Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 279 The Four Guardians

Chapter 279 The Four Guardians

The original body and disintegrated flesh of Az'arj were all devoured by the newly born Xal'atath. It appeared in front of everyone around it in another form.

It has five heads and seven eyes, and its body is covered with tentacles. The tentacles are all eyes, and its new organism has a huge mouth. It is a bit like a combination of the Hell Hydra native to Azeroth and the Old Gods.

And its body shows the characteristics of several old gods. The tentacles of N'Zoth, the eyeballs of C'Thun, the huge mouth of Yogg-Saron, and the claws of Y'Shaarj. It is completely different from the slow resurrection process of Y'Shaarj. It became what it is now almost the moment it broke free from the lightforged power of Taelan Fordring.

Now we can no longer call it "It", we should call it "Him". He is the most elegant of all the ancient gods. He did not attack immediately. But his incomparably powerful mental power was transmitted. A huge city that looked like a substance began to appear. This void city was perfectly combined with the shadow of the giant tree of Taelan Fording, like a reappearance of the Taurajo camp.

The whisper of the ancient god echoed in everyone's heart. He did not say a single word, but everyone felt that he was constantly speaking.

“I am the real God, I am the master of everything.

The fallen Titan will eventually destroy this place, and only by throwing oneself into the arms of the void can one achieve eternal life."

“Fury will eventually consume everything. Release your rage! Reborn in endless rage.”

Everyone looked at Tyran Fording, he had always been the backbone of the Alliance, it was he who led the Alliance to fight all the way, and it was he who had fought so hard that today's results were achieved.

But this leader of the alliance, who had always been strong and had never stopped fighting, was so exhausted. It seemed as if all his strength had been drained away.

"Xalatath, you broke your promise.

You promised to help us destroy N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron. If I separate you from this weapon, you will be gone from this world."

"Now you've broken your promise!"

Xalatas gave a sweet laugh:
"Hehehe!" This is not the tone an ancient god should have.

She said with disdain: "You don't understand void creatures at all. And..."

She changed her tone and said viciously: "Do you know what kind of life I have been living recently?

All day long, it was just endless whispers, He kept torturing me. Now He has finally shut up.”

"My roots will penetrate deep into His body, then infect Him, suck all His energy away, and turn Him into my slave!"

Taelan Fording...

It seems that Xal'atath and Ezelena don't get along well. The Whisper of the All-Force Demigod is a combination of Holy Light, Nature, and the Void, which is unbearable even for Void creatures. Once he leaves Taelan Fordring, Xal'atath will be sent to the World Tree Teldrassil to be influenced by the World Soul. They form a perfect negative feedback.

As the guardian knight of Azelena, Taelan Fordring would certainly not stand up for Xal'atath.

"How did you get involved with Yip?"

"We are not together. It was it that deceived me. It turns out that Serin and I were together and lived a happy life. There were no self-righteous and indifferent men, no long ears that pretended to be noble, no entangled little dragons! And there were no resentful women who were worried all day long!"

Now everyone is afraid of Xal'atath, but Jaina is not afraid of him. She glared at him. But she is no longer the little girl who just walked out of Dalaran. She is married and can stand on her own. She has quietly activated her own brilliant light. And it is only effective for Taelan Fordring.

Xal'atath continued, "She ended up using her apprentice to summon the Darkmoon Rabbit to kill her."

"She has been planning this for a long time. She told me that you are just a weak human who has just touched the edge of demigod, and you are ambitious, which is just the right nutrient for the Void."

"And what I ended up with was a freak, a pervert. A male that was behaving abnormally."

Jaina felt sad for Xal'atath, who was tortured by the whispers of the Titans and often lost control when she spoke. According to the descriptions of the murals, she was originally a character full of conspiracies and intrigues, which was why the four ancient gods attacked her at the same time.

Taelan Fordring did not refute Xal'atath, allowing Him to speak His mind once and for all.

All kinds of verbal attacks and new "curses" gave everyone a splitting headache. After a short while, some people began to have hallucinations. In the distance, swords were already being drawn.

The elder Cairne Bloodhoof was the first to break free. He first let out a loud roar, and then activated his new aura of durability.

The people around him felt their bodies become lighter, and the blessing of their ancestors gave them a boost in strength, and their ability to resist the whispers of the ancient gods also increased. With the cooperation of Shandris Feathermoon, who was not affected at all, he quickly organized an elite force.

Raynor, who was injured by the insects, was the first to stand up. He will lead the charge with the elders.

"Father, I'm not a coward, even though you don't like me. But I will do better than him!

Maybe I will die here today. But I must live up to the Knight's Creed of the Crusaders. "He held down the holy emblem of the sword and hammer crossed on his left chest with one hand. He held up the flag with his right hand:
"For the Alliance! For Azeroth! Crusaders, charge to the death!"

A large group of elite Tauren guards and paladins riding snow-white warhorses launched a charge towards the mountain-like Xal'atath before Taelan Fordring took action.

Cairne Bloodhoof's durability aura and Raynor's piety aura overlap, allowing this army composed of humans, tauren, night elves, and high elves to move like the wind.

Shandris Feathermoon immediately commanded her ranged troops to launch a rain of arrows. Starlight fell like rain. The Luna orbital cannon also opened fire at the same time.

The spear with holy light and magic shining with arcane brilliance hit the new body of Xal'atath.

Finally getting the chance to speak, Xal'atath continued his chatter. The attacks either failed to break his shell or the wounds healed quickly.

He seemed to be fed up, and a large number of shadow arrows were shot out from the void, and a large number of ranged troops fell to the ground in an instant. What was even more terrifying was that everyone who was hit by the rain of shadow arrows would be terrified.

Malfurion's natural blessing helped him quickly overcome his mental terror. He and Hamuul Runetotem, who had transformed into a tree man, joined forces to cast Regrowth for everyone.

Taelan Fording saw with his own eyes the owl named Shirley landing on a slender body with a mournful cry. Its owner fell down.

Xal'atath seems to have mastered the same ability as Taelan Fordring. His shadow spells can be cast silently. However, her level of mystery does not seem to be as high as Taelan Fordring's. His shadow magic cannot be condensed from any angle in the void.

But his mana was much greater than that of Tyran Fording. He fired another rain of shadow arrows without stopping.

This attack did not spare Chase either, and she was also hit by a powerful shadow arrow. However, the dreadlord's shadow resistance was terrifyingly high. She was only slightly injured. This kind of shadow arrow also has a terrible characteristic, it will add a layer of shadow vulnerability to the person who is hurt. The more times you are attacked, the higher the damage you will suffer.

A barrier of holy light blocked the attack. A large number of shadow arrows shot onto the thin wall of holy light, making a sizzling corrosion sound. The wall of holy light shook and swayed, with crackling sounds and long cracks appearing at the same time. Tyran Fording gritted his teeth and withstood the attack.

Xal'atath knew him better than Taelan Fordring did. He knew he would not give up on his own easily.

The more a person lacks something, the more he or she yearns for it, and the more he or she flaunts it. The labels people give themselves are mostly their yearnings and disguises. The labels people give others are mostly based on their own cognition. They are not necessarily accurate, but most of them can be traced.

Taelan Fording never flaunts his virtues, but he never violates his principles. And Xal'atath often says no arrogantly, while praising her. But when he turns his face, he immediately chooses to forget her oath. Not only that, he will also mock the victim.

Chase laughed again after dodging in a panic. She felt that she had been greatly satisfied today. Although Y'Shaarj failed to kill Taelan Fording, his fate seemed doomed, because she was a versatile Nathrezim who knew tarot cards.

If her card had not been thrown to the ground by Taelan Fordring in fear, and corroded beyond recognition by the blood of Y'Shaarj, it would have definitely been counted. The dreadlords are a race that can derive unparalleled pleasure from the suffering of others.

"Tyran Fording, embrace your fate!" It tried secretly, and the teleportation was fine. Although it could not defeat many of those present, if Jaina was the first in escaping, it was definitely second.

Its instinct kept telling it to leave this troubled place as soon as possible. Because the person to be killed here was a demigod. He was also the Grand Marshal of the Alliance. He had a devoted wife, a group of friends, and many loyal subordinates. Who knew what these people would do in anger.

Once he dies, the Titans of Azeroth will be furious. Although He himself can't do anything now, He has already mastered half of the Emerald Dream, and the group of lizards that invaded another world will definitely come back to kill him. The red dragon is very scary when it goes crazy. And the big blue dragon is not crazy anymore, and it becomes very difficult to deal with. This kind of guy who is not afraid of death is particularly scary.

But it didn't want to miss the grandest show on the planet. Its master had planned for this scene for a long time, and there were several sacrificed Nathrezim, half-registered demons, four ancient gods, and a time dragon.

The Valley of Splendor was already a river of blood. Under normal circumstances, the eleven heroes of the Mantis Demon would have been big shots, but they were all dead. Just like an ordinary soldier.

If the Alliance did not have a well-organized combination of Paladins and Tauren Elite Guards, as well as the help of Malfurion, the strongest auxiliary demigod, who knows how many people would have died.

After the war, Taelan Fording had to write countless death notices.

Today, all the actors have unique skills. Even in the other world, except for the emperor, no one dared to stand in front of Taelan Fording and say a word. But today, they are all struggling with their own predetermined fate. It is really a great sense of accomplishment.

Just a little more. Just enough to see Taelan Fordring dead.

Sure enough, Xal'atath slowly recovered from her abnormal state, and began to master more powerful void power. She began to show her true colors. As for the promise to Taelan Fordring.

"I have fulfilled my promise. I helped you kill those ancient gods. Today we are even."

"And from today on, I am no longer myself. I am no longer Xal'atath, the Blade of the Black Empire. Please call me Xal'atath, the Herald!"

"I will guide a new future. Foolish mortals, those Titans, have no good intentions. The Void needs power, and they need your world."

The feeling of getting what he wanted made him happy, and he felt that all the power of the ancient gods was gathering in his body.

"They are all mine! I have to thank you for letting me absorb the power of those losers."

"It's time. I should send you on your way!"

A dark aura quickly expanded, knocking away everyone around him. Although these guys couldn't hurt him, they were as annoying as ants.

Xal'atath stretched out his largest head. Taelan Fording looked at Xal'atath's five heads carefully. He finally discovered Xal'atath's true secret:

"You are the most ambitious of the ancient gods. Each of your five heads has devoured a kind of force. They represent the void, life, order, evil energy, and death respectively.

You won't kill me, you want to take the Light from me."

The people around suddenly understood what was going on when they saw the five heads with different images.

Xal'atath the Harbinger was neither surprised nor frightened that these men knew his secrets:
"So what? You all have to die!"

Chase was shocked. He had an idea:
The surroundings are locked, and its teleportation spell is ineffective. The head in the middle of Xal'atath controls the power of the void. It has locked the space, and now only entry is allowed but no exit.

I shouldn't have watched this drama!

All five heads of Xal'atath roared in deafening fury, even more powerful than Yashaji's earlier.

The five heads attacked simultaneously. Void Breath, Withering Blast, Charm Human, Fel Rain, and Plague Outbreak all came at the same time.

Each of its heads can use a kind of force. The breath of void directly shattered the barrier of despair of Taelan Fordring. Its target was actually Jaina!
Jandice Barov cried out. It could be said that the friend she had grown up with was about to die, and no one here could resist such a terrible attack. Xal'atath knew that killing Jaina now would be more effective than attacking Taelan Fordring directly.

As demigods of the same level, whoever loses his mind first in battle will be doomed to die soon.

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently.

A tall female giant walked out from the north. She raised her hand, and green energy fell on the Alliance troops, blocking Xal'atath's attack:

"On behalf of life, I wish our warriors to stay away from the curse. Go forward bravely!"

A huge tank drove over from the south, honking its horn as it advanced:
"I represent wisdom, and I wish our warriors to stay rational and always make the right choice."

A tall giant also came from the west. He held a huge hammer:

"On behalf of Thunder, I wish our warriors strong wills and use my thunder to turn all enemies into ashes."

A giant from the north also came over and shouted:

"I am Hodir, the Winter Guardian. May our warriors have bodies as tough as ice."

The four Titan Guardians finally arrived: Freya, Guardian of Life, Mimiron, King of Creation, Thorim, Guardian of Storms, and Hodir, Guardian of Winter.

They protected Taelan Fording behind them, and Freya began to heal everyone. Mimiron's portable factory began to produce automatic attack machines. And Thorim guided the storm and began to bombard Xal'atath. Hodir was the most lonely. As a warrior, he faced the last of the ancient gods.

Taelan Fording was finally able to take a breath. He rose into the air under the concerned gazes of everyone, and then merged with the shadow of the giant tree behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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