Chapter 179 Ragnarok (3)

Kalin Redpath fell under the continuous attacks of Reki Winter and the army of the Scourge. The great lich laughed triumphantly. Then it commanded the nearby undead and demons to rush in through the opened hole.

The head-on battle revealed the difference in combat power between the various tribes. Even with the powerful magic of the lich and the crazy attacks of the demons, they were unable to break through the positions of the minotaurs. However, the positions of the human infantry were broken by the enemy. Their physical fitness was indeed different from those gifted races.

A gap in the formation was opened, and the Burning Legion's assault force finally faced the Alliance's ranged forces and the mage forces weakened by the Mark of Doomguard.

The fatal magic attack just now caused serious losses to those units with low magic resistance, especially the mortar teams, who were just ordinary people fighting with the help of machinery and technology.

Now the Burning Legion's army has broken through the outer defenses, and they want to wipe out this army. Many of Haas Stonewine's old friends have been killed, and the rest are injured. They are trembling under the effect of the frost nova. Now they have to face the attack of the powerful Legion.

Reki Donghan raised his hand, ready to make further efforts and successfully defeat the defenders from this breakthrough.

Just as it was about to cast a group frost arrow, it heard a huge roar.
It turned out to be the old dwarf. His body quickly grew larger and his skin became as hard as stone.

It roared: "Khaz Modan!"

It turns out he is the hunter Haas Stonewine, and now he is called the king of the hill.

Now he was not only extremely powerful, but his body shape had also changed. He became as tall and mighty as a minotaur. He raised his hand, and a magic hammer flew towards Reki Donghan with a loud bang.

He knocked out the great lich. The lich's enhanced frost bolts hit the dwarf, but had no effect at all. The king of the hill gained the power of their ancestors, the earth elementals, who were immune to magic.

The dwarf originally had two short legs, but now he became taller. He walked to the front of the lich in a few steps. With one blow of his giant axe, he chopped down a doomsday guard that was blocking the way. Then he smashed Reggie Donghan with a hammer. This hammer actually made it dizzy.

At this time, Cairne Bloodhoof alone resisted Kaz'rogar, the leader of the Doomguard clan. Has Stonewine, who had completed his transformation, was immune to magic, which made the great lich Reki Winter very helpless. Neptulon summoned by Jaina focused on attacking Hakkar, the dog trainer who was good at summoning hellhounds and specialized in dealing with mages.

The commander of the Alliance now is the Paladin Marlan of the Silver Hand. She and Halduron Brightwing form the command center of the Alliance. She has changed her usual weak temperament and become a calm general.

She had done her best to coordinate the different arms and send the reserve troops to the battlefield in time. Halduron Mingyi, who could usually easily handle the command of thousands of people, had also begun to feel great pressure.

He seemed to have returned to the time when he led a small team and was besieged by a large number of trolls. There were messages asking for help everywhere, and reports of casualties everywhere. What he held in his hands now was not the power of command, but life and death. Every order determined what those people would face, and every order was like a verdict.

Even the strongest people would waver and hesitate, but he couldn't. If only one person out of ten has the ability to command a small team, and only one person out of ten thousand can command a troop, then the entire race may not have a commander who can command thousands of troops.

Halduron had always thought that the only difference between him and Tyran Fordring was his physical strength. He was an extremely powerful demigod who could destroy the world with a single move.

Sometimes he even felt that Tyran Fording was not a qualified commander. He loved adventure too much and always led the team to carry out dangerous missions. That was not what a strong commander should do. Commanding thousands of troops and sitting calmly like a mountain was what a great marshal of the Alliance should do.

Now he began to understand why Uther, Mograine and the others, and Taelan Fordring, fought against each other, but no one ever stood up to question his ability to lead.

That's because he always knows who should be assigned to what position and what work to do, and the other party is usually competent.

Just like when he went alone to solve the dragon problem in Blackrock Mountain, he made some temporary personnel changes, which saved the life of Prince of Lordaeron just one month later.

He always found a way to deal with powerful opponents. He liked to take risks alone, but he didn't want to see his subordinates take on tasks beyond their capabilities. More importantly, he probably didn't like signing death notices.

After this war, I should have signed countless death notices, right?

When he thought of this, he felt a wave of sadness. After this war, perhaps he should choose to retire. Go to school to be a teacher, teach the children the lessons he had learned in his long life with blood, so that they can avoid taking detours.

But he suddenly remembered that he was a high elf and could live for thousands of years. For a moment, he felt that longevity meant long suffering.

A long life is not necessarily a good thing. After retirement, I can still live a long time, but I have to spend the rest of my long life thinking about them every day.

He began to understand why those wizards were so cold and heartless. He must not become like them!
Because of the legendary battle between several powerful chiefs, the soldiers of both sides were squeezed into a small space and entangled with each other. For a time, the casualties on both sides increased sharply.

At this time, the night elf troops defending on the higher mountains had already seen this chaotic scene because of their perspective.

Shandris Feathermoon was the most powerful general in the Sentinel Army. She immediately said to Tyrande, "Respected High Priestess, this won't work. The Alliance is much stronger than us, but they have lost too many Farstriders.

This makes it impossible for their commanders to control the battlefield. We have suffered too much loss recently. Our so-called third line of defense is no longer meaningful. Now we can only let the human troops retreat to our position to complete the task of holding on. "

Tyrande Whisperwind has also been paying attention to the battlefield. In fact, the strength of the Alliance has far exceeded their expectations, but they lack coordination.

Tyrande said: "I think even so, they can repel this wave of demon attacks."

Tyrande was telling the truth, because several powerful leaders of the Legion were blocked by the high-level combat power of the Alliance. And they had the unexpected help of Neptulon.

What was even more surprising was that the demons once again made the mistake of facing the elemental summoned by the mage. Neptulon was very strong, which made everyone not want to confront it head-on. And because of the awakening of the Titan of Azeroth, the elemental lords favored by him became extremely difficult to deal with. In the case of Neptulon, it was not only strong, but also had a healing talent, and it would restore its own health.

So they were all waiting for this annoying elemental lord to disappear automatically after a certain time. Instead of fighting it desperately, it would be better to kill all the sea elements that were easy to deal with.

But they forgot the lesson from last time. Jaina was a great mage of the Transmutation School, and this school produced many mages with abnormal strength. Most of them were proficient in time and space changes and a certain school's evocation spells.

Jaina is a frost mage of the Transmutation School, and the physical elements she summons will never disappear as long as she has mana to support them. The projections she summons will exist for a long time.

Shandris wanted to tell Tyrande that although the Alliance would withstand the attack, they would pay a heavy price.

Tyrande Whisperwind accepted her daughter's opinion before she could finish her words. She said softly, "You are right. They are trustworthy. And the strengths of the Alliance generals can complement our troops."

"Notify them to prepare to retreat! We will pick them up.

May Elune protect them!"

(End of this chapter)

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