Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 293: Key to the Worlds

Chapter 293: Key to the Worlds
Kil'jaeden is a powerful demon lord who is completely different from other demons. Because of the fel energy, all demons are immersed in endless rage and desire for killing.

But it is an exception. It can not only control its emotions, but also think rationally. It is more like the dreadlord, the Nathrezim, with innate cunning. So even if Archimonde's power has surpassed it a little, it will still listen to Kil'jaeden's advice.

At this time, a Nathrezim walked into Kil'jaeden's vehicle.

"My lord, the coalition led by Taelan Fordring has invaded Draenor. They have already started a fierce battle with Lord Archimonde's army. Can we enter Azeroth now?"

"Issue orders to assemble all forces and launch a full-scale attack.

Did that jerk Gul'dan open the portal?"

"My lord, Gul'dan has completed his mission. The portal has been opened. Not only that, he has also forced a group of humble little mages to join us."

Kil'jaeden asked in disbelief: "How come it is so useful?"

"Those mages are descendants of the Highborne from ten thousand years ago."

If Archimonde heard this, he would be furious. Back then, he followed Sargeras to invade Azeroth and fought a fierce battle with Malorne, the most powerful demigod in Azeroth. Malorne, who had already gone through a hard battle, had his neck broken by him. That was the most glorious moment in his life.

Unfortunately, the Archdruid Malfurion later detonated the Well of Eternity, blasting the half-transported fallen titan back into the Twisting Nether, and Archimonde was killed by the aftermath of the explosion. That was the biggest loss the Burning Legion had suffered in tens of thousands of years. Sargeras was seriously injured, and Archimonde was killed. Fortunately, he died in Azeroth, otherwise he would not be able to come back if he died in the Twisting Nether.

That failure was regarded as a disgrace by the Burning Legion, and it made Archimonde feel even more resentful, so once there was a chance to invade Azeroth, he would lose his mind.

"When the Well of Eternity exploded, they used an artifact called the Eye of Aman'thul to create a barrier to avoid the explosion. Then they have been hiding in the Veil.

Until Gul'dan found them. Their thirst for energy had driven them mad."

Kil'jaeden said contemptuously, "So it's those greedy spineless people. Ignore them. Let Gul'dan find a way to drain their power and open more portals.

The Legion does not keep useless people. If they are useless, they will be recycled.”

Traitors will not have a good ending. While living in shame, they lose not only their freedom but also their dignity. And people will not treat you as their own.

"Also mobilize all your forces to invade Azeroth!
It is time to complete the mission of the great Titan."

It seems to have forgotten something. The inertial thinking of intelligent life is quite scary. When encountering similar situations, they often use the same method to deal with them. This should be the so-called path dependence.

It forgot that its compatriots were no longer the dominant party. And the other side still had a killer weapon that had not been used. Once the battle entered a fierce stage and the two sides were evenly matched, Taelan Fording would definitely use the Eight Virtues.

The soul being destroyed is what demons fear the most. As demons who are particularly affected by killing and destruction, they are most afraid of this kind of unreasonable soul attack. Once the soul is devoured, they are really dead.

The dreadlord was happy in his heart, and the great leader's plan was about to come true. He remained calm on the surface, but he could not help but feel a little carried away.

"Master, your power is invincible in Azeroth. This time you will definitely be able to complete Lord Sargeras's mission."

Kil'jaeden suddenly felt something was wrong. Azeroth was invincible. Oh, why did I forget it? But all the troops had been assigned and the orders had been issued. The army hated changing orders from one day to the next.

"Draw the elite garrison of Mardum and send them to Draenor to help Archimonde kill Taelan Fordring."

It learned about Taelan Fording from Archimonde, although Archimonde said that its failure was due to the soul sound that gave it a splitting headache. This allowed Malfurion to succeed again.

It succeeded again. It invaded Azeroth twice, but was killed by Malfurion. This made it hate all druids. It swore privately that if it could catch Malfurion, it would "treat" him well.

The cunning Kil'jaeden has sensed danger. The Eredar are a civilization with a long history. Their research on the universe is unmatched by other races.

They have a discipline called cosmic energy, which specializes in studying the original power of the material universe. After a long period of development and research, they found that only a very small number of civilizations in this world can recognize the power of the origin, and even fewer individuals can use it. Those who can use multiple forces are all people with unlimited potential.

This Tyran Fordring is very dangerous. He may have embarked on the right path to godhood. Seeing Sargeras, he knew the heights that could be achieved by mastering the vast force. So he imitated Sargeras, seized more energy sources, converted them into fel energy, and devoured them to strengthen himself.

But the power of the Titans is also limited. The simple accumulation of the Force cannot produce qualitative changes. Now a special creature has appeared in that special world, Taelan Fording! It wants to get him.

The Titan of Azeroth has awakened, and she is in league with Tyran Fordring, making them difficult to deal with. They must be separated. Now that the guy has rashly left the world protected by an ancient magic circle, it is a good opportunity.

It has to mobilize all the power it can to conquer Azeroth and gain insight into the secret of becoming a god while Sargeras' soul is still in a dormant state.

As for the rest, it can no longer care about that. Is it a demon? Is it a bad guy? That's it.

Soon, the garrisoned Mardum was emptied, and a large number of troops left their nests with the help of starships and portals, heading for Draenor and the Broken Isles. As long as the guardian dragons can be destroyed, the anti-Titan magic circle of Azeroth can be destroyed, and then interstellar battleships can be summoned.

No one could resist the legion's numerous interstellar battleships. They were the product of hundreds of thousands of years of civilization of the Eredar people, the hard work and crystallization of countless great scientists and technicians, which was also the reason why Sargeras first sought them out.

The legion set out, countless demons came out in droves. They were numerous and fearless. Because they would never die. As long as Argus of the Burning Throne of Antorus did not die, they would always have the next time.

Kil'jaeden looked at the warships sailing in the void. They were like locusts in the universe. They wanted to eat everything. Wherever they went, it was desolate. He nodded with satisfaction! It's time to launch a general attack. Maybe he can devour the newborn Azeroth Titan. Maybe he can become a god directly without going through the dangerous step of force fusion!
Do Eredar need to have dreams? What is the difference between an Eredar without dreams and a salted fish?
Should I live like Velen, living in the false lies of the Holy Light all day long? Relieving stress by writing small notes to young females? That would be really boring.

To be honest, it was very jealous of Velen's prophetic ability and magic talent. Among the three great Eredar, Kil'jaeden was the symbol of wisdom, and Archimonde was the symbol of strength. However, among all the Eredar, Velen was the most respected one! His title of prophet was earned by his achievements in leading the Eredar from primitive to advanced, from barbaric to civilized.

Now it felt that it finally had a chance to defeat him head-on. The Eredar led by it defeated the "Exiled Draenei" led by Velen.

The distant world of Draenor. Time goes back to a few days ago.

In the Black Temple, Illidan handed an orb engraved with a mysterious magic circuit to Kurtulus Emberfall who was standing in front of the door of the temple.

“I’ll leave this to you.

You use it to make yourself look like me and guard this place. When Archimonde leaves here and launches the general attack, you lead the remaining brothers to Hellfire Peninsula and burn Kil'jaeden's throne. Don't worry, Taelan Fordring will send someone to pick you up."

Their actions could dispel Kil'jaeden's suspicions, allowing him to safely use more of his power on Taelan Fordring. Kurtrus Meteorite's eyes lit up with a green magical aura:
"Lord Illidan, we will complete the mission. But we don't need the Grand Marshal's support. Hunting demons is the Illidari's duty, and we don't need the Grand Marshal to take risks for us. The Alliance can do without us, but not without him."

Illidan chuckled and ignored it. He turned to look at his compatriots standing quietly below and said, "We are the same kind of people. We are all people who can do great things.

Our ideals are everything to us. Giving up our goals is not the style of people like us.

Everyone is taking a huge risk in this operation, so there is no room for error.

Taelan Fordring came to Draenor to draw firepower for us, and now he has done it.

So I have to do it, even if I die, the Illidari will bring back the key. Only it can help us kill the source of all evil. It's dead, every time we fight to the death, it will have meaning!

Act, Illidari!"

Pairs of green eyes lit up in the darkness. Illidan summoned a portal.

On the other side of it was a dark cave. Then he took out his Warglaive of Azzinoth and walked in first without even looking back.

The people behind mobilized their own strength and followed their leader towards the unknown place.

Alana Starseeker watched the last Watcher take out the Moon Blade and walk into the portal. She glanced at Kurtrus Emberfall, nodded to him, then inserted a special soul gem into a hidden magic node and cast a special spell. Finally, she followed into the portal.

The entire hall fell silent. Standing outside, Kurtrus Meteorite sensed that his people had left. He sealed the space, used the orb, and transformed into Illidan's appearance. Then he walked up to the platform and sat on the throne.

All that's left is waiting.

Hellfire Peninsula a few days later.

The bombardment of three terrifying interstellar battleships stopped the attack of the Alliance and the Horde. It was the first time they had seen such a powerful fleet. Fortunately, this kind of space battleship could not enter Azeroth.

As for conquering Draenor, these powerful weapons are not needed yet.

Archimonde watched as Taelan Fordring was hit by the green light, and the flying red soil and rocks buried Nuri, Rakeesh, Dranosh, and Raynor underground. It laughed happily:

“Vyren, traitor, prophet, did you foresee this day?
Your predictions have allowed you to escape capture many times. Why didn't you succeed this time?"

The great wizard Pamela Redpath, who was standing at the back, suddenly interrupted and said, "Being carried away by success will never lead to good results! Take Cao Cao for example!"

Yrel and Zerila looked at each other. Getting carried away is not a good thing. When you laugh at others, it's the beginning of your bad luck. But who is Cao Cao? I've never heard of him?
A bard? A philosopher?

Velen looked at the scene in front of him and closed his old eyes. Before he decided to leave Argus, which was betrayed by Sargeras, he sent his lieutenant to pick up his son, but it betrayed him. At that time, he saw some blurry pictures.

He didn't know what the images meant at the time. Now he knows, they mean the death of his wife and children.

But today, he saw his wife, which was completely different from what Naru had predicted. He silently sensed the core of the explosion. He knew that after a while, when the energy fluctuations brought by the explosion disappeared, a new round of attacks would come.

At this time, a meteor streaked across the sky above Hellfire Peninsula, and even though the sun was high in the sky, it did not completely obscure its light. This was a good sign.

He whispered, "Give me the song of the soul."

He walked towards Archimonde. He would not run away anymore. He silently sensed the energy fluctuations around him.

Archimonde was also silently sensing the situation at the center of the explosion. He was not sure whether Tyran Fordring was alive or dead. Holy Light, fel energy, and void were originally opposing energies. He could clearly sense Tyran Fordring's situation, but now the void power in Tyran Fordring's body was no worse than Holy Light. He could not sense the situation inside through the violent energy fluctuations generated by the explosion.

But as soon as it saw Velen approaching it, it immediately focused its attention on the prophet. Although it had received the gift from Sargeras, which greatly increased its power, it knew that Velen was not easy to mess with.

Because Velen possesses a vast amount of knowledge, and knowledge is power! No one dares to look down on those who are truly knowledgeable.

It was not as suspicious as Kil'jaeden. It raised its right hand impulsively. The hand of death! Kill one and it was one. The Alliance and the Horde had many strong men. Their fighting power should not be underestimated under the command of a green-skinned orc holding a giant axe and a woman. Kill Velen first.

Seeing Taelan Fordring being engulfed by the explosion, the greenskin not only did not run away, but jumped out again to command his coalition forces to launch an attack.

A large number of orcs and humans mixed together and charged at the demon army. Archimonde looked at the insignificant insects' actions and became furious.

Without Taelan Fordring, you are nothing.

However, on the battlefield, the death of a prestigious commander would not lead to a rout, but would instead trigger an extremely fierce counterattack.

For a moment, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and demons, orcs, and dwarves kept dying.

Archimonde captured a lot of souls and was ready to use his skills to kill them one by one, but he felt that was too slow.

"The air exploded!"

Everything around was knocked away, whether it was a demon or a warrior of the Alliance. Not only that, it also cast "Fire of Destruction" at the same time.

Several huge lava fireballs rolled in all directions with Archimonde as the center, leaving raging fires wherever they passed.

The killing made every cell in its body cheer. Velen threw the gem in his hand towards the center of the explosion and called on holy light to protect the safety of his allies.

The interstellar battleship launched another artillery attack on the crowd. At this moment, a huge column of holy light shot up into the sky. The mysterious gem suddenly merged into the holy light.

With the appearance of the holy light column, all the dark clouds of evil energy in the air were dispersed, and the entire sky turned into a sea of ​​thunder, with holy light lightning everywhere.

Ten thousand thunderbolts fell at once. The three warships of the Legion did not have much energy to protect themselves because of the two consecutive attacks. They were quickly submerged by the sea of ​​thunder and exploded into three large fireballs.

Mimiron, hiding among the dwarves, blew the whistle twice with great regret.

Next came the holy light bullets that looked like flowers blooming, and then the entire sky began to darken, making it seem as if night had fallen. Countless meteors fell from the sky, shattering all the hellfire rain that fell because of Archimonde's appearance.

In a short time, the demons suffered heavy casualties. Low-level troops were killed in an organized manner by the Fist of Heaven. Archimonde became a living target for the holy light bullets because of his huge size.

The lightning in the sky disappeared, the rain of fire stopped, and the places destroyed by the starships were cleared by Taelan Fordring's Heavenly Fist and Archimonde's air blast. Now the dust has finally settled.

A thin wall of holy light around Taelan Fording was slowly disappearing. It turned out that it was this wall of holy light that protected him and the warriors around him.

The Wall of Sighs was indeed very strong; even such a powerful attack could not break it.

And Nuri and Rakeesh have been bound by the Holy Light.

Dranosh spat out a mouthful of sand, then swung his weapon, hacking to death a surviving fel lord.

"Bah! As expected, getting carried away will lead to bad consequences!"

(End of this chapter)

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