Chapter 120 Raid!


Human screams were heard from the huge and dark manhole.


The four-armed Chicken Thief Chief, who was nearly five meters tall and had a high bulge on the back of his head, had cold eyes. He pinched a Chicken Thief believer and put him in his mouth to chew, with blood spurting out.

On the ground, several cunning believers fanatically looked up at the great being they worshipped.

The Chicken Thief Chief needs a large amount of blood every day to provide energy for his body.

And these cunning believers are the best food.

In the name of serving the great being, the bishops would regularly select devout and cunning believers and send them over.

Even those cunning believers have to fight for the places.

After obtaining a place, the Jizei believers will fast for a few days, then bathe and burn incense before coming to serve the Jizei chieftain.

The thief clan leader chewed for a few times and suddenly spat out the remains:
"Dirty human, so disgusting!"

It looked at these humans who were humbly trying to please it with deep disdain on its face.

These guys aren't tasty enough.

The cunning chieftain seemed to have thought of a good idea, and a wicked smile appeared on his ferocious face.

It suddenly released the mind control of these cunning believers and created fear at the same time.

After the cunning believer lost his mental hallucinations, he saw the true appearance of the cunning chieftain.

They started to get scared and scream in fear.

The cunning believers wanted to escape, but their legs were too weak to walk.

“This is delicious~”

The cunning chief picked up a cunning believer and threw him into his mouth, chewing it with big mouthfuls, looking quite enjoying it.

One of the cunning believers finally got up and staggered out.

However, the thief chief's spiked tail instantly pierced his chest and lifted him into the air.

It stared coldly at the chicken-skinned believer:
"How dare you flee from the throne of a great being?"

The cunning chief stretched out his claws and pinched him hard, crushing him into a meat paste.

It flicked the meat ball away in disgust, and it landed in front of the rest of the cunning believers.

The thief chief suddenly stretched out his long tongue, swept away the knife in the hand of the thief guard next to him, and threw it in front of the thief believers.

“Give you a chance to survive.

Attack me, or kill your own kind, as long as you do one of them, you will survive."

The cunning chief returned to the rusty iron throne and sat down, supporting his chin lazily, stretching his long tail in front of those cunning believers without moving.

He looked as if he was letting them attack him.

A cunning believer picked up a knife and mustered up the courage to raise it to chop off the tail.

But faced with the cold gaze of the cunning chief, he lost his courage and swung his knife at the others.

Upon seeing this, the other cunning believers quickly picked up their knives and attacked each other.

The thief chieftain watched the game initiated by it with great interest and never got tired of it.

After the brutal fight, only one strong and cunning believer was left standing on the field.

He trembled and asked carefully:
"Can I...can I leave now?"

The cunning chief raised his hand slightly, indicating that he could be let go.

The strong and cunning believer breathed a sigh of relief, dropped the knife and ran away.

However, as soon as he turned around, a sharp tongue pierced him, and then the tongue suddenly pulled his body back into the mouth of the cunning chief.

The thief clan leader ate with a crunching sound and said indistinctly:

"Foolish human, I lied to you..."

The thief clan leader was quite proud of this.

Such a cowardly and ignorant race is only fit to be food.

The cunning chieftain swallowed the blood and flesh in his mouth and lay back down on the rusty iron throne.

Suddenly it stood up, looked up somewhere, and showed an excited expression:

"The great hive mind has received the signal, they are coming!"

When the holy devouring angel descends upon this planet, it means the day of ascension has arrived.

I and all living things, including those stinking chaos bugs, will receive the promised divine fusion!

Just as the thief clan leader was intoxicated with his great cause——

The violent explosion caused the manhole to vibrate violently.

The roar of various guns and artillery fire could be heard everywhere.

"Those damned humans dare to resist the sacred fusion?"

The thief chief was furious.

It immediately used the cellular network to send instructions to all the chicken thieves around it:

"Kill all invaders!" At the same time, it called in an army of thieves from farther away.

All invaders must be eliminated as they will ruin the atmosphere of the Ascension Day.

As for these invaders, is it possible for them to destroy the day of ascension and prevent the sacred fusion from happening?

That is ridiculous delusion.

It has firmly taken control of the planet!

As the Chicken Thief Chief's Hive Network issued orders, countless purple undercurrents surged in the lower nest area.

Millions of thieves from the surrounding defense zones were rushing towards the manhole.

In more outer defense zones, a larger army of thieves is gathering and conducting comprehensive war preparations.

The block ground above the manhole.

A fierce battle is already taking place here at this moment.

Kohl, Yari, and Keith led nearly two thousand soldiers out of various pipes and built a defense line in this block.

They are responsible for blocking the chicken thieves on the ground.


Several cunning soldiers who came to support were shot and fell to the ground.

"You fools, don't even think about breaking through the defenses built by the great Kaul!"

Cawl was wearing a scarlet robe and standing on an anti-gravity hovercraft.

His several mechanical arms were equipped with various weapons, which bombarded the cunning warriors on the ground.

Suddenly, Kaul's octopus mechanical arm automatically pulled out a cannon and fired it at a room on the block behind him.

Half of the building collapsed, completely burying the cunning artilleryman inside.

Cole's "father", the carefully modified black servo skull, has even more powerful firepower.

It led a group of servo skulls to patrol in the air, and its laser beams swept across team after team of cunning warriors.

Kohl alone held the position in the same direction.

On the ground, Yarui jumped out of the bunker carrying a huge machine gun and fired at all the enemies head-on.

Keith was responsible for operating the small energy cannon to destroy the enemy's large firepower.

This is the core area of ​​the church, and there are not many cunning troops on the ground.

And Kohl and his men launched a surprise attack, so they easily held their position.

When the thieves stationed in the surrounding defense zones gradually arrived, they felt the pressure.

SADF soldiers began to fall.

"hold onto!"

Yarui roared, and he and the defense soldiers launched a more fierce attack.

According to the Governor's orders, they had to hold the line for at least fifteen minutes, or even longer.

at the same time.

A fierce fight was going on in the pipes around the manhole.

Three thousand warriors of the Void Survivors blocked the important pipeline openings in various places.

They are responsible for blocking the more powerful first and second generation thieves.

Those Void Remnant warriors, armed with alloy shields and spears, fought fearlessly against the evil demons.

"My fellow tribesmen, we swear to protect this beautiful paradise world until our death!"

Duke stood in front of the formation with a large shield and a spear in hand, blocking the surging group of thieves.

He was slightly frightened, after all, those were scary demons.

But he has made up his mind to fight to death for the beautiful paradise world!

When the chicken thieves rushed in front of him, Duke closed his eyes, held the shield and rammed hard, knocking several of them away.

Then he stepped forward with the spear and stabbed several chickens to death before they had time to get up.

Duke was a little stunned. It seemed that these evil demons were weaker than the chaos monsters?

Moreover, he was wearing alloy armor all over his body, which made him stronger than before.

"For the heavenly world!"

Duke, no longer afraid, roared and rushed into the group of chicken thieves, killing them indiscriminately.

At this moment, the other Void Survivor warriors also realized their own strength.

They rushed forward, becoming more and more courageous as the battle went on!
Sitting on the rusty iron throne deep in the manhole, the cunning chieftain had a gloomy expression on his face.

The attack came too suddenly.

It could sense that the warriors coming to defend the throne were being blocked.

And the real invader is getting closer and closer and is about to enter its palace!
 Friends, I can’t stand it after working so hard all night…

  The remaining chapter will be updated at 20:00 in the evening, just enough to keep the update rhythm~

(End of this chapter)

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