Chapter 60 Hidden Arrow
After destroying these Zul'Matha trolls, especially Taelan Fordring, and taking the heads of Taresh'thain and Twisted Branch, it can be said that Zul'Matha will be the territory of the Alliance from now on. In other words, Taelan Fordring has opened up new territories for the Alliance!

But Taelan Fording knew that the Alliance might only have the right to claim the land, and the land would still belong to Lordaeron. Because he, himself, was a Lordaeron. It was the Lordaeron who completed the conquest, and the land was closer to Lordaeron.

After returning to the troll village, Tyran Fordring began to perform his duties as a great knight. He began to fill in the report, complete the necessary procedures, and issued another call for conscription. Recruiting independent adventurers and mercenary groups to wipe out the remaining troll forces!
Taelan Fordring privately sent Carlin Redpath to Stratholme to inform his Light mentor, Archbishop Alonsus Faol, in advance.

He violated the rules by mobilizing the entire Light's Hope Chapel. This is illegal without the approval of the Grand Master of the Order. He will most likely be suspended. Hopefully there won't be more serious charges.

After he finished all this, he lay down on the bed. As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep. He was too tired.

"How could they do this? This is a territorial expansion! This is a feat comparable to Lordain."

He was awakened by Angela's voice. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying in the carriage. Angela and Bridget were sitting opposite him. Angela spoke a little loudly just now. It woke up Tyran.

Bridget glared at Angela. Angela covered her mouth.

Taelan Fording asked, "How long have I slept? Have the casualties this time been counted?"

Bridget said, "It's been almost two days, but you're in great shape. You've healed so quickly from all these injuries."

"You should be prepared. Agamand has impeached you for deserting your post, mobilizing a large number of troops without authorization, and being involved with the troll leader with ill intentions."

"Is it the pastor from yesterday?" Tailan asked.

Angela replied, "No, it was his brother, Gregor Agamand! But how could his brother know such detailed information so quickly? He must have been the one who informed him."

Bridget said, "It's hard to tell what happened between them, and I know that several nobles support him this time! By the way, when did you offend Marchioness Anastasia?"

"Anastari? My interactions with her were limited to a few meetings, and I went there with other people. There were no conflicts between her and me."

However, Taelan Fording understood in his heart why this lady was hostile to him!

It was money. This lady loved all kinds of luxury goods. My father had cooperated with the Elf Prince for himself, and this matter affected the wallets of many people.

Bridget said: "I think something is wrong. It's not just Gregor Agamand who runs the mill.

There's something wrong with the trolls! Why did they attack you so madly the moment they saw you? And why did the trolls that had already escaped go back to attack the reserve team? If you delay any longer, you really won't be able to come back!"

Taelan Fordring already knew that he was caught up in a conspiracy between the nobles and the trolls, and this matter also involved the bronze dragon which cannot be mentioned now.

Hearing Bridget mention Gregor Agamand and impeaching him, he suddenly remembered that Devlin's brother and he did have a big conflict. He was "stolen" from Gregor Agamand as the Knight Commander.

It was a contest between a paladin and a knight, and he won more supporters. But he still congratulated himself at the time.

You have touched someone's cheese, how can you expect his brother not to retaliate against you?

But why didn’t I complete my task?

Malice from time!
Yes, although the bronze dragon's plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife failed, they were unscathed!
They are the most difficult organization to evaluate in the entire Azeroth! They have done many incredible things.

It is fine for you to maintain your so-called correct timeline, but you cannot deprive life of its free will. The future is uncertain. For the sake of your so-called correctness, making everyone a puppet, is this really what life itself expects?

He thought of the gold coin in Dalaran! The Lord of Time jokingly said that he was laid off! Look at his choice of words! But Jaina still caught Arthas's gold coin.

A light bulb suddenly lit up in his mind, and he suddenly understood the meaning of the three gold coins! Yes, the first gold coin was his destiny! He would become the Archbishop of the Holy Light Church like Archbishop Fao.

The second coin is the person he will meet who will change the fate of both parties. She will either become his partner or his enemy.

The third gold coin is your own destination. Or the lover you choose. So I can only catch those three gold coins!
That was a joke from the King of Time! At that time, I was still thinking about 99 gold coins! It turned out that I was too naive. At that time, I was just an ordinary person living on Earth, and I couldn't think about problems with the thinking of this extraordinary world.

It was a choice Jaina made for herself. She threw away Faol's copper coins and Sylvanas' gold coins for herself, leaving her own. What she left was hers.

As expected, that Chase also has problems!
Next, let’s take a look at what bullshit the Time Dragon has done.

They killed Amber Gilni and spread the false information of the Burning Legion! The end result was that King Varian died at the hands of Gul'dan!
They were indifferent to Medivh opening the Dark Portal! The result was the death of millions of humans!
They watched the Dragon Soul being handed over to the orcs, and ignored the Red Dragon Queen being controlled! This was so that the orcs could create dragon riders. The result was that the Third Fleet of Kul Tiras was destroyed! Drake was buried at the bottom of the sea! The threat of the Alliance Navy was eliminated for the orcs.

They think they are the protectors of the uniqueness of history, and they point fingers from their commanding position. For the sake of their so-called correctness, they think saving the world depends on supporting a foreign invader.

A wave of anger rose from the bottom of Tyran's heart! Sargeras wanted to destroy the world, but the bronze dragons wanted to control the entire world. Aren't those Titans the same? Are the paths they chose necessarily right?
I don't follow a timeline. To hell with your so-called correct path!

Jaina was able to discard Arthas's gold coins, Demetria was able to master the power of prophecy and mind! Harvin was able to give up his high position as chief medical officer in Stratholme for his own path of holy light.

Why can't I completely change my destiny and give up those worries!

"Ding, you have completely changed the trajectory of your destiny! Gain 5 skill points and 108 points!"

Well, it takes strength to change the world, so buy this month’s attribute dice first!
"Your intelligence increased by 2, your magic points increased by 20 points, and your mana regeneration speed increased slightly!"

"Change yourself! Start by improving your intelligence!"

乀(ˉεˉ乀) get out!
At this moment, Taelan Fording suddenly thought: "Where are we going?"

Bridget said, "Go to the capital of Lordaeron. King Terenas will ask you to personally report this matter to the Council of Nobles."

Taelan Fording...

Bridget deliberately slowed down the pace. Tyran Fording's body recovered quickly. In fact, he didn't want to be like this. Looking miserable would make him better at making a statement to the parliament!

So he refused to change into new clothes, and insisted on wearing this shirt with holes all over it and the badly damaged Source of Order. Karin was smart, and they stopped Angela from changing Tyran's clothes.

In this way, it took a whole week for Taelan Fordring to arrive at the royal city of Lordaeron.

When his carriage drove into the royal city, he saw a figure wearing a white dress and a witch hat with a bow on her head!
 Thanks to 20210301106475324116, Zhuagenbao of Azeroth, fabgya.Linfengfeiwu`, Qiankeke, Fragrant Rice, wuhaoze, yerkya, Mengwei, Lingyunfengshang, Fengque, Kujiuzhuojiu and other friends for their monthly tickets and recommendation votes!
  I was busy until late at night yesterday, so I'm short on time today, so I'll post it first and revise it later.

(End of this chapter)

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