Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 159 Duel and a Little Flower

Chapter 159 Duel and a Little Flower

Kane looked at the proud centaur war chief, a powerful chieftain of the Maraudine tribe.

The reason it did this was to destroy the will of the Tauren, and then attack Bloodhoof Village and kill all the Tauren here.

In fact, it knew very well that even the most powerful minotaur could not defeat these ten war chiefs. They were the strongest among the centaurs and possessed powerful abilities.

If you can defeat one of the Centaurs, you will be called a warrior and will be loved by the females in the tribe. Centaurs have a large population and are very competitive in starting a family, so it is not easy to find a wife.

It was quiet and Bain was scared. His father hadn't spoken yet. He wanted to choose Yun Ge, so that he could live and not die.

He had always wanted to be a hero, like his father. But now he finally knew that not everyone can be a hero. He usually speaks very logically and analyzes accurately to a few seconds, as if he could kill an enemy in one second.

But when it is really asked to do it, it has a hard time even killing a chicken.

But Mello Yunge was his playmate, he couldn't say it, and his father had always expected him to become a real warrior in the future.

His father was proud and never bullied the weak, but he mostly avoided humans, dwarves, and creatures of other races because they had not opened their souls. They were still furry children who needed to be taught by the wilderness and their elders.

If I gave up my honor, my father would be very sad and disappointed. After all, in order to save a child like this, my father went alone to face three centaurs and four coyotes. When he came back, he was covered in blood and had scars from coyotes biting him.

Baine Bloodhoof clenched his fists, bit his lips tightly, and refused to let Yun Ge go.

However, what was unexpected was that Mello Yunge raised his head and suddenly took a step forward: "Bain is three days younger than me, you guys let him go, I choose myself."

Hearing this, Baine Bloodhoof suddenly broke free from the guards' control and rushed towards the magic circle himself.

Cain Bloodhoof looked at his son rushing towards the magic circle, and he didn't know what to feel. He let out an angry war roar.

He raised the rune spear in his hand and rushed out. This was an emotion that a father could hardly control.

At this moment, two war horses came running at high speed from a distance. The leader was a sturdy human. Behind him followed a man, and the one following him was the Archdruid Hamuil Runetotem.

Hamuul Runetotem is not a stupid cow, he is actually a wise elder.

When the two arrived at the gate of the Bloodhoof Tribe, Hamuil Runetotem took off a totem representing the Bloodhoof Tribe from his body and put it on Tyran Fording himself.

Hamuil Runetotem said loudly: "From today on, Tailan is a warrior of the Bloodhoof tribe."

Tyran Fording took off his helmet, revealing a heroic face. He removed his protective gear piece by piece and handed the code to Hamuil for safekeeping. In the end, he was left with only a pair of trousers and a pair of combat boots. He was bare-chested, without using his supernatural powers, letting the drizzle fall on his solid muscles.

Hamuil Runetotem granted him the necessary blessings and anointed him with an oil that smelled like herbs.

The power of tradition is so strong that no one has spoken since Tyran Fordring took up the totem of the Bloodhoof tribe. They have tacitly agreed to the challenge.

The Centaur is waiting for a kill. The Minotaur is waiting for redemption.

The war chiefs also took off their armor and put down any equipment except their weapons.

They will forgo the use of magical equipment and engage in a pure and primal fight. There will be one victim, or ten.

Mero Yunge didn't know Taelan Fording, but she was a member of the Sunwalkers and knew the Holy Light. She knelt on one knee in front of Taelan Fording, took out an item from the deepest part of her magic pocket, held it in both hands, and handed it to Taelan Fording.

A small flower, a yellow four-petal flower. In the desolate land, it is extremely precious. It symbolizes life and luck. It is Mero Cloudsong's good wishes to Taelan Fording!
This is a lucky four-leaf clover!

Taelan Fording reached out and touched Mero Yunge's head.

"Thank you, kid!" He put the four-leaf clover away.

Ding! You got a lucky four-leaf clover!
Your luck value will never drop below zero.

You have learned the eight virtues: compassion
He ignored the commotion behind him, Jaina would take care of it.

He drew his greatsword and walked steadily to the front of the group of ferocious and determined Centaurs.

Today I will let you know that human warriors are not cowards.

The centaurs on the opposite side looked at him with strange eyes. This man was now considered a member of the Bloodhoof tribe. Was he forced?

The first Centaur War Chief rushed over, intending to trample the short and thin Tyran Fordring to death. The most powerful weapon of the cavalry is the trampling attack.

When it was about to trample him, Taelan Fording jumped away nimbly. The results of his training under the scorching sun in Darrowshire were fully demonstrated. Taelan Fording was sure that he could kill it quickly without using magic, but not now.

He had to make people feel that he was just a little stronger than his enemies, so that they would rush over one after another to try.

It was a mistake not to bring Kyle with me. If he had come, I wouldn't have to waste time talking to these centaurs with their undead summons.

The centaur was surprised at his agility. It immediately rushed over again. It stabbed Tyran Fording's body with its spear. Neither side had armor, and each attack was deadly enough.

The two men soon fought back and forth, and the fighting power of both sides was evenly matched. The centaurs behind them couldn't help but want to rush forward.

At this moment, a Kolkar centaur suddenly shot an arrow. Taelan Fording had just dodged the opponent's stab when he felt his back tighten. He knew that a centaur wanted to kill him with a ranged weapon.

He suddenly fell to the ground. The arrow that had been shot so accurately missed. Seeing Tyran Fording fall to the ground, the centaur immediately rushed over, ready to end this farce with a single shot.

But Taelan Fording learned martial arts from a dwarf, so he rolled under the opponent's horse.

Taelan Fordring was too short and too small, so the chieftain didn't take him seriously at all. He raised his front hooves and trampled. The centaur, who was used to killing enemies in this way, didn't seem to want to look at his enemy for a second.


It was the scream of the centaur. Just as it was about to step on Tyran Fording, Tyran slashed its soft underbelly with a sword and dodged the attack again by rolling over.

The centaur was seriously injured. If it hadn't been for the help of supernatural power, it would have bled to death. Those who underestimated the enemy never had a good ending. The centaur was like a coyote that failed to hunt, bleeding and hiding from its prey. What awaited it was the bites of its own kind and the siege of wild wolves.

Tyran Fording hoped that someone would give it a healing spell, which would attract shadow arrows and various strange spell attacks, but he could legitimately use enthusiasm and shockwave.

However, the centaur was more savage than Tyran Fordring had imagined, and respected brute force more. No one cast a healing spell on it, and the loser should fend for himself.

In fact, the so-called rage could not cover up the weakness brought by the bleeding. It was indeed furious, it ignored the pain, but it could not fight against the weakness brought by the blood loss. It was knocked back by a punch from Tyran Fordring, and then its head was chopped off by the double-edged sword of the Grand Marshal.

The Kolkar centaur did not hesitate, and it not only called a fellow centaur, but also summoned two hyenas. Taelan Fordring recognized it: Barak Kodobane, the war chief of the Kolkar centaur.

The opposite of the useless Hunter Orange.

It let its companions and two coyotes besiege Tailan, while it itself kept a distance and attacked Tailan with a bow and arrow.

The duel continues, and the loser will die on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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