Chapter 26 Passion
"Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 12! You gained 1 skill point, and the remaining skill points are 9."

Taelan Fording immediately ended his meditation. The hot July passed, and after a month of staying at home, he finally reached level 12.

During this month, he learned the Blessing of Freedom and the Hand of Salvation just as his father had said. Also, after Solanlian's careful teaching, his mysticism had made great progress, and he had completely mastered the two spell abilities of Mind Lock and Energy Detection.

The ability of mind lock completely changed the skill of Holy Light Bullet, allowing it to track the locked target. When Tailan concentrated his mind, he could even make it perform snake-like maneuvers, turning the straight trajectory of Holy Light Bullet into a precision-guided one.

Energy perception is a passive ability. Generally speaking, it is a professional ability that a mage gains upon awakening. In fact, it comes from the study and mastery of energy in mysticism. Energy detection is an active ability that allows the user to have an enhanced version of energy perception for a period of time.

Taelan Fording could not wait to open the skill tree, opened the combat skill tab, first added a point of sacrifice, which is the core skill of enthusiasm, and then added a point each in enthusiasm and charge, so that he only had 6 skill points left.

Increases damage and accuracy at the cost of life

8% self damage
Current skill level: 8
Hit rate: +69%
Damage: +285%
Sacrifice receives additional bonuses from the following abilities:
Redemption: +15% damage per skill level

Zeal: +5% damage per skill level

Allows you to hit multiple enemies with one attack.

Current skill level: 8
Attack power: +80%
Damage: +120%
5 attacks

Mana Cost: 2
Zeal receives additional bonuses from the following skills:
Sacrifice: +12% damage per skill level

Impact an enemy at high speed

Current skill level: 8
Damage: +435%
Hit rate: +155%
Mana Cost: 9
Charge receives additional bonuses from the following abilities:
Vitality: +20% damage per skill level

Strength: +20% damage per skill level

After learning these skills, Tailan felt that his strength had become much stronger. From level 12, when he unlocked the core skills, he entered a period of rapid growth in strength, which lasted until level 30. Every time he learned a powerful skill, his survivability would be greatly improved.

Because of the existence of the equipment Blessing of Tirion Fordring, Tyran Fordring postponed learning Blessed Aim, because without the aura, it can only improve his hit rate. When a battle occurs, he will now turn on the Power Aura or the Prayer Aura, and facing future enemies, orc warlocks and the Scourge, he will choose the Purification Aura.

Seeing the attack power +80% displayed by Zeal made him, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder, very uncomfortable, so he invested two more skill points. Zeal became
Allows you to hit multiple enemies with one attack.

Current skill level: 10
Attack power: +100%
Damage: +132%
5 attacks

Mana Cost: 2
Zeal receives additional bonuses from the following skills:
Sacrifice: +12% damage per skill level

Well, it feels much better now! Then Taelan Fording spent the whole afternoon in the training ground familiarizing himself with new skills. His current fighting style has changed from a warrior to a spellcaster, and his attack methods have become more diverse! That is, physical attacks are the main method, supplemented by holy light magic attacks.

At night, Tirion Fording, who had been out patrolling for the day, returned home and asked his apprentice Barthilas to go home. He first greeted everyone at home, and then took the whole family to the training ground. He knew that his son was obsessed with the study of Holy Light and mysticism every day. His tutor even said that his talent in mysticism was comparable to some of the great mages in Dalaran.

So Tirion Fordring wants to practice with his son today to see if he has made any progress.

The family of three, including the tutor Solanlian, habitually leaned against a tall Lordaeron maple tree at the entrance of the training ground, leisurely watching the father and son standing opposite each other.

Tirion did not use a warhammer, but raised a standard shield. He decided to establish his father's authority - to teach the boy a lesson with defense. Let him know that there are always people better than you. Pride is the beginning of failure!
Tailan raised his shield and grasped his sword in a serious manner. His father didn't know that he had mastered new skills. He had to seize this opportunity to give him a surprise and apply these new abilities in actual combat.

So he calmed down. He began to move around Tirion, while injecting holy light into the standard long sword. This was also the result of studying mysticism, equivalent to the holy seal of the paladin, but Tyran's holy light was more domineering. His holy light power could greatly increase the attack power and sharpness of the weapon! Tirion immediately injected holy light into the shield and said at the same time: "Good boy, although there is no holy seal, the weapon blessed with holy light is not worse than the holy seal. Come over, let me see how strong you are!"

At this time, Kalandra, who was standing aside, clenched his fists and supported his son!
Taelan Fordring took advantage of the moment when Tirion was talking and stabbed him straight forward. The weapon infused with holy light even made Tirion feel a hint of burning.

He quickly raised his shield to block, but Tyran Fordring did not collide with his shield, but took a step back, and the tip of his sword emitted a bright light, and a holy light bullet shot out from it, hitting Tirion Fordring's left shoulder. Tirion Fordring knew that his son's holy light bullet was controlled by mysticism and could lock onto the enemy. He quickly moved his shield up and took the initiative to collide with the holy light bullet. With a bang, the holy light bullet exploded, causing him to pause. At this time, Tyran Fordring stepped forward and stabbed again. Tirion Fordring immediately jumped away swiftly.

Then the father and son started a fierce battle, one attacking and one defending. After Tyran Fordring was hit by a shield, the two distanced themselves. Tirion Fordring reminded him, "Son, although the Paladin has Justice Pursuit, we are notoriously short-handed. Although your Holy Light Bullet makes up for the lack of long-range attacks, when facing a spellcaster like a mage who has many control skills, we can only passively take the beating!"

Taelan Fordring said: "Yes, father, I will go all out from now on. You must be careful! Don't get hurt!" Tirion nodded. A true warrior should not underestimate any enemy!
In the world of swords and magic, surprises are everywhere!
Then Taelan Fordring opened Tirion's blessing:

Each of your subsequent attacks is guaranteed to hit, and each critical hit deals 300% weapon damage.

Then a powerful holy light emanated from his body, and his body rushed forward, leaving behind a trail of phantoms, as he rushed towards Tirion Fordring.

"Intercept?" Tirion thought that this extremely fast movement that could be launched in battle should be an interception. But Tyran Fordring said, "Holy Charge!" With a bang, Tirion Fordring really felt that he was injured. This strange damage seemed to be unable to be reduced by protection, this was real damage!
Nephalem Power: Punishment takes effect!
Then Taelan activated the Violet Pendant. As he approached the target, Taelan immediately launched a heavy attack. Tirion knew this move. This Holy Light spell was unreasonable. It ignored dodges and blocks and would definitely burn the opponent's face! So the two shields collided. Tirion's strength was obviously higher than his son's, and he immediately repelled his son.

But Tailan raised his right hand. "Hammer of Justice!"

Tirion Fordring knew that his son's Hammer of Justice was surprisingly effective. Fortunately, it didn't hit him immediately, so he immediately used Holy Protection. Then he was knocked unconscious on the spot! He silently counted 1-2-3 in his mind, calculating the recovery time. When the time was up, he immediately used Hammer of Justice and Holy Light to symbolically add some blood to himself, so that his son could experience the fighting style of a high-level paladin!
At this moment, a sword halo appeared under Tyran Fording's feet. Then, a large amount of holy light surged from his hand and the long sword. It was difficult to see what he was doing. The long sword formed five phantoms on the trajectory of the swing, and in an instant, all five phantoms slashed on the shield!
The shield blessed by the holy light immediately made a sound of being overwhelmed. Then, it was split in half after five consecutive slashes!


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(End of this chapter)

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