Chapter 173 Gathering
Three days later, Illidan Stormrage left this land and came to Azshara.

He already knew the importance of subordinates, so he recruited some of his former night elf subordinates. Then he came to the shore of the Endless Sea. He summoned the former high elves, now the Naga Siren. An old acquaintance named Vashj responded to him.

This old acquaintance was once the maid of the Night Elf Queen Azshara. He led a Naga army and became Illidan's subordinate. He will wait here for the end of that amazing war.

Although Illidan Stormrage and Taelan Fordring killed Tichondrius and closed part of the demon portal.

Thrall also saved Grommash Hellscream with the help of the prophet Medivh. The two faced the pit lord in Demon Fall Canyon. It was because it controlled the orcs and severely damaged the night elves that it began to be arrogant. But arrogance will not have a good result. It was killed by Grommash at the cost of his life in Demon Fall Canyon.

The situation on the battlefield improved, but everything changed completely because of the arrival of Archimonde.

He led a powerful mixed force of demons and undead scourge, and later personally went into battle, defeating the newly assembled night elf army in Felwood.

The night elves finally realized the seriousness of the problem, listened to the prophet's advice, and took the initiative to contact the Alliance.

Stoneclaw Mountains, Sunstone Residence.

This day is the first time that the Alliance, the Night Elves, and the Orcs will gather together to discuss how to deal with these demons.

Archimonde obviously regarded Mount Hyjal as his ultimate goal. He must have believed the message Illidan sent through the demons. And he found that Taelan Fordring had sent a force to scout Mount Hyjal.

Now all eyes are on that place.

Medivh was waiting deep in the cave with a powerful staff in his hand, and the leaders of various races also walked into the cave.

The cave is tall and wide, with stalactites hanging upside down on it. They sparkle beautifully under the illumination of magic lights. Water drops fall from time to time, making pleasant sounds.

The orcs arrived first, and only three of them came: Thrall, Vol'jin, and Broxigar Saurfang, because the orcs had already started a war with the Legion.

The representatives of the night elves were Malfurion Stormrage and Sentinel Shandris Feathermoon. They had suffered great losses in recent times, and Tyrande and the Sisterhood had been treating the wounded at the front line. They walked into the meeting and stood to the left of the prophet.

And Tyran Fordring led Kael'thas, Calia Menethil, Cairne Bloodhoof, Falstad, Jaina, and the red dragon Keristrasza to stand opposite the prophet.

For the first time, Medivh took off his hood, revealing his face.

Keristrasza had already told Taelan Fordring about how Medivh had followed him to the Burning Plains.

Tyran Fording said, "Thank you, great guardian, you saved me." Tyran was very surprised when he heard the news. Because he knew that this time Medivh was going to let the mortal races fight the demons independently. He was not going to use the power of the guardian anymore.

But when faced with the devil's attack on humanity's hopes, he couldn't help but use the last of his strength.

Medivh smiled softly: "After all, I was once a member of the human race. I cannot remain indifferent when I see the hope of my race being killed by demons from another world."

"I have made serious mistakes. I cannot even pay for them with my life. Your appearance has given me hope."

"You don't have to thank me. That's what I should do as a guardian. It's just that I don't have much power to help you anymore."

Medivh actually had a bad reputation, which was why Antonidas turned a blind eye to him. But the mistakes Medivh made were different from those made by Arthas. He struggled and resisted, but he failed.

The Dark Titan was something that a newborn baby like him could not resist. It had been planning for a long time, and had been forbearing for decades. It slowly controlled Medivh's body. Even so, Medivh still succeeded in influencing it several times.

Once he was freed from its control, Medivh thought of redemption. Perhaps the most incomprehensible thing about him is his unique feelings towards the orcs.

People are complex and everyone has their own perspective.

Arthas was different from Gul'dan and Kel'Thuzad. He was led into the abyss step by step. He also resisted, but unfortunately his enemies were too powerful. His fault was that he was willing to fall. Gul'dan and Kel'Thuzad had it all to themselves. They only pursued personal power. They didn't care about the race or the world at all. They are unforgivable.

How can people who don't even have a stand hold true power? So they will always be the pawns of others and slaves of power.

Medivh looked at these leaders of different races and positions, and said softly:
“Our world has reached its most dangerous time, even though we have the help of a demigod.

But I can tell you clearly that he is too young and lacks experience in the field of demigod. He is not yet a match for the Eredar warlock. "

"In a contest between demigods, even the slightest difference can lead to dire consequences."

"We cannot provide assistance in that area. That gap will require the blood of countless people to fill."

"I know a secret of Mount Hyjal. There are the remains of a great being beneath it. We have to buy time for him to absorb that power. And it is unpredictable whether he can defeat the Eredar warlock."

Malfurion finally made up his mind. When he saw Tyran Fordring, he was also hopeful. He also hoped that this demigod could defeat the demons with everyone's help. Now it seems that he is still too young. After all, he is only a little bit. In the tribe of night elves, he is just a child. He should play in Darnassus or be an apprentice to an old druid. Instead of going to the battlefield and becoming the main fighting force, resisting at the forefront.

But when it comes to the safety of all living beings on the entire planet, you can't gamble.

Malfurion has always been an elder, his voice was kind but firm:
"The night elves have a way to kill the demon, but we need everyone to buy us some time. I will set up a magic circle, and it will take a long time to cast the spell.

The price paid was huge, the price paid was the entire Kaldorei's entirety."

"But we have no choice. We must be prepared for both situations, Taelan Fordring. I will let you enter the sacred land, but whether you can obtain its power depends entirely on you."

"But I need your commitment."

Taelan Fordring saluted the Archdruid earnestly:

"Elder, please speak."

"We are not many in number, but we are facing a more terrible danger."

"When this spell is complete, the Kaldorei will become mortal. No longer able to fight the danger to the south alone. We will join the Alliance of Azeroth. Become part of this organization."

"And if the Alliance wants to take on that responsibility, we also need the protection of the demigods."

Taelan Fordring knew what the danger in the south was. It was the Old God C'Thun. It would soon awaken. After all, Cho'gall had been in there for a long time.

Taelan Fordring nodded and said, "I promise you, elder. The Alliance will take on that responsibility."

Malfurion nodded and said, "I know that you are very far-sighted young people. You know that only by protecting nature can your descendants have a place to live. I will let the Cenarion Circle help you."

Taelan Fordring thanked the archdruid again, and he still told him the plan. The night elves would lose their eternal lives and great power. This was a great sacrifice.

So Tyran Fording promised to protect them and avoid that ridiculous tree burning incident. There were tens of thousands of lives. It was their compatriots who used their soul power to blow up Archimonde. Later, they were burned to ashes by the people they protected.

Thrall was very sad at this time. He knew that Grommash had caused a great disaster. If the king of the forest had not died, he might have fought against the terrible Eredar warlock together with the great lord. So the orcs must stand up. Only by contributing to this world can they gain the recognition of these races and have a chance to survive in this world.

He stepped forward. "The orcs will be the first line of defense. We will fight for this world with blood and thunder!"

(End of this chapter)

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