Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 271 Release your hatred and vent your anger

Chapter 271 Release your hatred and vent your anger
Sylvanas Windrunner followed behind Master Yip, looking at the surrounding scenery as she walked.

Not only the Mantids but also a large number of Twilight Hammer followers and Qirajis invaded the Vale of Eternal Blossoms through Yip's portal. However, they were only responsible for fighting the Pandaren.

Sylvanas didn't know where these humans came from, but she knew it must be Jintessa's idea.

Cho'gall was killed by the Alliance in Twilight Highlands. Logically, the Twilight's Hammer should no longer exist. But this is not the case. The Twilight's Hammer still exists. Its remnants in Gadgetzan are mixed with the leader of the Filthy Hand, Don Hangu. Later, Don Hangu died in a fight between Kazakus and Aya Blackpaw. Most of the cultists were executed on the spot by Lillian Voss.

Taelan Fording had experienced many brutal battles, but he didn't kill many people. But he seemed to be particularly disgusted with cultists. In Silithus, he killed Mona with a single blow without mercy. Then he went to the vicinity of the "Zora Hive" to look for the Twilight King. Unfortunately, he had already escaped.

Tyran Fording had always suspected that these self-depraved humans came from Stormwind. There must be a new chieftain there. For this reason, Tyran Fording had never paid attention to Stormwind, allowing it to drift outside the Alliance.

Later, Sylvanas Windrunner gradually understood the secrets of human society. Stormwind and Lordaeron are the two most powerful kingdoms of mankind. The Wrynn family of Stormwind was once a vassal of Anduin Lothar's family. For some unknown reason, they exchanged the positions of king and vassal.

Lordaeron saved Stormwind and helped rebuild the kingdom. But when Lordaeron was invaded by the Scourge, they did not send a single soldier. The impulsive and narrow-minded old Mograine went to Ironforge to forge a powerful weapon, Ashbringer. He once asked Stormwind and the dwarves to send reinforcements. In the end, he returned to Lordaeron alone.

In the words of Tyran Fording, Stormwind is full of fat-bellied nobles and evil-minded people, as well as two great saints who are in arrears of wages. He will never put his foot in there. He wants to see what it will become in the end.

Now looking at these humans, she seemed to understand.

She pulled her attention away from the humans. A fierce battle was taking place in the temple. Then there were roars, the sound of blood spurting, and the cries of the dying. Here she saw many of Chen Stormstout's fellow tribesmen, the pandaren.

There was one thing she didn't understand, which was the gold coin of the Mogu Empire in her hand. How was it affected by Yip? Chen Stormstout couldn't have surrendered to the Old God. There was a strange energy in it. It was not the Force, but it had a strange effect. It could resist the invasion of shadows and evil energy.

Moreover, Chen's optimistic and helpful personality makes it impossible for him to become a cultist.

She shifted her attention to Yip, and Yip's attention was always on her. She had been observing Sylvanas Windrunner's reaction, especially when the killing began. She wanted to see how deep this crazy and terrifying woman had fallen, and how much mercy and humanity she still had in her heart.

She only saw indifference! Compared to intense reactions or crazy outbursts, indifference is the most terrifying. She has to prepare another plan at any time. Because the ending may be a little different from what she agreed with Sylvanas Windrunner.

People look at others according to their own virtues. If a liar looks around, he will definitely see liars everywhere. A bad person only sees himself. He must think the same about others. He naturally puts his possible choices on others.

Seeing Sylvanas Windrunner's indifference, she was relieved. She was indeed corrupted, and she could not go back to the past. She had one more task. She had to keep her alive. She had a special mission to complete. She could not die before she met her destiny.

"Have you heard of the other world?"

Sylvanas Windrunner was stunned. She had considered all possible topics of conversation with Ipp, but she had never expected that the issue of the other world would come up in their conversation.

"I have never heard of the Beyond."

"It seems that he doesn't really trust you."

"There's no point in your provocation. Even though I want to, I know I can never go back."

"It's not like that. He is actually..." She didn't dare to say anything more. If he really became "Him", the ending would be unimaginable.

He carefully raised his head and glanced at the blue child still hanging in the sky in broad daylight. He did not emit much light, but he still existed.

She prayed silently in her heart: "Creator! Please forgive me! It is better to die later than to perish immediately. Although it is meaningless."

Then a feeling of hatred emerged in her heart: "Why did you create us when you didn't prepare a place for us.

The only one who would look us in the eye was Taelan Fordring. And I had to betray him."

It still doesn't understand that the relationships between intelligent life all come from feedback.

This is why Taelan Fordring and Jaina, a couple put together by Chase, can truly love each other.

The way two people get along must evolve step by step after testing each other. This pattern is most obvious in childhood. In the world of children, you will find that everyone will bully one or several specific children.

Of course, bullying is definitely wrong, but it is also wrong to say that the responsibility lies with the child who bullies. Both sides are responsible. When two strangers become acquaintances, their mode of getting along must have been determined after many attempts. The weak's tolerance and concessions have encouraged the arrogance of those "bad kids". Then there is path dependence.

The reason why the Kobolds were abandoned was because they retreated. If you retreat at a critical moment, people will naturally exclude you from their choices.

Sylvanas Windrunner's character destined her to be a strong person.

Why does Bloodseeker Skir fear her? Because he has personally witnessed Sylvanas Windrunner's temper and powerful strength.

Intelligent life is bound to have some small thoughts. So it sent a powerful mantis demon to test the lone female.

Sylvanas's tolerance made it complacent. Just when it wanted to take the initiative in the relationship between the two, it was shot by an arrow of life and death. It personally experienced the power of the seemingly gentle life force.

The moment it was shot, it felt that all the organs in its body were no longer under the control of its brain. They became "independent"! That's right, each organ had developed self-awareness, and they all wanted to do their own thing. Then the woman held her snow-white left hand.

"Evolutionary Strike - Life Bloom."

In an instant, countless branches grew out of its body, robbing it of its blood and energy, and drilling countless small holes in its body. They bound it and made it unable to move.

It thought he was going to die. But the woman let it go and left.

If it weren't for the dense holes on its tough shell that were still bleeding, it would have thought it was dreaming.

If Ip didn't have that trump card, she wouldn't have acted with Sylvanas Windrunner. She would rather be with the Mantid Paragons. At least they will tell you before they kill you. It's not easy to survive in an organization like theirs. A spy and a traitor can't make friends. Those relationships will sooner or later become tragedies. "Not only is there injustice in this world, but also in the other world. Only by changing the other world that is related to the root can this world be changed."

"I hope you have the opportunity to go to the other world and realize our dream."

Sylvanas Windrunner glanced at Ip indifferently. It seemed that only Taelan Fordring could stir her emotions.

"Not interested. Taelan Fording once said this.

Every gift from fate has a price tag on it. When it comes time for me to repay it, I will gladly accept it. "

Yip shuddered. It feels good to betray someone. How can I keep betraying someone and feel good all the time? That's impossible.

Trust only once. Everything after that is compromise. She must quickly "get" the power of leadership.

At this time, a team of elite mantids passed by them carrying a special box. The Supreme and Bloodseeker Skir carefully guarded it.

Looking at their pious appearance, Yip would have despised them in his heart in the past. Now it is completely different. People, no, kobolds must believe in something. In the past it was Him, now it should be the Master. Perhaps it is not bad to live in religious fanaticism like them.

The Pandas were finally defeated, and a small number of them retreated under the leadership of Zhu Talan, while most of them died in the battle.

Sylvanas Windrunner watched Zhu Talan leave. She knew that Jintesha's plot had succeeded. Those members of the Twilight Church from Stormwind made it even more difficult for Zhu Talan, who was already conservative, to trust the Alliance. Zhu Talan would definitely wait until things got out of hand before making a final effort.

This is actually arrogance and a lack of self-awareness. But this is the price he must pay.

The Supreme Korvan reverently opened the sealed box, and the huge black heart rose from it.

Korven the Prime and Skir the Bloodseeker personally dropped the Heart of Darkness into the Fountain of Youth.

With a plop, the heart fell into the clear spring water. With a boom, a black gas shot out from the wide well mouth. Then, inky black water gushed out from the Fountain of Youth.

Sylvanas Windrunner had noticed the well long ago, and it exuded the breath of life. It was the energy node of the entire Pandaria. The life force generated by the Titans spread from here to the entire Pandaria.

Therefore, this is the best choice to extract the vitality of Pandaria. At the same time, under the infiltration of the fountain of life, the heart that has begun to lose vitality will also be revitalized.

Ip raised his staff, and at the same time several special gems flew out from his hand. They circled around the fountain of life, then emitted gray-black gas and slowly merged with the earth.

Soon a huge magic circle appeared. The grass on the ground that was killed by the black water in the well came back to life. However, they looked weird no matter how you looked at them. Moreover, they changed from grass green to dark green. They grew and danced in the void as if they were alive. It was as if countless tentacles grew out of the ground, trying to grab everything nearby.

Life force began to gather here. Sylvanas Windrunner ignored the dissatisfied mantid and began to absorb the energy silently.

This is the agreed reward.

Yip looked at the woman fearfully. In a sense, she was the best person to carry out the master's plan. It was a pity that she did not trust him, and would not treat her master as her master. She would not let anyone become her master.

"Then be a collaborator. If you can't be a slave, be a collaborator. In the end, she will become the master's pawn anyway."

There was a plop plop sound coming from the well.

As vitality continued to gather, the heart in the well began to beat strongly. It began to revive. It had been dead for too long and had lost too much energy. It was also too powerful, and the amount of energy required was astronomical. If you choose to revive N'Zoth, you only need to invest its tentacles now. Soon it will be restored to its original state.

What Ip wants is a powerful ancient god who can put an end to the Titans and Tyran Fording, not a cuttlefish. If it survives, it will soon be killed by the increasingly powerful Tyran Fording. Besides, the master's real target is the one underground!
Ip found a suitable place to sit down. The rest of the time was just waiting, waiting for Y'Shaarj to return, waiting for Zhu Talan to figure it out, waiting for Taelan Fordring to come, and waiting for the kobolds to get rid of the terrible Lord of Shadow.

"It would be great if I could become a demigod. I hope the master can grant me the qualifications to control the Force."

It knows more than Sylvanas Windrunner, but Sylvanas Windrunner is more cruel and powerful than her! Even as the master, he can only cooperate with her.

The battle of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is over. The two Qiraji emperors came to the Fountain of Youth with blood all over their bodies. They looked at Sylvanas Windrunner who was concentrating on absorbing energy. Emperor Vek'lor wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. Apparently another emperor stopped him.

Many troops gathered near the Fountain of Youth. They were divided into several camps. The Qiraji followed the two emperors and occupied one side, while the Venture Capital Company and some Kobolds were next to them.

The mantids took the other side.

Sylvanas Windrunner looked with interest at the mantids that were divided into two parts. The Twelve Heroes and a large number of troops led by a unique-looking insect man formed the strongest team here.

The leading insect man must be the Mantis Queen Shek'thir.

Sylvanas Windrunner had a premonition that this woman would definitely end something, not the entire world, but her fellow countrymen. Her worship of the black gas in the Fountain of Youth was beyond words.

It fell to its knees. The four of them prostrated themselves: "Great Reincarnation! Everyone should bow down at your feet! Let us restore the glory of the Ancient Gods!"

The Mantids all knelt down, muttering something. The Qiraji followed the two emperors and saluted the returning Ancient God. They were originally proud emperors of the insects. But the situation was stronger than the people. Tyran Fording was like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, ready to fall at any time.

If you rely on others to survive, you have to pay something, either profit or dignity!
The Zergmen knelt down, and the Goblins and Kobolds standing were not as tall as the kneeling Zergmen. Sylvanas Windrunner became the exception. She actually sat aside and absorbed the power of the Creator without paying attention to anyone.

The kneeling Queen just happened to see her out of the corner of her eye.

This is simply intolerable! This is blasphemy! This man deserves death!
Don't think I won't hit you just because you have long legs! How can you stand?

(End of this chapter)

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