Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 309: Key to the Worlds

Chapter 309: Key to the Worlds
Boom boom boom! The demon's hooves stomped on the rocky and gravelly ground.

They were moving at a very fast pace. It seemed like they had some urgent mission to accomplish. There were a lot of people in the team, and they worked together smoothly.

The leader was wearing a cape and was tall. He had devil horns on his head and a pair of huge bat wings behind him. The reason they were able to move forward smoothly was because of these features and the powerful evil energy flowing through them.

The leader raised his head and looked at the surrounding environment. There were many high mountains here, and they were on a long mountain road.

There were traces of life everywhere on the mountain, but now there is nothing left. Only the traces of vegetation being burned by evil energy are left. And there are obvious signs of human creation here.

Someone designed this place and planted various plants on the periphery. The plains here are surrounded by mountains. There is a river running through the middle of the plains. Now the river is filled with green evil energy, which is constantly corroding the riverbed.

The waterfalls on the mountain no longer flow with clear and sweet spring water, but green water with a strong smell of sulfur. Anyone who drinks a sip of it will surely be sent to rest in peace in the burial ground.

Looking up at the sky, there are broken chunks of land or countless huge rocks. Desolate is the best way to describe this place.

Belts of gravel surround this largest piece of land. If someone could fly high up, they would definitely see a huge smooth cut. It looks like it was cut off by a giant's sword.

Rubble, mountains, platforms, broken buildings, and a huge door. The surrounding high walls are not only tall and solid, but also have powerful magic arrays attached to them. Even though it is broken into several sections now, you can still see how neat and tall it was in the past.

If they didn't know the truth, no one would believe that all this was really man-made. Because the one who created this place was a creature with the most powerful force in this material universe: Titan.

The one who tore this place apart was also a Titan, they were the same person: Sargeras, the Destroyer of Worlds.

Sargeras founded this place when he was still a Titan. This planet is called Mardum. It is in the Twisting Nether.

Sargeras is the strongest warrior of the Pantheon. His mission is to slay demons and bring order to the universe. He fulfilled this mission very well until he met the Nathrezim.

He found that the demons that were killed would return from the void soon. So he thought of a way, which was to imprison them in the void world so that they could not return to the material world.

As for why He did not execute those demons in the twisting void.

(We don’t know, and we dare not say. Anyway, no matter what Mou Xue wants to say, people will believe it. If we say it, a bunch of wise babies will pop up and criticize us. One moment your setting is unrealistic, and the next moment they reflect his reality into the novel, and you are at a loss what to do.

So, knowing that Illidan dragged Argus to the vicinity of Azeroth in the plot, which is no longer the Twisting Nether, why did the demon die completely? Does Argus have the Twisting Nether itself? )
To this end, Illidan conducted countless experiments, and he finally confirmed that demons can never be killed, because they represent the evil force of the material universe and they are part of this world.

But only the demons belonging to the Burning Legion can maintain their original strength and abilities. What's more terrifying is that they can still keep their own memories.

As for other wild demons, once they are killed, they can only devour the weakest little demons and inferior demons to strengthen themselves, and eventually become demon lords or other powerful beings.

So they are very afraid of death, because death will take away their strength and abilities. Only the soul will remain immortal, and they will start over with some residual memories. What's more terrifying is that the more times they die, the weaker their souls become and the unclear their memories become.

And there is no shortage of people who can manipulate souls in this universe. People like Taelan Fording, who control the Holy Light Force, are the ones they fear the most. His assimilation strikes will be accompanied by terrible whispers, turning the demons who are hit into slaves.

Later, Illidan, who joined the Burning Legion, finally figured out how the Legion's demons would not lose their power and memories. That was because they corrupted a worthless Titan, the weak Argus!
This weak Titan was completely corrupted by the demons, and became a storage device for recording demon abilities and data. Whenever a demon died, Argus, who was enslaved by Sargeras, would retrieve the archive of the demon, reshape their bodies with the power of the twisting void, and then inject their abilities and memories into the new bodies.

So the sacrificed demon was perfectly resurrected. All that was lost was a little bit of Argus's power. And once Argus's power was gone, its body would still be of great use to Sargeras. You know, he paid a huge price to invade Azeroth.

Unfortunately, no matter how weak Argus was, he was still a Titan, a Titan with fragments of the Godhead. If you wanted to wait for him to die, it would not be a matter of ten thousand or twenty thousand years. Unless something unexpected happened to him.

Illidan, who knew this secret, immediately changed his plan and contacted his allies. He wanted to cut off the Legion's retreat. Demons can be reborn, and Argus can also be reborn from its original planet. But that time can easily be tens of thousands of years, and there are not many living creatures on Argus. It is hard to say whether its soul can return safely.

His mission is to seize the Key to the Realms and open the door to the Burning Throne of Antorus. Taelan Fordring is responsible for leading the heroes to rush in and kill the Unmaker, who has been drained of a large amount of energy.

Once Argus dies, those demons will become lonely ghosts, and those who return from the twisting void are some low-level demons who have lost their power. He will lead the demon hunters and clean them up regularly as the eternal jailer.

That’s right, the leader was Illidan. With strong support, he personally led the team to invade Mardum.

He spread his wings and jumped from one isolated island to the other, which was close to their destination.

A figure covered in a full-body cloak appeared from the void and quickly disappeared.

Maiev Shadowsong.

"We are almost there. There are few powerful warships along the way, and there are very few soldiers."

Illidan packed his bag and drank a few bottles of precious potions. These were rare items.

"My brothers have always been cautious. The two guys we couldn't deal with were transferred away. If I wasn't afraid that Sargeras was still alive, I would have chosen to fight directly here."

The rough female voice said: "He won't do that. There are too many demons. Our enemies are not limited to the Burning Legion. Those Nathrezim are not normal. We must be careful."

"If he wants to defeat so many space battleships head-on, he must become a true god like Elune. Or even stronger.

This kind of beheading is the option with the least loss.”

Illidan snorted:
"You hide it well, and once you get the key, you can leave with some of the Watchers and Jace Darkweaver. You don't have to worry about anything, just deliver the key to Taelan."

Maiev Shadowsong said dissatisfiedly:

"With so many of us, the Illidari can attack head-on. I will lead my sisters into the Spider Queen's lair and kill her. Then we will get the key, right?"

Under normal circumstances, Illidan would have laughed at Maiev. But today, only she could deliver the key. "If you kill Kil'jaeden, the demons might laugh secretly. But they won't be able to do that with the Key of the Realms. Once we get it, they will go crazy.

That thing is more important than the lives of billions of demons."

You are not allowed to take action during this battle. Unless your life is in danger. You must listen to me this time. When the key is delivered, I will not care what you want to do. "

He turned to the powerful demon hunter Jace Darkweave, "Keep an eye on this stubborn woman. Same with you. The key is our first priority."

"Brothers of the Illidari! The battle has begun. I will go to see the Spider Queen with this token prepared by Shahraz.

She is a cunning creature. My brother's Spirit Bomb will let her know what a man's strength is. "

In fact, Illidan had made a special effort to learn about the Spider Queen. Her special status allowed her to deal with every great demon.

He still knew a little about her. And he had made the final preparations. Not only did he want to defeat her with the help of Taelan Fording's demigod power, he also wanted to enslave her soul so that she could never recover.

She guards the keys to the worlds, and all invasions are related to her. If she dies, the Burning Legion will lose its transit point for invading other worlds and expanding its power. This is also a huge blow to the Legion.

Maiev Shadowsong finally figured out how Illidan located Mardum. It turned out that there was a traitor in the Burning Legion. No wonder Shahraz didn't come. She must have stayed in the Black Temple waiting for Taelan Fordring to come. He must have promised that demon girl something.

"This will not be an easy mission. This may be our last battle. But our world awaits us, and we will never rest until the threat of the Legion is resolved."

Maiev Shadowsong is a night elf who has lived for tens of thousands of years. She has always been tormented by the death of her family and the sacrifice of her compatriots. The cause of her family's death was the Burning Legion. So when it comes to demons, she is very extreme.

This kind of stubbornness was also the reason why Illidan believed in her. She had a reason to fight the devil. She wanted to arrest Illidan at first. But after knowing his real purpose, she stayed to help him. At the same time, she was also monitoring him. Once he was truly corrupted, she would kill him immediately.

Now their goals were the same. She watched Illidan carefully, and she noticed that he glanced at a deserted place. What was hidden there?
And Jace Darkweaver didn't follow him into the Spider Queen's lair. He hid. He left Maiev Shadowsong alone.

Maiev Shadowsong knew that only she and Sana could keep up with Illidan. Others would be easily discovered by the powerful demon.

"Sana, take the sisters and cooperate with Jace Darkweaver's actions. If they don't move, you must move too. Once we act, no one will be left alive."

A cloak of shadows obscured her, and she followed Illidan.

Shahras's token was very useful. Things went surprisingly smoothly. Because countless years had passed, no one dared to invade Mardum.

Illidan soon met the Spider Queen Tyranna.

It belongs to the Alanas. This race is not the main fighting race of the Burning Legion. But they are responsible for a very important task. Other spiders weave large webs to catch prey. But the Alanas weave a cosmic web, wrapping countless poor worlds in the Burning Legion's web of flame.

"Is Taelan Fordring ready to invade Mardum?"

"So this is why he made this reckless expedition to Draenor?"

Many people say that the Alanas are not a smart race, and that Tyranna is not a powerful matron. But she is definitely not a fool. Who would ask a fool to guard the key?
"I understand. I will move the key! You should find a place to rest first. The battle in Azeroth is not going well. There is a man as powerful as Kil'jaeden there.

This power alone drives me crazy. If only I could catch him! I would make him like me."

Illidan pouted secretly. He likes you? If you only look at your face, you are indeed a beauty. But no one likes a half-beautiful woman. And they don't want to be eaten after mating. And do you dare to approach her?
I can crush you to death with one hand. Apart from your height, what else are you better than?
Illidan's mental strength was frightening. He left the fortress without hesitation, drove away a group of Destroyers, and settled down in an outpost.

Maiev Shadowsong is the most powerful rogue. Not only does she have a great stealth ability, but she also has the ability to Shadowmeld. It's always dusk in Mardum. There is no such thing as a bright sun, so she can Shadowmeld all the time. With her powerful stealth ability, no one can find her.

She wasn't exaggerating when she said she had personally stormed into the Spider Queen's lair. This was her conclusion after observing the environment of the broken world of Mardum. This place is simply a paradise for female night elf thieves. (Male night elves do not have the ability to Shadowmeld.)
Especially the watchers have an ability that is very similar to Tyran Fording, that is, flash, they can flash continuously like the mage. There are isolated islands, broken bridges, and various obstacles everywhere, which can help them get rid of the pursuers.

Illidan had just closed the door of the fortress. He waved his hand and asked his two brothers to guard outside. Here, he did not dare to use the barrier blatantly.

"Is that all? I'm going to follow that poisonous spider?"

"No, someone will catch up with her."

"You threatened her that Taelan Fordring lightforged a nathrezim just to get her to move the key. And then sent someone after her?"

"It's not that simple. Get the key and go. There are obstacles everywhere. No one is more suitable than you to complete this task."

The Illidari have a large charge limit and cannot be invisible. Maiev Shadowsong is the most suitable candidate.

"No one can take the key unless I die."

Illidan looked through the small window at the huge battleship 'Fel Hammer' floating in the air!
“If I’m not mistaken, the key is on that ship!

Once she gets inside, she will definitely move it. Then, our chance will come. Get ready, the action is about to begin."

Maiev Shadowsong was stunned for a moment. Aren't we the ones who are raiding? He wouldn't want Jace Darkweaver to launch a raid! After all, the main force is over there.

It wasn't even time for a cup of tea. The poisonous spider boarded the spaceship with a team of guards. Before it took off, a violent explosion was heard. Thick smoke came out of the spaceship, and it couldn't take off!
"Illidari, act!"

(End of this chapter)

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