Chapter 112 Loyalty!

This was Ron's first time in the Lower Nest area.

Even the original owner, Ron Grant, did not have many memories about the lower nest.

His sphere of activity was almost confined to the heavenly spire mansion.

I only have a rough impression of the lower nest.

Looking at the scene in the lower nest area, Ron couldn't help but be shocked.

The buildings in Xiachao District are made of layers of quick-concrete and metal, and countless residential areas and industrial blocks are connected to each other.

New communities are built on top of old ones, stacking up one after another and spreading to heights of thousands of meters.

Looking up, there are only densely packed buildings as far as the eye can see, various weak artificial lights and a dark sky.

But Ron knew that at the top was the Spire Mansion, the "paradise" of this planet, with sunshine and fresh air.

The lower nesting area without sunlight is always dark, damp and messy. The air is filled with various chemical smells, and even the water stains on the street emit a slight odor.

After all, the air and water here have been filtered and recycled millions of times, so it's good enough for people to survive.

Ron held onto the wall and struggled to stand up.

The intensive use of spiritual energy over the past few days has almost pushed this body to its limit.

This not only affected his eyesight, but also caused hallucinations and auditory hallucinations.

Ron was increasingly surprised and relieved by the quietness of this neighborhood.

This is a good thing.

Originally, he thought that Xiachao had been reduced to a sea of ​​blood and corpses due to the rampage of the heretic rebels.

Even all the inhabitants were corrupted and turned into terrible chaos monsters.

But the result was much better than expected.

There is basic order here, and not many signs of war.

Not only were there no traces of cult members, but there was no sound of gunfire either.

Although the people coming and going became thin due to hunger, there was not much fear in their eyes, and some even had smiles on their faces.

In short, the feeling given by the whole block is - peaceful and harmonious.

It's so peaceful that it's a little strange.

Could it be something more dire?

Ron shook his head and quickly put the thought behind him.

The atmosphere here is quite good, which makes him feel happy for some reason.

It is very likely that he has come to an area controlled by the Lower Nest Defense Force.

And it is the core area.

That’s why the order is so good.

Before the Upper Nest area was closed, a large number of defense forces were stationed in various locations in the Lower Nest.

They each defended their own area.

As for why the heretics were able to attack the upper nest so smoothly.

There are many reasons.

It may be that the heretic rebels were corrupted and assembled too quickly, leaving the defense forces with no time to react.

Of course, it is also possible that the defense forces were infiltrated by heretics and collectively rebelled.

This is also one of the reasons why the Royal Court District resolutely closed the upper nest.

For Ron, whether the defense force rebelled was not the most important thing.

As long as the defense forces are still there, the people they protect are still alive.

Didn't become a heretic or a chaos monster.

That's the good news.

Because what Ron needs most is population.

And defeating the rebels is much easier than dealing with those disgusting Chaos heretics.

Ron narrowed his white eyes, controlled his breathing, and wrapped his tattered robes around him.

He planned to blend into the crowd and find out the news.

Based on data from before the Heresy.

The total area of ​​the entire Lower Nest is almost equal to one-tenth of a continent, and the population is nearly two billion.

As for how many people survive now, no one knows.

Under such circumstances, it is not so easy to obtain intelligence on the forces in various regions of Xiachao.

Only the middle and upper-level officials and military officers of each force can know this information.

Therefore, the top priority is to understand who is in control here and then find the right person to gather intelligence.

For Ron, who possesses psychic powers, controlling the minds of mortals makes them reveal information.

It couldn't be simpler.

Ron stepped into the block, and before he had taken a few steps, he encountered a problem.

His psychic senses instinctively detected the danger.

"Damn it, it's the breath of Chaos Heresy!"

Ron forced his eyes open and looked towards a pipe above the block. The electricity came from there!

He quickly reminded people on the street:
"Disperse quickly, heretics are attacking!"

When the people heard that a heretic was coming, they immediately panicked and crowded around, looking for a place to hide.

However, it was too late. Dozens of heretics, painted with blood-red marks and decorated with various bones, fell from the pipe to the ground.

They quickly got up, shouted wildly, and used their weapons to attack the crowd.

For a moment, axes were swinging and bullets were flying.

"Kill, kill, kill, let blood cover everything"

"Great blood sacrifice!"

Many people who failed to escape were brutally killed and dismembered.

People fled in all directions and the scene fell into complete chaos.

Ron tried hard to gather a psychic ball, blew up the head of the nearest heretic, snatched his gun and started to fight back.

He fired several bursts of bullets and killed several heretics.

When the heretics discovered that someone dared to fight back, they immediately suppressed them with powerful firepower.

It was too much for Ron to handle.

He is now in a state of low health and it is not easy for him to fight head-on.

Fortunately, the soldiers patrolling nearby rushed over.

They quickly engaged the heretics, relieving his pressure.


Along with the sound, another fat figure fell from the pipe farther away.

He struggled to get up and yelled to everyone:
"Wrath is coming!"

When Ron saw the heretic's appearance clearly, his scalp suddenly went numb.

The fat heretic was nearly two meters tall, his body covered in blood, with human bone ornaments embedded in his flesh.

What's even more terrifying is that his body was pierced with various fuses and a bomb device was buried in his fat belly.

At this moment, the bomb device in his stomach was flashing red and the beeping sound was becoming more and more rapid.

If this thing were to rush over and explode, it would probably destroy half a city block.

And his psychic clone will be destroyed on the spot.

After the fat warrior stood firm, he rushed towards the crowd with heavy steps.

"For the Emperor!"

The soldiers jumped out of their cover and rushed forward recklessly, trying to stop the heretic with their flesh and blood.

However, before they could rush forward, they were beaten to death by other heretics.

"never back down!"

"For the Emperor—"

More soldiers shouted and rushed forward.

They are strong-willed and the Emperor's most loyal warriors.

For this, they are willing to give everything.

Ron was shocked and deeply moved by this scene.

So loyal!

For these people, he has to fight.

The fat heretic was already halfway there.

Ron held onto the wall to steady himself, endured the severe pain that nearly made his head explode, and mobilized all his spiritual energy.

He stretched out his palm and pointed it at the fat heretic.

The fat heretic who was sprinting suddenly stopped, covering his head and wailing.

The psychic power from Ron quickly expanded in his brain and reached its limit.

"Death to heretics!"

Ron clenched his hands tightly.

The fat heretic's head exploded like a watermelon, and dirty blood gushed out from his neck.

His body fell to the ground with a thud, right where the heretics were.


The pagans' attacks paused upon hearing the rapid noise.

They looked at the flashing red light of the bomb device inside the fat corpse and couldn't help but yelled:



The flames from the violent explosion engulfed the heretics.


"Wake up..."

Ron opened his eyes blearily, with a splitting headache.

What happened? Did he just faint?

Within his sight, a gentle woman with a veil was looking at him nervously.

"God Emperor, he is still alive!"

Seeing Ron wake up, the gentle woman shouted happily to the side.

Soon, a man who looked like an officer came over.

He stared at Ron with sharp eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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