Chapter 32: Caer Darrow
Well! Little Jaina's thoughts are indeed hard to understand. We just agreed to visit the Mardenhold Fortress. Now we have only seen the prayer room, the armory, and the training ground. We haven't even climbed the fortress tower to enjoy the scenery of Hearthglen. But she is already thinking about going bear hunting? Why is she so obsessed with bear hunting?
Although Tyran Fording lived for more than 30 years in total, he really didn't understand women. Sometimes they were gentle and charming, and sometimes they were moody. It was not surprising that they had sudden ideas. Although Jaina was still young, it did not prevent her from having strange ideas.

Tyran Fording had no choice but to say, "You have to change your clothes. Bring your equipment. Bears are very dangerous." In fact, after mastering new skills, Tyran Fording was no longer afraid of gentlemen or beasts like bears. The only dangers were those awakened magical creatures and those unknown risks.

Of course, it's also nice to go to the surrounding low-level gnoll camps to get some free food. It feels like playing Warcraft 3 back then. It's a pity that Taelan can't summon water elementals. But Jaina just happens to be able to do it - she can't either!

Taelan Fordring suddenly became interested and said to Jaina with a malicious look: "Janna! Let's go to the werewolf camp for adventure! You be the archmage, I'll be the paladin. Let Paris be the infantry, how about that?"

Paris is Tyran Fording's new friend in Mardenholde! Last time, he stood up for his sister and beat up Barthilas's nephew! Paris is the son of a shoemaker! After that incident, they became friends! To be precise, Paris and Helen became Tyran's followers! They often adventure around Hearthglen together! And conquering low-level gnoll camps is their daily routine. There, Tyran gained a lot of experience points and practical experience.

Of course, he was also scolded by Kalandra and mocked by Tirion because of the arrow in the butt: The glory of the Holy Light with an arrow in the butt!

Tailan already knew where this nickname came from! It was given to him by his mystic mentor, Crassus, during a conversation with Antonidas. It was probably to increase his popularity so that he could be recommended for special operations in the future. Or maybe it was just an apprentice of a certain archmage who leaked the news.

In this game, Tyran Fordring acts as a hero and leads his soldiers. There are usually only three of them! Paris is the lieutenant and the chief of the guard! Helen is a priest who helps collect the garbage left by the gnolls! Alton acts as a cavalryman!

Jaina found it interesting and nodded quickly: "Okay! Let's not go bear hunting today! Let's go eliminate the gnolls!"

Suddenly, a loud voice came from behind the two of them: "You two little guys, do you want to hunt bears at such a young age?"

Jaina's role play ended before it even began! The two dignified fathers obviously didn't want their children to challenge the dangerous Lordaeron brown bear.

After a night's rest, everyone had breakfast early the next day and set out on their journey to Kel'Dallon.

Caer Darrow is an island in the middle of a lake to the east of Hearthglen. They set out from Hearthglen, passed the beautiful logging camp, and walked along the road to the famous Andorhal, and arrived at Caer Darrow. Along the way, Jaina shouted happily, completely losing her noble lady's reserve. For some reason, she and Kalandra got along very well! They both loved traveling! And Taelan consciously acted as a tour guide, explaining the attractions on the road to Jaina.

Finally, I told Jaina about the tragic Barov family. The Barov family was originally a great noble family in the Kingdom of Alterac. Their family's territory included Tarren Mill, Southshore, Brill, and Caer Darrow. This family was famous for its wealth and power! But in the Second War, King Aiden Perenolde of the Kingdom of Alterac surrendered to the Horde because he was worried about the defeat of the Alliance. This allowed the Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer to pass through Alterac quickly and safely and attack Lordaeron. He almost achieved his goal - if it weren't for Gul'dan's help.

The betrayed Alliance tried the King of Alterac and divided the country up. Now the Kingdom of Alterac has become a paradise for ogres, Frostwolf orcs, Alterac Restorers, various bandits, and lawless people! The Barov family has always been feared by the Perenolde family. This time they firmly stood on the side of the Alliance.

After the war, the Barov family was in a difficult situation. The nobles of Alterac thought that they had betrayed the king and destroyed the country. However, King Terenas of Lordaeron was an experienced politician. He saw an opportunity for Lordaeron! As a result, they divided up most of the territory of the Barov family. Only the territory of Caer Darrow County was retained! Now they are trapped on Caer Darrow Island. The situation is worrying!
Jaina looked at the talkative Taelan with admiration. And Catherine looked at the young Taelan with an admiring attitude. He was so similar to her deceased son! They both had natural political vision, loved reading, and were friendly. And they both possessed powerful power! When others needed them, they would stand up bravely! And they were both handsome young men. Taelan had blond hair tied behind his back. Drake also had dazzling blond hair! Catherine looked at the child, feeling the warm power of the holy light that emanated from him all the time. She couldn't help but think: "If Drake were alive, he would have married and had children by now!"

She suddenly warned him directly, "Don't say this in Lordaeron or in front of people you don't know! As far as I know, the Barov family has been working hard to protect their heritage! King Terenas doesn't like to hear news about Barov."

...Tailan was silent for a moment, then expressed his thanks sincerely.

The group walked through the woodlands of Lordaeron with laughter and joy. They saw the wheat waves of Glenn Farm and admired the prosperous and bustling Andorhal. That afternoon, they finally arrived at the beautiful Caer Darrow!
As they arrived at the bridge, a well-dressed servant came over quickly. "Hello! Honorable Admiral Daelin Proudmoore. Hello! Sir Tirion Fordring!"

He greeted the two ladies one after another, and finally paid special tribute to Taelan Fording and Jaina. It seems that the Barov family is indeed a noble family with a solid foundation. They have begun to pay attention to the second generation of the Alliance.

Then he said, "My masters, Count Alex Barov, Lady Ilusia Barov, Wilton Barov and Miss Jandice Barov are already waiting for the distinguished guests to visit by the bridge!"

Finally, he introduced himself: "My name is Lusen Sackhoff, and I am the butler of Alex Barov, the master of the Barov family."

When Tailan heard that he called himself Lusen Sackhoff, he immediately thought of the Scholomance and the two people who were tortured to death by the butcher.

The people chosen to welcome Tirion Fordring and Daelin's family are really exquisite!
Under Lusen's guidance, they crossed the bridge and set foot on the island of Caer Darrow, which is the Scholomance Academy in World of Warcraft!

A tall man stood in front of the gate of Caer Darrow Castle. Except for the graying of his temples by the years and the cruel fate, he looked quite young and strong. Beside him was a beautiful lady, followed by a young man and a very beautiful girl. Looking at these people, Tailan felt confused in time and space:

Classes begin!
 Today is the last day of the holiday! I won't be able to get up early tomorrow to update. The time will be changed to the evening. I will generally update in the evening from now on.

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(End of this chapter)

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