Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 281 Chase: I will come again

Chapter 281 Chase: I will be back
Marcia Chase stared at the Sun card. At the same time, her mind was highly focused. All she could do now was wait.

Its heart was in turmoil. It knew it was about to face death. Taelan Fording had become extremely terrifying, and his personality had completely changed. He was no longer the easy-going, gentle boy he used to be.

Decisive, tenacious, and thoughtful became his new labels. He jumped out of everyone's control and gained incomparably powerful strength.

He was more terrible than his creator. The Emperor used the machinations of the imprisoned great being to weave a web for Taelan Fordring. He used the arrogance of the Titans, the Old Gods, the Titan Keepers, and the insidious and cunning Harbinger Xal'atath to jump out of the chessboard and become the chess player.

The emperor chose to play the pig and eat the tiger, he chose to go with the flow.

Everyone present was his chess piece, including himself.

This was all his fault. He had always thought he was an honest man, and then he gave Jaina Proudmoore to him. He even helped him "defeat" the dragon man.

The turning point happened in East Wilder, when Archbishop Alonsus Faol discovered the hidden qualities of Taelan Fording. He decided to train him to be the successor of the Archbishop of the Church of Holy Light. So he gave him the remains of the sun god under the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, and used his own power to protect him.

Since then, the Emperor felt like he had found a treasure. He could finally get rid of his brother Anser. Taelan Fording was the best sacrifice. He just had to absorb the remains of that person and then let him die.

It was at that moment that Yip found himself with the will of the imprisoned being. That being was the warden!

He is the leader of the whole conspiracy. He has great ambitions. To fulfill the Emperor's dream, he needs a Tyran Fordring. But to complete the Jailer's mission, he needs the lives of two Titans!
The first one was the Azeroth Titan. But the newly born Azeroth Titan would not sit still and wait for death. She unexpectedly awakened early. So she chose a guardian for herself and gave him her unique characteristics.

Thinking of this, it felt something was wrong. If the Emperor's goal was really to get rid of his brother's entanglement, then he only needed to kill Tyran Fording in advance. For example, when the stupid lizard Anachronos repaired the timeline, as long as Tyran Fording was killed, he would die with part of Anther's body and spirit.

Did the Emperor want his brother to be resurrected? This was impossible. Didn't He and the Warden already reveal their cards when they reached an agreement?
And Ip, is it really the Jailer's man? Its relationship with Sylvanas Windrunner is too abnormal. The gold coin that controls Sylvanas Windrunner does have the mark of the "Rune Carver".

But on what basis did the imprisoned warden drive the "Character Carver"? On what basis did he take most of the benefits of cooperating with the emperor?

Is the warden completely out of trouble? What do they need?
It is the Nathrezim, the weaver of conspiracy. Although it has not destroyed countless worlds like the traitor Jintaisa, it has also seen countless conspiracies. They are all too strange.

If Jinteisa is really the Jailer's man, why didn't she control Sylvanas Windrunner herself? Instead, she let a lowly kobold do it. Does the Jailer have a better choice?
The more it thought about it, the more confused it became. The behavior of these big shots is really hard to guess. What you see is what they want you to see.

But Taelan Fording became the same person as them. It looked up at Taelan Fording, who was more like a god than the Emperor. And he was not only powerful in the material universe, but also powerful behind the veil.

Especially after obtaining the Code of Origin, he could compete with the Emperor for Castle Nathria, because it was the legacy left by their mother.

Anther should have inherited that place. Anther gave it to the emperor. As the eldest son of God, Anther also has the qualification to open Zaremetis. It is the most honorable place in the entire Shadow Realm.

The six powers behind Tyran Fording condensed and turned into six magic spheres. The eight wings behind him fluttered in the void, making him more like a god than the emperor. A god in the other world as powerful as this world.

Look at the essence of the problem. Power! That's right, they are all seeking power! The Emperor covets his brother's power. He is not trying to get rid of his brother's soul, but he wants to devour his brother's holy light power. They are all seeking the fusion of the Force.

In fact, Chase didn't know that he underestimated the emperor's vision and was indeed plotting for power. But it was not just that.

After thinking this through, Chase calmed down. He needed to wait for Xal'atath, who was about to collapse from being tortured by Ezelena, to die. Then he could open the portal and leave this sad place.

Take one last look.

This was the most exciting drama in its entire life, and all the forces appeared on the stage to perform their own performances. Although this drama got out of control.

This is not the end. After I escape, it will not leave. It will always watch Taelan Fording. With the help of the Orb of Deception, no one can find it. It will silently watch the final outcome.

He will eventually fall into the hands of those big men and become the key.

Xal'atath was held by a giant hand, and all his strength was imprisoned by the power of the Holy Light and the Void. He could not move, and could only look at the figure with six spells floating behind him. That was what he had always dreamed of. But it appeared on someone else.

The giant hand began to exert its strength, and it was more violent than Aman'thul back then. It pulled Xal'atath's body out of the ground, and it didn't have time to take root. It was much easier to pull out than Asha'ji.

Severe pain filled the consciousness of Xal'atath Harbinger. It turned out that this was the torture that Y'Shaarj had experienced. No wonder it was so angry and no wonder it could create seven demons in one breath.

But everything is too late.

His life was full of conspiracy, and the underlying color of his life was betrayal. From the Void Lords to the trolls, to Selin, until he met Taelan Fordring, who was full of secrets. Betrayal won the end.

It was Taelan Fording's little indulgence that brought Him to where He is today. It was all His fault.

I can't die yet, I still have Xal'atath, the Holy Blade, and I still need to wait.

The World Tree behind Taelan Fording began to emit a milky white light. The stones on the tree began to burn Xal'atath's huge body. It burst out a column of holy light that penetrated the sky and the earth. Its body was pulled into the air by the giant hand and was completely shattered by the holy light.

All the generals of the Alliance knelt on one knee. They were looking forward to the Titan's joy. From today on, there was no more Old God in Azeroth. He finally won the final liberation. What was left was peaceful development, waiting for Him to wake up from the center of the earth, and then welcoming His final battle with Sargeras!
However, the world did not cheer. All around was silent.

Xalatas's mountain-like body was completely shattered. The sun regained its warmth and the sunlight fell on the earth again. But the blue child hid in the clouds.

Everything seemed like a dream, and the Fountain of Youth reappeared before everyone. In the strange gazes of everyone, the light dissipated. A dagger surrounded by holy light was suspended at the mouth of the well.

Xal'atath, the Holy Blade.

It turned out that He had completed the split ahead of time, and her consciousness returned to the dagger where He had been hiding. She retained the power of the Holy Light that Taelan Fording had infused into the sword, which prevented it from being destroyed by the World Stone.

This strange dagger is crafted from one of Xal'atath's claws and some exotic material. It is nearly indestructible.

The big eyes on the hilt of the sword rolled and murmured, "Even if I have to endure the torture of that little girl every day, I will live. I will wait for the day when the prophecy I just saw will come true.

No one can completely destroy me."

Taelan Fording's expression did not change:
"I'm afraid you have forgotten the prophecy your companion N'Zoth made to you." Taelan Fordring raised his right hand towards Xal'atath the Holy Blade:
"Hradic Decompose!"

A golden treasure box appeared from the void, with snake patterns carved on all six sides.

The indestructible Xal'atath Sacred Blade turned into a pile of powder floating in the air. A blade-like gem flew out of it and merged with a clover behind the Codex of Origin. And some shiny things fell into the void sphere behind Taelan Fording.

A beautiful elf woman appeared in the air, with an unreadable expression on her face. She said softly:

"What begins as a conspiracy must end as a conspiracy.

Begins with betrayal. Ends with betrayal."

These words were exactly the last prophecy uttered by that crazy old god when He absorbed the power of N'Zoth.

He betrayed Taelan Fordring and broke his promise. Even in order to separate and save his life, he greedily took away the power of the void.

Taelan Fordring said softly, "I had not intended to use Horadric Disintegration on you."

It turns out that the so-called Horadric Decomposition is a one-time ability to decompose magic items or weapons and equipment into gems used in Kanai's Cube. Taelan Fording plans to use it on the helmet.

"Everyone will pay for what they have done. Including you and your master."

Xal'atath said nothing stubbornly. As the wind blew, she also disappeared.

With a loud bang, the whole world shook. Mountains, rivers, even grass and trees, all began to rejoice. This was the joy of the world. Azeroth had finally defeated all the Old Gods.

The dark empire of the Old Gods is finally a thing of the past. The nightmare is over, and history is about to begin a new chapter! Azeroth will embark on a new path.

Taelan Fording's dominance is complete. No one on this planet can threaten his life anymore. All forces must bow before him. The alliance he leads will become the true master of this world. The dominance of the alliance is the dominance of the entire world.

Reality has its own laws, and anyone who attempts to go backwards will be crushed by the wheels of history.

Jaina knew that her husband's great work was finally completed. Now it was time to collect the interest. She turned her head and stared at Chase standing in the distance. Seeing the dreadlord who had laughed and mocked her several times, and fell to this point, she couldn't help but feel emotional.

She suddenly wanted to take a small revenge on the dreadlord. She was also a woman, and she also held a grudge.

She whispered, "The cunning man kneels before six masters, but serves only one."

"Ms. Chase, you are the Nathrezim, also known as the cunning ones."

She raised her hand and pointed behind Taelan Fording, blinking her eyes playfully: "All six forces are here, shouldn't you serve your new master?"

The opportunity that Ms. Chase had been waiting for had come. The ending was not quite the same as the script. But it did change the fate of everyone. Xal'atath was dead, completely dead. The space lock was lifted. People could come and go freely again.

"Goodbye, Lady Jaina, you should thank me!

It was I who gave you the chance of Sylvanas Windrunner. But I am tolerant and generous, and I will not hold it against a little girl like you."

I will be back, I will lurk beside you, waiting for the end that Xal'atath foretold. It won't be long.

He must have seen something, and Taelan Fording's ending must not be good. Otherwise, according to His character, how could He be willing to be tortured by Ezelena's whispers?
After saying that, its body began to disintegrate, preparing to transform into bats and flee.

Jaina kept looking at her, raised her hand and cast a spell of silence.

Chase's spell failed miserably. Jaina was also about to condense the magic circuit, she had already touched the edge of the force of order, and Chase could not resist her counterattack. Moreover, she was a master of transmutation, and this magic was exactly the ability of transmutation.

He re-condensed into a human form, but he had one last trick. She activated a magical creation, and a portal opened. On the other side of the portal was darkness, which should be a cave.

A cunning rabbit has three burrows, and every Nathrezim is not simple.

"Goodbye, Taelan Fordring. You're great, little one.

I hope you will still be so proud when we meet next time. I will settle accounts with you then. Victory and defeat are not just a matter of time, they will be revealed in the end."

She walked into the portal while uttering harsh words. It laughed three times today, and was slapped in the face every time. It was really embarrassing. Hundreds of years of reputation were all lost in one day.

It was originally there to watch the show, but it became a part of it, and even played the clown role. It made her feel very depressed.

"Hahaha! Ha?" Marcia Chase said the harsh words and walked into the portal.

It patted its chest with its hands, which was the instinctive reaction of a human female after being blessed by luck. It was thankful that the void power obtained by Taelan Fording was not a space anchor. If he also awakened the void power like Xal'atath and obtained a space anchor, it would still be locked.

The portal was getting smaller. It was nice to be away from that little pervert.

However, Taelan Fording, who was standing opposite it, raised his right hand.

"Void Strike: Shatter!"

Its portal was hit by something terrible, and the wormhole connecting the two spaces shattered like a mirror.

It returned to Taelan Fording's presence. Thinking of the cruel words just now, it wished it could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

(End of this chapter)

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