Chapter 162 Betrayal
The Blade of Xal'atath the Dark Empire pierced Taelan. Its strangely shaped blade began to spread gray smoke around, which looked extremely strange under the illumination of the White Lady who had just revealed her head.

The places stained by the gray mist seemed to have lost their color and fell into eternal silence.

Tentacles began to grow out of the dead silence like living snakes. They began to wrap around the living things around them. The female centaur who used the Dark Empire Blade was the first to be entangled by the pitch-black tentacles with white spots.

Its expression immediately became distorted and terrifying. It suddenly screamed in fear, and then said a bunch of incomprehensible words: I shouldn't have picked up this thing, it wasn't me, and so on.

Her voice seemed to be begging for mercy, but there was no response, and then her true nature was revealed, and she began to curse. She cursed Xal'atath desperately:
"You untrustworthy scrap metal, you ugly tentacle monster, you long-eared bitch, you lied to me." Dirty words, strange and funny curses flew all over the place.

Before the vicious curse was over, it had its life force sucked dry by Xal'atath and fell onto the wet red sand.

Next came the six centaurs around them. They all underwent strange changes and followed the female's footsteps. Each of them had a twisted body. Two of them began to mechanically hack and kill each other with their weapons, and soon blood was flowing everywhere.

This sudden change made everyone lose their way of coping, and they even forgot to escape. Especially the two centaurs who were holding weapons and hacking at each other without dodging, attracted everyone's attention.

The tauren are indeed a kind race. Hamuil Runetotem could have taken the children and his chief and fled back to the village, but he ran towards Taelan Fordring without hesitation and stretched out his hand to pull out the strange weapon.

But he couldn't get close to it and was knocked away by the dark power around him.

He found that as the centaurs lost their lives, the color of the dagger became more enchanting. The big eye kept turning, and the runes carved on it emitted a gray light.

After absorbing the power of these centaurs, the light emitted by the dagger became stronger.

When it spoke those first few words, it was still cautious in absorbing life force. But now it began to be unscrupulous. The nature of the Ancient Gods was difficult to change, and the Dark Blade's desire to devour everything in the world would not stop.

At this moment, the man in the strange cloak suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Jinteisa didn't lie to me. Xal'atath really can kill a demigod."

It laughed wildly as it channeled its power into Xaltasri. "Sacrifice all of you to it, and it will be enough to help it devour Taelan Fordring.

According to my original plan, the fish I was going to catch this time should be a small fish, and when it gradually wakes up, it will be Taelan Fordring, but I didn't expect to catch him in advance because he likes to meddle in other people's business."

"I am about to complete the task. The master will definitely reward me.

Great power, endless magical knowledge, immortal life. All mine!"

The cloaked figure walked out, its hood pulled back, revealing the face of a high elf. It had completely lost its former elegance, and its face was filled with complacent madness.

At that time, Hamuil Runetotem thought that the hooded man was a little strange. Now he knew that it was because of the pointed ears.

Pointed Ears said to the chieftain of the Marodi tribe who was following behind him: "Why don't you take action?"

At this time, a lot of terrifying tentacles had appeared in the surrounding void.

The centaur took out a whistle and blew it. All the centaurs of the Maraudine tribe attacked the centaurs around them, driving the centaurs of other tribes towards the tentacles.

The centaurs from the other three tribes finally realized that this action was a conspiracy. The ambitious Maraudine centaur wanted to sacrifice all the centaurs and minotaurs from other clans to the strange weapon, thereby gaining powerful power.

The high elf is no longer hiding, and no one here knows it. And they all have to die! All of them!

He will get the power promised by the Lich King. This is what Jin Taisha told him personally, and the Lich King promised to reward him.

Hamuil Runetotem saw that everything around him began to be stained with that strange gray light.

It grew stronger and stronger, devouring the vitality of the creatures here. All people and things were affected. Only the strange code that Taelan Fording left for him remained unchanged.

He remembered that Taelan Fording never left the codex and he would look through the thick book every day.

The only thing he could do now was to bring this code to Taelan Fordring.

At this time, Cairne Bloodhoof, who had wanted to rush out for a long time, had already rushed out with a group of elite Tauren. They took Baine Bloodhoof and Mello Yunge back to the tribe.

Cain Bloodhoof did not leave, and looked at Hamuil Runetotem: "Is there any way to save that child?" Hamuil Runetotem said: "What we can do is to return this book with the breath of his mother to him.

Kane, my old friend, take your people and leave quickly!"

Cairne Bloodhoof shook his head. Sunwalker would take them away. Magatha was already preparing to escape with some people.

"I am the chieftain of the Tauren, and I must be with the warriors of the tribe. You will leave with them later!"

Hamuil shook his head: "I brought the descendant of Mother Earth here. I cannot watch him die and escape myself. Let us find a way to send this code to him."

Cairne Bloodhoof nodded in agreement.

He called upon the power of his ancestors, and the huge totem pole behind him glowed red.

Cain Bloodhoof took the codex, then swung the Rune Spear, creating an extremely powerful shockwave that drove away the chaotic centaurs in front of him. Then he launched a brutal charge, and all the centaurs along the way were knocked away by his huge force.

He and Hamuil Runetotem came to the vicinity of Taelan Fording. Cairne Bloodhoof exerted all his strength and roared a war roar. With a bang, with the help of the power of the ancestors, it really crashed into the shadow realm formed by Xal'atath.

It tried hard to hang the codex on Taelan Fordring who was already lying on the ground.

As soon as the codex touched Taelan Fordring, it immediately floated up.

The pages inside flipped madly.

It absorbed the energy of the void and then input its own Force into the body of Taelan Fordring.

Talan Fording's consciousness entered a strange space, and now he was sitting opposite a beautiful woman.

They sat in a space that resembled a high elven wizard's tower.

The beauty has white hair, a golden forehead protector, and a low-cut white dress. In front of her are undulating mountains and deep valleys.

She held a half-full glass of red wine in her hand, and the wine swayed as her slender hand moved.

Taelan Fording remained unmoved. He just stared coldly into the woman's eyes.

The soul of a demigod is extremely powerful, let alone a demigod who possesses the power of the world.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"By the way, you don't know how Titans were created, and you don't know why only those few planets have Titans."

"As long as you cooperate with me, you will know many secrets that you don't know, such as the little secrets of Holy Light."

The beautiful woman suddenly smiled and said, "Maybe you only like this one?"

The surroundings blurred, and the woman looked different. She had her blonde hair tied up high, like a newlywed from Kul Tiras. A strand of white hair was stuck diagonally behind her ear.

She came over and sat on Taelan Fording's lap. "My dear, will this make you feel better?"

She seemed to sense what was going on in Taelan Fording's mind. He felt sorry for the white hair on his wife's head.

Sure enough, every male has a type that strikes his fancy. Even demigods are no exception.

It looked like he was about to succeed! He finally had a chance to break through the prophecy of the Void Force and gain hope of resurrection.

At this time, the surrounding space began to vibrate.

(End of this chapter)

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