Chapter 329 Farewell
The Blessed Sword of the Flamefury Lifebinder became extremely huge, and with just one strike, G'huun, who had just regained his vitality, fell into silence. The powerful power burst out, destroying many surrounding buildings.

Suffering at the same time as G'huun was another Loa, Bwonsamdi, who would become nameless from today on. This time, his injury was much more serious than the last time. In fact, last time, he only lost the soul power that he had obtained through deception in the past year, and lost more of his own face.

The most important thing for a Loa is the faith of his followers, but losing face is better than losing substance. This time, He almost died here, and the aftermath of the giant sword affected Him. The Holy Light has a very large impact on the power of death, but fortunately, Bwonsamdi still has other trump cards. This time, he lost a lot of money. But fortunately, Taelan Fordring disappeared completely.

No one will bother him anymore. But why did this damn guy come back? And disturb His good deeds? Didn't they say that the true God would never bother with people like them?

He actually knew that Anser's sword was aimed at G'huun, but every intelligent life inevitably thinks of the world from a self-centered perspective. Bwonsamdi is no exception. And He is a person who holds grudges very much.

He already wanted revenge on the family left behind by Taelan Fordring.

You will die soon, but your wife is the princess of Kul Tiras. Women whose husbands have died either remarry or return to their parents' home. Of course, he judged others by his own experience, and there are still many people who choose to raise their children alone.

Kul Tiras is very close to where his followers gather. It would be easy for him to cause trouble for Jaina.

Not to mention the old Bwonsamdi who wanted revenge. Anser calmed the movement of the Zandalari Old God with one sword. The milky white in his eyes completely disappeared. The personality power of Taelan Fordring also dissipated at the same time, no longer affecting him.

He ignored the remaining generals of the alliance. The order had already been given and there was no need to argue any further.

As for the fact that the wilderness demigods arrived so late, He didn't care. Everyone focused on different aspects. He still had an unresolved love-hate relationship waiting for Him.

His good brother had to pay the price. He had to take back what was His.

Now He can no longer enter and leave Azeroth as He pleases. His next destination is the Shadow Realm. He needs to open the gate to the Shadow Realm.

Good, it's so close to Northrend. What a great place to be.

"Go, and render unto mortals what is mortal, and unto gods what is divine."

After He finished speaking, He raised His right hand, and the Key of All Realms appeared in His hand. No one knew what He did, but the key opened a portal.

Across the door was a world covered in snow, with a huge iceberg in the middle of the lake and a tall throne on top.

A young figure sat high on the throne. His eyes were tightly closed. A layer of transparent ice froze him. He was motionless. But the veins on his forehead bulged from time to time.

Obviously, the life-and-death struggle has not yet ended, and the powerful Lich King has not yet awakened. When I open my eyes again, it will be the time for His return.

I just don't know whether it is Ner'zhul or Prince Arthas who comes back.

Anser stared at the tall knight who was sleeping and said:

"One is vicious and cowardly, the other is reluctant and pathetic."

Anser looked carefully at the runes engraved on its helmet.

"The Lord of Arms?"

Is he the one behind the scenes? Only the Lord of Arms can forge something like this. The Chain of Domination is the exclusive power of the Lord of Arms. As the forger of the Death Pantheon, all important things are forged by the Lord of Arms.

It seemed that no one took Mother's orders seriously. As soon as He left, everyone had their own ideas. Even the most aloof Lord of Arms got involved.

Then His attention was drawn to the sword in the young prince's hand.

Frostmourne! Isn't this the creation of his good brother? Anser was mentally prepared for His involvement.

That makes sense.

His younger brother always thought that his mother was partial to him and left the Ring of Zaremetis Primordial to him, leaving the last godhood to Azeroth.

In fact, He does not understand anything. That thing is just a key. He can only open the Sanctuary of the Firstborn when it is fully activated. And to activate it, three conditions are required.

First the ring, then a Titan with all the power of the Force, and finally the five sigils.

Very good! The Crown of Domination that the prince wears is the key to the Shadow Gate. According to the memory of this powerful yet pitiful boy, if you tear it apart, you will be able to open the door to the Shadow Realm.

That way, I can go home.

Celes is still waiting for me in Ardenweald!
Celes is the name of the Ice Queen, the lord of Ardenweald and the Queen of the Night Fae. Not many people know this name.

But when he thought of this woman, he felt a pain in his heart. A not-so-good-looking human face appeared in his consciousness. She had a strand of white hair on her forehead and a sweet smile.

He quickly drove this figure out of his heart. He couldn't think about her anymore. What happened? Was that personality a dream he had, or was he the dream of that young man? This dream was too real. He still had a deep hatred to resolve. No one could stop him.

He walked into the portal without hesitation. His body desperately wanted to look southwest. There was a flying fortress there, far away from the war, and it was full of his friends.

It was better not to look back. He had to leave here, away from the legacy he left behind. He was not completely sure that he could keep suppressing that tenacious man.

Jaina closed the door of the office and stared at the figure closely. She hoped that he would come back to her side. She wanted to say something as usual.

"Janna, I'm back."

The door opened and a beautiful woman came in. Khadgar would be shocked if he saw her.

This beautiful woman turned out to be Aegwynn Magna.

His hands were empty, without a staff.

"Don't worry, trust me, He will come back. He is yours forever. No one can control a Titan, not even that woman."

Magna came to the Barrens in pursuit of Medivh. She met a herb-collecting team led by Jaina. Since her son could not be found for a while, she stayed and became a tutor for Jaina. No one knew that this secret keeper would be here. With her around, Taelan Fordring was relieved.

Jaina watched as Taelan Fordring walked into the portal without hesitation, without even looking back at her. She covered her face with her hands and burst into tears. As she cried, she leaned against the French window and slowly sat down on the floor.

"I lost him."

At this moment, a figure rushed in. It was Jandice Barov.

"Sylvanas Windrunner has defected. She's gone."

Without her reporting, everyone had seen that Tailan had just walked into the portal, followed by a well-equipped ranger.

He still chose to follow his heart. He never gave up on Him. It was just that his sense of morality had always restrained Him, preventing Him from going beyond the line.

Now Tyran Fording is no longer the same Tyran Fording as before. According to his character, he should give up.

All I can say is that He couldn't let go. She made a choice that He shouldn't have made.

Jaina shed silent tears of pain. She couldn't understand why someone as proud as Sylvanas Windrunner would choose to follow Him.

She also wanted to follow Him, hoping that she could call Him back.

Now the war is about to end, the Alliance has wiped out the evil organizations that everyone fears, including the Old Gods and the Burning Legion. Good days are coming, but He is leaving. Jaina suddenly felt hatred in her heart.

Bronze dragons again. Every time she saw them, something unexpected would happen. It was them again this time. But looking at Nozdormu's appearance, she had a premonition. She would meet him again.

Because Chromie once said that for every powerful bronze dragon, there is a shadow dragon.

That shadow dragon is called the Eternal Dragon. As for their stance, the Eternal Dragons often diverge from their own. Chromie has a shadow with almost the same power as her. She calls herself Milok. She opposes her in everything. Every time she repairs the timeline, they come to mess it up.

Chromie told her about some of her experiences. When Taelan Fording set out to Grim Batol to save the Red Dragon Queen, she and Taelan said goodbye in Dalaran. At that time, Chromie and the eternal dragon named Milok were confronting each other in the sky.

Chromie knew that Tyran Fordring's expedition would profoundly change the fate of the entire Red Dragon Legion. At that time, she already knew that the Third War was about to happen. If the Red Dragon Legion became stronger, they would definitely find a way to help their savior. Moreover, Tyran Fordring's strength at that time had exceeded the original historical trend. He himself would also seriously affect the fate of Lordaeron.

The timeline they maintain is the history of Prince Arthas's corruption and patricide, and then the destruction of Lordaeron. Because the emergence of a Lich King is unstoppable, only when Lordaeron is destroyed and old Terenas dies, will Jaina lead the remaining human beings to Kalimdor. Only then can the prophet Medivh gather the power of humans, orcs, and night elves to defeat Archimonde's attack, and then win the victory of Ragnarok.

If Tyran Fordring leads Lordaeron in a rebellion, the dragons will inevitably join the war. The Red Dragon Queen is the mother of the dragon army. At that time, all dragons will have to face the great demon Archimonde. The future will be out of control. The fate of many people will be rewritten, and even Azeroth will perish because of this.

Of course, Jandice offers another explanation:
Bronze dragons do not want to be sacrificed by participating directly in battle. They never seem to fight to the death for the survival of the world, and they feel that they are superior to dragons.

Only red and blue dragons sacrificed their lives for this world. Bronze dragons sacrificed their lives to protect the timeline. Only a few of their people died at the hands of foreign enemies. Jaina thought that Jandyce's idea was too dark.

Now that she thought about it, it was true. She had only seen one named bronze dragon die in battle against the Old Gods, and that was in Silithus. Jaina could no longer remember his name. He had been wounded in the wing by a weapon thrown by a creature called Ossirian the Unscarred, and then killed by the buggers.

In fact, bronze dragons are very strange. Those bugs have defeated the night elves' army and have the ability to harm the whole world. The son of the archdruid died in that war. They were indifferent. It was not until the bugs hit their lair, the Caverns of Time, that they summoned the red and blue dragon armies to help the night elves resist C'Thun's servants.

You know, the bronze dragons are the guardians of the world, but it is the night elves who work hard to protect the world. The ones who sacrificed themselves to stay in the temple to hold back C'Thun are:
The son of the red dragon - Kelestrasz, the daughter of the green dragon - the dream dragon Mylinsera, and the son of the blue dragon - Arygos.

The bronze dragon was leading the quicksand battle, but the other three-colored dragons were the ones who made the sacrifices?

Jaina and Mylinthra often met, and she also had complaints about the bronze dragons. It seemed that their role was to constantly cause trouble for their people. When facing foreign enemies, it was always the little Chromie who did the hard work. And their king was always absent.

Both the Red Dragon Queen and the Blue Dragon King went through hard battles, and only Nozdormu kept watching the sacrifices and hard fights of his allies.

Jaina stopped complaining about the bronze dragons. She was filled with rage just thinking about them.

Thinking of Mirok, Jaina thought of Nozdormu. Is he really dead? At least no one can be sure whether it is Nozdormu or Murozdor who died this time.

She suddenly understood why Tyran asked her to take Naxxramas away. Once Tyran Fording completely left this world, many people in the Alliance would not want them to exist, and the powerful Bronze Dragon King would not let it go.

Many people died in this battle. This means that the military is weakened. It is hard to say whether Baine Bloodhoof, who succeeded Taelan Fordring, can resist those selfish guys. He is too young and may not be able to take on this heavy responsibility. Perhaps Shandris Feathermoon can help him.

When the world was in danger, they hoped to have someone like Tyran Fording to protect them. Now that the world was about to be peaceful, some people definitely didn't want to have a mother-in-law to pressure them. They were no match for Tyran Fording. But they didn't have Tyran's power.

Watching Taelan Fordring leave, or should I call him Anser?

Sylvanas Windrunner had already followed in, and she suddenly felt a little envious of her. If she didn't have a baby, she would have followed in. The baby came at a really bad time.

She had never been able to get pregnant until she was about to ascend to demigodhood. How could she give him up? She knew this might be their only child. Taelan Fordring was already a Titan, and the gap between them was too big. They would probably never have children again. She had never heard of a Titan having offspring.

He finally left her and walked into the cold wind and snow of Northrend.

She didn't know what he was going to do. She also didn't know who he was now. Was it that Tailan was originally Anser and he just recovered his memory? Or was it that Anser devoured Tailan?

But she knew that she was separated from her husband. The woman in heaven had taken Him away.

That moon had been very abnormal in recent years. In Dalaran, she watched herself being hunted down by the dragon general. At the gate of Dalaran, she watched herself and Taelan say goodbye. She might have also watched them kiss.

In Kul Tiras, she appears at noon, watching Taelan Fordring slay Vik'goth.

At the Storm Altar, she was also hanging high in the sky, watching them separate from life and death.

In the battle with the ancient gods, Tailan once killed the ancient gods under the moonlight.

Demetria once said that He always defeated powerful enemies under the ambiguous moonlight.

There is no such thing as coincidence. He has been watching him. After using divine intervention, Tailan said that He went to a strange place full of powerful souls. The place He described was very similar to the scenery on the moon? Maybe He led his soul there!

This world is so scary, everything can be manipulated by people.

Jaina wiped away her tears and said, "Jandyce, inform the elders that I will return to the Crossroads first. I will take General Tirion Fordring away for a while.

Tell Baine Bloodhoof that everything should be carried out according to the orders of the Grand Marshal.

We are leaving. Once you have completed your quest, use Azerite Recall. If you wish to go with me, then go. If not, then return to High King Calia."

Although Jandice didn't understand why she left now, she obeyed the order.

When Jandice had gone she called again, softly:
"Vanessa, please say goodbye to my father, mother, and Tandre for me. Then go and inform Lillian Voss. It's up to you to choose whether to come back or not."

The girl nodded. "I will, ma'am. Father and I will be back."

Magna, who had been standing by without saying anything, said:

"Jardys won't be coming back. She's still thinking about her mother, Lady Ilucia Barov."

"Ms. Magna, what about you?" Demetia suddenly said.

Her power is already very strong.

The lady shook her head. "I will go with you. There is no point in staying here. But where is your destination?"

Jaina missed her little home in Teldrassil. But she couldn't.

"Not sure yet."

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly walked in, Hamuil Runetotem.

"The demigod Malorne invites you and Naxxramas to take an extended journey to Moonglade. He will keep the lady safe."

Aegwynn shrugged.

"It doesn't look like everyone is without a conscience."

Moonglade can be said to be the safest place in all of Azeroth for Jaina after the departure of Taelan Fordring.

It is surrounded by mountains and has beautiful scenery. No one can enter easily.

Even if someone were to break in, or use some powerful magic item to get in, he would find himself facing hordes of demigods.

Malorne, the powerful white stag, can confront Archimonde head-on. Tortolla, the giant turtle, is the strongest defender. Inside his shell is another world.

There is Avina in the sky to help, and there is Agamaggan, the boar demigod, to look after us on earth.

"Thank you, Archdruid!"

Hamuul Runetotem said: "It's nothing. Master Malfurion asked me to tell you. When everything is over, He will also fall into a deep sleep. When the child is born, He will be there and accept Him as his apprentice. He will teach Him personally."

The vast Naxxramas became empty, many people joined the battle, and there were still many escaped demons that needed to be captured.

Jaina said to Pamela in the Naxxramas control room:
"Pamela, prepare to teleport, destination Crossroads. Also, say goodbye to Kyle for me."

Naxxramas flashed and disappeared in the watery moonlight.

The little Draenei girl Zerilla clasped her hands in front of her chest and said softly:

"Great prophet. I am leaving now. When my younger brother is born, I will bring him to see you!"

The Burning Crusade is finished!
(End of this chapter)

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