Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 239 The Real Time Dragon Chronom

Chapter 239 The Real Time Dragon Chronom
Kel'Thuzad looked at the shaken Malygos and admired his master very much. He had foreseen everything.

This is a perfect time to dig up the blue dragon's grave. This will both pull the power of the alliance and create a rift between its members.

As for Tyran Fording, no matter what he chooses, it will not exceed its expectations. If he chooses to support the blue dragon, it will put the alliance in danger. If he does not support the blue dragon, it will tear apart the cohesion of the alliance from the underlying logic. As for him using an unexpected method, it doesn't matter. It's good to test his power level.

Malygos, who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside and a little arrogant, will definitely leave the blue dragon army in the Alliance for the sake of face, and then come to Northrend alone to take back the remains of his spouse.

That way, it can harvest a powerful frost dragon.

But now it seems that it is too late for the Grand Lord of Light. Malygos is already in his pocket.

By this time Malygos was exhausted. Sindragosa's relentless attack made it impossible for him to hold on any longer.

He also felt the pain that Sindragosa had experienced, losing his strength, being covered in wounds, surrounded by enemies, and slowly waiting to die.

The Blue Dragon King is a powerful demigod who will never grow old or die. But at this moment, Malygos felt like he had experienced a thousand years of hardships in an instant.

He was tired. Ever since he became the guardian dragon, they had been fighting against greedy adventurers, the brutal and powerful Burning Legion, and the Old Gods who were good at deceiving people.

However, none of these were as great as the betrayal of Neltharion. He was cheerful and always loved life.

The strong and tenacious Neltharion is his comrade-in-arms and also his brother. There is also the enthusiastic and responsible red dragon queen Alexstrasza, the gentle Ysera, and the mysterious bronze dragon Nozdormu.

At that time, they were still proto-dragons, without the power they have now. But they lived happily every day, flying, hunting, playing, and taking a nap on the land of Azeroth without any worries. They once worked together to kill the mutated dragon father Galakrond.

But since the Titans gave them the power of the Titans, their lives have changed completely. They have become themselves, they have become the guardian dragons. The responsibility has overwhelmed them.

First, Nozdormu became silent. He was not seen all day. No one knew what he was doing. Every time they saw him, he was silent and hesitant. He began to be cautious and careful in doing things.

Next is Ysera, who is immersed in the Emerald Dream all day long.

Then came Neltharion, who began to go mad. Mumbling about cages, duties, and whispers. And then it finally led to tragedy.

From then on, he became crazy. In fact, he heard a lot of rumors in the Dragon Sleep Temple. Some people said that Malygos was crazy and he was thinking about impossible revenge all day long. He could no longer protect the world and could not fulfill his duty as a guardian.

Among the five colored dragons, only Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder, never fell. She always fought on the front line. Until Neltharion betrayed her. She was enslaved by the orcs. You know, Alexstrasza even wanted Neltharion to be her spouse. Unfortunately, before the result came, the War of the Ancients happened.

The most chilling thing is Nozdormu, who can see the timeline, but never gave a warning. He is always maintaining the tragedies that have already happened.

In recent years, Azeroth has been in a state of flux, first the orc invasion, then the Battle of Grim Batol, and then Ragnarok. During the Battle of Grim Batol, his mental illness had become very serious.

Until that human being appeared.

Thinking of that human, Malygos suddenly realized: This world has gone through many twists and turns, but they are all alive and well.

First, Neltharion's power of protection was introduced into the Dragon Soul, and he saw the hope of revenge. With this hope, he actually began to become normal. He felt that the burden on his shoulders became lighter.

Next, the Red Dragon Queen was rescued, and then the blue and green dragons were restored with the help of the red dragons and humans. He also found Stella Gosa and the others with the help of the Kul Tiras Navy.

Later, Kalecgos and his companions grew up one after another, and the blue dragon clan, which had been decimated, was able to gather a few decent dragons again.

It seems like everything is getting better.

Recently, the ancient god C'Thun, who even the Titans could not kill, was killed, and he felt that the world was reviving. Then Deathwing, who jumped out and created a great disaster, also died. Its head was cut off and hung on the new world tree.

It turns out that my efforts were not in vain. My tribe survived. Kalec and Stellagosa will definitely lead the blue dragonflight to continue fighting.

The world will get better and better.

He is the guardian of Azeroth's magic. He is Malygos the Spellweaver. Today he will meet his inevitable end.

I hope those mortal races can make good use of magic. I hope he can realize his wish.

Destroy the Ancient Gods, awaken the Star Soul, and become the guardian of our world.

Its blue eyes stared at Kel'Thuzad: But you will never get my soul.

“I am magic incarnate.

Arcane blast."

"Goodbye, Sindragosa!"

Kel'Thuzad watched as the blue dragon's body began to emit a purple glow, and all its power rushed toward its portable artifact. It actually wanted to detonate the blue dragon clan's artifact, the Focusing Iris!

That’s a good idea, don’t think about it next time.

It is not easy to get the body of the Blue Dragon King, but the power of control can still help it.

The entire second floor of Naxxramas was resounding with Kel'Thuzad's low incantation. The two chains of dominance on its body emitted a mysterious light. Then four gray-black smoke shot out from its body.

The smoke grabbed Malygos with incredible speed, and as soon as it wrapped around him, it immediately turned into four chains.

The four chains locked Malygos tightly. For a moment, the blue dragon king slowed down the speed of inputting arcane energy into the Focusing Iris. He was controlled by the power that governed everything.

Kel'Thuzad's left hand shook violently a few times in excitement.

"Rule all! None escape my control. Malygos, submit to me!"

The four chains became tighter and tighter. Strange symbols began to appear on Malygos' body. As soon as those symbols appeared, he felt that he could no longer control his own power.

He seemed to have returned to their childhood, the days when they struggled to survive. At that time, Malygos was the smartest proto-dragon. Neltharion was still a simple and aggressive person. Alexstrasza brought her young sister Ysera. They hunted together and shared the food.

It turns out that when a dragon dies, it really will look back on its life. Can I not even think about dying?
Kel'Thuzad was even more proud because the great lord did not come. He chose to give up Malygos, and the unlucky blue dragon became a victim. Tyran Fordring probably didn't know that everything has a bottom line, and once the bottom line is broken, there will be no bottom line. He gave up the first time, and he will give up the second time. It's like a child who has just started school. He has a headache and fever, so you let him go home. This opened the door to a new world for him. How can listening to lectures and doing homework in school be as fun as going home to eat snacks and watch TV?
Those strange symbols gradually spread over Malygos' body. When these runes were all over his body, he would be completely controlled.

It is really hard to believe that the former Dalaran mage Kel'Thuzad actually possessed such powerful and strange power.

Kel'Thuzad has succeeded, and Malygos has accepted his fate. But things in real life are often full of drama.

A hot wind suddenly blew in the cold Northrend, and the snowflakes flying in the air disappeared, replaced by yellow sand. Then a giant tree towering into the sky appeared in front of Naxxramas Fortress.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, yellow sand was flying all over the sky, and an extremely huge yellow dragon appeared in front of everyone. It stretched out its huge dragon body, and everyone around it felt like they were sliding into the watery time.

Malygos stared at the dragon in amazement. This was the time stream, but even Nozdormu was not so powerful. Not only did it enter the long river of time itself, it also moved such a huge Naxxramas into the time stream.

This is equivalent to manipulating time and space at the same time. The undead looked at the mirage in front of them in confusion.

Milky white dots of light appeared in the void, falling like rain. They gradually accumulated into a human shape. Everyone felt dazzled. In an instant, a young human male walked out. He seemed to be completely unaffected by the flowing time.

The most powerful demigod of light in the history of Azeroth has arrived. He was wearing the armor of judgment, with the visor open. Behind him was a huge axe, with a strange eyeball on the axe that kept turning. Everyone felt that they were being stared at by it. He only took a few steps and approached Naxxramas.

Kel'Thuzad looked at the man in front of him, excited and afraid. He had become more terrifying. He already knew what was going on.

This is because the bronze dragon received help from a great being, which turned its time travel into a domain. All those who enter its domain will be affected by time acceleration and time slowing. Unless your power is greater than its, it can steal your time at will, making you feel like you have been hit by a delaying spell.

Before the terrifying man came to Naxxramas, according to the power of this time dragon, he could directly enter the ice dragon's room. But a thin layer of gray light blocked him.

This is the power of the magic circle that those psychics summon. It is something of the same level as the power of the Time Dragon. It contains the power of the void. No one can pass through it.

Kel'Thuzad's left hand trembled again. His master's plan had come true. This was a great prophecy. Today, we would finally know whether this man had mastered the secret of Force fusion.

It all depends on how he breaks the magic circle, because with the existence of the Origin Codex, he can extract all the Force. So it is impossible to tell whether he has integrated the Force through fighting.

This magic circle is the product of the fusion of the void force and the death force. Only by mastering the power of the fusion of holy light and life can you directly penetrate it. Otherwise, you can only rely on the calculations of the great wizard to slowly crack the power of the magic circle.

Of course, the Alliance has enough archmages, especially the protection archmages represented by Kael'thas, who are best at breaking magic circles. But that takes time.

The Lich King is asleep, and there is no demigod in Naxxramas who can match them. They have plenty of time to break the circle. Everyone can wait. Only Malygos can't.

Taelan Fording lightly touched the magic circle. He hesitated for a moment.

Although Kel'Thuzad had no heart, he could still feel a thumping sound in his ears.

If Liadrin knew, she would definitely say: "Shameless villain. You wish for it, but can you jump? A man in a skirt!"

We need to know his background. He is covered by the Star Soul, and ordinary detection spells are difficult to cast on him. The existence of the shelter prevents assassins from approaching him. And he is very careful to place powerful thieves around his relatives.

Especially the little girl named Lillian Voss. She advanced to Legend at the speed of light, and her shadow step can even fold space, ignoring your domain and attacking you directly from behind.

When she was still a hero, she used the consecrated sword to cut the soul of Reki Winter in two in front of everyone. The poor lich used his soul to serve as a stepping stone for the terrible assassin to advance to legend.

I wish she hadn't come today. I wish she hadn't brought those two terrible weapons. If only Jardin were here, she would have chosen to slit his throat.

Although Kel'Thuzad also wanted to know whether Taelan Fordring knew how to integrate the Force, he hoped that he could not come in, so that he might not have to use the phylactery.

The answer is about to be revealed...

Taelan Fordring pulled out the strange dagger from his waist, and the Holy Blade of Xal'atath with dim holy light was inserted into the protective shield!

The power from the same source made the ancient god involuntarily absorb the power of the magic circle.

The shield exploded like glass, turning into a sky full of stars, which stood out in the yellow sand.

Everyone in the Ice Dragon Room was deeply trapped in the Time Dragon's realm.

Kel'Thuzad was extremely angry. Did he master it or not?

Who can tell me?

He has Xal'atath in his hands, so he can break any shield? My phylactery! I might as well have used teleport just now. With the help of the power of command, I am sure I can complete the channel now.

The protective array set up by the master under the Frozen Throne will definitely stop Xal'atath. After all, the four obelisks have been fully charged. It will take a lot of time to unlock them. The Alliance is under attack from N'Zoth, and what they lack most is time.

A beam of holy light descended! It was so powerful that it avoided the power core on the top floor of Naxxramas. It hit a protective shield at an angle. That was a modified entrance and exit. It was not designed by the Titans. After all, Titan creations do not need to enter here. Ordinary undead cannot.

He did not choose time travel. It was probably the bronze dragon. No, the time dragon could not bear such a terrible creature. Of course, except for the world tree. It is the representative of the life force.

Wait, something is wrong. There is a world tree behind Taelan Fordring. Is that Teldrassil? Or is it the manifestation of the Star-Soul?

He knew nothing, but was dragged into a deep vortex. It could even easily crush a demigod, such as Neltharion, Nesistra, and Gul'gall.

In the past, a legend could live for a long time. Orgrim jumped so hard and lived until the Third War. Now even demigods can't jump. The powerful Deathwing was killed after flooding the Thousand Needles. C'Thun was stabbed to death in the Great Temple after sending a few bugs to harass those wooden heads.

I just wanted a new pet, but I had to pay for the phylactery. It was really unfair.

Taelan Fordring walked straight into Naxxramas through the breach. What a place it was. Kel'Thuzad wanted a pet, and Taelan Fordring wanted a room.

Kel'Thuzad was right. A demigod lich just wanted a pet. The millions of wronged souls of Lordaeron were just stepping stones for him to become a demigod. In order to revive him, Quel'Thalas was scorched to pieces. The Sunwell was blown to ashes.

This world is so cruel, those low-level creatures are nothing but a grain of sand, a speck of dust. They are enslaved, exploited, killed, and even their souls are used as nutrients and are boasted as merits.

Taelan Fordring came before Malygos. He stretched out his gauntleted right hand:
"It's time to go back, my friend. We're all waiting for you to have a drink together."

(End of this chapter)

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