Chapter 198 Sunflower

The disguised Taelan Fordring and his party finally stepped into the gate of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

Some people may ask, aren't the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj behind the Scarab Wall like the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj? In fact, that is a loophole. If they are all inside the Scarab Wall, how did the Silithids come out? Where are the Qiraji insects? And how did Anubisath come out? Seth has been leading the Qiraji insects to attack the Cenarion Camp all day long.

The ruins of Ahn'Qiraj were their exit. Taelan Fordring guessed that it was either Gul'gall or Brann who opened the gate to the ruins.

The alien scorpions serving as servants did not notice them at all.

Looking at the tall city gate, Jaina exclaimed: "It is worthy of being created by the Titans."

Thinking that such a strong city wall was breached by the servants of the Ancient God, she became a little worried.

"Can we really defeat the Old Gods who can fight the Titan Guardians?"

Tyran Fording said: "Everything depends on human effort. If you don't try, how do you know it won't work? For many things, you can only know the result after you try.

If we don't do anything, we'll just sit there and wait for death. We might as well fight to the death. I can sense that our Titan's power is draining away, and C'Thun is stealing the Titan's power. The moment it breaks free from its cage, it will be at its most vulnerable.

This is our only chance to kill it."

Everyone nodded in agreement. The thousand-year-old temple was now in ruins, and the guards at the gate had been replaced by Qiraji insects.

Taelan Fording said:
"The commander in the ruins is called Ossirian the Unscarred. He is a heroic Anubisath. They don't know we are here, so we can calmly attack the main hall."

"We have to kill it and clear this place. Then we can gradually eliminate those insect nests. This will lay the foundation for the subsequent actions of the army."

Taran Fording glanced at the two Qiraji insects in front of the door. One of their hands was a huge griddle, and the dark chitinous shell reflected a strange light.

He put away the Twilight Reaver's armor, and then took out the blessed sword of Flamefury Lifebinder.

"Elder, you are responsible for protecting them, and I will lead the way."

After saying that, he walked into the gate first. The two Qira insects immediately pounced on him.

"********" The two bugs roared incomprehensible sounds. That was the language of the Zerg, and no one in the team could understand it.

Taelan Fordring opened his sanctuary, and then he disappeared in front of the oncoming bug. When he reappeared, he was already behind the bug. He swung his new Flamefury horizontally and slashed at the bug's neck.

Its reaction was amazing enough, it raised its claws to block the giant sword.

But the figure swinging the sword disappeared again. Immediately afterwards, the Qiraji guard fell to the ground, causing a burst of dust. Taelan Fordring pulled out the greatsword that was stuck in its back.

He had to adapt to the new way of fighting as quickly as possible.

Soon the second one followed the first one's footsteps.

Then they continued to move forward, and the news that they had invaded the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj had not yet spread. They did not even encounter any decent resistance.

Entering the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, the first thing you encounter is a patrol consisting of Zora Wasps and Zora Stingers. They are quickly pulled together by Taelan Fording. Then Holy Freeze is activated.

Snap! They were all frozen on the spot. Jaina called for a blizzard at the right time. With the help of the "Ice Breaking" talent, these bugs were quickly killed.

After killing all the patrolling bugs, they saw a bug general stationed here from afar, General Kulinax. He was the leader of the desert raiders and the alien scorpion responsible for guarding the beetle platform.

It was also one of the reasons why Taelan Fordring came here.

This is an orange-yellow alien scorpion with six huge black claws. Its most obvious feature is its long tail with a pair of pincers at the end. The sharp spikes reflect the cold green light in the morning sun.

If it gets stuck in your body, the venom will quickly kill you.

Taelan Fording said: "Elder, you are responsible for attracting its attention. I will put an end to it. Everyone else, watch your step. The bugs may burrow into the ground. Liadrin, you are responsible for protecting everyone's safety with healing magic."

Unexpectedly, this bug was extremely sensitive, and as soon as it entered Sylvanas Windrunner's range, it noticed these uninvited guests, and immediately let out a roar, calling all the surrounding bugs over.

Shandris Feathermoon immediately said, "Look at the inconspicuous little sand dunes on the ground. Those are the traps it dug. Once you step on these perception traps, it will find you." She is also an excellent hunter.

As he was talking, General Kulinax rushed over with the group of alien scorpions. These leaders will not fight you alone. They are generals, and it is the normal battle process for them to let their subordinates launch the attack and command from behind. Only by killing all those little bugs can you have the opportunity to face these commanders directly.

Taelan Fording said: "Janna, Blizzard, control these little bugs. Shandris, Sylvanas, Frost Trap, protect everyone, and move!"

Snap! All the insects were covered with a thin layer of ice. Cain Bloodhoof put on a giant shield and let out a low war cry. The strong figure rushed into the swarm of insects. When a Zora wasp just broke free from the thin ice, it was hit by an ice cone falling from the sky and was slowed down again.

Cairne Bloodhoof's shield hit it at the same time. Under the huge force, it was immediately knocked to the ground. Then, Tyran Fording kicked it in the soft lower abdomen.

It let out a scream.

The two men didn't stop, and Kane knocked away another alien scorpion guard.

Taelan Fordring turned into holy light and disappeared in the pile of insects. Cain immediately launched a challenging roar, and all the surrounding insects rushed towards him like crazy.

Taelan Fordring reappeared and stood in front of General Kulinax.

It wanted to say something, but the language was incomprehensible. Tyran Fordring had fought through the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj countless times in his previous life. He had heard the roar of Anubisath, but he had never heard the alien scorpion speak.

Taelan Fording looked around quickly. He was stunned for a moment. Next to the beetle platform, there was indeed a sunflower, which was unexpectedly large.

It stands quietly in a corner of the platform, bathing in the warm sunshine. It is so beautiful and so strong. This world is so cruel. It does not leave us any kindness. Everything we have is either created by our hard-working hands or fought for by us.

There really is no savior. We can only save ourselves.

Kelly, I'm here, wait for me.

Tyran Fording raised the Blazing Fury, and the milky white holy light illuminated the longsword. The red dragon relief on the sword's spine seemed to come alive.

General Kulinax was also surprised. How did it get in silently? Are the creatures in this world so powerful?
Among the four ancient gods, only N'Zoth has been monitoring everything in Azeroth. C'Thun was locked tightly in the cage of the Titans and has only begun to wake up in recent years. Therefore, it knows very little about the changes in the outside world.

Kulinax looked at the long sword with dangerous energy, and it would definitely trigger its own trap first. A pile of sand appeared silently in front of Tyran Fording. It was only slightly higher than the surrounding sand, and it was difficult for it to find. But Tyran Fording disappeared.

Did he know?

General Kulinax suddenly felt a sharp pain on his back. Taelan Fording had already landed on his back.

Seeing the way he appeared, the alien scorpion knew that he did not discover its trap, but that he did not walk on his feet at all.

Fortunately, it has a tail sting!

The tail stinger behind it immediately stabbed forward. But he disappeared again. It reluctantly retracted the tail stinger, and there was another weight on its back. He came back again.

The extremely sharp Fiery Fury pierced through its back. It penetrated it completely. It felt a sharp pain, as if a flame was burning inside its body. The insect creature's crazy nature broke out, and it used its tail needle to attack Tyran Fording continuously, but the damn human was too fast.

He appeared in front of it. Kulinax used up his last bit of strength and moved his six sharp claws to rush towards Taelan Fording. At this time, four pairs of wings appeared behind the short human, and they spread out to meet his attack.

A terrible aura permeated the entire beetle platform.

He was a demigod creature that had never been seen before. He stood on the ground, as if he was one with the ground. He was unmovable. He was even a bit like their god. They all possessed some special power.

Kulinax's hesitation cost him his life. A fight with a demigod did not allow for even a little distraction. The man appeared behind him again, and the sword pierced his head.

The rage of flames filled the holy light, taking its life like a dragon breathing fire.

Tyran Fording's Holy Ice attacked again, freezing all the alien scorpions. A large amount of holy light was injected into the earth. Suddenly, the holy light burned.

Soon all the twisted bugs were burned to death. Taelan Fording came to the sunflower.

He knelt on one knee and observed a moment of silence.

Kelly, I'm here to see your mother!

(End of this chapter)

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