Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 332 The Missing Lord

Chapter 332 The Missing Lord

The Shadow Realm, also known as Behind the Veil.

Everyone thinks that the Shadowlands is the realm of the dead, the place where the souls of the dead rest. Good and evil alike, they all live here. Travel from a plane of torture and imprisonment to a place of rebirth and eternal reward.

In fact, it is a place where two living creatures and five intelligent machines manage the soul of the entire universe.

Its main city is called Olympus Eternal City.

Souls that arrive here are brought before the Arbiter, a mysterious and ancient being who existed before all memory was born. According to some records, she even existed before the Titans.

Souls come here with all their deeds, memories, and experiences from their lifetimes. These are the contents of their souls. When they come before the Arbiter, these are unfolded before her one by one, and they are immediately judged. After the judgment is over, the Arbiter will send the soul to one of the countless realms in the Shadow Realm.

The Shadow Realm is like the physical universe, it is composed of countless regions, and its core is Zalemetis and Oribos.

Zaremetis is the place where the Primordial Mother created the world. Olympus is where the Eternals are.

Anser's destination was Ardenweald. Although he was not a Titan known for his wisdom, he was definitely not a fool.

Countless years have passed since he was killed by his brother and resurrected today. With so much time passing, not much has changed here.

He needs a stable base to understand this world. He needs to gather strength, communicate with his home planet, and perfect his Titan power.

Then He will look for a forger to perfect His Titan Armament, making Sarameni the most powerful weapon in the world.

This betrayal taught Anser:
In the end, the only person you can trust is yourself.

His power is greater than that of Denathrius, and even without counting the abilities left to him by Tyran Fordring, he is confident that he can defeat that despicable machine.

But as time goes by and things change, who knows what they have become and what they have hidden in their hearts.

Sure enough, when he stepped out of the portal, the scene he saw was completely unfamiliar.

The original magnificent Olympus Eternal City is still the same, with the cool blue tones making it still as solemn as before even after countless years.

But this place has become terribly desolate, the soul torrent that used to flow endlessly has dried up, and there is no longer the scene of souls from all over the world rushing here after death.

The tall figure is no longer in the Arbitrator's Hall in the city center.

The god servants who used to be fully armed and patrolling everywhere have become listless. Instead, the rare brokers are selling the treasures they found from all over the material universe.

Sylvanas Windrunner looked at the wonders here with curiosity. In her mind, the Shadow Realm should be the realm of kings. This place should be full of undead or corpses crawling around.

However, it was too quiet here. And too depressed. It was like a city that had run out of food. In order to save energy, everyone stayed at home and starved. No one came out to work.

He said to Anser carefully: "Why do the people here look listless?"

Anser knew that this was because the most fundamental thing was missing here: mental energy!

The soul power of all living beings is collectively called heart energy here. This energy is the fundamental energy for the activities of intelligent mechanical creations here.

There is no fairness in the world. That is what intelligent life seeks. But it has never been achieved. And what everyone seeks is not fairness for everyone, but fairness for himself.

Those souls came here, were judged by the Arbiter, and then assigned to other areas, such as Ardenweald and the Maw. They were judged in Oribos, and the power they extracted from being tortured in the Maw was anima. This anima was the energy that drove these intelligent machines.

When Anser left, this place had just been established. They only called it the Shadow Realm, and there was no name for it called the Pantheon of Death.

Anser did not stay here, but summoned the Star Horse, and then took Sylvanas Windrunner to fly high into the sky.

Anser is a Titan, so of course he can fly. And he inherited the powerful "Ladder of Light" from Tyran Fordring. This ability is also the reason why Anser dares to return to the Shadow Realm openly.

Anser did not hesitate, but flew south before causing any commotion. This was the direction He chose according to His memory.

Before he was killed, he had been living in the inner world of Azeroth. He and Elune, one inside and one outside, took care of the Azeroth star soul who was like a sister to them.

At that time, He created the Kobolds, who helped Him dig caves and transform the underground world.

Anser tightened the reins, controlling the speed and direction of the Star Horse. Soon, a world completely different from Oribos entered Sylvanas Windrunner's eyes.

It is like a dream here, with beautiful lights floating in the sky and tall trees covering the ground.

There are gurgling streams in the forest, and a natural combination of blue and green grass. From time to time, some powerful soul beasts pass by.

Sylvanas Windrunner saw a moose that looked like the White Stag Malorne, with huge horns and two glittering gems on them. There were also many beasts like the Star Horse walking in the woods.

The entire Blazing Blue Dreamland is like a garden floating in the starry sky, and it is sparkling with the glory of the starry sky everywhere.

In particular, in the center of this huge land, there grew an extremely tall tree, its trunk was as thick as Nordrassil, and all of its huge branches grew around the trunk.

Sylvanas Windrunner is a demigod who controls the power of life and death. Here, He felt the power of the perfect combination of life and winter. After carefully sensing it, He looked at Anser beside him in confusion.

It looks vibrant here, but except for this big tree, all life has begun to wither and die.

In her heart, Sylvanas had always considered Tyran as her support. Now that he was no longer her, she still couldn't change her habits.

Anser had always believed that he had completely gotten rid of Tyran Fording's entanglement. In fact, he didn't know that the influence of the two people was mutual. Tyran was also silently influencing him.

He did not reject Sylvanas coldly, but explained softly:
"The Shadow Realm is the final destination of all souls in the material universe.

In order to give those poor souls hope, the Mother established Olympus near the original land of Zaremetis and created several intelligent robots to manage the place.

Now they are called the Eternals.

After experiencing the baptism of death, all souls will come to Olympus, where they will be judged by the Arbitrator.

Then the souls with the most serious sins will be sent to the Maw to be tortured, while those with less serious crimes will be sent to Revendreth, where they will work with their own sins on their shoulders.

Those innocent souls will be sent here by the Arbiter. This place is called Ardenweald. They will wait here to be reborn on different planets.

There were very few of us at that time. Mother only created five Eternals: the Archon, the Winter Queen, the Lord of Arms, the Jailer, and Denathrius. "

“After those souls are judged and tortured in the Maw, they will generate a power called anima.

The five Eternals are supported by this anima. Anima is a kind of soul power. It is not only the energy for the Eternals' activities, but also the power for the operation of the Shadow Realm. It is also the energy for those souls who have redeemed their sins and returned to the material world to reshape their bodies.

The souls who labor with the Sinstones in Revendreth also generate anima."

"That's right. These energies are constantly circulating here, maintaining the balance of the Shadow Realm.

The reason why this place is in decline now is because of a lack of anima. Something has gone wrong in Olympus, and the Arbiter has stopped judging souls. The Maw has no souls to punish, so anima is naturally lacking. "

At this moment, Anser and Sylvanas Windrunner came near the giant tree.

This place is already filled with souls and various soul beasts kneeling.

They all knelt on one knee to greet their king.

A tall woman walked out from under the tree and donated money to Anser.

She was filled with emotion, and soon He approached Anther. With fear in His passion, He stretched out His white right hand to Anther:

"Anser, my love, you are finally back!"

The white hand paused in the air for a moment. He became as tall as Anser. Then He stretched out his arms and hugged Him tightly.

The emotions of intelligent life are all very complicated. Anser's body stiffened, and the magic light in his eyes trembled. Then he simply hugged the Ice Queen.

"Yes, Silas, my love, I'm so glad to be back with you." Sylvanas Windrunner also felt very strange.

Anser kept saying that the five Eternals here were just intelligent machines, creations of his mother, and servants of him and his sister.

But you didn't treat the woman in front of you as a slave at all. His happiness can't be faked.

What made people even sadder was that His body actually resisted for a bit. His heart was filled with both sorrow and joy.

His body stiffened for a moment, it was Taelan Fordring's body resisting.

Sylvanas was happy that He had not completely disappeared. He still had hope. How powerful was the soul that even the Titans could not completely devour? How strong was His persistence in his love? Even though He was helpless, He still remembered that He was a man with a wife and children.

What made her sad was that such a man could not avoid falling into the arms of others. He was so powerful, but he could not avoid being controlled by others, and his future was uncertain. These guys standing behind were good at forcing others to do things they didn't like.

In fact, Sylvanas had always lived in a relatively simple military family. When she was really facing life and death, she was lucky enough to meet Taelan Fordring.

This little man protected Him from the greatest storm of His life. And the interpersonal relationships He faced were far less complicated than those of other races.

Those disgusting guys of the High Elves either betrayed their country and became traitors, such as Dar'Khan Drathir, or died in the Sunwell.

Most of the high-level spirits who survived are people with conscience.

If you look closely at what Kael'thas did, you'll see that he was a good prince. He spent his life fighting for his people. He always chose to follow his human allies.

This makes Sylvanas less familiar with the complex entanglements of power and interests.

She did not understand the nature of power. If Taelan Fordring had been a bystander, he would have told Sylvanas.

The essence of power is not obedience. If the essence of power is obedience, then intelligent life would have a much better sense of it.

Because when you do something you dislike, you will attribute it to obedience and cannot resist. Just like in the army, everyone obeys orders. This is another kind of fairness, and you will feel much better.

At least you can provide self-justification for your behavior.

But no.

The essence of power is the ability of the person who holds the power to influence the behavior of others. This ability is often manifested in the control and utilization of resources.

In other words, the decision that goes against your will needs to be made by you. The heart-wrenching pain of giving up your dignity is unavoidable and unsolvable.

If you don't jump out of the chessboard, you will always be someone else's chess piece.

As a bystander, Sylvanas has already noticed something wrong. It is definitely not just a coincidence that Tyran has come to where he is today. There are too many coincidences here.

He was originally a man of strong character, but his soul power was damaged twice. Archimonde's soul burning, Kil'jaeden's darkness of a thousand souls. He was constantly weakened.

At this time, the damned Eternal Dragon sent the fatal ring. He had never heard of the Firstborn, let alone the Lord of the Void. They all jumped out suddenly.

What's even more annoying is that the dragon caught the moment when Taelan Fordring was protecting Jaina and forced Taelan to make a choice.

This is like the fate of Taelan Fordring, He keeps making choices.

Between your own life and the life of your loved one.

Between family and friendship.

Between missions and comrades.

The feeling of being forced makes people uncomfortable and makes them resist from the heart. These things will continue to accumulate in the heart until something ignites Him.

Power is about constantly testing the bottom line of what can be tolerated, waiting for the accumulated anger to burn its holder to ashes.

He stared at the beautiful woman's face. He could not see any flaws in his mechanical creation. He was already a living being. He had emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, and he had self-judgment.

Sylvanas seriously suspected that He had sent all the remaining Anther legacy to the Tomb of Sargeras. He had colluded with the Void forces. Otherwise, how did Nozdormu get the Ring of Zaremetis Primordial?

Of course, they may be using each other. But by doing this, isn't it a betrayal to Anser?

Sylvanas thought about it again, and suddenly realized that if she were the Ice Queen, she would probably make the same choice as him. Just like the pain she felt when she saw Tyran Fordring and Jaina riding Star Horse together to travel. The Ice Queen was also watching her lover fly away with someone else from the sky.

If He had always been a machine and had not experienced the joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness of intelligent life, He would definitely not have any reaction.

When Sylvanas thought that Tyran Fording might leave her completely at any time, she felt uncomfortable, and then she had more random thoughts.

When the First One created these intelligent machines, did he expect them to change like this? Was it right for him to give them intelligence? How could he ensure that these creations would not harm their creators?
In fact, the answer is affirmative. It cannot. Once creatures have the ability to think and have emotions and desires, they will no longer be able to act according to the Creator's plan.

The most difficult transformation here is how the creator and the created will view each other when wisdom is truly born. This problem will deeply trouble both sides.

It is difficult for the Creator to regard the things he created as lives like himself. It is almost inevitable that these created beings will rebel against the Creator.

Selfishness is an inherent instinct of all intelligent life.

The Queen of Winter finally left Anther's warm embrace.

"Anser, don't blame me. I...

I can’t give it back to you myself.”

Anser shook his head:

"Don't say that, I was lucky to be able to come back.

Tell me about the current situation in the Shadowlands! It doesn’t look good here.”

The Ice Queen has noticed Sylvanas Windrunner's hostility and complex emotions. She has been paying attention to Taelan Fordring, so it is impossible for her not to know Sylvanas.

This woman likes Anser. Or rather, she likes Taelan Fording. And she has always believed that Taelan Fording and Anser are two different people.

In fact, He didn't know that Anser was Taelan Fording, and Taelan Fording was Anser. They were both beings of special origins. They were not the same as them. They had important responsibilities.

But everything has changed. He cannot be sure what the future will be like.

"The Arbitrator was attacked by a powerful soul some time ago and fell into a coma. Then he disappeared.

Those souls that came here from the material world were all exiled to the Maw and Denathrius without judgment.

The rest of the Eternals are running out of energy, and Ardenweald is dying. The energy is running low. Goldrinn has sacrificed himself to bring the spirits of the wild demigods you summoned back to Azeroth. Brother Ursoc has also sacrificed himself."

Anser's expression darkened, but for the late help, the little wolf still made his own choice.

"I see."

The Ice Queen didn't care about Sylvanas' attitude. Instead, she continued:
"We have changed a lot over the years. Greed and loneliness have made us create too many creatures. The heart energy they consume is increasing day by day. However, the number of souls that come here in the mortal world is limited.

By the way, the Lord of Arms disappeared earlier. Maybe we should find a way to find him. Only by finding him can we quell the civil strife in Maldraxxus. I believe he will help us. And only he can manipulate the power of domination. "

Anser felt better. The Lord of Arms was not the mastermind behind this. If He was not bad, then He must be good. With His help, He would be able to rebuild the Titan Armor soon.

"I have to sleep for a while. When I regain my strength, I will solve the problem here."

My foolish brother, your death is not far away!

(End of this chapter)

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