Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 319: Destroyer Coven

Chapter 319: Destroyer Coven (Part )
The Destroyers are a strange race. There are no males in this race. All of them are fair-skinned, beautiful and have long legs. They live on a relatively barren planet and are the rulers of that world. They cannot be said to be good or evil.

At that time, they were led by four matrons. The chief one was called the Great Mistress. That person was Shahras. The remaining three matrons and a powerful witch who used shadow power were ambitious and wanted to replace Shahras.

Unfortunately, they are all immortal species like the Eredar. It is harder to get close to Shahras and die than to ascend to heaven. This is the disadvantage of the immortal species. The more it develops, the greater the social disadvantages of this creature.

The old ones won't die, and they won't give up their place to the young ones. How can that be possible? Is there a prince who lives for a thousand years? But there are no rich planets to migrate to near the planet where the witches live. They don't have the ability to travel in space.

Such resentment kept accumulating, and finally one day, Sargeras came. At that time, he had already reconquered the Eredar. Two particularly powerful guys among them had already gained a lot of say in the Legion. They were not only very powerful, but also outstanding in talent.

Sargeras has decided to take the risk and go to Azeroth to seize the miracle. His road has come to an end, and there is no possibility of any progress. This is something that a person with aspirations cannot tolerate. Moreover, he has a great enemy.

The Lord of the Void has always been his concern. Only the Soul of Azeroth is his cure. Once he leaves, how can he ensure that the Legion can complete the Burning Crusade according to his established plan and destroy the entire material universe?
Will the Eredar, who are the only family in the world, continue to follow the path He has set? Even He Himself does not have control over the ultimate universe He promised. How can He fulfill His promise?

So the Shivara came into his sight. Female, strong, and gifted. They were his remedy to balance the Eredar.

But Mistress Shahras was not fooled. She lived a good life. Wouldn't it be nice to be the chief? Wouldn't it be good to rule a few planets and be free every day? Why find a master for yourself? Can you become the boss by joining the Burning Legion?
No, and she couldn't. But she knew she couldn't beat the big devil. So the struggle began.

But she forgot that the endless years had worn away her men's patience. They all wanted to get rid of this great mistress and become the master of the Destroyer themselves. So they left Shahras aside and reached an agreement with that powerful being.

Ultimately, Mother Shahraz was betrayed and manipulated by her own people using the fel magic she learned from Sargeras.

Today, Shahras is back again. And her foreign aid is surprisingly powerful. They have been free and easy for too long, and it will be hard to pay back their debts. Besides, Shahras will never forgive them.

Enemies can shake hands and make peace, but traitors must pay with blood. Liquidating traitors is the favorite of every intelligent creature. This is the most satisfying thing.

The three matrons attacked Shahras at the same time. They were afraid of Tyran Fordring's power, but also hoped that the movement here would attract support from the Shadow of Aggramar. So they all chose to attack with long-range spells.

After being transformed into holy light, Madam Shahras was actually more powerful than before, but she was not strong enough to deal with three people at the same time. But she found an accomplice.

Someone may ask, why doesn't anyone torture the Titans and let those Titans help them?
These masters all possessed special skills and were people with similar strength to them. Who would dare to stand with their backs to them in this situation? Would Illidan use his demonic incarnation to chop off their heads?

Nora's death just now has set an example for them. As for why they don't run away? Of course they can't run away. The planet has limited manpower now, and the elite are all Eredar. Only by guarding Argus can there be hope of resurrection. Otherwise, they can only start all over again in the twisting void. And can you run away?
Why did the annihilan surrender to Sargeras? Wasn't it because they didn't want to start all over again? Why didn't Sargeras execute them in the twisting void? Was it because he was not smart enough? It was because he knew that killing would never end.

They have already reached their lair, so the last option is to hold out and wait for help. Shahras, who knows their weaknesses, must be eliminated first.

"The light of the universe!"

"Dark Storm!"

"Frost Ball!"

The three matrons used their special skills at the beginning. Now is not the time to test each other. Aggramar's shadow has not come to support them yet. This means that He will not come. He is not completely corrupted. Without their torture, He may slowly regain his sanity. It will take some time for Him to completely corrupt.

Of course, they would not forget to order their men to besiege Taelan Fordring and his men.

Illidan was the first to step forward, and he chose to deal with Dima, the Mother of Shadows.

Velen chose to deal with Asara, the Mother of Night.

Sylvanas deals with the remaining Soraya, Mother of the Universe.

Jaina and Shandris Feathermoon formed a two-person team to clean up the remaining miscellaneous soldiers.

Taelan Fordring needed to save his energy and prepare to deal with Argus, but he had to deal with the first round of attacks first.

He took the hilt of Salamene's sword in both hands, pointed it downward, and thrust it into the ruby ​​set in the center of the floor.

The three matrons' souls were terrified because they were pulled by Sarameni and slid towards the scary man.

Their powerful attacks collided with each other immediately. With a bang, a large amount of light and bright red fragments splashed everywhere. Taelan Fording had disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already standing at the door. A huge ball of light fell from the sky and fell towards the three witches.

Shahraz had already fled. She chose to help Illidan deal with Dima Shadowmother who used the power of ice. At the beginning, their relationship was the best, they were close friends. Shahraz shared a lot with her. Unfortunately, at the critical moment, it betrayed its best friend without hesitation.

The three mistresses who were pulled over by Sarameni tried desperately to break free, but the power of the super-class demigod held them firmly. The huge ball of light fell straight down.

Everyone thought that the holy light ball would explode. However, it did not explode at all, but stopped above the giant sword. Then lightning struck the heads of several matrons one after another. Then lightning struck again. The situation of other demons in the hall became miserable. Sometimes they were repelled by the holy light of the shelter, sometimes frozen by holy ice, and sometimes paralyzed by the holy light lightning.

As Tyran Fordring retreated, Jaina had summoned waves of cold rain, followed by endless icicles that kept falling. This icy rain chilled all the demons to the bone, and then the biting north wind fell with the hard icicles.

The evil blizzard always snows before it rains. Shandris Feathermoon's falling meteors set off the entire interrogation hall beautifully. This place cannot affect her from summoning meteor showers. It seems that the moon goddess's jurisdiction is not limited to Azeroth.

A fierce battle between the two sides began. This kind of war between races was the most cruel. It was a life-and-death battle with no mercy and no holding back.

Just like the war between the orcs and the draenei, Gul'dan extracted the souls of countless draenei as power to open the Dark Portal. Has he ever shown mercy to those poor draenei?

When the orcs attacked Stormwind, did they ever show mercy to any human?
There are some examples of mercy, that is, humans towards orcs. Terenas established an orc internment camp and took in those orcs with ulterior motives. He even did not settle accounts with Orgrim Doomhammer who killed the human hero Anduin Lothar.

What was the ending? Lordaeron was destroyed by the orc leader Ner'zhul using the plague of undead, and his son was turned into a puppet and a walking corpse. Did anyone pity the people of Lordaeron at that time?
Even if they escaped, did the orcs in the shelter thank the humans? They ate humans, drank humans, and in the end, they still shouted:

"Orcs will never be slaves, even if they are provided with food and shelter."

Thrall, who was taught by the foolish Blackmoore, rescued the orcs. They attacked the fleets of Durnholde and Kul Tiras successively. In the many wars, did they show mercy to any human? Did they have any good feelings towards the old man Terenas?
How is it possible? It is difficult for humans to empathize with each other, let alone humans and animals? All creatures are born lonely, and understanding each other is the most difficult.

Besides, the most important thing for people is not compassion or kindness, but their stance. Everyone has their own stance and core demands. When you do not harm their essential stance and core demands, anyone can be harmless. But once you infringe on their core interests, anyone will fight to the death. The stance must not be shaken. You can never consider issues from the perspective of others.

Especially when two races are competing for living space, every leader should do whatever it takes.

Taelan Fording is a kind person, but his position has never wavered. Anything that threatens the survival of Azeroth is not on his mercy list. He is a human being, and he always considers things from the perspective of humans.

Love should not be excessive, and sympathy should not be misplaced. You pity your enemies, but your enemies will not pity you.

The history of Azeroth for hundreds of thousands of years has been teaching Him all the time. Isn't it the same even on Earth?
Isn't the incident between a small East Asian country and a big Eastern country thought-provoking enough? Tens of millions of Chinese people were massacred. When some people shout about friendship, have they ever thought about the blood of their ancestors?

All those who sympathized with the enemy had a bad ending. For example, Li Chengliang. One of his concubines did a good deed, and hundreds of millions of compatriots died because of it. The whole country was in ruins for nearly three hundred years.

Taelan Fording still remembers a saying of his ancestor.

The barbarians fear power but do not cherish virtue. When they are strong, they will steal and raid, and when they are weak, they will be submissive.

If someone shouts for forgiveness, they are either stupid or bad. We can't live in hatred forever, but we must never forget the past.

Taelan Fordring's powerful aura and deterrent power profoundly affected the entire battlefield.

Illidan and Shahraz were the first to make their mark. Together, they killed Dima, the Mother of Shadows. The death of the matron set off a chain reaction. Illidan and Shahraz were freed to help Sylvanas Windrunner deal with Soraya, the Mother of the Universe.

Shahras, who knew these matrons well, acted as a temporary commander. She directed everyone to avoid those dangerous attacks and readjusted the rhythm of attack and defense.

Suraya, the mother of the universe, is more like a mage than a magic warrior like Nora who practices both magic and martial arts. The first thing Illidan did was to use mana burn to burn out her mana. Suraya, who lost her mana, became a large infantry who could only fight in melee.

Sylvanas Windrunner mercilessly put an end to the sinister witch of destruction with a ruthless use of Blight Shot.

Asara, the Mother of Night, was the first of the Sylvarar to fall into darkness, and she was also the first to pledge her loyalty to Sargeras. It can be said that she is the Gul'dan of the Sylvarar.

There are people like this everywhere, and it’s impossible to kill them all.

Even with six arms, it was still impossible to resist the siege of six people. And Osara was not undeservedly named the new mistress. In addition to her strong strength, she also had stronger adaptability.

"Stop! I surrender. I am willing to help you enter the Burning Throne and face Argus."

“I am the only one who understands Argus. I can help you reduce casualties.

And I was deceived, and Sargeras controlled me."

No one believed it, especially Shahras. Osara didn't even dare to ask for mercy from the former Great Mistress. But its shamelessness did allow it to live a little longer. It had a good wish. Sargeras, who had promised it eternal life, must not be dead.

The Shadow of Aggramar did not come to save it. Argus will leave the Burning Throne. Will its master Sargeras help her? If she dies, who will create the Fallen Titan for him? Its three companions are all dead. The only one who can help him is himself.

After all, Shahraz has turned into a disgusting ball of holy light. And the mistress has found a new home. She will definitely convert to Azeroth with her remaining group of confidants. She can live her free life with big breasts and no brains again. She will never let the Burning Legion catch her again.

But the facts disappointed it. No one sympathized with it, including Sargeras who was hiding somewhere unknown. A betrayer was not worthy of such a resolute person to give up his plan.

Osara felt a wave of disappointment, but it was not Xal'atath.

Sartharion can face death calmly. Her cunning and resolute character allows her to endure any humiliation. Once faced with an irreversible situation, she will accept it with pleasure and never let herself be wronged.

It is more like Gul'dan, selfish, without morals, and only cares about power and profit. It can endure insults and then brew revenge.

Madam Shahras said jokingly, "You look so ugly. Put away your hypocrisy! What happened back then showed me your true colors.

Are you already thinking about how to retaliate against us?
You think too much. We have suffered so much. We will not be fooled by you again. "

Osara turned away from Shahras:

"You decide nothing." It turned to look at Jaina and Sylvanas.

According to its experience, women are always soft-hearted, especially when facing the weak. They will automatically empathize with themselves and then make some earth-shattering and self-proclaimed great sacrifices.

But it was wrong. Sylvanas Windrunner was proud, but she was not a soft-hearted person.

"You've chosen the wrong person. I have no sympathy for a demon. My hometown, my compatriots, and my brother all died because of your conspiracy. Your best destination is death."

Jaina has always been compassionate, but now she is not considering compassion. She has to consider whether her decision will leave hidden dangers for future generations.

"I also don't think the devil deserves sympathy. There's nothing pitiful about you either."

Shahras had been watching Tyran Fordring. As she was used to staying in the abyss, she would first consider the opinions of the strong. But she was still worried that Tyran Fordring would Lightforge Osara.

She was overthinking it. Taelan Fording never had a good impression of people who betrayed their compatriots.

"Kill it, we have more important things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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