Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 77 Teacher's Care

Chapter 77 Teacher's Care
Luo Ning was surprised and asked: "You didn't say goodbye to her?"

Tyran Fording ignored this, as Ronin was Tyran's fellow villager. They had only met twice before they became familiar with each other.

There is a saying that goes: Old hair is as fresh as new, and old friends are as close as ever. This saying is so true. Taelan Fordring pretended to be profound: "For the cause of justice, for Azeroth! Let's go."

Luo Ning said disdainfully: "Young man, stop talking nonsense. At least wipe off the lipstick marks on your face before you speak!"

"A paladin shouldn't have lust written all over his face."

"Ronin, wait."

Seeing that Taelan Fording was a little angry, Ronin quickly changed his words: "For justice, let's go!"

The confidentiality work was done well this time, and they arrived at Nanhai Town smoothly. However, the contact person surprised Luo Ning!
A beautiful elven beauty, Vereesa Windrunner.

In the old World of Warcraft group, there was a ranking of beauties. This list is a matter of opinion, but no matter how it is ranked, this Vereesa Windrunner in front of us must be on the list!
She has a slender and tall figure, blue clothes, silver hair, long eyebrows and big eyes, and looks very heroic. Just standing there can attract countless eyes.

Taelan Fording took the initiative to break the awkwardness: "I am Taelan Fording, thank you for your help!"

As far as Taelan Fordring knew, Rhonin and Vereesa Windrunner were a couple, and their love must have been love at first sight.

Unlike herself and Jaina, who had experienced life-and-death crises and could be considered to have grown up together, she should have been grateful for her life-saving grace, then got to know each other, and then slowly came together.

In this relationship, Jaina was the active party. She filled the gap between herself and the world and made up for her missing childhood happiness.

Ronin is a bohemian person. He is used to doing his own thing and being free and undisciplined. It is unlikely that he will take the initiative to pursue Vereesa.

After all, besides being arrogant, the high elves would not take the initiative to fall in love with humans. They are immortal, and if they fall in love with humans over thousands of years, then after a few decades of happiness, there will be endless loneliness and pain.

So the combination of Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner is really a rare exception. Now there will be another Rhonin in the winner's life.

However, reality dealt a heavy blow to Taelan Fording. Vereesa had no interest in Rhonin. She just nodded to Rhonin out of politeness. On the contrary, she was quite interested in Taelan Fording.

Well, Taelan Fordring has the advantage of his profession, and the Paladin itself has an aura.

Influenced by his mother since childhood, Tyran has a gentle personality. His father Tirion's words and deeds have taught him not to be a dandy at all. On the contrary, because he likes reading, he looks gentle and elegant. He has been in contact with mages and priests for a long time, and he still has a bookish air.

The charm brought by the Nephalem's friendliness is even more fatal to the high elves. Most girls are attracted by their looks, so many girls have liked him since childhood.

Solanlian once said that he had every chance of winning the favor of a high elf girl.

And Vereesa should have received the information sent by Prince Kael'thas. Being a strong man also gave him a lot of points.

Vereesa was not Sylvanas, who had been trapped in Quel'Thalas for years. In the past two years of traveling outside, she had met all kinds of people. She also knew how attractive her appearance was to them, and she knew what kind of people those fat-headed nobles were.

Even though she knew that Taelan Fording already had a girlfriend who was in an open relationship, she still paid close attention to his every move.

After all, you can't expect a little girl to protect a powerful and young legend.

So she carefully observed the words and deeds of this legendary person. Finally, Vereesa came to the conclusion that the princess of Kul Tiras must have had a hard time.

This guy is wasting his face! Compared to the beauty, he was more interested in Vereesa's extraordinary weapons. He even asked her about the effect of the viper sting.

When he is working, he is a steady and careful lord. When he is not working, he is a rebellious young man!

He and Roning are a perfect match. They always have sudden ideas, which are often wild and imaginative.

He even planned to train a dedicated hunter unit for the Silver Hand. He would choose hunters who were proficient in stings, especially viper stings, as scouts. Whenever there was a big battle, they would cover the battlefield together with several elite paladins.

Powerful Viper Sting that will focus attacks on some spellcasters.

He even thought of the hunter's flares, which were the nemesis of thieves, and the traps could protect the flanks of the army.

These two people often tease each other. You will never be bored when you are with him!
When he gets serious, he exudes a natural leadership aura. He can happily chat with a flower girl on the roadside and treat her sprain.

He is willing to help everyone who needs help. But he is by no means a pushover, he exudes warmth, making everyone want to get close to him.

As for Ronin.

Well, if it weren't for the self-blame that was inadvertently revealed in his eyes, he would be just an unkempt and down-and-out mage. As for the rest, it's hard to tell.

Her mission was to send these two evils to Grim Batol. This was what her employer told her in private. She didn't know how such a good person could offend that lady.

But this handsome knight is much cuter than that old woman!
The journey was quite smooth.

Their original plan was to reach Husk first, and then take a ship to Khaz Modan. But they got a second wave of support!
Archbishop Faol had always been concerned about his youngest student. When he heard that he had left to deal with the great trouble in Grim Batol, he immediately contacted his friend Falstad Wildhammer in the Hinterlands.

In order to fulfill this request, Falstad brought his griffon Skywing to pick up Taelan Fordring.

Falstad had heard of Taelan. He and Harth Stonewine were old friends. Taelan was a child taught by the dwarf himself.

Once, a drunk Haas even boasted that his apprentice's dwarf fighting skills were already one-tenth of his level!
Because this mission is completely different from the Dragon Age, Krasus feels that with Tyran Fordring's immense power, as long as he infiltrates Grim Batol, beheads Zuluhed, and steals the artifact Demon Soul, the orcs will be reduced to ashes in the wrath of the Red Dragon Legion.

To this end, he has contacted Her Majesty Ysera of the Green Dragon Legion, and the King of Blue Dragons has decided to support him: as long as the human boy is really as magical as he said.

Without the deception, the mission goal was clearer, which was to send Taelan Fording to Grim Batol, with Ronin as his magic support.

After completing the task, he only needed to cast the teleportation spell and take Tyran away. If it weren't for the threat of Deathwing, Ronin would not have had this opportunity.

Luo Ning just wanted to atone for his sins. After several years, he still couldn't get out of the cage he set for himself. So he only showed his true self in front of his fellow villagers.

However, things are not as simple as Crassus thought, a new conspiracy is brewing.

 I hope you will read more. Thank you!
  Penglai has to work overtime today, so I'll post it first and revise it later.

(End of this chapter)

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