Chapter 45 Farina

The horses galloped on the road, and the sky looked gray. Snowflakes swirled in the cold wind of Lordaeron, covering the coniferous forests of East Wilder with a heavy cloak. One or two reindeer ran through the forest from time to time, and of course there were more wolves or foxes. There were no deciduous trees commonly seen in lumberyards, and it was obviously colder than Hearthglen.

While reminding the guard captain Alton to be alert, Tirion Fordring told his son about the legendary experience of his teacher Faol. Seeing his young son about to become a paladin, he couldn't help but remember his fallen comrades and those days of war in his heart.

The war brought me too many separations of life and death, too much helplessness and sighs. Life is so precious, yet so fragile. Barthilas, Blake... Why wasn't I the one who died?
A squirrel climbed out of a tree hole in the snow and looked for food in the coniferous forest. Looking at the squirrel struggling to survive, he suddenly thought of his son's words: their heroes are my enemies. They are all invaders of the world, and they came to Azeroth to compete for living space.

Yes! They are invaders, and invaders will not have a good end. Without them, Barthilas and Black would not have to die.

Then they can go to Light's Hope Chapel with me now and witness their son's growth.

Among the first generation of paladins of the Silver Hand, Tirion Fordring performed the worst.

Uther was a long-time follower of Alonsus Faol. He founded the Knights of the Order with Faol and became the leader of the Order. Turalyon was a priest who was highly regarded by Anduin Lothar and became the adjutant of the coalition. Later, he became the marshal of the coalition after Lothar's death.

Ravengard Doom is a relative. With the help of Lothar, he became the second-in-command of the Knights. Alexandros Mograine is the direct superior of Saidan Dathrohan. And Saidan Dathrohan, who is in charge of Stratholme, is Tirion's superior.

But in terms of military achievements and fighting ability, Tirion Fordring was not inferior to anyone, but in the end he only became the lord of Hearthglen.

However, Tirion Fordring has always been open-minded, and as he reaches middle age, he is more concerned about the next generation. His son is the most powerful of all the second-generation paladins. The two sons of the stubborn and conceited Mograine are no match for his son. This is what makes him most happy.

On a whim, the father and son went to the forest to hunt wolves during their lunch break. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his son's mysticism was already not to be underestimated! His unique holy light spell, holy light bullet, could control the trajectory at will. Tyran Fording killed two wolves without swinging his weapon, and kept their fur intact.

Tirion Fordring skinned the wolf and hunted two snow rabbits as a snack for everyone at noon.

In the afternoon, they stopped at the Corin Crossing. The next morning, they headed northeast and arrived at the Light's Hope Chapel in the evening.

Here, Tyran Fording met Bridget who had arrived earlier. She came with General Abidis. Abidis and Tirion Fording embraced warmly.

Kalandra was looking for little Jaina. Then he was told that Daelin stayed in Dalaran for one more night and Jaina would arrive on time tomorrow morning. She would definitely be able to catch the baptism ceremony before noon.

The next morning, all the members of the Knights of the Silver Hand arrived, except for Turalyon who was on the expedition to Draenor! And this time, Taelan Fording saw the most beautiful woman in the Scarlet Crusade up close: the Scarlet Sage Demetria. She was still a little girl now, with her hair tied up and wearing a veil, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Because Archbishop Faol personally presided over the baptism, many nobles and knights also participated in it, hoping that their children could have a place in the Silver Hand. Even if they could not awaken the Holy Light and become a Paladin. Making new friends and leaving connections is also a good thing. So Tyran Fording saw two special people: North and Farina.

Noth Abraham, the Archmage of Lordaeron, is a necromancer. Necromancers are different from necromancers. Their job is to summon the souls of the dead to investigate their past. Only those with pure souls can become necromancers. Noth has always been the best among them. Until he met the woman named Farina. Farina is now the most beautiful woman in Lordaeron. Perhaps only a few mages in Dalaran can compare with her in beauty.

She was wearing a long dress popular among noblewomen in Lordaeron. The morning sunlight from East Wilder shone through the windows high up in the cathedral, falling on her pretty face. Her curved eyebrows were slightly raised. Her smile alone could make those pot-bellied nobles of Lordaeron fall in love with her.

Of course, this also includes North. But Ms. Farina is now a married woman, and her sixth husband is still alive.

Tyran Fording would not worry about North, who was already infatuated. Because Miss Farina's current boyfriend was already 26 years old, and he and Farina had been married for a year! I believe it won't be long before North will be able to take up the post smoothly.

Tyran Fording only glanced at her and turned his head away. Farina was already quite powerful now, but her purpose of learning magic was not to defend the country, but to maintain her peerless beauty.

As for the rest, the first five kind husbands had left her a considerable inheritance. Now the people of Lordaeron privately called Farina the richest woman. Her operation was beyond the reach of everyone.

She flitted among the Lordaeron nobles like a butterfly. She seemed to be so comfortable with it. Why did she come here? Was it appropriate for her to come to such an occasion?

After all, Tyran Fording is a child, and children should care about children! Renault is now looking at Tyran Fording. At this time, Bridget has already brought her new friend to greet Tyran Fording! In fact, Bridget Abidis, this bloody rose, is very beautiful. She is just over ten years old, but she already has slender legs and a tall figure, a pair of bright eyes, and a delicate and beautiful face.

She saw Taelan Fording walk in in formal attire. She immediately felt the warmth of the Holy Light that was growing stronger on Taelan. As soon as he walked in, everyone's eyes turned to him. She looked carefully, but the little girl from Kul Tiras was not there. At this time, Whitemane had already taken a step to approach, but she was stopped by Raynor.

Because he saw his father staring at Tailan! Mograine suddenly said, "Only the first level, but as powerful as the third level!" Renault asked curiously, "Only the first level?"

Alexandros Mograine glanced at his son and said, "Everyone has a natural profession, which may be a combat profession, such as a priest, warrior, hunter, or mage. It may also be a supporting profession such as a farmer or tailor. Of course, there may also be a self-awakening specialized profession. Every ten professional levels are considered a level, and the level cap of each profession is different. The Paladin is an advanced profession for warriors and priests! Your main professional level is your own class. And the sum of all your professional levels is the class you can match!"

"Tirion's son should be a natural priest. Later, he awakened the power of Holy Light and became a Paladin! This gave him two main combat professions. Now he is at least a level 10 Paladin and a level 10 priest. He may also have mastered many warrior abilities."

"Even a team of second-tier Lordaeron guards is no match for him! This doesn't even include the powerful magic items he might have. I heard that he saved Princess Jaina of Kul Tiras in Dalaran, and faced a fifth-tier dragon general, and he was able to hold out until Tirion arrived. He must have a very terrifying heirloom."

If Tyran Fording heard what Mograine said, he would be shocked! Mograine is indeed a powerful warrior! He is also the most powerful one in the Knights of the Silver Hand! He saw the true strength of Tyran Fording at a glance!

 Thanks to willdy, hehe, and cainjl82 for their monthly tickets! Thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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