Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 209 Black Dragon Conference

Chapter 209 Black Dragon Conference
Nefarios was startled, and he used the magic circle to sense it silently. Then his face became even uglier.

He shook his head violently, threw Vaelastrasz aside, and threw a green dragon egg to Ysondre.

"Little green dragon, take your eggs and get out of here! It's none of your business."

Then it turned and flew into Blackwing Lair.

It's better to be at home.

As for those colorful dragons, whoever wants to intervene can intervene, it will really kill the dragon. From now on, I will be a lying dragon! I don't think he has the time to bother me.

As long as I stay away from my father, that traitor who betrays his son, I can still live a peaceful life for a few years.

Vaelastrasz and Ysondre, who were left outside, looked at each other in bewilderment. Is it so easy to deal with?
Now that the news of Tyran Fordring's destruction of C'Thun has not spread to the Eastern Continent, he is not that scary yet. But the title of Earth Guardian is not for nothing. As the most powerful offspring of Deathwing, Nefarios, also known as Nefarian, is also closely connected to the earth of this world.

It has sensed that an ancient being has disappeared. The Titan of this world has regained some of its power, and one of the four thieves is missing.

I'd better be honest. I have to go and warn Onyxia in a few days not to go too far, or her whole family may die.

I heard that he killed all the demigods of the Burning Legion. And Archimonde's Finger of Death couldn't do anything to him.

The world is getting more and more dangerous. In the past, no one would care if you hid yourself, but now they will attack you at any time. You are too dark-minded.

Nefarian's grand plan ended before it even began, and Chromaggus died before he was born.

However, the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop. At night, a little black dragon turned into a human form and sneaked into the Blackwing Lair.

It walked forward cautiously, and at first it saw the heavily guarded Deathclaw Firescale Dragonites and some listless Blackrock Orcs guarding the gate.

The architectural style here is quite complex, a mixture of dwarves, orcs, and dragons. It can be seen that this place has changed hands several times. Now it has finally fallen into the hands of the great black dragon army.

It continued to walk to the back and it also saw General Razorgore and some dragon beasts.

When it entered the corridor and began to enter the core area of ​​the Black Dragon Legion, it saw many goblin technicians.

Is His Highness Nefarius so rich? He actually hired so many goblins. This creature only cares about money and not people. Even if you are an ancient god, if you don't get paid, it will still make you look bad.

As soon as it turned a corner, it heard a conversation between two goblin engineers.

"Brother, are you going to pay this month's salary today?"

"No, I heard that the boss is not in a good mood today, so I won't send it."

"This is a breach of contract! Interest must be paid. Time is money, my friend."

"Keep your voice down, are you trying to kill yourself? Also, I don't think I'll get paid this month. Alvin didn't send any cuties over."

"Why would those humans send money to the boss?"

"Because... Anyway, you don't understand. The eldest sister is an amazing person! She has a lot of money."

"What kind of business is she in? Why isn't she sending money over now?

We are going to use these gold coins to change the future."

"Hush! Don't talk about this. We were able to pay salaries before because the money came from the mudmen who built the city walls. They didn't feel bad about spending it."

"Don't those human nobles just need to tap the soles of their subjects' feet, and their treasure chests will be filled with money?"

"They have been collecting taxes from the Dark Portal for 100 years, and they don't pay wages for their work. Now they can't collect any more."

"Why? How can they not pay taxes? Our experiment..."

"Man, they can't stand it anymore and are rebelling! The entire West Wilderness has been destroyed."

“How can we rebel?
Is there any royal law for this? Is there any law?
No, they rebelled because they were not paid. Why don’t they just make up the wages? Many people will die in the war.”

"They would rather fight than pay the peasants. It's the peasants' children who go to war anyway."

"As for the ruined West Wilderness, that is the king's business."

"Where's the king? Why doesn't it care?"

"His wife was beaten to death, so he ordered the arrest of the peasants who had not received their wages. As a result, a fight broke out."

"What a fool. Didn't he check who killed his wife?"

"How should I know? I heard that it was Shaw who investigated the case. Two generations of his family have been committed to the career of espionage and have paid a lot. It is very hard and dangerous, and that is why he has persisted."

“It doesn’t pay wages, either?”

"How is that possible? The masters' wages are delivered directly to their homes."

"By the way, brother. I heard that the great craftsman Gazlowe became a member of the Alliance and has become rich!"

"Should we..."

The next voice was very low, and even with its keen hearing, it could not hear it clearly. Although His Highness Nefarius has a good temper, he is in a bad mood today. I should finish delivering the letter quickly!

The back was empty, with only some dragonmen patrolling. There were few goblin technicians, but there were a few high elves. They seemed to be talking about magic addiction. A brave guy mentioned a terrible place, the Barrens.

It is the most dangerous place in the whole world, it is called the Alliance of Azeroth. They have more than a dozen legends and many great mages.

And they have a big boss named Ronin, who is very dangerous. Last month he appeared in Deadwind Pass and clashed with Death Claw spies who went there to gather information. An entire team of dragon people were killed by group arcane arrows.

Nefarian, who was in his dream, had already defeated Tyran Fordring and became the new king of the world! He was ready to celebrate with his subordinates.

It had just raised its glass to celebrate its victory when an unpleasant sound startled it awake.

"Your Highness. The great master Neltharion has requested that you come to Deepholm. You and your sister must attend. The Dragon Soul has been stolen. It is time to act!"

Nefarian was awakened from his sweet dream. "Damn it! I was about to become the king of the world! This guy actually woke me up. Damn it!"

"I know. Go away!"

Two days later, Deep Rock.

All the joy that Nefarian had just felt about the theft of the Dragon Soul disappeared.

The Dragon Soul is no longer in Wyrmrest Temple. But C'Thun is dead. He was killed by the cockroach that used the Dragon Soul to injure him.

Now he no longer had the dragon soul, but he himself had become a humanoid dragon soul, and was even more terrifying than the dragon soul.

It would be even worse if he got the Crazy Dark Blade, the artifact treasured by the ancient god C'Thun! That twisted weapon could even make people wander in place.

Soon the main figures of the Black Dragon Legion arrived.

Neltharion first saw his high-spirited daughter and his dejected son. He was not a kind father.

"Nefarius, what's wrong with you? Have you made any progress with your colorful dragon experiment?"

Nefarios shook the huge dragon head and said with gritted teeth:
"Dear father, there has been progress. I recently captured several emerald dragonmen. I transformed some of the dragon beasts.

Those dragon beasts are very powerful. We have already entered the lower levels of Blackrock Spire. I believe my slave Rend Blackhand will soon be able to defeat the Dark Iron Dwarves and completely occupy Blackrock Mountain!"

"What about the Chromagus Project? Is there any progress?"

Nefarios took a deep breath and said, "Sister, I know that father likes you very much. So don't blame your brother for being unrighteous."

"The Chromagus Project was progressing very quickly. But due to lack of funds, it was temporarily shelved."

Neltharion turned to look at the high-spirited Onyxia with displeasure: "Onyxia, you disappoint me so much! Didn't you say that you would solve all your brother's financial problems?
How is this going? "

Nefarios has always been a smart black dragon. "Father, you can't blame my sister entirely. She has tried her best."

Onyxia, who was originally in a good mood, now had a dark face. Her smart brother was playing a trick on her again.

It was lazy, but the responsibility was thrown to it. Seeing its dejected look, I was very angry.

In fact, there is a huge gap between girls. But they have one thing in common, that is, they admire the strong. If males want to pass on their genes, then females want to pass on excellent genes.

Jaina is very different from Onyxia.

When Taelan Fordring was starting out in Lordaeron, she helped him a lot. She would spend every day off to be with him.

Onyxia looked down on weak males, even her brother.

If it weren't for Neltharion, they might have had a fierce conflict. The world of black dragons has always believed in strength. They all worship the strong, which is why they follow Neltharion even though he is so cruel.

The sound of steel rubbing against each other echoed in the empty hall:
"I have decided to destroy this boring world. It is beyond redemption. Twilight is approaching."

Nefarios thought he had heard something wrong: "Great father, I sense that an ancient being has disappeared. Should we hide and wait for the next opportunity?"

Onyxia has recently taken full control of a human kingdom, and she's playing them to her heart's content. Sadly, they still haven't paid back wages to the stonemasons who are struggling to survive.

Onyxia didn't know about this yet: "Father, which ancient being has fallen?"

"C'Thun! It has fully returned to Twilight."

"Taelan Fordring killed it!"

Onyxia has lost the pride she felt in triumphing over her failed brother:
"Father, I'm afraid we should listen to my brother's advice this time. We should hide and wait for the next opportunity. I think those chaotic demons will come again."

Neltharion said firmly: "You don't need to say anything more. The hour of twilight is about to come. Everything will go according to my plan."

"Oni, I want your people to invade Dustwallow Marsh. But you must hide yourself and don't face that dangerous paladin directly."

"Nefarius, you will start a fight across Blackrock Mountain, then withdraw your men from there. Then you will hide and never show up again."

"And I will walk from underground to the surface. I will tear apart the land of Uldum and reveal Ny'alotha, the Waking City!"

(End of this chapter)

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