Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 246: Enzos's Prophecy and Jaina's Independent Strength

Chapter 246: N'Zoth's Prophecy and Jaina's Independent Strength

The essence of his soul was extracted, the power of the void was absorbed, and N'Zoth's consciousness had become blurred.

"The master is calling, I will return to the void."

"You're not going anywhere," Taelan Fording said.

You steal, you do evil, and thousands of lives die because of you.

When a whale dies, everything comes to life. Your sinful soul will become food to nourish the world."

These words made Xal'atath, who was floating on the side, feel a chill. These words were not like Taelan Fording's usual style.

N'Zoth's mountainous form was sucked into the Worldstone of Taelan Fordring.

The final whisper of N'Zoth echoed in the void, also its final prophecy.

"You will suffer... endless pain, and the seventh eye... will soon open."

Xal'atath watched the culprit of the past fall before her eyes, and her body was filled with its power. She felt great pleasure.

"I have waited for tens of thousands of years, and the old hatred has finally been settled. You are finally dead, completely dead."

There were five Old Gods who came to Azeroth back then. They were Azarj, C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, N'Zoth, and himself.

The most powerful among them are Azshari and himself, followed by C'Thun and Yogg-Saron, and the weakest is N'Zoth.

But the weakest N'Zoth was the most cunning one. He instigated Y'Shaarj and himself. In the end, no one knew what benefits Y'Shaarj promised them. The four of them became allies, and he was besieged by them.

They tore my body apart and devoured my strength. I was left with only one hard claw, but fortunately my will hid in this claw and fell into a deep sleep. I was collected by Enzos.

Then their roots penetrated deeply into the land of Azeroth and began to steal the power of the unawakened star souls. At that time, there were only some useless elemental creatures in the world of Azeroth. Not only did they fail to resist the power of the Old Gods, they also became their lackeys and minions.

The most loyal lackeys among them are Ragnaros the Firelord and Al'Akir the Windlord. Facts have proved that the more irritable and angry guys are, the more useless they are. They are not as strong as humans with fragile bodies.

The four former colleagues established their own dark empires, their territories continued to expand, and they became increasingly powerful. However, no matter how big the cake is, it will eventually be shared, and no matter how much food there is, it cannot withstand the endless gluttony.

Their interests clashed and war broke out between them.

If it weren't for the arrival of the Titans, it would have been an endless war. Until one of them won and became the only ancient god in this world. It would devour and corrupt the entire planet. When the Void Titans were born, they completed the mission of their masters.

Then they will receive new powers and become gods.

But that day never came. Because the Titans really came. The Titan Aggramar discovered the world of Azeroth corrupted by the Old Gods. He brought all the Titans of the Pantheon. As soon as they arrived, they created Titan creations.

A new war has begun, but the treacherous ancient gods are unable to unite to resist the enemy.

So they first sent out the enslaved elemental creatures. But they were defeated in the end. Y'Shaarj, who had devoured the most of their power, was uprooted by Aman'thul, the father of the gods, and the scar caused by its roots became the Well of Eternity.

Its screams were so sweet. From then on, the old gods were defeated. If they were not afraid that killing the old gods directly would hurt the new Titans, they would have been uprooted.

Later, they were sealed by Titan creations one after another, and the weakest N'Zoth was the first Ancient God to be sealed.

Time flies by, and after changing hands several times, he was finally involved in an extremely huge conspiracy.

"The destined disaster has finally arrived."

The pain from the beginning seemed to have not yet dissipated. But everything had changed. Yashaarj was gone, and it was impossible for him to complete perfect revenge.

But, I am very vindictive. I cannot forgive anyone who has hurt me or used me.

There's one last one! No, two.

Taelan Fordring ignored N'Zoth's final whispers.

He shouted, "Janna, summon Dalaran!"

Jaina raised the Soul Reaper's Staff high, and a hexagram magic circle appeared. King Kael'thas, Rhonin and six other great mages quickly followed suit and raised their staffs high.

A brand new spell sounded.

The Arcane Gate opened, and a huge fortress appeared in Ny'alotha. It was the original Naxxramas, now New Dalaran, the latest fortress of mankind. The Alliance's "Skybreaker".

A strong holy light burst out from Taelan Fordring again, and the world tree behind him stretched out its branches in the void, trying to seize the last power of Ny'alotha.

The seven-story ladder that should have disappeared did not disappear. It penetrated all space. Taelan Fording rose from the Eternal Throne. He was like a sun, scattering endless holy light.

The nameless monsters of Ny'alotha were set ablaze by the Light. They were weakened and burned.

Malfurion quickly stuck the Cenarion Staff into the ground.

Rains of tranquility fell, and he released spiritual soothing and healing upon Taelan Fordring.

But he still looked at the strong young man with worry. He should have his own life and his own future. But he was becoming more and more like the sun.

Although the creatures living here are either indescribable monsters or puppets like Anachronos, they are still living beings with souls. Killing so many lives at once is a heavy burden for anyone. Moreover, there are many of the same kind among them. Boom!
The whole world seemed to shake. The sea, mountains, rivers, fish, shrimp, trees, and seaweed all became prosperous. From Mulgore to the Barrens, from the Dark Coast to Ashenvale, from Feralas to Silithus, from Khaz Modan to Dun Morogh, the whole world was cheering.

This is the joy of Titans.

A shadow appeared in the void. A beautiful little girl appeared from the void. She appeared again. This time, there were not many scars on her body. She had recovered a lot of strength.

A horrifying scene appeared before everyone. All the creatures that were set on fire by Tyran Fording screamed miserably. Their bodies twisted and dissipated into the air.

A special wind blew and the Emerald Dream appeared.

These sinful souls avoided the attraction of the other world and were pulled into the Emerald Dream.

Three soul phantoms also flowed out from Naxxramas.

The souls of those indescribable monsters and puppets turned into nutrients and merged into the land of the Emerald Dream.

The remaining souls turned into elves, waiting for a new reincarnation. Apparently Azeroth had awakened and began to build its own river of souls.

Finally, only three most powerful souls remained, one of whom was Sindragosa.

It is no longer an undead, it exudes an arcane aura. She has become the guardian of the Emerald Dream. The two souls are Blaumeux and Zeliek. They have become dream knights. They will protect this world together with Sindragosa.

The previous Emerald Dream was created by the Titan Iona who controlled the Force of Life. She only controlled the Force of Life and the Force of Order, so there were only the Wild Demigods on the Life side in the Emerald Dream.

Now Ezelena has received half of the Emerald Dream. She is a true god who possesses all the force, so demigods of all the force can exist here.

Ysera has been fighting a corrupt nightmare force for complete control of the Emerald Dream. If she succeeds, all souls on Azeroth will have a home.

Soon, Ezelena's shadow disappeared with the Emerald Dream.

Jaina has opened the gates to New Dalaran.

The newly born city of Dalaran was created by the Titans. They soon arrived at the second floor hall of Dalaran, where the transformation had not yet been completed.

The original Ice Dragon Room was transformed into a large conference room. Those who participated in this operation were all high-ranking generals of the Alliance. Now they gathered together, waiting for their demigods to descend.

Suddenly, holy light spots appeared above the head, and these spots turned into holy light angels. Then a man in armor appeared there.

"Thank you for your hard work." Seeing that no one was killed, Taelan Fording finally felt relieved.

The reason why he chose to charge forward every time was to reduce casualties.

How many partners has he lost over the years?

In Zul'Matha he lost Tina and Balnir, in Maddenholde he lost Rom, in Mount Hyjal he lost Kalin who had followed him for more than ten years, and a few days ago he almost lost the arrogant blue dragon Malygos.

Who will he lose tomorrow? When will he lose himself?

He didn't want to lose anyone anymore.

The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza sat on the right hand side of Taelan Fording. She said in her magnetic voice:

"Today is a great victory. Our Red Dragon Legion's Grand Lord Tyran Fordring has eliminated a completely freed Ancient God for us. This is a great feat that even the Titans could not accomplish! But we did it."

Taelan Fording thanked the queen for her support. Then he continued, "Janna, you should go back to Kul Tiras. Your father needs your help."

"N'Zoth foretold my future. He said something would happen that would break my family's heart. My parents were at a crossroads, and the only place he could set his trap was Kul Tiras.

It's not too far from here to Kul Tiras. You can teleport there."

"Miss Jandice Barov and Lady Demetria will help you."

Jaina didn't want to leave Taelan Fording, but she was still worried about her parents' safety.

"Okay! I'll be back soon."

In fact, she can teleport. Her wizard tower has been repaired. She can return to the Barrens at any time. Besides, it's time for her to be independent.

Demetrius, who was traveling with her, thought she was more worried about her husband. After all, there were wolves all around.

"We need to return to the Barrens, then head south to Uldum. There's a big trouble waiting for us there."

Malfurion, who had seen a lot, said: "Yes, we have another great enemy. N'Zoth's minion, the Wind Lord Al'Akir. He is still attacking Uldum. His throne of the wind god has opened the door to the material world."

Cairne Bloodhoof is a steady elder:
"Taran, we don't know the situation of the Throne of Wind God, and it is an elemental lord. Destroying it is not the end."

Taelan Fordring understood what Cairne Bloodhoof meant.

"Yes, I have a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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