Chapter 226 Burning Trees
A majestic and tall Tovir suddenly flew high into the sky.

It was about to yell, who on earth had attacked it? But thinking of its own weight, it closed its mouth again. It was better not to yell at someone who could knock it away.

The place where it had just stood had become a deep cave entrance. The sound of burning flames could be heard from inside. A large amount of rubble flew high into the sky with it.

Then a black dragon covered in flames rushed out. It had a huge steel jaw, two ferocious dragon horns on its head, and was covered in shiny black iron armor.

Its body was covered with cracks, and only the iron armor was holding back its body that was about to break. All the cracks on its body were radiating heat, and they were filled with boiling magma.

As soon as it flew high into the sky, the whole sky was filled with clouds of fire, and the entire land where it flew was on fire.

It suddenly opened its mouth and let out a huge dragon roar, and the whole world was filled with the power of destruction. A sound like the friction of steel rumbled and shouted:

"My name is Deathwing, the Destroyer of Destiny, the Ender of All Things, unstoppable and irresistible. I am the Cataclysm."

It lowered its altitude slightly and slid past a strange-looking house built by ogre slaves. The place immediately caught fire, and a tall ogre ran forward desperately.

How can running be faster than flying? It was soon caught up, and the dragon slid past it. It was on fire all over, rolled on the ground a few times, and then lay there motionless, letting the flames on its body continue to burn.

The fierce flames ignited everything, the earth shattered, and magma gushed out from the ground like boiling broth.

A distant mountain range let out a roar, and rocks flew into the sky. The huge gate of Uldum, which had a big hole in it, opened, and the broken door panels flew everywhere.

Deathwing grabbed the stone wall of the gate with his two huge claws, raised his head and roared, then flapped his wings and flew towards the north.

Tovir began to fall and looked at its flying figure in despair. It fell rapidly and fell into the broken and deep cave.

There was not much magma inside, but a tall portal appeared in the center, which emitted a strong light. It connected the two worlds. On the other side, there seemed to be endless blue waves, and many monsters with tentacles and huge claws were swimming in panic.

A monster with six arms and a snake's tail roared incomprehensibly. None of those horrors made it through the portal to the shattered land of Uldum.

Bang! Huge waves were created from the magma lake. Soon, the lake surface began to make bubbling sounds. A bubble of magma exploded, emitting a wisp of hot air and a faint smell of meat.

It turns out that it was also cursed by flesh and blood.

Deathwing flew northward along the continent of Kalimdor. The ground broke as he flew over it, magma flowed out, and fire burned everything. The clouds of fire in the sky continued to spread as he flew over it.

Deathwing looked down at the land he once protected. The desert of Tanaris was soon left behind. There were few living creatures there. Only a few ogres and hyenas wandered around, looking for unfortunate things to eat as dinner.

A goblin city was built right in the middle of the desert. These greedy little ants are scattered in every profitable place in Azeroth. Like vampires, they cut down trees, mined, robbed, burned and killed wherever they went. They only recognized shiny gold coins.

Deathwing had many dealings with this race. Their leader was called the Trade Prince. His own source plate armor was their masterpiece.

Even with the help of the Whisper of the Old God, the goblins still went on strike several times because of unpaid wages. If it weren't for his daughter who brought a few carts of Stormwind gold to help him, he would have to hide in Deepholm to recover.

That way it might miss the plan of the great being. Only by destroying the entire world can it avoid falling into the eternal end of twilight.

Well, these children will be killed in the future. If we kill them now, we can avoid the tragedy in the future! Because children can be reborn and life can appear again. As for what these children think, what does it have to do with them?

Deathwing was a little relieved recently, he had always believed that Alexstrasza was the guardian of this world, and she would definitely help him end this wrong world. But the result really disappointed him, the little red dragon actually chose to lead the conservative green dragon to fight against him.

Especially the stupid Malygos, who always trusted others. Just like when he took the lead in injecting his power into the Dragon Soul. He mixed with that tiny and difficult human. Sooner or later, he was sold out, and he helped others count the money.

But it doesn't seem to be going crazy lately.

The most unexpected thing for the dragon was Nozdormu, who chose to help him in the end. It seemed that the wise dragon had learned something with the power given to it by the Titans.

Azeroth is the Titans' testing ground. They set up the Forge of Will and the Forge of Origin. Once this world is out of their control, the Titans' lackey planet Saint Algalon will destroy all life and restart the entire Azeroth.

In order to achieve order, they even cultivated an artificial ancient god, G'huun. When the experiment failed, they were reluctant to kill it. Such a testing ground is meaningless. Such a world is full of pain.

Tired, destroy it!

To the north of Tanaris, there used to be a prosperous troll city, Zul'Farrak. Now it's quiet. Even the troll tombs that were often visited by grave robbers in the past have become empty. A huge pool has dried up, and there is a big hole in it. A bronze gong was thrown on the ground like garbage. There were some huge footprints left on the ground. Obviously, something left here.

We passed Tanaris, where there were only trolls, goblins, coyotes, and cacti, and entered the Thousand Needles.

A huge tsunami and earthquake occurred at the same time, and the peculiar wind-eroded landform here turned into a swamp.

The new village built by Magatha Grimtotem was buried under water. She was not dead, of course, she joined the Church of Twilight, which knew as much as Deathwing. Their people had invaded the Barrens through the Great Lift.

It's time to take revenge on our betrayed compatriots.

Blackhorn Grimtotem, you are a traitor, and traitors must die!
Recently, many civilian goblins have fled to Ratchet City. They are from Kezan, and they came here with rumors of a disaster:

A giant dragon flew by with flames all over its body. Huge waves surged, clouds of flames covered the sky, and countries turned into sea of ​​fire. Ke Zan became history.

Trade Prince Gallywix has taken a large number of goblins to Durotan. They chose to join the Horde. Some of the poor goblins left behind could not afford the ship fare and could only wait to die. Some lucky ones took the Kul Tiras ship to the Barrens.

Now, groups of goblins often gather in Ratchet City. Where people gather, they discuss three topics: showing off themselves in a roundabout way, belittling others with exaggerated words, and spying on each other and gossiping.

But the conversation here has nothing to do with these three topics. They are all talking about the same thing:

Burn the tree!

That giant dragon wanted to burn down Teldrassil, the world tree that is the symbol of the Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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