Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 269: Work requires patience, life requires passion

Chapter 269: Work requires patience, life requires passion

Taelan Fording sat lazily on the sofa, leaning against the left armrest and supporting his head with his left hand. This was a rare time to relax.

Rommath shared his speculation. He believed that the most dangerous one was Y'Shaarj, after all, Xal'atath was still in the hands of Taelan Fordring.

Human fears all come from the unknown. No matter how serious the known danger is, people will find ways to deal with it. Even if they can't deal with it, they will slowly get relieved. This is what Algalon saw, and he didn't even shed a tear.

Tyran Fording admired Rommath's speculation. This young-looking high elf had actually lived for thousands of years. The wisdom accumulated over the years had given him rich experience that humans, a short-lived species, could not have, and their long lifespan gave them more opportunities to make mistakes.

Thinking of this, his heart moved, and a ball of milky white holy light was generated in the void. He stretched out his right hand and held the ball of energy tightly in his hand. Romans looked at him in surprise.

The spell is cast silently.

His mental strength was already able to control the Force hidden in the void, and his body was so strong that it could not be harmed by the overbearing energy.

In fact, he did not discover the secret of Tyran Fording. When his mysticism reached the advanced level and reached the epic level with the help of the blessing code, he began to try to use a thin layer of holy light to protect himself closely.

Now he succeeded. At the same time, his Despair Barrier added a toughness attribute. Now it will generate a new layer of shield after being broken, it is called Absolution, it can withstand one attack.

Taelan Fording knew that this ability that only counted the number of times was the most powerful. It could resist any damage.

He should be called an immortal now. What he pursued was completely different from when he first came here. Romans didn't know that the black hand he mentioned had predicted him since he first came to this world, and tried every means to change the direction of the original world.

The moment Tyran Fording saw the letter written by Chase in such a smug tone, he was extremely upset. It was extremely unbearable to have one's fate manipulated by others. It was a feeling that everything in one's life was denied.

He clenched his right hand, and the ball of energy exploded with a snap. The power of the explosion was offset by the newly formed shield.

He remembered that he had watched a movie on Blue Star called "The Truman Show".

When he saw the letter, he was wondering if this was a Truman show targeting him. Now after hearing Romance's speculation, he suddenly thought, there are Mother Earth, Titans, Eternals, and Demons here, so who is he? Who would be so boring? But the words in the movie kept echoing in his heart:
"Good morning! If I never see you again, I'll wish you good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"

Man is born alone, everyone is Truman, and everyone lives in a world built by others.

The door to the living room was pushed open, and General Gavinrad, dressed in a neat military uniform, walked in. Tailan stood up.

"Talan, are you okay?" He had white hair on his temples and his back was a little hunched.

Over the past year, his comrades died one by one, his friends left him one by one, Lordaeron was destroyed by its prince. The Crusaders were established and became increasingly powerful, Queen Calia was re-crowned, and the country expanded its territory. He retreated to the second line, from the combat sequence to the logistics sequence.

He had lost many students in the melee a few days ago. Extreme joy and extreme sorrow are harmful to the body. This made him look a little older than his father.

His tone was still as stern as before: "We are paladins, and we must face our own fate alone. You are a soldier, and someone will leave you at any moment.

Our casualties this time are not great, so don't worry."

He glanced at Jaina, who was sitting on the left of Tyran Fordring. "Don't think too much. Everyone makes mistakes. A man has a big family as well as a small one. You have to take care of your small family first. You have done enough for the Alliance.

I have to go. The boys are waiting for me."

He suddenly raised his hand and saluted: "Goodbye, Marshal!"

Taelan Fording also returned the gift:

"Goodbye, General Ravengard."

People were coming in and out of the living room, and soon a woman wearing the same Judgment Armor as Tyran Fording walked in. Behind her followed a beautiful woman wearing the robes of a high-ranking priest of the Crusader Army. The two young people exuded vitality.

These are the new generation of high-ranking generals of the alliance, Commander Mallan and high-ranking priest Demetria.

Demetria said, "Grand Marshal, congratulations on your further progress. We are all commanders, and when it comes to deploying troops and doing things, we must not regret our moves."

Ma Erlan is obviously not so carefree. She often pushes herself at critical moments, so she can complete her tasks every time:
"Grand Marshal, the scouts have been sent out and there will be news soon. And our agent king has returned. She brought a piece of loot."


At this time, the door to the living room opened again, and a petite figure and a handsome man walked in. It was really Lillian Voss and her partner Hunter. There was still a murderous look on her face.

"Grand Marshal, we have fulfilled our mission. We killed the Evil-Hearted Shakil." As he spoke, he took out a nameplate from his backpack.

Taelan Fording returned the greeting seriously, and then said, "Lillian, Hunter, thank you for your hard work."

He instantly activated the Purification Aura. The nameplate did not react. Shakril was a powerful hero, and he did not use the curse.

Taelan Fordring asked, "Did it say why it came to Northrend to kill people?"

Hunter said: "Even in the face of death, it said nothing. It is a qualified thief."

Lillian said: "A qualified thief should always hide in the shadows. It is more like a dead soldier, and it prefers to fight desperately rather than wait."

Taelan Fording looked at Lillian's young face. She had a firm expression and every word she said was unquestionable.

"Lillian, the mission is not everything. You have to learn to walk in, and you have to learn to walk out. You have to learn to separate your life from your work.

When you are on a mission, you are a thief. When you come back here, you are an ordinary person. Joy, anger, sorrow and happiness are all a kind of wealth in life.

The human spirit is like a bow, it should be tightened when it should be tightened, and it should be loosened when it should be loosened. The tighter it is pulled, sooner or later it will break. "

Lillian was a little unconvinced: "Thieves should live in the shadows. We are not warriors or paladins. We use our physical fragility to gain deadly attack power."

Taelan Fording shook his head: "You don't understand Shakiril. It doesn't choose to wait, it chooses to fight. It's because it has been waiting for tens of thousands of years." Lillian looked at him in surprise: "Tens of thousands of years?"

"Yes, it is a mantid, it is a Klaxxi paragon."

"The Mantid is an evil race. They belong to the Aqir Zerg. When the Aqir Zerg was defeated, one of them fled to Silithus and became the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. One went north and became a spider demon. The rest came to Pandaria in the south. They evolved into the Mantid."

"They worship the ancient god Y'Shaarj and are the most brutal of the Aqir Zerg. All other people protect their own race, but they are different. They protect reincarnation, the reincarnation of Y'Shaarj."

"For this reason, they have fought against the Mogu Empire for generations. In order to fight against their enemies, whenever a period of peace comes, some of their outstanding tribesmen will seal themselves in a special cocoon when their fighting power is at its peak, and wait until the crisis comes, and their tribesmen will wake them up.

The sealing process is extremely painful, and in order to keep the secret, the tribesmen who seal the cocoon will be executed immediately. "

Jaina had been keeping an eye on Taelan Fordring, and when she heard this, she held Taelan's right hand.

Taelan Fording patted the back of her hand and said, "Every race has its own way of living. We have no right to interfere. But we also have our own position, which is that they cannot threaten our living space.

They have fought the Mogu for tens of thousands of years just to protect their reincarnation.

Shakril has been waiting for tens of thousands of years, and I think it doesn't want to wait any longer.

I guess Ip's goal should be to resurrect A'Shaarj. Otherwise, it would not be able to convince the Klaxxi heroes.

And the impending disaster must be related to them."

"Lillian, you are not a killing machine, you are a human being, you are different from Shakril. Waiting is a virtue, but that is only when it works."

Lillian understood what Taelan Fording meant: "Yes, Lord."

She smiled. In addition to work, people also need to have their own lives. Work requires patience, and life requires passion.

Soon Pamela, Baine Bloodhoof, Emily and others arrived.

Watching the younger generation grow up, Taelan Fording actually felt that he was already old. The endless war made his heart exhausted.

This plan was very risky. He had to make arrangements for the future, and the alliance could not fall apart just because someone was missing.

But he believed that what he needed would be delivered soon. He was still unable to resist the power of that man. But he couldn't do it himself. He still needed a scapegoat. In order to eliminate himself as an unexpected factor, he would definitely take a risk.

He sensed Xal'atath, very good, very powerful. She was just unable to withstand the power of Ezelena. A little more would be bad. So you have to endure the whispers in the Emerald Dream! Until you meet your victim.

As night came, the soft glow of the World Tree replaced the sun's rays.

The entire Taurajo was shrouded in a double glow. Half was Teldrassil, and half was the magic barrier of the high elves. It could be said that this was the safest place in the entire world. Without the strength of Archimonde, there was no chance of breaking in from the outside.

The room has been cleaned, and the magic broom, butler robot and repair tree man can help the owner complete most of the housework.

These are the result of the combination of the magic civilization of the high elves, the druids of the Kaldorei, the engineering technology of the dwarves, and the forging technology of the dwarves. The suspension technology of these robots is the result of Ronin's research on Naxxramas.

The strength of the alliance is the result of the combined power of these races. This country has gradually developed a civilization that is completely different from other planets.

Nowadays, living in tree houses, using magic brooms, wearing dwarven armor, wearing tauren totems, and joining the Crusaders has become the pursuit of every member of the Alliance.

The room became quiet, and Tandre had gone to sleep in the guest room. Now only Taelan Fordring and Jaina were left.

Tyran Fordring already knew why these people came to visit him. Although he blocked the news of Sylvanas Windrunner's defection, the expeditionary force from Ulduar had returned. This news would spread sooner or later. The situation of the high elves would still be affected. Fortunately, it was not Kael who had the problem.

After all, the king is the representative of a race. A general can only bring ammunition when the parliament quarrels. Kyle's contribution to the Alliance is obvious to all. And he just led the Alliance to defeat the invading enemy in Ashenvale.

Taelan Fording had been following the Dark Night Faire for a long time. He had even specifically asked about their activity schedule. He clearly remembered that the circus claimed that they would come to Mulgore during the Feast of Winter Veil.

But they were early.

Rommath's guess was right, and the Titan's dream had proved it. What he needed would definitely arrive in Pandaria with Master Yip.

Taelan Fordring is not worried about a direct invasion by Sargeras and those behind the veil because Azeroth's anti-Titan array still exists.

The five-color dragon army became a four-color dragon army. But this does not mean that the anti-Titan array is ineffective, because although Deathwing is dead, Archaedas, the guardian of the earth, is still alive. Taelan Fording killed Loken and Algalon, but left Thorim, Freya and others. And he only sealed Odin.

This time, Rhonin's trip to Karazhan in the eastern continent was just a cover. His target was Uldaman. He needed to convince the guardian to stand up again. When they recaptured Lordaeron, it would be the time for Tyr, the King of Order, to return.

In fact, the Guardian is a double backup. And the black dragon clan is not completely dead, at least the smart Nefarios is still alive and well. It is said that he has given up the dangerous dragon research and turned to alchemical potions. And he has released goodwill to the Alliance. After the death of N'Zoth and Deathwing, the black dragon clan is slowly returning to normal. The craziest one now may be Onyxia.

What really troubled Tyran Fordring was Sylvanas Windrunner. Rommath and the others said it was easy. Just give up one of them and the problem can be solved.

But they don't understand what the Lightforged Dragon Soul is. That is the power given to him by the Nephalem bloodline. And Sylvanas Windrunner is a person, a living person. That ability cannot lightforge her. And because of the deliberate alienation from her, they still don't know how far she has fallen.

She had been helping him silently. He could feel it, but her pride prevented her from saying it out loud.

The resurrection of Y'Shaarj is not a time point, but a process. It is very important to choose the right time point. Because what he wants will only be delivered at the last moment. By that time, can Sylvanas Windrunner be saved? When Ip sees that she can't make him give up Xal'atath, will he sacrifice her directly?

Why is it that I am the one who makes this choice every time?
Letting others make choices is a sign of strength; the weak can only be forced to choose.

I am still not strong enough.

(End of this chapter)

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