Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 165 Medivh's Choice

Chapter 165 Medivh's Choice
All truly good plans are simple plans. All complicated plans are parts of stupidity.

Because things in the world are changing all the time, and one thing affects the whole body. The more complicated the plan, the less feasible it is.

According to Medivh's original plan, humans would rush to Kalimdor. With the powerful support of Tyran Fordring, as long as humans and night elves united, there would be great hope of defeating the Burning Legion.

As for the orcs, they are just a special plot of this astronomical mage. They may become a force to fight against the enemies of the world, or they may become a chess piece.

But some things may seem accidental, but in fact they are bound to happen.

That is, the orcs' lifestyle, which is mainly based on nomadic hunting, will inevitably conflict with the traditional lifestyle of the night elves.

What's more, there is the Annihilan lord Mannoroth who was sent to deal with Taelan Fordring, and Tichondrius manipulating behind the scenes.

After the Annihilan lord pointed out the mistakes of leader Archimonde in person, he was given a task: kill Taelan Fordring!
The more straightforward it was at the beginning, the more regret it had afterwards. Some things seem simple, but are difficult to do. After the task was assigned, it returned to its base with the half-dead Brutalus who was hesitant to speak.

In fact, its power was not much stronger than Bruttalus. After they communicated, Mannoroth came to the conclusion that Taelan Fordring was much stronger than it.

Moreover, the great lord is a rare demigod who can use all the Force, and his demigod domain is the Force domain. It can assimilate space just like the Holy Light Force assimilates enemies. So he can sanctify movement in his own domain. This makes him the nemesis of all large creatures. He will suddenly appear in places you can't imagine.

Fortunately, a pointed-eared man came to him and advised the reckless leader to seek help from his colleague Tichondrius.

The latter asked the mage to come over, and gave him the task of cultivating the artifact that killed Tyran Fordring as a reward, and at the same time made up a reward from the Lich King.

That wizard was Dar'Khan Drathir. Dar'Khan's appearance only made Halduron Brightwing recall the past and lament the impermanence of the world.

Tichondrius told Mananos:
"It would be a mistake to confront that savage human head on. Only wisdom can defeat that kind of person."

"Then what should I do?"

"You follow me to Kalimdor first. To deal with such a powerful demigod, we need to wait for an opportunity."

As a result, they encountered Mannoroth's former toys in the Ashenvale Forest of Kalimdor: the orc Grommash Hellscream and his subordinates.

Everything went so smoothly, and Taelan Fording was a great help.

Humans have built a large permanent military base at the Crossroads. This fortress controls the entire Northern Barrens, and its garrison is well-trained and has a full range of military forces.

Led by a long-eared sir named Sylvanas, their scouts even covered southern Durotar.

At this time, the orcs knew that humans, under the guidance of the oracle, had also come to Kalimdor. They came in greater numbers and were more powerful.

Moreover, under the leadership of the famous Silver Hand Paladin, High Lord Tyran Fordring, they united the forces of several races and established a powerful new alliance.

And there are rumors that the great lord has been promoted to a demigod. He and his wife Jaina Proudmoore personally sit at the crossroads. Anyone who threatens this new power must consider facing the terrible demigod creature.

The orcs were forced to stop exploring southwards and try to avoid conflicts with humans. All orcs feared Tyran Fordring, and their fellow Zuluhed was a negative example.

Durotar is a desolate continent that cannot provide enough food and provisions for the orcs. And their primitive construction technology makes them rely on a lot of wood to build their new home.

Thrall had heard that the great lord was not only a legend, but also an inventor. He improved a new building material called cement. His wife was very smart and controlled a company with these patents. The Alliance did not need to cut down trees to build fortifications. In order to improve the environment of the Barrens, they even began to let the high elves research new magic barriers.

The orcs were forced to abandon the geographically important Barrens. Fortunately, they could choose the sparsely populated and lush Ashenvale. Thrall used his clever political talent and was responsible for finding the oracle himself. He sent his hot-tempered and impulsive compatriot, Grommash Hellscream, the chieftain of the Warsong Clan, to cut down trees in Ashenvale.

This would allow Durotar to obtain enough wood to complete the construction of the settlement, and also allow this old man who could kill a Gronn with his bare hands to be quiet for a while.

Thrall knew that Grommash Hellscream had always wanted to fight Taelan Fordring.

Grommash Hellscream is not a good person. He pursues power and is the first to drink the blood of the demon, causing the entire orcs to begin to degenerate into slaves of the Burning Legion.

It kills people without mercy, and every military operation it directs results in a large number of casualties, both among its own people and humans.

In order to save the veteran soldier Eitrigg, it attacked Tyran Fording's hometown, Mardenhold Fortress, and killed many humans, young and old, soldiers and civilians.

It is savage and impulsive, often charging into battle personally, which is not what a qualified commander should do.

However, Grommash Hellscream is a pure warrior. He is powerful and has defeated many powerful enemies. When all the orcs suffered from laziness, it was he who led the Warsong Clan to fight endlessly. He helped Thrall defeat Blackmoore and Uther the Lightbringer and liberate his fellow orcs.

It was it that seized ships for the orcs, allowing them to escape from the impending destruction of the Eastern Continent.

It is the orcs' flag, a remnant of the old times, and the orcs' spiritual pillar. It is also Thrall's supporter, old friend, and teacher. It represents the orcs' traditional power and way of life. The orcs cannot live without it.

It was very worried that Grommash would go to an honor duel with Taelan Fordring for the survival of the orcs. The high lord was compassionate, even though his homeland was attacked by orcs and his friends were killed by the Warsong clan. He did not kill the women and children of the Dragonmaw orcs to vent his anger. But he was merciless to all invaders.

Even a powerful servant of the Old God was slain by him alone on the coast of Kul Tiras. He beheaded the powerful orc warlock Nekros with a single blow. He showed no mercy to his enemies.

Thrall was really worried that day would come sooner or later. There was too much hatred between the two races, enough to burn away all sanity.

But Tyran Fordring did not appear in the Barrens or in Ashenvale. Grommash caused new trouble.

It clashed with a mysterious race. Both sides paid the price in blood. New hatred was taking root. This was like the fate of the orcs, just like when they slaughtered the Draenei. War and hatred have always been with the orcs.

At this time, Medivh was standing in front of his residence, looking at the lush green trees on the mountains and the barren red ground in the lowlands. There was a contradiction and harmony here.

He no longer knew how to deal with the situation he was facing. His original plan was to unite the humans and orcs, let them put aside their hatred and work together, and then under the pressure of survival, force the night elves to become the main force and fight against the Legion.

Medivh's choice was to abandon the entire Eastern Continent, because he could not influence the actions of the Burning Legion. He asked them to come to Kalimdor to borrow the power of the powerful night elves. He did not even imagine what would happen if the Burning Legion decided to first destroy all living beings in the entire Eastern Continent, and then summon the power of the Legion to lead an endless force of undead.

He is not a bronze dragon, nor does he have the power of time. And the future is unpredictable.

But with the efforts of Tyran Fordring, his plan was successfully implemented. The demons of the Burning Legion gave up the plan of destroying the eastern continent first and expanding the undead army, and they came to Kalimdor impatiently.

Perhaps it was Archimonde's arrogance, perhaps it was his fear of Taelan Fordring's growing power, or perhaps there were other reasons.

Now he has to consider how to integrate the huge human army and the ancient and conservative night elves.

But the first thing that needs to be solved is the problem of orcs.

(End of this chapter)

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