Chapter 30 Duel
Tyran Fording changed his equipment and calmly walked into Training Area 1. Instructor Harvin activated the magic circle in front of everyone's surprised eyes.

Raynor clenched his two-handed sword and followed him in. He knew why the instructor had raised the protective barrier. That was because Tyran Fording had awakened the power of the Holy Light. He had the ability to cast spells. But everyone didn't know that he was also a spellcaster, and his life-and-death struggles over the past month were not in vain.

The two stood facing each other and saluted each other according to the rules. Then the only instructor left in the barrier, Ha Wenfa, announced the rules. Both sides could not use powerful magic equipment. After all, these two guys had a powerful father, and they probably had some extraordinary magic accessories. They were only allowed to use all the skills they mastered. But they could not kill each other. The winner was determined by one side admitting defeat or falling to the ground. He had the right to end the duel at any time.

She cast Power Word.Shield on herself and then announced the start of the match.

By this time, Jaina had already known Bridget and Whitemane. They gathered together and stood at the edge of the training ground, and the people around them consciously gave the three girls the best viewing position.

Bridget spoke first: "What's wrong with Renault again? So formal?"

Whitemane said, "He just came back from training camp recently. He was scolded by his father yesterday. He wanted to let Sir Mograine watch his competition today. After all, he was the first. But his father promised his brother Darion to go to Lordaeron to watch the performance of the Darkmoon Circus."

"He's been out of sorts since morning."

Bridget said, "So he took out all his anger on me? Do you know how he treated me just now? The bump on my head hasn't gone away yet."

Whitemane said: "He was very nice to you. Didn't you see that one of Finley's ribs was broken?"

At this time, Jaina suddenly interrupted and said, "He won't vent all his anger on Taelan, will he?"

Bridget didn't like Jaina very much. She had heard that Tyran had become good friends with the princess of Kul Tiras in Dalaran. Today she saw her holding Tyran Fordring's hand blatantly.

Whitemane didn't care at all. She liked playing with Taelan Fording, not for anything else, after all, how old were they? In her words, wasn't he a good-looking boy? She was just a face person, and Taelan Fording had no idea about her and Bridget.

The goddess in his mind is the little star Stella Gosa!

Seeing that Bridget didn't say anything, Whitemane had no choice but to say, "That's for sure. They haven't gotten along since the last time he slapped the maid."

Bridget said mercilessly: "That incident was all because of you." Hearing this, Jaina immediately pricked up her ears. Did Tyran fight with Raynor for Whitemane? This is unlikely, right?
"They are so formal today, who do you think will win?"

Perhaps it was because of her strange mentality that Jaina interrupted and said, "Tyran will definitely win!"

Bridget suddenly felt unhappy: "I think Renault will win. After more than a month of training, he is no longer the same as before." She felt personally that Renault must have mastered some powerful power. She had just competed with Renault.

Whitemane said: "The most powerful Paladin of the previous generation was Turalyon, the leader of the expedition. The rest were Alexandros, the father of Renault, and Tirion Fordring, the father of Taelan Fordring. And our generation should be one of them."

In fact, among the second generation, Tyran Fording had the least resources. This can be seen from the fact that Raynor later became the first commander of the Scarlet Crusade. Of course, Tyran was relatively young, which was also a factor. But in his growth, Tyran Fording did receive the most correct guidance. He had an upright and tolerant father and a mother who loved him.

Tyran Fording and Renault Mograine stood opposite each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Renault challenged himself out of pride, after all, he was older than Tyran. Tyran was because he was the last to strike back. Renault took the initiative to challenge himself, so he must have something to rely on. People with strong self-esteem often attach great importance to other people's opinions, so they are more easily influenced by others. Tyran, on the other hand, was mentally older, so it was difficult for outsiders to influence him. Later, Renault was bewitched by the Dreadlord not only because of the fel magic. His self-esteem and jealousy had long been distorted under long-term unfairness, which was also a reason.

So he waited for Renault to play his trump card first. Anyway, he had the trump card of Holy Shield in his hand. The near-invincible effect it brought was the final guarantee.

"Why don't they do it?" Bridget couldn't help herself. She was always neat and tidy, and never did things in a sloppy way.

Jaina had a lot of contact with Tyran Fordring, and she learned a lot of his colloquialisms. She was very sensitive and could already sense Bridget's hostility towards her: "Mortal wisdom! Tyran is doing this by striking back."

As expected, the young Renault was the one who couldn't hold his temper, and after all, the first move would give him an advantage. So he said, "Since you won't make a move, then I won't be polite."

Taelan Fording nodded to indicate that it didn't matter. The first player to get 10 mana first, the second player can jump the coin.

Renault raised his sword and bent his waist slightly to charge. He was indeed much stronger than a month ago. Moreover, his movements were standard and he had corrected many minor flaws. Tailan immediately raised his shield and collided with Renault head-on. To be honest, the 3-year-old age advantage was still very obvious. Renault was much stronger than Tailan. After the collision, Tailan was knocked back. He retreated flexibly to reduce the pressure on his body and get through the short coma caused by the charge. Renault immediately followed, with a red light on his hand, and launched a heroic attack.

Having recovered, Tailan dodged to the left immediately, and at the same time, he thrust his shield forward again and launched a heavy attack. Renault had suffered from this skill before, and knew it was difficult to dodge. He quickly raised his heavy sword to block. The shield directly hit Renault's shield. The damage was blocked, but the coma was a magic effect and could not be reduced. Without opening the Violet Eye, Tailan's magic value was not enough for unlimited charge and shield attack, so he had to calculate the use of skills. So after he stunned Renault, he immediately distanced himself from Renault.

Raynor quickly recovered and switched to Berserker Stance, rushing towards Tyran again. Jaina, who was watching the battle outside, immediately said, "Berser Stance, intercept?"

Bridget said unhappily, "Little sister, you know a lot, don't you?"

Jaina said nothing more. Charge is a warrior skill in combat stance. Intercept can only be used in berserker stance, which is already a supernatural ability. Being able to use Intercept means that he is also a spellcaster.

Tailan was not surprised when he was intercepted, because old Mograine was a master of combat skills. It was not surprising that Renault had some abilities.

In the real world, there is no need for balance. The heroes here are often more terrible than in the game world. They are all mixed professions. It is not strange to master the skills of several other professions.

He saw Raynor switch his stance and immediately raised his shield to block, reducing the damage he would receive later. Raynor did not use Heroic Strike this time, but swung his greatsword to attack Tyran Fordring's lower body, breaking his hamstrings. The warrior's powerful combat skill restricted the opponent's mobility. This time, some talent must have been triggered, and Tyran Fordring was immobilized by the enhanced hamstrings. Moreover, his legs were bleeding, staining a corner of his cloak red.

Raynor was delighted and prepared to launch a heavy attack such as jumping slash from behind. Bridget outside the field said, "Hey! He was also hit by the enhanced hamstring. It seems that he will suffer a heavy blow this time. If he doesn't want to lose, he will have to use his particularly annoying holy light bullet." Apparently, she still remembered this move after being hit by the holy light bullet last time. Jaina immediately became worried about Tyran.

But Tailan was not in a hurry. He knew that after being intercepted, there would be some control ability. He calmly used the Paladin's professional ability: Blessing of Freedom!
 I have to go out today, so I will post two chapters in a row. I will revise them when I come back tonight.

  Thank you for watching, I hope you can give me more comments.

  In addition, we are looking for characters. Both characters from WOW and self-created characters are acceptable. Self-created characters are invited to have character design tags. Due to the problem of manuscript storage, they will be added later.

(End of this chapter)

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