Chapter 224 Ignos Prophecy
Taelan Fordring knew that there were four secret entrances: Seradan in the Hinterlands, the island in the middle of Feralas, the Dawnwood in Duskwood, and the big tree house in Ashenvale. A corrupted emerald dragon like Lethon should have four.

Because of the changes caused by Tyran Fording, the Red Dragon Queen escaped early, and the Dragon Soul was sent to the Dragon Rest Temple. Vaelastrasz and Ysondre guarded it together, and they became good friends.

Later, Vaelastrasz was assigned to deal with the black dragon prince Nefarios, and Ysondre was responsible for guarding the secret entrance. After they left, the Dragon Soul was stolen.

The Red Dragon Queen was a little worried about Vaelastrasz's reckless character. She asked Ysera for help. So Ysondre, who was guarding Seradan, was assigned to help the Red Dragon Vaelastrasz.

A small change actually involved the ownership of the Dragon Soul, the life and death of Vaelastrasz, and the fate of Ysondre. Of course, Nefarios also escaped because of C'Thun's death. Otherwise, his head would definitely be hanging on the gate of Ironforge now.

A butterfly flapped its wings in Lordaeron, but it caused a hurricane in Ironforge ten years later. The butterfly effect is also effective in Azeroth.

The shadow dragon Lethon was quickly controlled by Taelan Fordring. Malfurion stopped Taelan Fordring from infusing Lethon with the Holy Light. The battle is not over yet. Use every bit of strength with caution.

Taelan Fording looked at the silent Lethon, feeling sorry for him. He was just a victim, he had done nothing wrong, and he had no ambitions. He just happened to be in the center of this vortex, becoming a pitiful pawn.

Malfurion took a look at these young people. Even the older Sylvanas was just an elf who had not experienced many years of hardships. The remaining few people were only cubs in the eyes of the night elves.

He pulled out the staff stuck in the grass. Let an old guy like me do the killing! Killing different enemies brings different psychological burdens. Killing such an innocent soul is not something a young man can bear.

The person who is most difficult to forgive is actually yourself.

Taelan Fording thought of the ancestral duel in Desolace. Perhaps she was the best choice.

He drew out Xal'atath the Holy Blade.

He called out to Malfurion and then plunged a sword into Lethon's body.

The grayish power in it was absorbed by Xal'atath.

"Thanks to the master's gift, I have become a little stronger! Now I can take revenge!"

Taelan Fording knew what it meant by revenge. But could the words of the void creatures be trusted? They were more terrifying than demons.

Taelan Fording said: "Thank you in advance!"

Sylvanas Windrunner frowned her long, beautiful eyebrows. The dagger spoke more. It was more powerful than before, and the eye was more active. It was watching everyone. Except Taelan Fordring.

Lethon's eyes turned back to emerald green, and he finally spoke:

"Thank you, Lord, for setting me free. I was helpless and it was such a painful feeling."

"Isendre, apologize to His Majesty for me. I failed in my mission. I fell into darkness."

"Where is His Majesty?" Ysondre asked anxiously. The Green Dragon Legion had not been able to contact His Majesty Ysera for many days.

The Green Dragon Legion is connected to the Emerald Dream through Ysera, which makes their internal connection much closer than other dragon tribes. Ysera disappeared, and the green dragons who entered the Emerald Dream could not contact the queen, and they lost contact with each other, which quickly caused the entire Green Dragon Legion to panic.

Lethorne glanced at these people.
"It's dangerous in there. This Xavius ​​is just a satyr who has taken on his power. Its nightmare power has corrupted the place. It has sealed your majesty in the Emerald Dream. It has a helper, and that fellow is even more dangerous."

"I was caught by it. It knew what I was thinking. I walked myself into its trap."

"You must be careful!"

His mission was over. It slowly closed its eyes. The spots on the surrounding trees were completely shattered and blown away by the wind of the Hinterland. The entire Seradan was bathed in holy light.

Malfurion silently chanted the spell. The green tree of Seradan shook itself, then it stretched out its branches and leaves, emitting a green light. The vines on the ground grew quickly, forming a wreath. Then the green light lit up in the center.

A portal opened. This is the portal to the Emerald Dream.

Taelan Fordring was the first to enter.

This is another world. Tailan had been to a place where spirits gathered. He guessed that it was Ardenweald. This place was very similar to that place, except that the main color there was ice blue, while here it was full of green.

White clouds, high mountains, glowing green trees, endless grasslands, and a river like a ribbon. Warm sunshine, no signs of nightmare erosion. Taelan Fording's sanctuary opened. His holy wings spread in the air of the Emerald Dream with the fragrance of grass and trees.

A sizzling burning sound was heard. Holy Light began to burn this place. The power of the demigod began to control this space. The breath of Holy Light began to occupy the Emerald Dream. The Emerald Dream of Azeroth could not resist the knights of Ezelena.

Everything around changed color. A huge and strange blood-red eye appeared in front of Taelan Fording. Its pupils were fixed on Taelan Fording. It looked around in fear. But its tentacles were tightly locked on a beautiful green dragon.

Ysera. He was captured by the Nightmare King and the Big Eye.

Taelan knew this big eye. It was the Heart of Il'gynoth, the offspring of N'Zoth. It received the power of both N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron. It was a lucky man. It was a prophet.

Taelan Fording knew that Xavius's power was very dangerous to others, but for him, it was the weakest opponent. Ironheart and various extraordinary resistances were its nemesis. But what was puzzling was why Xavius ​​came as an incarnation, while I'gynoth was the real body?

Seeing Ignos's hesitation, he knew it wanted to give it a try. Every prophet who knew fate had a dream. That was to reverse a prophecy.

Taelan Fordring waited for it to try, he also wanted to see if his inevitable death could be changed.

Sure enough, a blood-red laser shot out from its big eyes, but it was much weaker than N'Zoth. Taelan Fordring disappeared on the spot. He appeared in front of I'gynoth.

Obviously, Il'gynoth knew about Tyran Fordring's ability. Before using the Eye of N'Zoth, it had already used the aura of fear, but the fear was like a stone sinking into the sea, and Tyran Fordring remained unmoved. And the Eye of N'Zoth could not hit Tyran Fordring, who could transform into holy light.

At this time, the ground began to boil, and a large number of tentacles grew out from the ground. They waved in the air, trying to catch the terrifying figure. The shelter was activated. The tentacles were hit at the same time. They were not repelled. But their spell was interrupted.

Then Ignos discovered sadly that each of these tentacles would attract a Fist of Heaven.

Countless holy light bullets flew everywhere, and the big eye was shattered in an instant.

Its heart appeared before Taelan Fordring like a little girl stripped naked.

"You can't change anything. Your evil desires are sickening. Let Ysera go."

"I will give you a dignified death."

"Son of the World, I am no match for you, but you are on the wrong path. You don't know what you will face."

Taelan Fording said: "I don't know what I will face. But you certainly don't want to know what you will face."

"Do you think I can't kill you because only part of your body is here? Do you want to taste the Eight Virtues?"

Ignos is silent...

"It's a gamble of souls. I'm obsessed with desire and have no chance of winning."

It wanted to say some more nonsense. It wanted to pray for the help of the two great beings.

Taelan Fording disappeared on the spot! In his hand was a huge evil axe ignited by the Holy Light - the Blade of Madness and Darkness.

Assimilation strike!

Ignos heard it!
There is a little girl's voice in the dark: "Convert to the Holy Light! I will bring salvation. Souls with heinous crimes, you will get a chance to atone for your sins!"

Taelan Fordring drew out Xal'atath the Divine Blade.

"Ignos, your kind are here to see you off."

"Ah! Pain, no no! It can't be her!" Xal'atath will devour its soul and bring it eternal sleep.

"Ding! Ignos's prophecy!

Let Ignos live a little longer and hear what he has to say!"

Why can’t you fart earlier?
(End of this chapter)

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