Chapter 301 Summoning
Taelan Fording dealt with the magic item, then opened the door and walked out.

He raised his hand towards the door of the hidden palace, and the energy of holy light spread in the air like flowing water. In a few blinks, this strange magic circle was automatically generated. It left Taelan Fording's hand and covered the already hidden door with a snap.

Its magic circle flashed for a moment and then quickly disappeared. The door disappeared completely.

Solanlian couldn't help but whispered, "Demigod Seal". This magic circle came from the Codex of Origin, and was very similar to the magic circle used by the Pantheon Titans to seal the ancient gods such as Yogg-Saron. After Taelan Fording mastered the epic mysticism, he mastered and improved it, making it compatible with his own force characteristics.

Only people who have mastered some special energy can open it. It is like a smart combination lock, protecting the safety of the people inside.

Taelan Fording, Solanlian and other archmages will temporarily seal the entire Black Temple. Kurtrus Meteor will lead a small team of Illidari to guard here and hunt the scattered demons around. Protect the Black Temple until the child who should go home returns.

Surprisingly, Vashj'ir is still a person who cherishes the past. After receiving the Holy Light treatment from Tyran Fordring, except for the snake tail that cannot be changed, her entire upper body has become humanoid. The extra arm has become a magic that can be summoned. This can be regarded as the fulfillment of her long-cherished wish.

She said she couldn't face her former queen. They no longer had common ideals. She would become a thorn in Azshara's heart if she returned to her old self. She would probably be irritated every time she saw Vashj's beautiful face. Sooner or later, they would turn against each other.

So it's better not to meet each other. Forcing them to be together will only cause more trouble. She will stay at the Coilfang Reservoir to defend the last stronghold of Draenor for the Alliance. The orcs are not good at water battles, but they are just the opposite. Controlling the water source can play a big role. Once Azeroth has problems, this will be the last safe haven for the Alliance.

She also said bluntly: "Sooner or later, the various races of the Alliance will merge into one. Then they will need more resources and need to control more territory. At that time, once an ambitious High King appears, an expedition is inevitable. Draenor will be the first to bear the brunt."

Who can predict what will happen in the future? Who knows if the power of the Titans is related to the world they control? If that is true, will Ezelena take her own world to devour more worlds? She controls the power of the void, and devouring is almost an instinct. I hope that is not the case.

There is only so much that Taelan Fordring can do. Every generation has its own responsibilities. You cannot escape, nor can you be too far ahead. Just right is the best. Try not to put aside disputes and compromise on everything. Otherwise, what is the point of your generation? To live in shame? To leave everything to your children and grandchildren? Will they curse you? Will they say that your generation is just eating and waiting to die, and that you are greedy and take more than you can? You cannot solve the problem, but you ask us to solve it. Is this really a good idea?
When faced with indecision, one always compromises and makes strong protests in vain.

As a humble person, I will keep quiet and let future generations solve the problem.

This is not what a responsible father should do, at least Tyran Fordring thinks he can't do this. Do what you can do, and don't leave hidden dangers for Baine Bloodhoof's generation. Their generation is destined to be a transitional generation, and the internal conflicts will be far greater than the external conflicts. It is not easy to solve family affairs. As long as it doesn't fall apart, it's good enough. Leaving too many powerful enemies behind is too much.

An organization must have external enemies in order to maintain external pressure and divert internal conflicts. The underwater Naga, the island trolls, and the underground spider demons are just right. They are all powerful, but not enough to destroy the alliance. They are all tough, but they all have their own internal problems.

Among the Naga, Azshara and Vashj'ir are rivals. After removing the curse, Vashj'ir is now qualified to compete with Archmage Azshara. And Vashj can get support from the Alliance.

The trolls on the island are even more complicated. There are Aman, the ancestor of the mountains and roads, the evil god Hakkari, the backward and brutal Gurubashi, and the arrogant Zandalari. They have existed for eternity, and they are constantly in conflict. The internal struggle between Rastakhan and Zul, instigated by Bwonsamdi, can kill themselves.

Jaina is a princess, Talanji is also a princess, but they have different fates. Fate makes Jaina marry a demigod, and she can choose to be independent or choose to lean on a shoulder. Talanji has to face an old and confused father, a terminally ill country, and a Zul with unique ideas.

And Zandalar has a huge hidden danger, which is the artificial ancient god G'huun. Strictly speaking, G'huun's ability is more powerful than the other ancient gods. It's just that it doesn't have the strength to control its own abilities, making it the most vulnerable ancient god. It only takes a few powerful legends and a pair of strong men to kill it.

There is also Stormwind Kingdom, which is the test question that Taelan Fording left for Caria, Jaina, and Kael'thas. They need to use their own abilities to solve Stormwind Kingdom.

Tyran Fording only brought back Edwin VanCleef and his group of good brothers. VanCleef had become Lillian Voss's subordinate, and his old friends had joined the new Stonemasons Guild. The rest was left to Calia and the others to handle.

While Zul'Aman is still immersed in anger, Hakkari is seeking death. Liadrin reported that the worship of wind serpents appeared again in the new Steamwheedle Port and the ruins of Zul'Farrak. I hope they don't cause any big trouble.

He still trusts Liadrin. Her strong hands and cold personality make her a qualified governor. No one dares to cause trouble under her nose. Once you piss her off, she will slap you even if you are a demigod.

As for the underground spider kingdom in Northrend, it is even more chaotic. Their internal strife will always drag them down. The Alliance can slowly solve its own problems and have enough time to deal with them.

Well, maybe the spider demons think so too. After all, the Alliance will definitely help them get rid of the former king Anub'arak.

Let heroes stop shedding tears and make sinners pay the price, this is the justice of Tyran Fordring. Although it is impossible to be perfect, it can only go this far. After all, human power is limited, He is not a god, and the so-called eternal beings cannot obtain true freedom.

After dealing with all this, Tyran Fording, Solanlian, Matron Shahras, and three other high elf wizards stayed in the temple. He wanted to wait, wait for Janna's call.

Anthem of the Seas.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore had tried it twice, and she found that what Taelan Fording said was really right. That is, too little is not good, too much is not good, and just the right amount is really good.

He is too powerful. The summoning cannot be completed with the help of three archmages. The opened portal is not enough for Tyran Fordring to enter Azeroth. The space-time veil cannot withstand Tyran Fordring's passage, which will cause the opened portal to automatically collapse.

She needed a powerful source of mana. Jaina thought about it and realized that this made sense. When Kel'Thuzad summoned Archimonde, he used the mana source of Dalaran and the artifact, the Book of Medivh. Now that he had the Book of Medivh, this was not Dalaran.

King Kael'thas frowned and said, "We will teleport to Mulgore and use our largest piece of Azelena crystal to complete the teleportation. Then we will set up a magic circle in Kul Tiras to perform a summoning, and we will be here."

Archmage Rhonin disagreed, "That would take too much time. By the time Tyran arrives at the Broken Isles, Kil'jaeden's summoning spell will be complete. If those interstellar battleships were to come to Azeroth through the large portal created by the Eye of Creation, the price we would have to pay would be too high."

"And the arcane crystals needed for a second summoning would bankrupt us."

Kael'thas said unhappily: "We have no energy source. The Sunwell is gone, and the power system of Naxxramas cannot provide so much energy. But this is the safest way."

Luo Ning looked down at the sand table on the warship, pursed his lips and said: "I think I have an idea."

Archmage Rommath said, "You don't want to invade Zandalar, do you?"

Rhonin said: "The Zandalari Loa god Rezan is known as the Guardian of Kings. As long as we capture it, we can absorb his power and summon Taelan Fordring.

Zandalar is very close to the Broken Isles, so they can catch up with everything." Jaina nodded: "Yes, given the current strength of the Alliance, Zandalar has no choice but to surrender! I agree with Rhonin's opinion!"

"I will have my father mobilize the flagship 'Sovereign of the Sea' and the entire Kul Tiras Royal Fleet. In addition, I will also have my brother's 'Anthem of the Sea' and the Alliance's 'Dreadnought'.

The Zandalari's Golden Fleet has no chance of winning. If they don't hand over the Loa, they will face the Alliance's ruthless attack. In order to resist the attack of the Burning Legion, they must also contribute, otherwise how can they live in Azeroth? If we retreat, they will bear the brunt. "

"Those demons will definitely destroy Zandalari. Even if a war breaks out, it will eliminate an enemy for our future!"

Speaking of the future, she touched her belly. Zerila, who was standing beside her, looked at these high-ranking generals curiously. After seeing Jaina's actions, she immediately poured a cup of hot water and moved a chair over for her.

Malfurion did not speak. It was obvious that the Cenarion Circle did not want to provoke an unnecessary war. Negotiation is better than war.

This is a woman in a wizard robe speaking: "I have a way."

Jaina looked at the old woman with dissatisfaction. Archmage Modera was still alive. She came to the crossroads some time ago and brought back the artifact Ebony Chill Staff from Dalaran.

This artifact is the masterpiece of the half-elf Alodi. As the first guardian, he infused some of his own power into the Ebony Chill. From that day on, this staff became the legendary staff of the ice wizard.

Being able to retrieve the artifact was naturally a great achievement for the Alliance Mage Council. With this achievement, Modera once again became the Grand Mage of the Magic Council. However, things have changed, and she can no longer get a seat on the Council of Ten.

Jaina wasn't impressed with her. Or perhaps she had no favorable impression at all, as she was more bureaucratic than mage.

But her good upbringing prevented her from interrupting others.


She pointed to Stormheim and said, "There is a large magic network node here. And the underground is filled with the power of holy light. There are also strong magical fluctuations here. It should be a divine artifact." Her finger moved a little towards the city of Suramar.

As Gul'dan used magic to raise the sea level for the second time, the entire Broken Isles appeared before everyone.

At first they only saw the Broken Shore, but in fact this archipelago includes the ancient elven city of Suramar, Stormheim, Val'sharah, and a land called Highmountain.

Now the Tauren of Highmountain, Meera Highmountain, is standing on Jaina's left hand side. Because of Cairne Bloodhoof, the Tauren of Highmountain were naturally incorporated.

The Alliance already had Tauren, and they were the earliest founders of the Alliance. The Highmountain Tauren also agreed with the Alliance's founding philosophy. And now, apart from the Alliance, they have no choice.

Meera Highling's father, Ulan Highling, had just passed away, and she took over the mess left by her father. This would have caused a long struggle, but the arrival of Cairne Bloodhoof gave Meera Highling strong support. She took advantage of the situation and successfully controlled the entire Highmountain Tauren.

Meera Highmountain said in the gentle voice of a tauren: "The sword Salamani. It has long been suspected that the sword is buried in the valley between Highmountain and Suramar. Now it has been raised by Gul'dan's evil magic and turned into a swamp. The artifact is about to appear in the world."

Modera was also happy to see that someone agreed with her decision. The right to speak is built up bit by bit. The premise is that your words must be supported by facts. Otherwise, your words will have no weight. This is a good start.

Meera Highmountain continued, "I am not convinced that our Bloodhoof warriors should be summoned there."

Her words made people feel that she was protecting someone. Because Tyran Fordring was indeed a Bloodhoof Warrior, he had mastered the unique totem skills of the Tauren, and he would use ancient totem poles to strengthen himself. Since the ancestral duel in Desolace, all Tauren recognized Tyran Fordring's identity as a Tauren.

This is why Baine Bloodhoof has always followed Tyran Fording. In their simple philosophy, only their compatriots will work so hard for you. So Baine has always been casual in front of Tyran Fording. He has learned a lot from him.

Everyone knows that Baine Bloodhoof, Pamela Redpath, Emily Dawnseeker, and Shandris Feathermoon are the people chosen by Tyran Fordring, and there may be Stormpike and Aisha in the future. They will take up the banner of the Azeroth Crusaders after Tyran Fordring retires. Baine Bloodhoof is his squire knight and will definitely be the next Grand Marshal.

This young tauren lived up to expectations and became a high-ranking paladin at a young age. He mastered the protection warrior's artifact, the Sword of Quel'Serrar Highborne. Now he stayed in Draenor and assumed the responsibility of temporary Grand Marshal, responsible for commanding the army to return to Azeroth.

At this time, Sylvanas Windrunner said: "I object to Tyran Fordring entering Stormheim.

His safety is greater than any price we could pay.”

"That holy light is very different from His, and it is too powerful." As the most powerful person present, she has a lot of say.

At this time, another person pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in. He was Archmage Khadgar:

"We have no choice but to summon Tyran Fordring to Stormheim as soon as possible. Because I have received the latest news that the Burning Legion has mobilized all its forces, and the periphery is full of their starships.

The five colored dragons are under great pressure. We need Taelan Fordring."

"We have no choice now."

Modera had found a powerful supporter, and she continued:

"I think the Grand Marshal himself would do the same! Let's get started!"

(End of this chapter)

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