Chapter 176 Broxigar Saurfang
Demons surged in like a tide, and the Undead Scourge began to ignore casualties. Their undead wizards had even entered the shooting range of the Troll Headhunters.

Vol'jin summoned venomous snake guards, which shot out a large number of fireballs, and then turned a Banshee Queen who rushed forward into a frog.

Vol'jin is a shadow hunter who is proficient in voodoo magic, the most powerful of which is hex. This is a unique class of magic that Vol'jin has mastered, and it can even turn some powerful beings into frogs.

The person who was turned into a frog would not only stop casting spells, but also jump around uncontrollably. The unlucky guy might fall into the enemy's knife.

The powerful witch was none other than the former Lady Farina. Driven by Reki Donghan, she rushed too far forward.

Broxega had seen how powerful this banshee was. She could use many annoying curses. She also had a spell to control other people's minds. Unfortunately, she turned into a frog and jumped in front of Broxega!
Roar! The battle axe in Brooks's hand was enveloped by a blood-red evil light.

Fatal Strike! This is a warrior's powerful innate ability. It not only causes severe physical damage, but also makes it difficult for healing spells to take effect. Farina screamed in fear:

She was a hero unit after all, the spell was lifted, and she recovered. She let out a psychic scream. The terrible scream made the surrounding orc soldiers run around like headless flies.

Broxga stood still like a rock. It ignored Farina's attack and punched her ugly face.

After the punch, Broxhiga took a step forward calmly, raised his axe, and hit the panicked Ms. Farina again.

Then the hands of this legendary warrior glowed with blood, and Farina's soul was surging. Her opponent was ready to kill her. She retreated desperately. Now she hated Kel'Thuzad and Prince Arthas very much, but she could not resist.

A green shield was applied to Farina, and then a volley of shadow arrows shot over from the opposite side.

Broxhigar picked up a shield and stood in front of Vol'jin. The calm warrior also pulled a young troll who was lying on the ground behind him.

At this time, the sky was completely covered, and several powerful frost dragons completely controlled the sky. The little red dragon had been forced to retreat and was surrounded by a group of gargoyles.

Thrall had gradually gotten used to the atmosphere of the battlefield, and was numb to the constant death of his people. He knew that the orcs could not hold on any longer, as they had lost all their air power, so he raised the Hammer of Destruction high in his hand!
"Warriors of the tribe, retreat."

It took the initiative to stay and did not leave early. It once again used its last strength to release a series of lightning storms. This was the only thing it could do for the warriors who were still fighting.

Casualties in organized units usually occur during the transition from offense to defense, or when both sides are exhausted. At this moment, several familiar faces left the team.

Broxhiga came over and said, "Captain, retreat. I will cover your retreat."

Then it stopped talking and pushed Thrall's shoulder.

This loyal soldier is always quiet and reassuring.

Sal finally led the remaining people to retreat safely.

However, after completing the task, Broxhija did not leave with them. Instead, he walked to the top of Mount Hyjal, looked up at the green trees and blue sky, found a stone to sit on, and stared at the sky covered by the fel energy.

Back then, the orcs' hometown also had such green trees and blue sky. They and their companions ran carefree on the grass of Nagrand, hunting when hungry and drinking sweet spring water when thirsty. Sometimes they could even ask those tall and friendly Draenei for a piece of Karabo soft candy.

Then Gul'dan brought the fel energy, and for the sake of power, everything changed. The grass withered, and the springs became poisonous. The draenei became the blood enemy of the orcs. Those madmen had no sense of honor, and they found countless reasons for their betrayal.

Later, the fel turned Draenor into a land of death. Gul'dan opened the portal. On this side of Azeroth, there are mountain flowers, green leaves, and cool springs. This world welcomed them with friendliness, but they brought killing to this world. The dead souls of Stormwind, the corpses of Quel'Thalas, and the war of Lordaeron.

At the last moment, Gul'dan escaped. They completed the transformation from executioner to prisoner. Now he can finally do something for the world that gave him food and water.

It sat there, waiting quietly.

The orcs retreated, they held out longer than the Alliance expected, they really held off the enemy with blood and thunder. It was not until the frost dragon appeared that they began to retreat.

Now all the pressure is on the human side. First there are hordes of ghouls, then banshees, and finally demons, all kinds of strange and varied.

However, the Alliance was not easy to bully. They did not attack like the Horde. They did not even send out the vanguard. There was an artillery position on the mountain. When the Scourge gathered, they were rained down with artillery shells.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains trembled. The zombies in the front were blown into the sky by the dwarf artillery before they even touched the edge of the position.

Big boss Ronin is simply a genius in explosives. Not only is he proficient in arcane explosions, he also has a special liking for explosives. The new explosives he developed are incredibly powerful.

Has Stonebrew picked up the flagon and took a sip of dwarven liquor: "That's the taste!"

Lei Ji Donghan at the foot of the mountain was already stunned by this new type of alchemical explosive. This thing is more powerful than magic. The key is that it does not consume mana and has a longer range than most magic. If you want to deal with this thing, you have to send out a legendary spellcaster like it to use high-level magic to solve it.

According to the magic detection of the lich, there are many strong people in the alliance camp. Especially the tall tauren warrior and the red-haired wizard, their strength is terrifying. And those pointed ears look very difficult to deal with.

The most terrible thing is that their army is very neatly arranged. The front row is composed of tall tauren warriors carrying totem poles and wearing brand new armor. They are mixed with those hard-to-kill paladins. In the back are pointy-eared priests and tauren shamans wearing chain mail. Among this group of priests, there is actually a mysterious pointy-eared priest of a very high level.

Reki Donghan knew the red-haired mage and Prince Kael'thas, and now they were the commanders of the mage army. Behind them was an elite mage troop.

That’s not all, these humans also built a line of defense using a strange kind of stone halfway up the mountain.

It seems that the only way is to use a stupid method, that is to overwhelm it with endless military forces!
Ammunition will run out, mana will be depleted. No matter how strong the Tauren is, they will be killed by the Destruction Guard. As for those Tauren spellcasters wearing strange clothes, you can only try them out and then find a way to deal with them.

Reki Winterfrost gave the order to attack. This time he decided to go into battle himself, because he knew that the demon lord Archimonde was getting impatient.

The holy light rising from the back mountain was getting brighter and brighter. The great lord was about to be qualified to absorb the energy of the world tree. Once he succeeded, no one could escape true death.

The continuous attacks of the ghouls and abominations finally succeeded in consuming the long-range firepower of the alliance. The ghouls and resurrected corpses rushed to the alliance's position.

The person who beat the ash was definitely a person who lacked great virtue. It actually built a slight slope. This was equivalent to them climbing a mountain. These simple tricks had to be filled with the lives of soldiers or consume precious mana.

Finally, the eighth wave of attack allowed the ghouls to rush ahead of the Minotaur troops.

Cairne Bloodhoof was the first to step forward. He formed a team with Paladin Gavinrad and Archbishop Liadrin of Ezelena. This was Taelan Fording's suggestion. Their army was composed of three people, consisting of warriors, assistants, and healers. They stood in a T-shape.

As soon as these zombies rushed over, Cairne Bloodhoof picked up the totem pole and let out a war roar!
This war cry was powerful and majestic, like a call from ancient times. The minotaurs in the front row raised their totem poles together!
Boom! They smashed all the totem poles onto the ground. The vibrations added together, and the ghouls in the front row fell down like wheat being cut by a sickle.

Totem shattered!

(End of this chapter)

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