Chapter 207 Proposal
Jaina's teleportation began, and a huge hexagram quickly took shape on the ground, and a corresponding magic circle in the sky took shape synchronously. The door to space was about to open.

Emperor Vek'nilash finally broke free from the terrible disorienting effects of the Mad Dark Blade.

Just now, he and the young man fought five times.

He was a godslayer. He teleported over from a distance, and Emperor Vic'nilas smelled the blood on him, which was the blood of their god C'Thun.

Moreover, he teleported in the void four times in a row. When I couldn't keep up with his teleporting speed, he hit me with his master's most powerful weapon.

The emperor's mood changed from anger to fear. At first, he thought he was the same as himself. But he was able to use the Holy Light Force skillfully. He was close to his own god. He just lacked time to accumulate. When he accumulated enough, he would become a great enemy of the Void Force he controlled.

It made up its mind decisively not to let them leave. From the fight just now, it saw not only the strength of Tyran Fording, but also his fatigue. He was tired.

Now is a good opportunity to kill him.

The insects under the emperor received the order, and the nearby insects all moved. They rushed madly into the magic circle.

Jaina's magic circle was formed. Scram was a smart bug. He knew that only by killing the caster could he save these people. He actually endured the attacks of three dragons at the same time and pounced on Jaina.

Kelestrasz is a red dragon with a dragon name similar to Taelan Fordring. I think its name was also given by the elder red dragon.

It slammed into Scram with its strong body.

"Everybody get out of here! I'll stop it at all costs!"

Mylinsera immediately wanted to fly out of the teleportation array to assist it. She first tried her best to spit out a breath of dream, but it didn't have much effect.

After being imprisoned by C'Thun for ten thousand years, they don't have much strength left.

Reagos flew into the teleportation array.

Taelan Fording glanced at Reagos and ignored the blue dragon. His pupils, which had turned back to black, suddenly burst into a strong magical aura.

He raised his left hand and clenched it tightly. All the insects around him that had been hit by Frost Nova seemed to be strangled by the throat.

Scrum is no exception.

At the same time, he raised his right hand, and a holy light directly grabbed Kelestrasz, and the red dragon was immediately pulled into the teleportation array uncontrollably. Scram's raised claws were a beat slower because of the stranglehold on his throat. This attack failed to hit the red dragon.

Jaina took advantage of the opportunity created by Taelan Fording to complete the teleportation, and before everyone became blurred, he loosened his clenched left hand.

There were crackling sounds, and the Force Crusher was activated. The icy energy rioted at the injured part of Emperor Veknilas's back, exploding into a large number of ice flowers. All the surrounding insects turned into ice crystals filling the sky.

It was not surprising to Taelan Fording that Kelestrasz was able to stand up at the last minute.

Sacrifice seems to be the underlying color of the red dragon clan.

The elder Talanistrasz sacrificed himself to save his lover; Kelestrasz sacrificed himself to fight the Holy Black Dragon Queen; his teacher Krasus sacrificed himself to save the dragon eggs of the red dragon clan. The future Rheastrasza sacrificed her life and the dragon egg to save the last pure black dragon egg.

The egg that hatched was the black dragon prince Lashio. Rheastrasza replaced the black dragon egg with her own egg in order to preserve the last black dragon and keep the dragon army of Azeroth intact. It was also burned to ashes by Deathwing.

This is one of the reasons why Tyran Fording respects Alexstrasza so much, and he is worried that the Red Dragon Queen will make the same choice one day.

Taelan Fording didn't want to see Kelestrasz die in front of him.

A moment later, everyone appeared on a hill east of Cenarion Hold.

It was already dark, and Jaina looked around anxiously.

Taelan Fording raised his right hand, and a ball of holy light slowly rose from his hand. It actually floated above their heads like a small sun. The surroundings suddenly became bright.

Rheagos looked at him in surprise.

Cain Bloodhoof nodded in satisfaction. He really took his words to heart. He had begun to shift from pursuing greater power to controlling himself. This was a process of defeating himself and his own desires.

It is easy to defeat others, but difficult to defeat yourself. The most difficult thing for a person to defeat is his own heart. Everyone has the desire to solve every problem with a rough method in his bones.

That is immaturity. How can you guarantee that you are always right and stronger? If you always think of using violence to solve problems, you will hit a wall one day.

The elders took advantage of the artificial sun to quickly take out the fuel and light a bonfire, while Tyran Fordring, Jaina and Shandris Feathermoon set up tents for everyone.

After the bonfire brought warmth to everyone, Taelan Fordring let the artificial sun disappear little by little.

Kelestrasz came over with two of his fellows. He had transformed into a tall night elf man and was wearing a festive red robe.

He extended his right hand enthusiastically, and Taelan Fording also extended his right hand, and the two big hands gently clasped together.



The red dragon was stunned. Could he be a red dragon too? Why don't I remember that the red dragon clan has such a powerful demigod?

He does have the same magical power fluctuations as the Red Dragon Queen. Other than that, he doesn't look like a dragon? Could he be the Queen's new spouse?
At this time, Merinthera opened her tightly closed eyes again, and she said to Kailestrasz: "You are indeed of the same race. Her Majesty Ysera has confirmed the news. He saved the Red Dragon Queen in Grim Batol, and the Queen has regarded him as her own offspring since then." Obviously it has communicated with the Emerald Dream.

Everyone sat around the campfire, Liadrin started to cook compressed biscuits, and Jaina wanted to help, but was stopped by Taelan Fording.

"My dear, you are tired. You just cast a mass teleportation spell. You should take a rest!"

Jaina looked at him in confusion, but still said obediently, "Well, alright. I am indeed a little tired. This is the first time I teleport a creature as huge as a dragon."

As men, Taelan Fording and the elder Cairne Bloodhoof began to distribute food to everyone. Kelestrasz came over to help without hesitation.

"Actually, dragons don't really eat human food. We have bigger appetites."

He awkwardly scooped a mouthful of the paste in the cup with a spoon and put it into his mouth.

"This is delicious! This is the best meal I've had in ten thousand years."

This is the truth, because you have only had one meal like this for ten thousand years.

C'Thun doesn't provide food. So he was killed. A boss who doesn't pay wages will not end well.

If you don't believe me, look at Garrosh.

Of course, there was also the tragic Emperor Chongzhen. Not only did he not pay wages, he also randomly laid off employees. This resulted in an armed petition.

Taelan Fording said seriously: "Kyle, if you like it, eat more. When you have time in the future, you can come to the Barrens as a guest. I will treat you to barbecue."

Looking at Kailei's face with a warm smile, Taelan Fording would think of the red dragon essence and red dragon inspiration. Facing the black dragon queen Sinestra's impenetrable shield, Kailei burned all his strength to cast burning inspiration for everyone. For this, he sacrificed his life.

Mylinsela drank it doubtfully. It wasn't very tasty, but it was not bad. After all, she hadn't eaten for ten thousand years. And now she was sitting next to a dragon demigod, not a perverted ancient god. That sense of security was better than anything else.

Moreover, this thing can quickly replenish energy, which is the best dry food. I should store some in my magic backpack in case of emergency.

Finally she could get a good night's sleep tonight. She could no longer stand the whispers.

Rheagos wanted to say, "It's disgusting!" But he didn't dare, because he saw that Carlyle not only distributed food to everyone, but he himself had already eaten three cups.

Moreover, it chatted with Taelan Fordring without any hesitation, telling him about its experiences over the years.

"The Old Gods are not creatures from our world. They are "light-and-dark sensitive parasitic symbionts." This is what it said itself. C'Thun went a little crazy after being locked up, and it described itself this way."

"I think it must have a powerful master, and the Ancient Gods will never die."

"Birth and death are just a cycle. Sooner or later, they will return from the void."

Jaina interjected, "But it was burned to ashes by the Holy Light? Only a gem remained."

Sylvanas Windrunner was relieved when she heard Jaina say that C'Thun only had one gem left. Fortunately, there was no eye. It seemed that the cause of her nightmare was the ancient gold coin.

The panda said that its teacher was called Liu Lang. Every five years, it would travel to the world outside Pandaria with its friend Shen-zin Su. And Chen was the one who traveled with Shen-zin Su after him. Once he checked the master's relics. He got this gold coin.

And this gold coin actually contained the soul of a mantis demon. He faced the Sha for the first time. Fortunately, he defeated the mantis demon. So this gold coin became its collection.

It seems that I was overthinking it. After all, C'Thun is dead. Those bugs will be eliminated by the Alliance soon.

Taelan Fording looked up at the starry sky. There was no pollution in this world, and the stars were shining like gems inlaid in the night sky.

The hot, moisture-laden winds from Un'Goro Crater collide with the desert storms of Silithus, and it seems like it will rain at any moment.

The place where they camped was right at the intersection of the desert and the oasis.

The light of the starry sky, the darkness of the night; the life of the oasis, the drought of the desert. Holy light and shadow, they are opposite to each other. Taelan Fording feels that he is more closely connected with this world.

Suddenly, a meteor shower began in the east. They looked so brilliant and colorful under the dark night sky.

Taelan Fording's heart moved, and he took out the powerful ring of the fallen god from his arms. Then he solemnly took Jaina's hand and put the ring on her slender finger:
"Jenna, do you like it?"

Jaina nodded in surprise. Of course, this ring was enough to drive a spellcaster crazy, and its value was immeasurable.

"marry me!"

"Are you proposing to me?" Jaina said excitedly.

Ever since she held the ragdoll cat, she has been looking forward to a home, and now that day has finally come!
Sylvanas Windrunner felt a little sad, not knowing what it felt like, but it was good to be alone.

At this moment, she suddenly saw the ring that was truly a stunning sight, with a huge gem inlaid on it.


Brian Bronzebeard, who had been silent the whole time, said, "True love has finally blossomed and borne fruit! I finally have a place to pay for my expenses!"

(End of this chapter)

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