Chapter 51 Going Home
The spacious carriage slowly moved forward on the road, the wheels pressing on the snow, making a creaking sound. The cold wind was raging outside, but the carriage was warm as spring. The chief guard driving the carriage looked at the two generals in the cold wind in front of him with a comfortable look.

Really. On this snowy day, and on New Year's Day, shouldn't he sit in the warm sunshine of Stormsong, drink a glass of elven red wine, and listen to music? But compared to the passers-by in the cold wind, under the cover of holy light, what else can he complain about?
The three women in the carriage were chatting animatedly, and Jaina was already craving for roast turkey and Dalaran cake.

In terms of enjoyment, the Fording family is far inferior to the masters in Dalaran. But in Dalaran, you can never have a high-sounding conversation at the dinner table, nor can you go hunting in the wild to punish gnolls. You can't rob a kobold foreman. She and Taelan Fording visited a kobold foreman, and it voluntarily handed over a giant sapphire in order to keep its big candle.

There are only spiders around Dalaran. Mages are powerful, but also fragile. They often need the protection of warriors.

Jaina asked someone to embed the sapphire in her magic book. This is a magic gem that can help mages expand their magic circuits. The only thing better than it is the arcane crystal.

Tyran Fording was acting as a little sun beside him with a blank look on his face. Lady Catherine had already asked Tyran Fording about the Light's Hope Chapel.

Tyran Fording could only tell her that there were many heroic spirits buried in the chapel's underground. They would choose a person with a similar holy light nature to their own to respond to his call. And the one who responded to their own was more powerful.

Catherine didn't ask any more questions. They were in the church and couldn't see what was happening outside. As for the others, no one asked any more questions because the archbishop said that Tailan was the same as when he awakened the Holy Light.

Now Taelan Fording finally understood why Archbishop Faol had said the same thing to him. The old man was trying to solve his worries and avoid unnecessary troubles for him.

He should write a letter to the little goblin as soon as possible to remind him to be safe. He has already received two letters from the little goblin.

He was busy recently, Antonidas had begun to focus on the topic of abnormal phenomena among orcs, and his mentor began to study something special, so much so that he had a strong perfume smell on him.

Taelan Fording believed that there were many things that could tempt Kel'Thuzad, such as magic, powerful strength, and a beautiful Scottish Fold cat, but definitely not women!
The incident at Light's Hope Chapel gave Taelan Fording a new understanding of the world. It turned out that there were beings in this world that were more powerful and mysterious than the Eternals.

I have received Anser's gift, so I have to help him fulfill his wish, but this power is not so easy to master. I just don't know what role Elune and the Queen of Winter play in this story.

Tailan remembered that there was a legend in the old world that Elune was the soul of the world, that is, the incarnation of the Titan of Azeroth. Now, judging from the words of the sun god Anser, Elune is definitely not the Titan of Azeroth.

All good things must come to an end, and happy times must eventually come to an end. Soon the New Year passed quietly, and Jaina left Hearthglen with her parents. After Tyran Fording and his two best friends saw her off, he resumed his daily routine.

This trip to Light's Hope Chapel shocked Solanlian. She was the only high-level legendary mage present! She deeply felt the powerful force. It was ancient and sacred! It was an existence beyond her cognition. This reminded her of the energy source of the high elves - the Sunwell. It was even more powerful and ancient than it.

At the same time, she was also proud of her student's ability to manipulate energy. That was a reshaping of energy, a manifestation of complete mastery of a type of energy. Moreover, the energy he mastered had always been considered a belief, a gift from God to living beings.

Paladins mastered the Holy Light and called for the favor of the Holy Light. But his Holy Light was completely different from these people. She decided to apply for a trip back to Quel'Thalas to meet Liadrin before returning to Dalaran. She wanted to discuss this issue with her.

Time flies, and soon it is February. Before the cold wind fades away, Tyran Fording receives an order from the Knights of the Silver Hand. As a paladin, not an apprentice paladin, he needs to serve in the Knights.

Yes, Faol personally approved him to become a formal Paladin, and he will directly participate in the three-year Paladin training. In other words, he will become a soldier! From now on, he will serve. Kalandra was happy that his son would become his father's colleague in his teens, but he was also sad that he was about to leave his home.

Tirion Fordring has been very haggard recently. Not only has he been ignored by his boss, but he also has to carefully deal with various problems around him. Even so, he still has to thank his boss for being a generous and noble person.

On the other hand, his son's fame also won him many sincere blessings, such as Gavinrad Doom and Iris Havenfa.

For Tailan, although he is now more worried about his father, he has received two good news recently. One is that his application for exemption from apprenticeship was approved, and he directly became a paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The other is that his best friend Paris successfully awakened, passed the knight squire assessment and became a knight squire, and Taelan Fordring could just recruit him.

Although he was frustrated that his friend, who was so much younger than him, became a full knight, he worked hard for several years before becoming a squire.

Taelan Fording would not tell him that he actually had great talent! As long as he was well trained, he could become an excellent warrior.

His other attendant was Carlin Redpath. He was from Darrowshire, a formal professional, and a warrior. When he heard his name, Tyran Fording had no reaction. Later, when he heard that he was from Darrowshire, he suddenly thought of Pamela and the Paladin Davy Lefar.

In that dilapidated house, there is a little ghost girl who asks adventurers for help, asking them to help her find her doll.

"I'm scared, there are bad guys outside!"

Pamela's father was also named Redpath, so Pamela should be the child of Joseph Redpath, Carlin's brother.

The Third War began 20 years after the Dark Gate, when Pamela was still a child of about 10 years old, which means she was not born yet.

Taelan Fording talked to Kalin once, and he said that his brother had just got married. It seemed that little Pamela would be born in the next two or three years. The reason why Kalin responded to Taelan's call was because he dreamed of becoming a real warrior like his brother!

Originally, a formal knight could recruit 5 to 10 squires. Moreover, he was the son of a great lord and a formal knight himself. But he still only recruited two squires. This was the minimum number of people he had to have. They would handle daily affairs for Tyran Fordring, feed his horses and maintain his armor. In the future, they would face danger together and share honor.

Tyran Fording followed Lady Katherine's advice. Because of his age, he would inevitably be targeted by some people. And he was a formal knight recommended by Archbishop Faol. So after he joined the army, he would soon face dangerous battles. Bringing too many squires would not be conducive to his integration into the Knights. Without one, he would face many difficulties. So Katherine suggested that he only bring the most basic two people, and finally Tirion recommended the powerful but unknown Kalin.

After reminding his father to be careful again, Tyran Fording began his journey as a knight with full enthusiasm.

His life has entered a new chapter!
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(End of this chapter)

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