Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 314: Maiev Shadowsong and Elisande

Chapter 314: Maiev Shadowsong and Elisande

Elisande's magic circle has completed the casting. The purple magic barrier has been closed like a "big bowl". All the people inside will become her prey. These frozen guys will become the nutrients she dedicates to the Burning Legion. She will sacrifice their souls to the demon lord Kil'jaeden to speed up his absorption of the incarnation of the perfect self.

As long as the Legion wins, she can not only continue her comfortable life, but also gain more magic. No matter whether it is fel energy or arcane. As long as her desire for magic is satisfied, it will be fine. She doesn't care about that anymore.

Ten thousand years of lonely life made her experience all kinds of hardships. This is also the reason why intelligent life forms want to get married. Your partner is your last resort. She or he will face the hard life with you, continue the bloodline of the race, and is also the best listener to satisfy your desire to communicate. Only when you face her or him, will you open your heart and confide your inner depression and loneliness.

People are born alone, seeking comfort in the hard times. In this cold world, only another person can give you a little warmth.

Look at the three great eredar, Velen, Kil'jaeden, and Archimonde. Of the three, only Velen married and had children, and only he was mentally normal. The other two were obsessed with power, and their mental problems grew bigger and bigger until they devoured them.

Even if Viren lost his son, he still had Nuri, so he could still live a normal life and not have to die alone.

This is why a strong woman like Jaina married and had children. Otherwise, how long can a person survive in this dangerous world? Who can she confide in when she is wronged?

It's just that good partners are hard to come by in a lifetime. If you happen to meet one, please cherish this fate.

Elisande prepared to launch the final attack. Kill everyone in here, and then control Naxxramas flying in the sky. It was simply a space battleship, a flying city. The person who built it was really a genius!
In fact, she didn't know that this huge city was built by the might of the Titans, the brainchild of thousands of people including the great inventor Mimiron, the great craftsman Mekkatorque of the Alliance, and the chief engineer Gazlowe. It was completed with the top technology of several races and all the financial and material resources of the Fording family.

Getting it is equivalent to getting a permanent fortress.

Elisande has begun to imagine the future, but she has not forgotten the thief who sneaked in. She has lived for tens of thousands of years and should not have made such a low-level mistake as underestimating the enemy.

She strengthened her defenses and activated several magic items. Now her brain was working frantically, controlling the complicated energy and magic arrays. She also had to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Because the visible thief is a lamb to be slaughtered, while the stealth thief is a poisonous snake that wants to bite its prey. The thief's stealth ability is extremely strong. She can already use the shadow power she controls to move herself to the space rift and then return to the material world.

I just don't know if she can locate the material world in the shadow rift. That kind of ability is what she least wants to encounter. Fortunately, everything is about to end.

But she happened to catch up with this one in ten thousand chance. The thief really located her in the present world from the shadow rift.

She appeared behind her, exactly as she had been. The terrifying sword seemed to be able to suck a person's soul in.

It was stabbed horribly in the back by its master like a dagger.

This sword is enough to kill an Annihilan lord!
Fortunately, I can multitask.

Arcane shockwave!
Just fight you off.

But suddenly a shadow elf woman wearing an eagle helmet and special armor appeared in front of her. She couldn't see her face, but Elisande knew her!
Night elf Warden Maiev Shadowsong.

She screamed in fear: "Ahhh! Why are you here?"

There is always a loophole. The environment just now was too chaotic. There were clearly two explosions hitting the protective magic circle, but no one saw two figures at that time. And at that time, Jaina's magic was always interfering with Elisande.

The worst of all was an old dwarf who kept making noises on the shield with his hammer, and he was full of fresh and filthy words that could make an educated woman collapse with anger.

The two voices were Lilith Voss and Maiev Shadowsong passing through the protective spell.

Elisande knew Maiev Shadowsong very well. The Shadowsong family was well-known today. But ten thousand years ago, she and her brother Jarod Shadowsong were ordinary night elves. They had no deep background and no famous teachers.

At that time, Maiev Shadowsong was still a priestess of Elune. They became famous through their own efforts and fighting on the battlefield.

If Jarod Shadowsong had not been indifferent to fame and gain, Shandris Feathermoon's position would have been in his pocket. And everyone was optimistic about his cooperation with Tyran Fordring, one was experienced and good at tactics, the other was strong and good at strategic decision-making. He should take over his position as Grand Marshal after Tyran Fordring was promoted again.

Unfortunately, he and Tyran Fordring were both known as romantic lovers. Just as Tyran Fordring loved Jaina, he also had his own lover: Sarathil. After the war, he took his personal belongings and left his people to live in seclusion.

Later, Maiev Shadowsong became the leader of the Watchers. She led a terrible army and hunted dark creatures everywhere.

Their efficiency and ruthless style are feared by everyone, and their powerful and unusual abilities have become a nightmare for mages.

Elisande's spell is complete. She is no longer afraid of anyone except Maiev Shadowsong, who has broken through the barrier.

Maiev Shadowsong pushed aside her visor, revealing a beautiful face. Tens of thousands of years had passed, and time seemed to have forgotten her.

Elisande already knew that the night elves' world tree, Nordrassil, had died in the battle against the demon lord Archimonde of the Burning Legion, and that they had lost their immortality.

Later, Tyran Fordring planted Teldrassil, the only world tree that exists today. However, it was not blessed by Nozdormu, the Keeper of Time. They did not restore immortality, but only extended their lifespan.

But she didn't age? Did she connect to a new great being?

Maiev Shadowsong raised her right hand and threw three strange poison darts in succession. Two of them were affected by the arcane shockwave and missed the target. The last one hit her left arm.

Luckily it didn't hit the throat.

However, this ability was magical even when it was a physical attack. Elisande immediately felt her mind begin to slow down. She was paralyzed!

All mages hate rogues who put paralysis poison on their daggers, which slows down their thinking and casting speed.

Maiev Shadowsong unveiled her visor not to show everyone her beautiful face and eternal youth. Yes, she had been trying to use the Azerite crystal, but she could only use it as a backup energy. But as soon as she returned to the world of Azeroth, the crystal recognized her and brought her powerful power.

When she takes off her visor, Elisande will be shocked. She was afraid of her! Tens of thousands of years have passed, and she is younger, more beautiful, and more powerful. She also has a large group of followers. They are all women. Would you be angry when you see such an enemy? Would you be stunned?

In the battle between thieves, one second is heaven and the next second is hell.

"Spirit of Vengeance!" A huge energy being as big as an Annihilan lord appeared behind Maiev Shadowsong. She was wearing black armor and her body was illusory. Judging from her appearance, she looked exactly like Maiev Shadowsong.

He raised the moon blade and said to Elisande: "Hibernate!"

Elisande immediately felt very tired. She hadn't slept for too long! But was it time to sleep? Although she was in hibernation, she was actually surrounded by a layer of strange purple crystals.

The little girl who was repelled by the shock wave reappeared. She broke the last layer of mana shield with one sword.

Now Maiev Shadowsong suddenly disappeared in front of her, and appeared behind her again. The two figures met in mid-air.

Elisande only saw the tall figure raising the moon blade to control her, and the wheel of judgment in the hand of the terrible Maiev Shadowsinger drew a beautiful trace in the air. "Betrayer, your death is imminent!"

Elisande's body slowly slumped.

“This is different from what I saw!”

When Gul'dan came to Suramar, Elisande used the Eye of Aman'thul and her own ability to control time to predict the outcome.

At that time, the only people who could help her in the Broken Isles were the Tauren of Highmountain. But at this time, Hurn Highmountain was no longer there, and the Pillars of Creation were also shattered by Deathwing.

Elisande foresaw two futures. The first was that the Legion conquered the entire world of Azeroth. Except for some trolls and gorgeously dressed humans who defected to the Burning Legion, the rest were killed. The whole world was shrouded in fel flames. No one could resist the endless demons.

Another future is even stranger. A humanoid creature fights a towering demon in the Broken Isles. The demon is Kil'jaeden, but it gives Elisande a strange feeling. It is more powerful than the current Kil'jaeden.

That should be Kil'jaeden who completed his ascension. The city of Suramar was destroyed by the battle between the two, and all the elves died in the battle between these great beings.

Unfortunately, she didn't see the end. Her prophecy ended when a sun rose above the humanoid creature's head and eight wings that looked like those of Avina, the Queen of the Sky, grew out of his back. That person was like a god, unknowable, unseeable, and unpredictable.

It can be said that neither of the two endings is what she wants. No matter what choice she makes, Suramar City will become a ruin.

If she chose to rebel against the Burning Legion, she and her noble supporters would be immediately killed by Gul'dan and the demons he summoned.

She thought again of her decision to seal Suramar City, which was the decision that allowed her and her supporters to survive. Although these ten thousand years were equivalent to imprisonment, they were still alive after all.

When you face an enemy that you cannot resist, the first priority is to surrender and save your life. As for sending those ordinary poor people to build a portal for Gul'dan as fuel, that is just a temporary solution.

How similar is Elisande to the nobles of the Alliance? When disaster strikes, she is domineering. When disaster strikes, as the supreme leader, the first thing she thinks of is to protect her own interests.

As for surrendering when you can't win, you can surrender, but where do you put the interests of the people? Have you thought about their safety? Are all your predictions correct? If the prophecy was really useful, Aman'thul, the father of the gods, would not have died.

"The sun is about to set..." Before she could finish her words, she quickly lost her life.

Maiev Shadowsong glanced at Stormheim, where a terrifying holy light was erupting in the distance, and said:
"Victory is won with one's life, not by vague prophecies. At first, I didn't believe that a mortal could master a power beyond that of a demigod."

"All we need to do is work hard. As for the result, it's no longer important. You, who have always been a noble and arrogant person, will never understand."

With Elisande's death, the entire city of Suramar fell into the hands of the Alliance. The supply of resources to the Broken Isles depends entirely on the portals that have become less effective.

Kil'jaeden unconsciously increased his speed of swallowing. Not only was there a problem in Suramar City, but also in Aggramar's Vault. More holy light erupted there.

And the hidden bomb, Illidan, still did not appear, as if he was there to steal the keystone. Now that the keystone is in hand, he has disappeared.

Since it has not appeared, then don't appear until it finishes devouring it. Then it will come out and end everything.

With the bad news of the fall of Suramar City, Kil'jaeden was very angry. Gul'dan was dead, Elisande was also dead, each of them was bad news. It no longer cared about carrying out its original plan.

It could only use part of its accumulated strength to summon the legion's warships in advance.

Kil'jaeden's original plan was to wait for the Alliance's frontal attack to reach the depths of the Broken Coast at a great cost. He was summoning these interstellar battleships. These powerful warships would instantly focus on Tyran Fordring or the Alliance's new demigod-level warrior Sylvanas Windrunner.

This woman had been causing her a lot of trouble lately. First, she followed that damned little girl to attack Suramar City.

The arrows she shot gave it a great shock, that was the taste of the life force. It was the favorite thing of the evil energy users. As long as it ate it, it would become stronger.

In its perception, it was she who shot Prince Malchezaar to death with an arrow. Her withering shot was a great threat to the demons. If it could capture her, it might be able to obtain the Life Gem.

Unfortunately, the woman used the Void Arrow later. It then realized that she also controlled death and some void power. Those void powers came from the Old Gods, the mortal enemy of Sargeras, the leader of the Burning Legion.

It seems that this woman is also hiding some terrible secret.

The cloud of evil energy rolled in the sky, and in an instant it pushed away the power of holy light, and ten interstellar battleships slid out of the void from nothing.

As soon as they appeared, they launched an attack on the Broken Coast.

Unfortunately, the scheduled time had not yet arrived and the Alliance did not penetrate deep into the Broken Isles, but this also dealt a heavy blow to the Alliance forces that landed.

The tall Tauren chieftain Cain held up a shield and protected several people around him. There were corpses all around him.

As long as the second attack came, these powerful warriors would be wiped out. However, a powerful barrier of holy light resisted the next attack.

The alliance was finally beaten back.

It's not that Kil'jaeden doesn't want to summon more fel ships. This is already its limit. Those dragons have been using anti-Titan magic circles in the sky to attack the ships approaching Azeroth. Both sides have been killing each other. Because the demons can no longer go home. Those smarter demons have guessed that the Legion has lost the Sargerite Keystone.

Fortunately, the Alliance retreated and Jaina teleported away. Obviously, one Naxxramas is not enough to fight against the warships of the Burning Legion.

What reassured Kil'jaeden was that the breath of Tyran Fordring, who used the Holy Light Bastion, was rapidly decreasing. It also paid a price. It was difficult to use manpower to fight against a huge battleship.

Now everyone has returned to their original state. It can also complete its devouring with peace of mind, slowly gather troops, and wait for the decisive battle to come.

Vault of Aggramar.

Jaina walked quietly in the underground tunnel. It turned out that she had teleported here with the heroes of the Alliance.

Velen followed the thin Jaina closely so that he could take care of her at any time.

He did not go to see his old friend. Instead, he came here in secret. He came to participate in a great expedition!

Argus, for him, that was a name that haunted his dreams.

My son, you wait, Kil'jaeden will pay the price. It has been so many years, I seem to have experienced countless reincarnations, and now I am finally going back to our homeland!
(End of this chapter)

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