Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 90 Dragon Sleep Temple

Chapter 90 Dragon Sleep Temple
At this time, the Red Dragon Queen said: "Taran, how about we keep the dragon soul in the Dragon Rest Temple?"

"As you wish, I have no objection," said Taelan Fordring. Even though Deathwing was seriously injured, Wyrmrest Temple was still safe.

"But I suggest that the Guardians be composed of one representative each from the Red Dragon, Blue Dragon, and Green Dragon Legions. This is not only fairer, but also safer!"

No one had any objection to this proposal. Chromie, who had some objections, did not dare to raise them, as she knew that no dragon would speak for her.

The dragon soul can harm bronze dragons, but their own people have no right to guard it. Taelan Fording's revenge is not over yet.

The Red Dragon Queen added: "None of us can hold the Dragon Soul. So you have to help us send it to the Dragon Rest Temple. Don't worry, I will send someone to send you back."

Taelan Fording decided to show goodwill to the blue dragon. Because the great leader said that we should make more friends and fewer enemies. Only in this way can we concentrate our strength to deal with the main enemy. We have to step hard on the bronze dragon again.

The Maddenhold incident killed many innocent people. They couldn't die in vain. Sooner or later, I will catch the bronze dragon who planned this incident and make him pay the price.

He took the initiative to say: "I have a sacred spell that can speed up the recovery of injuries. His Majesty Malygos's injury can't be delayed any longer, it should be cured quickly. Then His Majesty can use teleportation to send us to the Dragon Rest Temple."

Malygos said: "Actually, I'm almost healed. Since you can speed up the process, I'll agree to it!"

Taelan Fording thought to himself, "What a tsundere!"

"Okay, Your Majesty!"

Soon Malygos witnessed the power of the holy healing skills of the high-level paladin.

No wonder Alexstrasza chased Deathwing so relentlessly. I thought she wasn't afraid of death. It turns out that his Lay on Healing is so powerful.

Chromie looked at Malygos, who had been healed by holy healing, and began to explain the secrets of arcane magic to Tyran Fordring. And she felt that the blue dragon king seemed to be a lot more normal after losing some of his magical power.

Everyone here was discussing future cooperation or the world situation, and she was the only one who was isolated.

Two days later, Prince Arthas arrived in Grim Batol on behalf of the Lordaeron royal family.

He said to Taelan Fording: "Thank you for your outstanding contribution to Lordaeron! Next time you come to the capital of Lordaeron, please be sure to visit the palace. I will host a banquet for you!"

Actually, Uther was against Arthas coming to Grim Batol, as he had seen the ferocity and brutality of the Dragonmaw orcs. Now there must be orc stragglers everywhere.

But Arthas did not listen to his mentor's advice. He insisted on coming to see how Tyran Fordring defeated the orcs with an equal number of dwarves.

Instead of staying in the palace and watching his father, King Terenas, and the other kings arguing over the distribution of treasures, it would be better to go out and relax, and get rid of the factor of Jaina. Taelan Fordring is a very good person. He is the idol of all the girls in Lordaeron, and many noble girls want to marry him.

Arthas even heard shocking gossip from Lady Farina. Taelan Fording also had a lover who was a high elf, which made Lady Jaina Proudmoore very angry, because they were actually sisters.

This also involves the secret of a big man.

The straightforward prince later secretly said to his captain of the guard, Marwyn: "She must have remarried too many times and her brain has been damaged."

Taelan Fording is a straight man like himself. He spends all day either training or fighting. In the remaining time, he has to do the courses arranged by the two teachers. He also has to meditate, and when he is on vacation, he has to go to Jaina to accompany her. I just think that he must have that time too.

Taelan Fording explained his situation to the prince and asked for leave to leave Grim Batol. The night before he left, Arthas came to see him off and they talked for a long time.

"Your Highness, you've done a great job. Relax and don't overwork yourself. There are always some things that cannot be changed even if we work hard."

The prince knew that Taelan Fordring was talking about some of Mardenholde's dead friends.

He nodded: “I find it really hard to be with them.

They constantly refresh my understanding. They first spread rumors that you were up to no good. Then you resigned and went to Dalaran, and they spread rumors that you found an elven lover behind Princess Jaina's back. "...

"I feel so stressed, and I try to tell which of their words are true and which are false every day.

The honest Agamand, the six-times-remarried Farina, the kind-hearted Garithos, and the saint-like teacher.

Really, Great Knight, you have no idea what I deal with all day.

I've been compared to you, to Varian, to my father.

I asked my teacher Uther, and he told me that I only need to adhere to the virtues of a knight and not to compare myself with you or Varian, because you are different.

He showed me my father, the king, who couldn't even beat a guard, but that didn't stop him from leading the country and becoming a wise king. He told me a lot of words from the scriptures.

I always feel like I can’t breathe, and things have been tough for me in the past six months.”

"Last winter, my Wudi died. It was me who killed it. If I hadn't insisted on running horses in the snow..."

Taelan Fording looked at the prince with a tired face and felt for a moment that he didn't know how to explain to him.

He could only say:

"Your Highness, you can think of it this way:

You will compete with Taelan Fordring in handling government affairs and enduring lies, with Varian in knowledge, and with our majesty in fighting skills.

You can't always compare other people's strengths with your own weaknesses. There is no perfect person in the world."

“Also, status and wealth are not the criteria for judging whether a person is good or bad, but character is.

Not all civilians are good people, and not all nobles are bad people. The reason you meet people like this is that during the Second World War, those truly noble and brave civilians and nobles died on the battlefield. Many of the remaining ones are just cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death! "

"You have done enough for this country. It is not your fault. We cannot punish ourselves for the mistakes of others.

Stay here for a few more days, get away from those guys for a while, and take a breath. Look at me, I'm about to go to the cold north to drink the wind, do you feel better?"

The prince could only smile and said, "Okay! I hope things will get better in the future."

Taelan Fording thought of the blushing princess: "By the way, how is Princess Calia?"

"My sister is fine. She has recently started to learn the way of Holy Light. I think she will become a priest soon. She often mentions you. If you have time, you can go meet her."

"I will."

The magical city of Dalaran.

Jaina paused with her quill. She rested her head on one hand and tapped her cheek with a finger.

He has been gone for several months.

He hasn't come back yet. The battle for Grim Batol was over long ago. Was he tripped by something? Or was he in some danger?
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(End of this chapter)

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