not stop. They broke through the formation and immediately rushed into the wilderness, completing a tactical turn in the distance. Then they launched another charge!
The Centaurs could not withstand this charge, and their leader was killed in front of the formation by the tall knight on the opposite side.

The centaurs, who valued bravery and believed in brute force, were immediately shaken. They began to use their traditional skills and fled in all directions.

At this moment, a strange aura appeared from the young man with wings floating behind him.

Snap! Many centaurs were turned into ice sculptures. The ice crystals glittering in the scorching sun had a strange beauty.

Three magic balls suddenly appeared on the head of a man with pointed ears behind the knight.

He uttered rhythmic Sarathic words. Then four huge pillars of fire appeared. All the centaurs inside were reduced to ashes. Before the pillars of fire disappeared, a large number of ice cones suddenly fell from the sky.

Two heavens of ice and fire!
Mages are the natural enemy of large troops.

The Centaurs were defeated, and their rule in the Barrens ended. From now on, this place will be the territory of the Alliance. The remaining few powerful Centaurs abandoned their remaining troops and rushed into a cave near the oasis and disappeared.

The human troops did not chase them in, but blocked the cave entrance. It is believed that it will not be long before they will die of hunger or be devoured by the monsters underground.

Hamuil Runetotem was very happy to see the human who met the prophecy of the Sunwalker. He wanted to show up immediately and meet this powerful demigod.

But seeing the powerful mixed forces of humans, it knew that its own tribe was too weak. Would they accept them? Would they risk entering the desolate land for them?
These are all unknowns. As for whether the demigod would brutally kill him, he was not worried, because the Heart of Nature told him that the man also possessed the energy of nature.

(End of this chapter)

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