Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 203 Sylvanas' Nightmare

Chapter 203 Sylvanas' Nightmare
A pair of slender long legs in deerskin combat boots stopped.

This place seems familiar, and dreams are still rolling in Sylvanas Windrunner's mind from time to time. This is the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the lair of the big-eyed monster. There is a room in the corner.

She used her night vision to observe the place carefully. There were no traps on the ground. Few people came here, and every time they came, many people came together. She even saw a scratch on the solid stone wall. It was left by the claws of a scorpion or a Qiraji.

She could imagine those sacrifices being sent to the chamber of the Ancient Gods, and then being killed to please their gods. She could imagine how desperate the sacrifices felt.

Sure enough, at the end of the passage, there was an entrance, and there was indeed an empty room there. She turned around and sent a signal to call her teammates.

A tall and strong figure walked into her sight. He had a broken horn and carried a huge totem pole on his back. In his right hand he held a frosted war hammer and in his left hand he held a shield.

Are we the sacrifice this time?

They were all very tired. In fact, they all knew that it was not physical fatigue, but fatigue from fear. They did not encounter any enemies, but the murals on the wall became more and more bloody. At the beginning, they saw a beetle, a god, and gradually the content of the murals turned into blood sacrifice, war, and torture. The more people looked at it, the more depressed they felt and the more uneasy they felt.

The elder stood aside to block the door, then he skillfully took out the flint and lit the bonfire. Liadrin took out a few compressed biscuits from her storage bag and placed them in a small pot. Soon, the air was filled with fragrance.

Sylvanas and Shandris took out a potion and sprayed it on the door, while the other used a small magic to prevent the fragrance from wafting out. In the wild, any strange smell could bring about fatal disasters.

Everyone had no appetite, but Shantis ate a little more because it was her first time seeing it. This thing was not exquisite, but it was delicious and nutritious. It was a high-quality food for survival in the wild.

Sylvanas Windrunner wanted to complain about Tyran Fordring and Jaina because when the great lord was in danger, he protected the yellow-haired girl first, and then everyone else.

He always puts his family first, even before himself. Most men of the human race will give priority to protecting relatively weak women.

Thinking back then, he really liked his human student. Alas, if he hadn't come to Kalimdor with him, he might have been in danger.

Her elder sister married a human, and her younger sister will also marry a human. Is this the fate of the women of the Windrunner family?

Liadrin seemed to want to say something.

Sylvanas spoke first, "Elder, you should get some rest. I will guard the first half of the night."

She didn't dare ask the elder to keep watch any longer, as he might fall asleep.

Cairne Bloodhoof wanted to say ladies first, but when he saw Sylvanas's insistence, he agreed.

He has always taken care of the younger generation. Although he always thinks that the young people of the Alliance are just children who need the training of the wilderness and the teachings of the elders, he doesn't often joke with them, but he never refuses their reasonable requests. He and Hamuil Runetotem are both very popular.

Kane's tall figure took a nap by the door, and everyone else took out the Alliance's uniform sleeping bags and began to rest. Only Shandris had a strange expression on her face.

Sylvanas didn't know when she fell asleep!
A wind runner who was on night watch actually failed to do his duty? She quickly stood up and looked around. Where was the person?
Her mind went blank and cold sweat broke out.

It still happened. The reality was exactly the same as the nightmare experience!
She was Sylvanas, a general. She was not someone who would just wait to die when she encountered trouble. Her will overcame her fear. She picked up her bow and arrow and rushed out. She walked out of the door.

The altar, the emperor of the insects, the alien scorpions, the giant pink insects. But this time something changed, the insects were in a mess. They seemed to have lost their souls and soon became crazy again.

Sylvanas bit her tongue hard, the pain sobered her up a lot, and everything in front of her was shattered again. Sylvanas knew that she would return to that house again. That damn dream became a reality today!
However, she did not return to that room, but came to a place she had never been to before, where the scenery was beautiful and full of exotic atmosphere. A well appeared in front of her, and there was the sound of heartbeats all around her. A strange short humanoid creature wearing a cloak threw an eyeball into the well.

Boom! Black gas gushed out of the well! Then the sky collapsed and the earth split, and everyone died. She watched her body fall limply, and then was drowned by a group of crazy monsters. "Wake up! Sylvanas, what's wrong with you?"

Sylvanas Windrunner opened her eyes and saw Liadrin. The resentment on her face was evident. There was always a voice in Sylvanas' heart telling her that she was a ranger of light and must destroy the evil eye.

Shandris said, "General Sylvanas, you are not in a right mental state. I will be watching you. I can sense that you are all under the influence of something.

May the Moon God bless you!"

Cairne Bloodhoof said: "Even the will of the ancestors is disturbed! We may have fallen into a trap.

We have to find Taelan. And then find a way out. Let's do it!"

The task of clearing the way was assigned to Shandris, who immediately summoned her owl, Hathaway. But she received no response. Then she began to pray to the Moon Goddess:

After a moment, Shandris said, "By the Moon Goddess, she didn't respond to me. This is unprecedented!"

Sylvanas forced herself to be quiet, then she closed her eyes and pressed the index and middle fingers of her right hand on her forehead: "There are many powerful individuals here. The most powerful ones are four, two are weaker, and two are very powerful. They are over there!"

Sylvanas pointed in the opposite direction. She felt relieved to be away from this place. The team continued to move forward.

In the temple hall, C'Thun's dark gleam was reflected back, and the strange and gorgeous mirror shattered with a snap. The splashing holy light was like a firework.

The reflected red light directly hit C'Thun's big eye. He let out a scream. The huge eye exploded.

Jaina really wanted to say, "Is this true? Is this Old God so despicable?" But she would not jump to conclusions now.

We have to wait for the results to come out. It's always better to wait.

Although Brian Bronzebeard is clumsy, he is a qualified adventurer, an excellent hunter, and a responsible dwarf.

He took the initiative to stand in front of Jaina, and sure enough, the big eye was gone, and countless long tentacles broke out of the ground one by one, but they were just the beginning, and a monster like a hill crawled up from the ground. Every time it rose, several eyes appeared on its body.

It stopped rising, and then all eyes opened. It was as if a thousand eyes were watching you. Invisible fear spread, and a deep whisper sounded:

"The void... is about to fall, the end... is about to come!
Fear, tremble, and then... die!"

Eight evil little eyes appeared around it. They appeared from the void and stared at Jaina. The nearest one immediately shot a gray eye beam at Jaina.

The clever Brian Bronzebeard gave up attacking the monster, took out a musket and started running around C'Thun's huge body. Bang, bang, bang, a round of continuous shooting shot away all the little eyes.

After the monster appeared, the power of the void filled the space and began to collide violently with the power of Holy Light of Taelan Fordring.

"Hope is an idle illusion. It's all...your...fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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