Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 277 An unexpected choice

Chapter 277 An unexpected choice
The last person Taelan Fordring wanted to face was Sylvanas Windrunner, but he also knew that they would meet again this time.

She used to be an independent, strong and beautiful woman, but now she is surrounded by the power of death. These powers of death are integrated with the power of life that she controls, giving her an enchanting beauty that she has never had before.

She still turned into the same person as in her previous life.

However, the military life in the Alliance changed her dressing habits. She still wore the full-body mail armor, holding the longbow of Renrudilor Ancient Guardian in her hand, and a rune-engraved blade on her waist.

Damn it, he had to make a choice every time. Between Elder Kane and the world, he chose the world. Because once he chose Kane, tens of thousands of Alliance soldiers here would likely lose their lives. This was something neither he nor Kane wanted to see.

Now he had to make a choice again. But he didn't want to choose between Sylvanas and Y'Shaarj. He could put her last.

The eight wings of light behind Taelan Fording flapped gently. He suddenly disappeared, and two areas of holy light rained down between him and Y'Shaarj, which meant he could appear in one of these two locations. This was another benefit he gained after being able to cast holy light spells silently.

Seeing Sylvanas Windrunner stop Tyran Fordring, Chase, Ip and the two Qiraji emperors were relieved. As long as they watched him for a while, Y'Shaarj would be able to take back the power of the Sha, and then devour the void power in the remains of other ancient gods, gaining more qualifications to control the power of the void.

And this qualification is what Queen Shakzara desires.

Chase was the happiest person here. She had completed her mission in excess, and she and the kobold had messed things up. She shouldn't have "introduced" a wife to Taelan Fordring, Ip shouldn't have indulged Jintessa's plan, and she shouldn't have let Sylvanas Windrunner take away the death power of Yogg-Saron, the god of death.

In fact, she was overthinking. If Ipp didn't give some of the power of the Brain of Yogg-Saron to Sylvanas Windrunner, why would Windrunner help her? With that pie in the air? If it weren't for the important position of Sylvanas Windrunner in Tyran Fordring's mind, the final blow would not be a Heaven's Fist, but a devastating blow from a demigod.

In fact, she didn't know that the road to godhood was not entirely told to Sylvanas Windrunner by Tyran Fording. It was Master Yip who used these as bargaining chips to tempt Windrunner.

When she saw how Taelan Fordring moved, cold sweat immediately broke out on her back.

The grayish-white energy glow in Sylvanas Windrunner's eyes continued to dissipate. She raised her hand and shot five arrows in succession, each of which was entangled with the power of life and death. Vines quickly grew at each landing point. When these vines grew a little bigger, she could teleport among these plants.

Taelan Fordring's powerful Holy Light resisted Sylvanas's attack. He had a stronger ability to control the Force and a higher level of mystery. A Holy Light Fist was naturally generated in the void, and Liadrin once used this power to repel an enemy stronger than her.

A punch knocked Sylvanas Windrunner back, and the Holy Light Force invaded Sylvanas Windrunner's body, slowing her down. Taelan Fordring gently clenched his left hand. Snap! Three rays of Holy Light bound her.

Taelan Fordring didn't look at her, and then he charged the Faceless Ones again and again, quickly approaching Y'Shaarj. Every time he charged, the ground would collapse. Yip chased him and used traps, and whenever he landed, he would fall into a crypt.

It's a pity that his Holy Charge is not teleportation. Every time he is about to fall, he will charge a new Faceless One. At this moment, Ip hated the Old Gods so much. Why do they like to summon so many subordinates? Aren't you afraid of the Fist of Heaven?

In just a few moments, Taelan Fording had passed Zhu Talan's sad place.

The earth incarnated by Chen Stormstout roared in challenge, attracting all the enemies around. The storm blew several huge faceless men into the sky. Zhu Talan was no longer invisible. Instead, he attacked Chase desperately, not wanting her to interfere with the battle of Taelan Fordring.

A stench storm collided with Zhu Talan's true energy. The two sides began to fight. Only now did Zhu Talan realize that this harmless woman was also a ruthless character. While fighting Zhu Talan, she watched Tyran Fording struggle in the fate she had woven.

This is her habit, and she will never change it. Although he can break free from it at any time, she guessed that someone was more anxious than her.

There is indeed someone who is more anxious than her, that is Master Yip who has been on a "roller coaster" these days. She is almost numb from the ups and downs. The master of the conspiracy, the unruly Sylvanas Windrunner, the perverted "matchmaker" Chase, the straightforward Taelan Fordring. The perverted Xal'atath.

She was the fortune teller, and she was the one who had been running the conspiracy for decades. In the end, everyone was doing their own thing, and since Sylvanas Windrunner contacted her master, she had lost that ease.

It knew it couldn't wait any longer. If it waited, she would lose everything. It took out a card: The Sun. It glowed green, and then the light was absorbed by the Sun card. The void energy that occasionally emanated from her body also disappeared.

It chose to burn its life while using the power given by its master.

Thousands of years of accumulation were all consumed, but it still did it.

Taelan Fordring leaped high, his body stretched perfectly in the air, and all his strength was poured into the giant axe, just like Brox Xiga Saurfang back then.

He also wants to carve out a peaceful future for his loved ones and his people just like it did.

Then the axe stopped. The demigod's strong control allowed him to stop the fatal blow in his hand.

Because Sylvanas Windrunner sent herself to Tyran Fordring. With the help of Ip's spell that consumed her life, she broke free from the bondage of Holy Light. Of course, it was too late to attack Tyran Fordring.

Yip thought maliciously in his heart: "I can send Sylvanas Windrunner over!"

Men and women, the biggest problem in the world. This problem has been solved for millions of years since the emergence of intelligent life, and it has not been solved to this day. And it will continue to be solved. It has had countless solutions. Unfortunately, none of them is perfect.

In fact, men and women are one. Those who stir up gender confrontation always have ulterior motives.

Sylvanas Windrunner has a special meaning in Tyran Fordring's heart. This is her redemption, and also his own redemption. Her fate is not in her control, and so is his.

He would never be with her, but that didn't mean he could kill her. He had saved her from Arthas himself. It was his alienation that gradually made her like this. He had thought that time could dilute everything. But some people would not let him and her live well.

A moment's hesitation determined everything.

The last evil demon threw itself into the last head with closed eyes.

The huge blood-red eye opened. The endless whispering stopped briefly.

"Everything is predetermined, and death will come."

"The void will eventually unite. Endless rage will consume everything."

An illusory high wall rose up around Azrael.

The dark empire of the ancient gods reappeared before everyone's eyes. It was about to turn from virtual to real.

Chase grabbed and knocked Zhu Talan away. The latter did not pay attention to Chase, nor to his own injuries. He stared at the huge body of Yashaji and the huge city rising from the ground.

"Great Emperor, I have failed you! Taelan Fording, our agreement has not been fulfilled. As expected, man proposes, God disposes. After all, people cannot escape their emotions."

Chase watched the Dark Empire reappear, and then laughed. This was exactly what the Emperor had hoped for. With Tyran Fordring dead, the Sun would not return. Everything would be perfect. And Jaina Proudmoore would definitely hate Sylvanas Windrunner. She seemed to be seeing the ultimate battle.

Finally, the final conclusion can be made, the result can be announced, and then a grand exit can be made. It is not that easy for Tyran Fording to die. He will definitely take Master Ip with him before he dies. If you want to fool a demigod without strength, you will have to pay a huge price. Especially when facing a hexagonal warrior like Tyran Fording who can kill a kid with one blow.

"Taran Fording, it's all over! You are just a stupid, inferior race after all. Goodbye! Never see you again!"

As soon as she mentioned Taelan Fordring's name, Sylvanas Windrunner summoned all her strength and took out a gold coin. The gold coin rolled between Windrunner's nimble fingers.

Everyone around stood still as if they were in a dark madness, watching Sylvanas Windrunner playing with the gold coin. It was the medium through which the Supreme controlled Windrunner.

Chase suddenly realized that this was a mental suggestion. Although Sylvanas Windrunner was controlled by someone, the mental suggestion was still effective.

The catalyst for this suggestion was the name of Taelan Fording and his image as an angel. When she heard the name, it would stir her emotions, and she continued to strengthen the suggestion. Every time someone said the name, she got angry. Now that the image and the name were together, she concentrated her strength and took out the gold coin at the same time.

Just like how Ip controlled Calia Menethil, this psychological suggestion could bypass the influence of magic. As long as the corresponding catalyst was seen, the suggestion would take effect.

Who cast this psychological suggestion on Sylvanas Windrunner? Chase was puzzled!
Taelan Fordring would not wait for her to figure it out. Behind him, a giant tree that supported the sky and the earth appeared. It stretched its branches in the void and broke through the void domain of Y'Shaarj in an instant. He stretched out his left hand towards the coin.

Holy Grasp.

The coin that had just been tossed was immediately caught in the hand of Taelan Fording.

This coin was heavier than the average gold coin. And one side was a little rough. Taelan Fording let it stand in the air. Then he moved the Light of Control used to control Xal'atath a little closer and injected it into the gold coin.

As the holy power of the Nephalem squeezed into the coin, something inside began to struggle, and a ray of holy light was pulled into a sharp blade.

The gold coin was split into two. One half was an ancient Mogu Empire gold coin, which was worth a bit of silver. The other half had a four-leaf clover engraved on the back. It was exactly the same as the void gem inlaid in the Taelan Fording Codex. However, Taelan's gem was missing a large piece.

Taelan Fordring swung the Dark Blade of Madness, and the milky white giant axe launched an assimilation attack on the gold coin.

A muffled groan came from the void.

The gold coin shattered, and Sylvanas Windrunner's eyes immediately regained their gem-like luster.

She concentrated all her strength and shot an arrow at Yashaji's mountain-like body!
The life force and death force of this arrow intertwined with each other. The power from the ancient god Yogg-Saron easily broke through the illusory wall and shell of Y'Shaarj, causing it to scream involuntarily.

Sylvanas Windrunner replaced Xal'atath and helped Tyran Fordring break the shell of Y'Shaarj. Moreover, the withering power brought by the life force made the wound continue to expand.

Tyran Fording rushed in quickly, and the powerful holy light brought about a huge rain of blood. The attack from his own kind broke through the body of the ancient god Y'Shaarj. The opposing holy light of the Force seriously injured him.

While Xal'atath was disappointed, he was also filled with the pleasure of revenge. Tens of thousands of years of hatred finally came to an end. Although he did not do it himself, it was also a happy thing to watch his enemy die.

The alliance warriors were encouraged and their morale was boosted.

The Supreme Korvan's mood fell from the peak to the bottom. Seeing their creator recover as before, he was betrayed by that hateful woman in an instant. He didn't know how she got rid of his control.

They couldn't get entangled with these people anymore. They had to go back and help their creator overcome the final difficulties. After firing that arrow, the woman was already exhausted and no longer a threat. All they had to do was to use their lives to hold back the demigod. Even a second was worth it.

They immediately divided the work, with Kaz'tik the Manipulator leading the Mantid's army to cover the rear. It immediately summoned a giant terrifying insect named Kovok.

The beast's huge size posed a great threat to the alliance's formation. Its huge claws swung left and right, causing people and horses to fall to the ground.

At this critical moment, Cairne Bloodhoof, who was lying on the ground, suddenly began to feel a pounding heartbeat.

A ray of blood-red light shone from the totem pole into the body of the Tauren Chieftain. The tall figure stood up again and raised his shield.

"For the Alliance! For Azeroth!"

He ignored the wounds on his body. He was able to come back to life. This was a blessing from his ancestors and the Titans of Azeroth. This was a legend among the Tauren race.

Only the greatest Tauren warriors can obtain the blessing of their ancestors and master a powerful power - resurrection! They escaped the call of the other world, stood up again, and fought for their tribe!

The powerful Cairne Bloodhoof once again stood at the forefront of the Alliance team. He launched Shield Wall and Challenge Roar without hesitation, attracting all the Mantids who were trying to delay Tyran Fordring to himself.

Resurrection is not infinite, and it is unknown when it will work again. But he still launched the challenge roar without hesitation.

Heaven is on the left, warriors are on the right. This is the character of an excellent warrior. Cairne Bloodhoof has always been a role model for Alliance warriors. He has never failed the Alliance's expectations.

Taelan Fordring's perception told him that the elder was still alive!

He was shocked, and the crystal dome in his sea of ​​consciousness merged with the fruit on the World Tree. Now it seemed to come alive. Endless holy light fell.

Tyran Fording opened the Violet Eye without hesitation, and used all the power he could, except for the precious little warhammer, whose absolute hit was the last trump card.

With the help of Sylvanas Windrunner's withering power, Taelan Fordring saw the Black Heart for the first time.

He knew that this was the only way to escape from the chessboard!
He drew out Xal'atath the Holy Blade!

He endured the endless whispers of Y'Shaarj and the torture of the Sha energy. He controlled his anger and stabbed the weird dagger into the black heart.

(End of this chapter)

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