Chapter 82 Dragon Soul
Tyran Fording, Vereesa, and Falstad stood back to back. Falstad said, "Tyran, what should we do? We are surrounded!"

Tyran Fording said, "It's almost time. Get ready to grab the things and run away. We'll be safe outside for the time being."

Falstad said angrily, "Are you crazy? Still thinking about stealing things! You should have brought all your brothers down with you!"

Taelan Fording said: "You can only do it if you dare to think about it. How can you know if you can succeed if you don't try?"

Nikelus' face was swollen, and there were several wounds on his body, bleeding constantly. If a warlock had not used the life channel to extract the vitality of others and transfer it to it, it would have died long ago.

He was already a little furious. That damn old lizard had deceived him!

Offspring? All lies! It screamed like crazy: "Kill him, kill him!"

He began to retreat. When Taelan Fording saw the orcs surrounding him, he suddenly bent one leg, gently inserted the Grand Marshal's double-edged sword into the ground with his right hand, and lightly touched the ground with his left hand!

Suddenly, suns appeared one after another in the sky! The whole hall was illuminated by the holy light as if it were broad daylight. As soon as they appeared, they began to fall slowly but quickly!
These suns pulled out a series of spherical light spots! When some orcs were struck by lightning and holy light bullets exploded, the void was torn apart by the holy light and meteors rained down.

The entire hall of Grim Batol Fortress seemed as if the starry sky had descended, and countless meteors fell from the sky!

The dark warlock who was casting a spell in the back was electrocuted to death by lightning. As soon as his body fell to the ground, a large number of holy light bullets exploded. Almost in an instant, only five people were still standing in the corner of the whole hall! The hundreds of orcs around were all purified by the bright starlight.

Vereesa opened her mouth in disbelief! She was stunned by the extremely beautiful, holy, and cruel scene before her.

No wonder the prince called this thing "Emperor's Fall". No one except the dragon can resist such a magic attack. But who can tell me why it has no casting buffer and no spell guidance! Can such a powerful spell be fired continuously?

Nikelus didn't know how to describe his feelings! He did several roller coasters in a row. Now he is numb. Run, run!
Taelan Fordring stretched out his left hand toward it: "Holy Grasp."

The weakened Nekros was imprisoned by the Holy Light, and then was involuntarily pulled towards Taelan Fordring.

This moment seemed to stretch into a lifetime in Nikelus' mind:
From the gentle hands of the mother at birth; to the babbling of the child; to the running on the grasslands of Nagrand in childhood; to learning the shamanic ways and the chattering of the teacher in adulthood.

When he reached middle age, he believed Gul'dan's lies and drank the blood of the devil. Then there was endless war and bloodthirsty killing. Finally, there was endless tyranny and cruel torture. Yesterday's complacency and satisfaction, now death is imminent.

In fact, the dragoness's voice was quite pleasant, just like her grandmother. The old dragoness taught her that while torturing others, she was also torturing herself.

But what can it do? It was chosen to be the user of the Demon Soul, and the whispers of the devil tempted it all day long. It can no longer turn back.

Tyran Fordring slashed forward gracefully. The orc's powerful blood and energy made the head jump high and then fell heavily to the ground.

"No one can torture the Life-Binder in Azeroth."

Pah! The badge-like dragon soul fell on Tyran Fording's armored hand. The blood on it dripped onto the ground, and a bright red blood bead circled around the bulge on the edge of the dragon soul and hit the ground with a pah.

This gentle voice echoes in everyone's heart.

At this time, a cracked voice sounded: "Little beast, look at what you have done? You have ruined everything!"

"Let me go, don't kill me, don't come over here!"

A green goblin rushed to the lower level of Grim Batol like crazy. The remaining orcs could no longer hold on and began to flee in all directions.

At this time, a huge dragon roar was heard in the dungeon, which sounded majestic, kind, joyful, weak, and then there was a violent struggle.

Taelan Fording walked to the door of the hall and shouted:
"All Alliance soldiers. Retreat from Grim Batol! Clear the area and take cover! Prioritize your own survival! Build air defenses, immediately!"

The mountain dwarves have always been united and tenacious, and they have never betrayed the Alliance. After receiving the order, they immediately collected supplies. Withdrew from Grim Batol and chose a hidden location around to start building temporary arrow towers and bunkers. Some dwarves from Khaz Modan even drove a dwarf tank. After Tyran Fordring gave the order, he heard an angry roar. This voice had the taste of steel and made people palpitate! He knew that Deathwing was coming! Things got out of control. Rhonin did not take his place, but the Dragon Soul changed hands.

He didn't bother to explain and led the charge into Grim Batol. There was still work to do down there. The Red Dragon Queen was weaker than expected. She needed his help to untie the magic chains and heal her injuries. He was not a mage, and Ronin's situation was unclear. It seemed that sometimes, violence was the fastest way to solve a problem.

The other two people hurriedly followed, and soon they arrived at the lower level. From afar, they saw several orc warlocks using shadow spells on a giant dragon with a pair of beautiful dragon horns.

The dragon struggled continuously, then spit out a mouthful of flames, burning two of them to death. After the breath, she immediately became much weaker.

Tyran Fordring rushed forward and killed a warlock who was casting a spell with a beautiful slash. His demon skin was not enough to resist the brutal attack of the Grand Marshal's double-edged sword. Then Tyran Fordring thrust his sword diagonally, and with a bang! A shockwave stunned the chaotic orc soldiers and several remaining warlocks.

Then he raised the Grand Marshal's double-edged sword, and the milky white light of holy light ignited the giant sword again bit by bit. Tyran Fording concentrated his strength and struck a magic chain!
With a clang, this chain must be a good one! It was only broken, not broken. Taelan Fording chopped it off again, this time using Zeal.

The Red Dragon Queen said weakly: "My child, we need to find a wizard. This chain is specially made. It can absorb damage. Only by breaking the magic on it can it be opened."

Taelan Fording did not stop! With a sound of nails, the chain was cut off.

At this time, a red-haired guy suddenly fell from the upper floor. He shouted for help. Taelan Fording had to give up practicing lock picking and used the Holy Light to save the guy who fell.

The red hair told everyone who he was. Roning was in a very bad condition.

He snatched the lock-picking job from Taelan Fordring and said quickly, "Run, this place is about to explode. Deathwing has sent out his minions and filled this place with explosives. He is going to blow you to death."

Taelan Fording looked at Ronin carefully. There was nothing wrong with him. He had red hair with a few strands standing stubbornly, and a look of anxiety on his face. His robes were covered with traces of dust and grass leaves, as well as some red mud.

Taelan Fording turned off the fanatic aura. Several people around him showed uncomfortable expressions on their faces. The feeling of having their power taken away was not pleasant.

He activated the Purification Aura, and the milky white light spots softened the surrounding area. Everyone felt their bodies recovering.

Then Tyran Fording cast a holy light spell that no one had ever seen on the Red Dragon Queen, and the Queen's physical strength began to recover faster. Under the influence of the purification aura, the shadow spell cast on her seemed to have come to an end. Some light gray smoke floated out of her huge body.

A pleasant female voice sounded: "You are the most talented child in the Red Dragon Legion in ten thousand years. I'm fine now, let's go and take those dragon eggs away."

The Red Dragon Queen's huge body began to shrink, and soon turned into a woman with a pair of beautiful dragon horns. She was tall and slender, with a curvy figure. It could be said that she was the woman with the best figure that Taelan Fording had ever seen.

Taelan Fordring paid her the highest respect. Then he said: "Great Life-Binder, you are free today. But it is not over yet. Let's collect these dragon eggs first. Then follow me, Deathwing is waiting for us outside."

Rhonin wanted to say something, but couldn't. Falstad and Vereesa had already reached a tacit understanding with Taelan Fordring.

And they knew that Tyran Fordring had arranged an engineering team to dig into Grim Batol. The dwarves' engineering capacity was the best in Azeroth, ten thousand times better than that of the poor real estate developer Edwin VanCleef.

The Red Dragon Queen followed the child silently. She took a look at the Dragon Codex on him. It must have been given to him by Korialstrasz. He had a pleasant smell. It was the smell of holy light, the smell of life. She silently felt the embrace of holy light!
For many years, she hadn't felt protected like this. Dragons were all lonely. And she, the Life Binder, had to fight to protect the world. But who had ever thought about herself? She would get hurt, tired, and want to have a good sleep.

However, the Burning Legion has never stopped coveting Azeroth, and few of these mortal races can support her, or even understand her.

In the Red Dragon Legion, people often discuss why they fight demons all day long? Is it just the duty of a guardian? But what do the descendants who die in battle gain?

Today, the Queen finally knew that the mortal races would eventually understand them, and one day they would even stand up and help them. Together, they would defend this lovely planet and these lovely lives. This was not entirely a responsibility given by others!
Taelan Fordring said, "There is another evil ahead. Defeat it, and we can recover all the remaining dragon eggs, and then we can escape."

"It's not over yet. As long as I kill them all and get the Dragon Soul, the master will forgive me!"

 The third update is here! This is my first time. As expected, I am not experienced enough and got tricked by the automation.

(End of this chapter)

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