Chapter 115 Genestealer!
The prayer service has begun.

The square was filled with loyal and fanatical believers.

They looked devoutly at the four-armed emperor statue and prayed for his protection.

Members of the Gospel Choir were arrayed in formation, singing hymns in praise of the Emperor.

The bishop stood on an anti-gravity preacher, spreading the gospel from the Emperor to the believers in mid-air:
“Pray sincerely!

The Great Emperor will listen to each and every one of us.

He will come from far away space to save the souls of all of us!
With His guidance, we will have a bright future.

His blessings will reach every corner of the universe.

Let us be grateful and always follow His footsteps, cheer for Him and sing His praises! "

Watching all this, Ron stood there blankly, feeling a strong sense of discomfort in his heart.

He was mentally shocked and had severe pain in his abdomen.

When this feeling reaches its limit.


He broke through some kind of psychic network barrier and gained freedom!

"Where's that boy Ron?"

After praying devoutly, Eve opened her eyes and found that Ron had disappeared.

“Maybe he went somewhere to play.”

Galia didn't worry too much:
"Pray first, we'll look for him later."

This is the Church Square, the safest place in the area, there will be no danger.

The Gallias closed their eyes again and continued to pray devoutly.

Pray that the great Emperor will come from space and save this world full of suffering.


Ron hid in a corner and looked at the dense crowd in the square.

Just feel scared.

Because most of those people have part of their skin that is lavender.

They are born bald with bulging foreheads and are not pure humans at all.

Now Ron finally realized that the lower nest had been infected.

What infected them were the Gene Stealers, commonly known as Chicken Thieves.

The Tyranids are the vanguard of the fearsome Tyranid race, capable of independent thought and action without the command of the Hive Mind.

Often a first-generation pure-blooded chicken thief can infect and control the entire planet.

The chicken has a long pointed tongue hidden in its mouth, which is an egg-laying organ with a thorny tip.

They will try to capture sentient creatures and use their long, pointed tongues to deliver them through the mouth to the stomach or by puncturing the chest cavity and injecting them.

Send the "seeds" containing the Tyranid genes into the body of the target organism.

These "seeds" quickly infect the host's body and mind.

It makes the host forget about the infection and succumb to the will of the thief, while having a strong desire to reproduce.

The host will be eager to find someone to have children with, and give birth to severely deformed first-generation chicken-eating hybrids.

Those "seeds" will even distort the host's mind, causing the hosts as parents to unconditionally love the "children" who are completely inhuman.

The first generation of hybrids will often hide in sewers or hidden abandoned buildings when they grow up because their alien features are too obvious.

Then, after several generations of reproduction, they will become more and more like humans and infiltrate the human population.

As the number of infected individuals and their hybrids increases, these cunning offspring will gather together.

They will establish a honeycomb-like psychic network between themselves, their parents and the chicken thief itself, forming a large, loyal family surrounding the chicken thief.

And it will continue to split and spread, eventually forming a gene stealer cult.

Many Genestealer cultists often present themselves as Emperor worshippers, outwardly normal.

Except for the four-armed statue of the God Emperor hanging around his neck.

Many of them truly believed they were worshipping the Emperor, not some Tyranids, and were simply model Imperial citizens.

Even when the planet encounters chaos or other alien invasions.

Those cunning believers will become the most loyal warriors to defend their country.

The saying that a cunning person guarding the national border is not an idle saying.

Ron was puzzled.

All this is so obvious, but why didn't I notice it in time?
Suddenly, his abdomen twisted with severe pain, and then he vomited a large mass of purple flesh and blood.

Looking at the filthy tissue on the ground, Ron checked his body again and found a wound on his chest.

He finally understood. Damn it, this clone had been parasitized at some point.

It should be that when he was unconscious, some cunning bastard took advantage of the opportunity to parasitize him.

No wonder I can perfectly integrate into the group of cunning people and even find those deformed cunning babies cute.

Fortunately, when this cloned body was created, only the appearance was set, and the gender was not designed.

Otherwise, he would have gone and had a child with some cunning woman.

I dare not imagine that scene, it is much more exciting than being in Slaanesh.

Ron quickly stopped thinking and felt worried about the current situation.

According to Gallia's description, the Genestealer Cult may have completely taken over most of the Lower Nest.

The remaining forces in Lower Nest today are most likely the Chaos Cult and the Genestealer Cult.

And the Genestealer cult is dominant.

This is really the beginning of the collapse of the sky.

Soon, Ron thought of a more terrifying possibility.

As the pioneer of the Tyranids, the original pure-blooded chicken thief will become the patriarch.

It can control other offspring through the hive psionic network, and grows stronger and smarter as the population expands.

Eventually the Patriarch will grow into an incredibly powerful psychic creature.

When the cunning tribe matures and accumulates enough spiritual power.

That cunning chieftain will then become a psychic beacon to attract the Tyranids.

Then, the Tyranids, attracted by the psychic beacon, would locate the planet in the vastness of space and run over to eat the buffet.

By then, the swarm of insects that covers the sky and the earth will devour everything, including those cunning creatures and their hybrid offspring.

That is to say, these poor "people" in the square, including all creatures on the planet Ers, will become food for the Tyranids!

So these cunning people are really cunning.

It's Warhammer 40K at its best. He just wanted to hide and develop for a while, but how did he end up provoking the Tyranids?
Even the main force of the Empire would be at a loss when encountering the Tyranids.

The most urgent task now is to find the cunning chieftain who is hiding deep inside.

But how to find it in such a huge and complex nest?
And those cunning descendants and misled people will do everything they can to stop him.

Even if you can’t find it, you have to look for it!

Ron made up his mind.

Now he has a general understanding of the situation in the lower nest.

The Chaos Cult and the Genestealer Cult were in a stalemate, giving him more time.

This way he could go to the warp and bring back more resources so Cawl could build more war machines.

Once the war machines are manufactured, the gates of the Upper Nest will be opened immediately, allowing the mechanical frenzy to flood the entire Lower Nest!
Doing so is somewhat cruel and will cost countless lives of those falling from the nest.

It's not just those poor humans, but also those cunning descendants who are immersed in beautiful fantasies and expect the Emperor to come and save them from space.

Most of them will die.

But this is Warhammer 40K, there is no such thing as a perfect choice.

Only suffering and more suffering.

Ron closed his eyes.

In order to prevent the entire planet Ers from being swallowed up, he had no choice but to do this.

Even if we have to completely destroy the nest and dig deep into the ground, we must find that damn cunning chieftain!

Just as Ron made up his mind, something strange happened in the square.

The gospel choir stopped singing and people fell into silence, waiting for something.

He looked up and saw the cunning bishop standing on the anti-gravity preacher, seemingly listening to some news.

Then, the thief bishop excitedly announced this incomparable gospel to everyone:

"My faithful followers, your prayers have been answered.

The Great Emperor is about to descend from space to redeem us all..."

The cunning followers of the Genestealer cult in the square suddenly fell into a frenzy.

They laughed wildly, cried bitterly, and hugged each other happily.

Praise the Emperor!

At the same time, Ron was able to sense that a huge psychic force had emerged and sent a signal into space.

The lighthouse... is lit!

(End of this chapter)

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